Turn Your Head and Cough

Suddenly the doctor’s steady movements became frantic. He pumped his hips faster and faster and the he gasped. Mike felt the doctor’s cock throbbing in his ass and then in a moment Mike was there as well. The first squirt blasted out of Mike’s cock, hitting him square in the face. The second hit him on the chin. Wave after wave his cock spewed hot cum. As he came the doctor moved faster and faster until both men began to relax.

The last couple of small spasms rippled through their bodies and there was nothing but silence. Somewhere Mike thought he heard music and a door shutting. He lay there panting and feeling the doctor’s cock slowly withdrawing. He then felt the doctor’s warm cum dribbled out of his ass as he lay there.

The doctor patted him on the thigh and smiled. Mike smiled back and just lay there as the doctor sat on his stool. Both men were drained by the experience.

It was the doctor who moved first. He stood up and grabbed Mike’s chart. He scribbled a few notes and said, “You are in great health.”

Glad to hear it,” was all the Mike said. The doctor told Mike to take his time and get dressed at his leisure. As the doctor reached the door he turned to look at Mike and said, “I really should check your prostate on a regular basis.”

Mike simply said, “How soon?” The doctor smiled and said, “Is next week too soon?”

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