A gay story: Two Straight Guys Ch. 02 There he is.
Lee’s stomach fluttered when he walked into the restaurant and saw George sitting at a table in the corner.
As always, he looked impeccable. His short black hair was perfectly made, his green eyes were shining, and his jaw line could cut glass.
He wore a white shirt that hugged his muscles perfectly.
I knew what he looked like under that, the body he was hiding… that perfect, muscular body.
George’s beautiful eyes met Lee’s, and once again, Lee’s stomach fluttered.
George smiled a smile that melted Lee’s heart.
His palms started to get sweaty, and Lee’s mouth felt bone dry.
What’s the matter with me? I’ve never felt this nervous before a date before, Lee thought. I suppose, I’ve never been on a date with a guy before… unless you count our last time as a date.
He walked over, his hands nervously twitching by his side.
As he approached the table, George stood up.
“Lee, how’re you doing?” He said in his soft, delicate, seductive voice.
“Good,” Lee replied. George stood up and hugged him, which felt strange to Lee. Being close to George didn’t feel strange, especially after last time, but to be like this with a guy in public still struck him oddly.
They both sat down, and Lee looked up.
“Have you been here long?” Lee asked.
“Only like 5 minutes,” George said, “You look nice.”
“T-thanks.” Lee stuttered back.
He met George’s eye contact and quickly looked away.
“Are you nervous?” George asked.
Lee looked up again and saw the beautiful man smiling.
“A little, I guess.” Lee told him.
“Don’t be,” George replied and reached out to put a hand onto Lee’s. “Especially after last time.”
Lee blushed at the comment but couldn’t help thinking of having George’s cock in his mouth, something that part of him still couldn’t believe happened.
Lee brought his hand back and went under the table, looking around to see if anyone saw.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” George said and pulled his hands back.
“No,” Lee said, suddenly feeling guilty for making George feel bad. “It’s not that.”
“Then what?” George asked.
“It’s just…I dunno. I’ve never been on a proper date with a guy before.” Lee told him.
“I know what you mean,” George replied with a smile, “Why don’t we…”
Suddenly George was cut off by a waitress.
“Can I get you two some drinks?” The pretty blonde woman asked.
Lee felt even more nervous, and his cheek burnt red.
“I’ll have a beer.” George told her.
Lee looked up and saw the pretty blonde smile at him. Normally she was the type of girl he would hit on, however Lee just wanted to be alone with George.
“Erm, I’ll have beer too, please.” Lee told her.
“Coming right up.” She said with a cute smile and walked off.
“What… what were you saying?” Lee asked.
He couldn’t believe how he was acting. When dating a girl he was always so confident and sure of himself, but now he felt more nervous than ever before.
“Oh yeah,” George said with a smile, “why don’t we just act like we’re just hanging out, nothing too serious?”
“Yeah,” Lee said, bringing out a smile, “That sounds good to me.”
“Perfect,” George said and adjusted his shirt, “So, what have you been up to since the other night?”
“Not a lot. Work, gym, same old stuff.” Lee told him.
“Oh yeah, what gym do you go?” George asked.
“Johnson’s Gym, in the town centre.” Lee said.
“Oh yeah, I’ve been to that one before,” George said, “We should go together some time and see who can lift more.”
Lee saw the cheeky smile on George’s face.
“Oh, is that a challenge?” Lee said back, feeling himself loosen up.
“Yeah, you’re on.” George replied.
“And what do I get if I win?” Lee replied, leaning a little forward and smiling harder.
“Well,” George replied, “what do you want?”
“I have a few ideas.” Lee whispered, unable to stop from smiling.
“Really?” George said in the most seductive tone, “And what is that?”
Suddenly Lee felt George’s foot move forward and touch his. He flinched at first, but knowing no one could see, Lee enjoyed getting to feel George touching him again.
“Oh, I think you know.” Lee replied.
He was so lost in the lustful stare with George that he completely missed the waitress until the two pints of beer were placed onto their table.
“Oh, erm, thanks.” Lee said, jolting back.
“No problem, are you two ready to order?” She asked.
“Another couple of minutes, please?” George answered, and she gave a smile before walking off.
“So, where were we?” George asked.
Lee looked at him. Inside, all he wanted was to be alone with George and kiss him, to feel his body again, but they were in public.
Lee didn’t know what was going on inside of him, but he wasn’t ready to act so… “gay”… in public.
“Sorry,” George said picking up on Lee’s reaction. “I don’t want you to think that’s all I want.”
All he wants?
“What is it?” Lee asked, whispering so quietly, he thought maybe he didn’t want to actually ask. “What is it you want?”
George’s normal cocky, happy look turned into a straight face.
