True Submission

A gay story: True Submission (This is a purely fictional story. All characters involved are 18+)

Growing up in a small rural town in New England was weird as a gay man. The people weren’t homophobic for the most part, but yet there wasn’t much of a “gay scene” to take part in. In my high-school class I could only point out 2 other gay people and both of them were closeted, despite making it obvious. There weren’t any gay bars within a 30 minute drive and there wasn’t a regular dance club nearby either. Realistically the best option for finding dates and hookups was online. Dating apps and things like Grindr were a great lifeline in dry areas like my hometown.

I have it fairly easy looking for partners online. I’m a thin, short, 22 year old bottom with a cute face and long blonde hair. Whenever I logged into Grindr my inbox would flood with thirsty guys looking to score. It was nice having my pick of the bunch, but it also felt kinda sour sometimes. Men would throw themselves at me and beg to be with me when in reality I wanted someone to take charge. It wasn’t something that I was open about, but I had a real deep fantasy for being used and abused by older men. I didn’t want to be told how cute I was or how nice someone would treat me. I wanted aggression, humiliation, fear. All primal feelings that I craved in a partner.

When I was 18 I ended up talking to a man in his 50’s and he introduced me to submission. We never met in person but he would give me tasks to complete throughout the day and would have me send him pictures and videos as proof. Even that parasocial version of submission was intoxicating to me and I’d been chasing that high ever since. I confided this fantasy to a couple of sexual partners, but hadn’t found someone local who was into it. I had started to lose hope in this area and had even thought about moving closer to a city so I’d have a bigger pool of guys to choose from. Before I could pull the trigger on a move, someone would come into my life that would make that totally unnecessary.

I was working at our town’s local pharmacy and it was a dead Saturday night. I’d barely served a customer in the past hour and so I was idly scrolling through Grindr hoping someone would catch my eye. Messages were rolling in at full speed by this point with losers telling me they loved my hair or that they would like to take me out for a romantic dinner. I’m sure the average person would kill for this kind of attention, but that just wasn’t me. I danced along absent-mindedly to the top 100s pop music that the store radio always played while ignoring quite a few messages from good looking guys that came off too nice.

Another vibration from my phone that I barely even wanted to check at this point rolled in. It was probably another “great guy” or one of the ones I’d ghosted still pleading for attention. Instead of any of that I was met with a message from a profile that had no picture. Their screen name was “Call Me Sir” and they came in fast with a pretty insane line.

Their opener read: “Are you a real slut? You look like one to me. Im looking for someone who’s body I can sell for pleasure and money.”

The words made my spine chill with anticipation and excitement. It was so incredibly forward that I couldn’t believe it was real. In hindsight I had no idea that replying would change my life forever, but even still I’m not sure knowing what was ahead of me would have made my decision any different. Was he serious about selling my body? I decided to send a message back.

“I’d like to think I am and I’ve been looking for someone to show me how slutty I really am ;)” is what I sent.

While I waited for a reply a couple customers came into the pharmacy and started wandering around. My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn’t really focus on them while this was all on my mind. Had I just partly agreed to become a prostitute? What the hell was wrong with me? Bur at the same time that inner whore side of me was raring and ready for the experience.

“Are you sure about this? I’m dead serious about what I want from you.” Came another reply.

I stopped and tried to think rationally for a moment but a customer came to the counter and distracted me. It was a woman in a business suit and clearly in a rush, but the item she was buying caught my eye. She was purchasing a box of extra large condoms. Was she meeting up with someone? Is that why she looked like she was in such a hurry? If that was the case then the man she was meeting must’ve had a huge snake in his pants. Thinking about how this woman was in a rush to get dicked down helped make the decision for me. As soon as she had gone out the door I whipped out my phone and sent another reply.

“I’m sure. When can we meet up?” I sent with a giddy smile on my face.

“How about right now?” My attention was ripped away from my phone by the other customer who had come in. I had completely forgotten about them in my swimming thoughts. I was confused for a second and then completely taken by surprise when this stranger reached over the counter to grip my neck! “I knew I’d found a true slut the moment I saw you.”