“I don’t really know,” George answered, “I’ve never felt like this before… you know, about a guy.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean, it’s a little strange.” Lee told him.
“Do you… do you regret what happened the other night?” George asked.
Lee saw the worry in George’s face. A crack appeared in his confident exterior, showing the self-conscious person underneath.
“Not even a little bit,” Lee told him, “I’m just… confused, I guess.”
George chuckled, and his regular smile returned.
“Tell me about it.” He said.
Knowing that George was equally confused put Lee’s mind a little to rest.
“So, tell me about yourself,” Lee continued. “Any brothers or sisters?”
“Yeah, two older sisters,” George told him, “My dad passed when I was young, so I was raised in a house of women.”
“I’m sorry to hear about your dad.” Lee told him.
“It’s fine; it was a long time ago,” George said with a smile. “What about you?”
“Me? I’m an only child,” Lee replied, “Very overbearing parents though.”
“Oh god, I feel your pain,” George laughed out. “Whenever I’ve brought a date home, my mum
and my sisters have grilled them!”
Lee let out a chuckle.
“I should be worried then?” He joked.
George let his own sly smile take over his face.
After that, any nerves Lee had seemed to fade away. He and George kept the touching to a minimum, and to any outsiders, it looked like two mates just hanging out.
Except for the occasional flirt.
They both had their meals and another pint before standing up from the table. Lee led the way with George following, and each step made Lee’s heart beat a little faster until they got outside and Lee turned to see George so close to him.
“Do you want to come back to mine again?” George asked.
Instantly Lee’s cock started to grow in his jeans.
“I’d love to.” Lee replied.
They jumped into a taxi and acted like normal until they got to George’s place. As Lee walked into the living room, he looked at that one spot.
The memory flashed in his head of sinking to his knees and sucking his first ever cock.
George entered the room a few moments later with two bottles of beer, but Lee couldn’t wait any longer.
He didn’t even give George time to put the bottles down as he marched over and pressed his lips against the other man.
George immediately kissed back, and the same sparks that Lee felt last time went off inside of him.
He reached and placed his hands onto George’s waist, pulling him in closer so their bodies touched.
It was just a little kiss, but when Lee pulled back, he saw the hunger in George’s eyes.
“I’ve been waiting all night to do that.” Lee whispered.
George slowly put the beers down onto the coffee table, then his right hand held onto Lee’s face, and his thumb caressed Lee’s cheek.
“Me, too.” He whispered and leant in for another kiss.
Lee squeezed onto George’s waist again as he kissed back.
Opening his mouth, Lee pressed his tongue against George’s lips until he opened his mouth as well.
Once again Lee found himself completely lost in lust as he made out with this gorgeous man.
Lee’s cock was rock hard, and George’s cock pressed against him.
I’m definitely sucking his dick again, Lee thought without a doubt in his mind.
Just like last time, Lee reached down for George’s belt.
“Mmm, wait,” George whispered and broke the kiss. “Let’s go back to my room.”
Lee had already opened George’s belt and was holding onto it as he looked at the other man, his mouth open and slightly panting.
“Okay.” He whispered.
George leant forward for another quick kiss before grabbing Lee’s hand and leading him to his bedroom.
Once in, the two men passionately made out again.
Having another man’s lips against his just felt so natural to Lee. And feeling George’s soft, warm tongue forced him to moan into the other man’s mouth.
“Sit down.” George whispered.
“What?” Lee asked, looking up at him.
“I want…” George whispered, “I want to suck your dick this time.”
Yes please!
“Are you sure?” Lee asked, knowing how nervous George was about it last time.
“I’m sure, sit on the bed.” George instructed him.
Lee wasn’t going to stop him, so he sat down and looked up at the muscular, amazing man.
George pulled Lee’s shirt off and finally, sunk to his knees between Lee’s legs.
“Oh god, this is actually happening.” Lee panted as George grabbed his cock from outside of
his jeans and stroked it.
“I know,” George replied and undid Lee’s belt, “I’m actually about to suck a dick.”
“Well if you’re anything like me,” Lee replied and lifted his ass up to let George pull his jeans
down, “You’re gonna love it.”
With just his boxers on, there was a clear outline of his hard cock that George started to rub
“Mmm, you’re so hard for me,” George whispered, “You like kissing me, don’t you?”
“I love it,” Lee moaned just from the gentle rubbing, “Your lips, they’re just perfect.”
“Wait until you feel them around your cock.” George replied.
“Oh god, George, please, I need it.” Lee panted.
He was leaning back onto his hands, and he looked at George’s face between his legs.
When he felt George’s finger hook around his boxers, Lee thought he was going to explode.
With a quick pull, his boxers were off and Lee sat there completely naked. His big, hard, thick cock just waiting for this perfect man.