It took a moment for the shock to cool off and for me to realize that this stranger was the person I had been messaging with on Grindr. I gave them a quick look over and saw a tall and well built man. He looked to be in his late 50s and his short hair was mostly grey with streaks of brown still showing. He wore a nice white button down shirt and dress slacks. He looked like a typical businessman. The type of guy I usually wouldn’t give a second look. However in this moment he was the sexiest thing in the world to me. He was here, right in that moment. I had expected a reply with maybe a date and time to meet at, but instead he wanted me immediately. It was the type of controlling thing that only a true dominant would do.

I let his hand choke me as he looked me up and down, appraising his new toy. He gripped me even tighter and leaned in, “I’m going into that bathroom over there. If you really want this then you’ll follow me in a minute later.”

“What about the counter? Someone has to man it” I whimpered through the feelings of asphyxiation.

In response he pushed me back and simply said, “If you want this you’ll follow me in.” He then turned around and walked into the bathroom.

I stood behind the counter shaking like a leaf in the wind. I needed to make a decision and fast. My heart was racing as I remembered how excited I was the first time I had served a dom. Even over the internet I loved handing someone else control. How would it be in person? I was desperate to find out. I looked around the store nervously and there was nobody in sight. It was late anyways, almost closing time. I decided to just lock the door and flip the closed sign on the front window. Likely nobody would show up either way but I didn’t want to take that chance. I darted straight for the bathroom and stepped inside.

“That’s a good little slut,” the man said in a sexy growl. “I knew you weren’t going to let this opportunity go to waste.”

His dark brown eyes were cool and he looked very relaxed considering the situation. I on the other hand was already breathing heavily and I had an erection pressing up against my tight jeans.

“I know how badly you want this, but I’m not so sure how much I really need you. That’s why we’re in here right now.” As he spoke he stood up from the toilet and began to unbutton his shirt. He neatly folded it and placed it onto the nearby sink’s edge. He continued to undress as he calmly kept talking. “Think of this as an audition. If you prove to me that you’re willing to serve then we can move forward. Otherwise we’re done. Do I make myself clear?”

As he asked the question he was finishing up getting undressed. He had taken off his undershirt and his pants now sat down at his ankles. He stood proudly in front of me with only his briefs still on. I nodded in response and he clapped his hands together loudly before saying, “Good. Then get naked and get on your knees.”

Without a word I started getting undressed. At first I tried doing it slowly and seductively but the man did not look pleases so I just tore off the rest as fast as I could a knelt naked on the cold tile floor of the single toilet bathroom. I placed my hands on my knees and looked up at the man. He gave me another appraising look and then started to feel all over my body.

“Nice soft skin. Very pale as well. I think my clients would like to play with you. It just depends on whether or not you can follow orders.” He pulled his hand away and pointed towards his underwear, “Come here and smell my cock. Really get in there and take it all in.”

I happily leaned forward and pressed my nose up against his briefs. His cock was only slightly hard but I could feel how big it was already. I took I’m deep inhales as the musk of man scent filled my nostrils. The man grabbed my head and started rubbing his crotch all over my face. I kept my hands on my knees and let him do what he wanted while still smelling him like a dog.

“Thats a good slut. Take it all in.” As he spoke he hooked a thumb under his waistband and started to slide his briefs off. His now hard cock sprung out from the underwear and smacked me in the nose. My eyes shot open as I was faced with easily the biggest cock I had ever seen in person. He was roughly 8 inches long and almost as thick as my wrist. If I was jealous of the woman buying condoms earlier, here was what I was asking for.

I continued sniffing as he rubbed his hard rod all over my face and hair. His salt and pepper colored pubes tickled my nose and clung to my lips. I was so excited already. The way he was just manhandling me and getting what he wanted was incredible. He released his grip on me and lightly pushed me off of him.

“Alright that’s enough of that.” He paused because I must have looked very happy. “It’s good that you’re still smiling. Let’s see if that lasts.”

With that he would grab my head once again and position his cock right against my lips. I obediently parted them and allowed the head to push into my mouth. I figured it was best to keep my hands down and let him take the lead. For whatever reason I was really dead set on impressing this man. I wanted him to keep using me. As soon as I felt the head enter my mouth my tongue started to get to work. I swirled it around and pressed it into the underside of his cock. I lapped at every inch I could. The man held just the head in for a few seconds, taking in my technique. Seemingly satisfied so far he tightened his grip on my head and began to push further into my mouth. His thick cock was way bigger than anything I had sucked before and my mouth was already struggling to open wide enough.