“I love your cock.” George whispered as he wrapped his fingers around it.
“Oooh god, I think it loves you, too.” Lee moaned.
George gave a few long, perfect strokes up and down Lee’s shaft. His head was already glistening with precum, and he was panting harder and harder.
“Are you ready?” George asked and looked up.
Lee got lost in this man’s eyes as he slowly stroked his dick.
“Oh yeah, I’m ready.” Lee told him.
He watched as George licked those delicate lips of his. Holding the cock in his right hand, George lowered his mouth.
Immediately Lee felt a wave of warmth around his cock, soon followed by the familiar feeling of lips wrapped just past his head.
“Ooooh god.” Lee panted out.
He looked at George’s lips pressing against his cock, his mouth engulfing Lee in immense pleasure.
And then he felt George’s wet tongue pressed against his head as he flicked it.
“Mmmm.” George moaned, sending vibrations through Lee’s cock.
“Fucking hell, that’s good.” Lee moaned.
Lee watched as George’s mouth slowly and lovingly moved up and down his cock, warming and soaking his head. George’s tongue occasionally flicked, which made Lee’s legs twitch.
“Oh god… oh does it feel so good?” Lee panted out.
“Mmmm.” George moaned back.
George’s head was steadily bobbing up and down, pleasuring Lee in ways he had never experienced before. It was like his entire body was on fire, and George was the source.
When George pulled his mouth back, Lee let out a disappointed sigh.
“Move up and lie down.” George told him.
Lee didn’t need to reply. He crawled back along the bed and watched as George fully undressed and then moved up and back between his legs.
In a heartbeat, George’s lips were back around his cock, bobbing up and down a little faster.
“Yes… fucking hell yes.” Lee panted quietly.
George bobbed up and down on his cock for a few minutes before pulling back. He pushed Lee’s cock forward and then Lee got the amazing sensation of a warm, wet tongue pressed against his smooth balls.
“Fuuuccking hell!” Lee moaned. He always loved his balls being sucked and licked.
George’s hands gripped Lee’s thighs firmly as he licked his balls. Gently he sucked one into his mouth and massaged it with his tongue.
Lee was in heaven and panting like an animal at the wonderful feeling.
And then, with his hands gripping Lee’s thighs, George pushed them up into the air.
Lee was too lost in his pleasure to react, but then he felt something he had never experienced before.
George’s warm tongue pressed against his tight, otherwise untouched arsehole.
“Woooooaaahh!” Lee moaned out, the pleasure something completely new, but fuck did it feel good.
“What?” George asked and looked up, “You’ve never been rimmed before?”
“No!” Lee moaned back, even as George held his thighs up, “Have you?”
“Yeah!” George said with a smile, “Loads, I love when a girl plays with my ass. Trust me, you’ll like it.”
Lee was hesitant, this being another step that he never thought he would take. However that split second of George’s tongue on his arse was enough to make him know that he wanted to try it again.
“Okay.” Lee panted back.
George smiled, then his face went lower, and his tongue touched Lee yet again.
“Ooooohh.” Lee moaned at the warm sensation.
“Mmm, I’m glad you shaved down here.” George whispered between licks.
“I use…. Hair removal cream.” Lee moaned back, not wanting the rimming to stop.
“Same!” George said back without moving his head.
Lee closed his eyes and let his head fall back onto the pillow. He just focused on the amazing sensation of having his arse eaten.
It was a new pleasure that he couldn’t quite explain, but it was like he tingled all over in the most amazing way. Occasionally George licked the right way, and Lee’s legs twitched uncontrollably.
“Fucking hell… I can’t believe you’re rimming me.” Lee moaned out.
He reached down and ran his fingers gently into George’s hair, feeling his soft tongue press all around his tight, little asshole.
“Mmmm,” George moaned again between licks, “I love rimming.”
Lee wondered how many girls he had done this to, assuming it was always before having sex… something Lee wasn’t sure he was ready for. However, the pleasure he was getting right now was too much to stop it.
So, he played with George’s hair, kept his legs spread wide open, and lifted and just enjoyed having his arse licked for the first time.
“Fuuuuucckk meeee!” Lee moaned when George’s tongue tightened up and pressed inside of him.
“Mmm you like that, don’t you?” George moaned and carried on attacking Lee’s arse with his tongue.
Over and over, Lee felt the other man’s tongue delve deep inside of his previously untouched hole. It darted in and out, almost like George was fucking him with his tongue.
“Yeah… god that feels good.” Lee moaned.
He grabbed George’s hair tighter to pull him deeper.
Lee couldn’t explain what was going on inside of him, but he felt some strange connection with George that he had never felt with anyone before, which made this pleasure even better.