“Don’t worry about whether you can fit it or not.” He said calmly. It almost seemed like too kind of a thing to say given the current circumstances. I learned why that wasn’t the case a moment later. “If you can’t fit it, I’m sure I can.”

Once he said that my eyes shot open wide and I could feel him exerting more force than before. He shoved his cock in hard and it reached right into my throat. Not only was my mouth straining from being opened so wide, but now I was gagging as I choked on his cock.

“There you go. Fits nice and snug.” He said proudly while holding my nose to his pubes. I couldn’t breathe at all and it was taking everything I had not to try and push him off of me. “You’re doing good for a first time slut. Most people would’ve tried pulling away by now.” He spoke with no sense of urgency. As if me choking on his cock was just another topic of discussion, like golf or the weather.

He held his cock firmly in place for so long that I started to black out. Just before I completely lost consciousness he pulled all the way out and let me sputter for air. I fell forward onto my hands and knees and coughed. A line of drool hung down my face and mixed with the tears that poured out of my eyes. He only let me be like this for a few seconds before he grabbed me and repeated the same process. He gagged me with his cock until I almost passed out and then let me go. Every time the fear inside me that I might choke to death on this stranger’s cock made me so aroused. After probably the fifth time I almost blacked out he tossed me back off of him and sat down on the toilet seat once again. He lounged back and stared at me as I writhed on the floor like a fish out of water. Oxygen was coming back to my deprived brain and I realized I was laying down on the bathroom floor gasping for air. The man said nothing, he just kept his gaze locked on me. I assume he was judging my reactions to things. He was looking at me from a value standpoint.

Wanting to appear as valuable as possible I did my best go pull myself together and get off the floor. I let my breathing slow and gently returned to a kneeling position in front of the man. I folded my hands in my lap and beamed as real of a smile as I could at him, remembering how pleased he was the last time I had done that. That seemed to be exactly what he was looking for because he had a grin form on his face. He leaned forward and cupped my cheek with one hand while looking me in the eyes. He refused to break eye contact and so I did my best to hold his gaze. I wondered if my thoughts were as plain to see on my face as they were in my head? At the time I just remember thinking about nothing but cock. The one in front of me specifically. I wanted to taste it more. I wanted to feel it burst inside me.

In the end it didn’t matter if he could tell how badly I wanted him. He didn’t care what I wanted anyways. He was going to use me if that’s what he wanted to do, and I had no say in the matter.

“Turn around and face the door. Now.” He said in a commanding tone.

I did as I was told and knelt down facing away from him. I had a couple seconds to wonder what was about to happen next before I felt one hand grab a fistful of my hair and another rest it’s palm against my back. I jerked back from the pain of my hair being pulled but the hand on my back held my body firmly in place.

“If you’re going to be mine then you’ll need to know how to arch your back properly. I’m going to show you how it’s done.” It sounded like he was really enjoying himself which made the situation feel less scary and more enjoyable instead.

He used his palm to press down on my back while he held my head in place by the hair. As he positioned me I could feel the sweat on my palms sticking the tiles. I had found myself in a very vulnerable position. My back was arched so that my head and ass were in the air while my chest nearly touched the floor. The man held me still like this for minutes. He wanted me to really memorize the feeling so I could get it right without his aid. Once he had felt satisfied with my arch it was time for the main event.

“Okay slut youre doing very well so far. This will be your last test for this audition. If you’re really serious about this then don’t disappoint me now.”

A glob of spit hit my asshole and was quickly followed by the insertion of a thumb. He let his finger wiggle around inside me for a bit and spit a couple more times. I immediately got worried about how this would feel. Not only was he way bigger than anyone I’d ever taken before, but he was also only using spit lube. This was going to hurt, a lot. But I knew it would only hurt for so long. I’d seen smaller boys than me take bigger cocks than his in porn before. I just had to brace myself and take it like a good slut.

He wrenched his thumb out with a pop and then I quickly felt the head of his cock resting up against my entrance. Ready or not it was about to happen. I expected him to thrust into me in one sharp movement, but surprisingly he took it very slow. I could feel my hole expand as the head poked through. I let out a moan instinctively and my body shifted position a little. This was a mistake I learned as I was swiftly corrected with a hard slap on my ass and my hair being pulled again.

“Stay like I had you or I’ll stop being so gentle. You understand me bitch?”

My mind refocused on how I was positioned and I made sure not to let myself slip again. Once I was arched how he liked once more he got back to pushing into me. The slow, steady movement made it so I could feel every inch of my ass stretching to accommodate him. As it went on it started to feel like his cock would never end and he would just keep filling me. Eventually however I could feel his pubes press firmly against my butt. His whole monster hog was inside of me. There was a bit of pain from being stretched wider than ever before, but nothing compared to what I expected. Just sitting still like this made me feel so good actually. His cock was wide enough to press down on my prostate without even moving. My eyes rolled back into my head as he let the feeling seep into me.

“Remember the feeling of my cock. This is what your life is about now. You’ll be feeling this bad boy inside you every single day. Think that’s something you might like?” He asked in a teasing manner.

I didn’t care if he was teasing me. The thought of having this feeling every day was so enticing that I spoke before even thinking, “Yes please I want thissss!” I moaned the words as the pleasure still filled my brain.

“Good slut. Then take your reward.”

He began to pump his hips. The sudden movement made my eyes go wide and then the constant prostate stimulation made them roll back in my head. His hands gripped my hips tightly and the steady movements began to get more and more intense. He quickly went from a nice pace to absolutely ravishing me. His massive cock stirred my insides up like a jackhammer and it only took a few seconds for me to reach the edge of climax.

“I’m gonna cum.” I let the words slip just a second before it happened. Despite not touching myself at all I was spurting out powerful jets of cum onto the floor as I was being fucked. It was my first purely anal orgasm and it happened mere seconds into being fucked by this man. He did not slow down or react to my orgasm in the slightest. I wanted to twist and turn from the extreme sensitivity but I dared not move out of the correct position again. Instead I just tried focusing on the in and out feeling of his rod. As it slipped its way out of me I couldn’t help but wait with anticipation for it to fill me back up.

After about a minute of getting fucked with my after orgasm clarity, the primal sense of arousal started bubbling back up in me. It was so hot how he completely disregarded my feelings. He was truly using me for his own pleasure. Anything I felt was always going to be secondary, if not totally irrelevant. I was an object to him and I wouldn’t ask for it any other way. Previous lovers of mine had been so concerned with how I was feeling that we both ended up having lame experiences. This was what I wanted. To be taken and broken in like a new pair of shoes.

We continued to fuck at this same rapid pace for several minutes. I’d pretty much lost track of time completely when the man’s movements started to feel less rhythmic. I wanted him to cum inside me more than I’d ever wanted anything before. I wanted to feel those thick jets shooting even deeper inside me than his cock. Just the thought of it made my head spin and the pleasure of being fucked was reaching a boiling point. I was about to cum for a second time when the man started grunting loudly. He rammed his hips into me hard a couple of times and with his last thrust he shoved down onto me with all his weight. He pressed me flat to the floor except for my ass in the air. His cock was pressing directly against my prostate and each pulse of his orgasm sent shivers down my whole body. I could feel his cum spurting into me. The warmth of it coating my insides was incredible and it pushed me over the edge.

I came once again, spewing into the same puddle as before since I hadn’t moved an inch. I had certainly never cum more than once during a fuck. The feeling was indescribable as I felt the blood rushing back to my head. The man slowly slid out of me and left me twitching on the floor. The emptiness I felt once he had fully pulled out made me feel awful. I wanted more. I wanted him back inside me.

“So…I’m going to ask one last time. Are you sure this is what you want? There’s no taking it back.” He asked very seriously.

Still laying in my own sweat and semen I moaned out, “Yes please. I want this.”

He squatted next to me and put his hand on my head gently. “That’s what I like to hear. Get up and get dressed. I’m going to take you to your new home.”

In the glow of it all those words barely registered to me. I just wanted to follow him so I could feel his cock inside me again. As we walked out of the bathroom he turned back and said, “And from now on you call me Sir.”

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