When George pulled back, and his tongue left Lee’s arse, he looked up and smiled at Lee, who was still moaning.
“Now,” George whispered, “If anything doesn’t feel good, just let me know, and I’ll stop.”
Lee looked back at the beautiful man, a little confused.
That was until he felt a fingertip start to move around his completely spit covered arsehole.
“What… what are you going to do?” Lee panted.
His legs still twitched just at the feel of George’s finger tickling his arse.
“I’m gonna finger you.” George told him with a dominant, handsome smile.
A little voice inside of Lee’s head said he should stop this, however every other part of him begged to keep going. Although he hadn’t known George long and only met him a handful of times, Lee trusted him.
“Okay.” Lee panted back.
He planted his head back against the pillow and waited to feel something enter his arsehole for the first time in his life.
Lee kept his legs spread wide and braced himself.
Then… he felt it.
The tip of George’s finger pushed forward. Using George’s spit as lube, it entered Lee for the first time.
It was strange at first feeling something entering his arse. The rim of his hole wrapped tightly around the finger as it pushed deeper and deeper.
“Oooooh god.” Lee moaned and gripped onto the bedsheet beneath him.
George didn’t say anything but kept slowly pushing his finger a little deeper.
Until finally Lee felt George’s knuckles touch the skin around his arse.
He looked down and saw George’s other fingers pointing up, touching his balls as his index finger was knuckle deep in his arsehole.
I’m actually getting fingered by a man!
But the feeling of his arsehole being opened more than ever before was overwhelming, and having something inside of him was fucking amazing!
Without saying a word, George pulled his finger back, leaving just his tip in before pushing knuckle deep back inside of him again.
“Oh god…. Fucking hell.” Lee moaned and gripped the sheets again.
There was no pain. Sure, just this single finger felt tight, but there was enough spit to make it slide in and out easily.
Then suddenly.
“Whaaaattt the fuuucckkk!” Lee moaned and his back arched into the air.
“You like that?” George replied.
Lee looked down at the smiling man.
“That’s your prostate,” George told him. “It’s supposed to feel really good.”
Then Lee felt George’s finger press against something inside of his arsehole, and another jolt of
extreme pleasure burst throughout his body.
“Fuuucking hell!!!” Lee shouted and gripped the sheets tighter, “Yeah! It feels fucking good!”
After that, George’s finger both pumped in and out of Lee’s arse and also bent upwards to press against his prostate.
In a matter of seconds, Lee felt like putty in this other man’s hands. Just a ball of pleasure.
“Fuck…. Fuck! Fuck yeah!” Lee moaned.
“I told you that you’d like it.” George whispered.
“I just can’t believe…” Lee moaned, “I’m getting fingered.”
“Think you can take two?” George asked.
“I don’t know,” Lee panted and looked down. “That feels pretty tight.”
“I’ve had three in mine before,” George told him, “I’ll take it slow. If it hurts just stop me.”
“Okay… okay.” Lee moaned and nodded.
George spat around Lee’s rim and his finger before Lee felt a second fingertip touch his
Come on Lee. You got this. Just think how good it feels.
He could feel pressure from the second finger trying to join the first. His arsehole was reluctant at first, but then Lee felt himself open up, and his arsehole wrapped around the next digit.
“Oooooh fuuucckk!” Lee moaned out as he stretched wider than before.
“Does it hurt?” George asked and stopped pushing.
“No!” Lee moaned, “Fuck no! Keep going!”
“Oh, right,” George replied. “Good!”
Lee instinctively spread his legs wider. He bent them at the knee and lifted them into the air, making his arse more accessible to George.
I never thought I’d be in this position!
Little by little, George kept pushing until both fingers were deep inside of Lee’s arsehole.
“Yeeeeess!” Lee moaned when he felt it.
George started to finger Lee faster. At a steady rate he pumped both in and out of Lee’s wet, loosened hole, all the while pressing against his prostate.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck that feels good!” Lee moaned.
“You like me fingering you, don’t you?” George asked.
Lee looked down and saw George smiling as he fingered him.
“I fucking do!” Lee moaned. “And you’re fucking next!”
“No problem, at least I’ll take it like a man!” George replied with a big laugh.
Lee couldn’t help but laugh back as it mixed with his moans.
“Shut up and suck my dick as you finger me!” Lee told him.
“Mmm, my pleasure.” George said back.
Then Lee felt his cock engulfed with the warmth of George’s mouth. George immediately bobbed up and down with a passion as he fingered Lee faster.
It took a minute or two for his fingers to really plunge in and out of Lee’s arsehole as he bobbed up and down deeper and deeper.
“Fuck! Yes! Fucking hell, I love it!” Lee moaned louder and louder.
It was a pleasure like no other with his arsehole being stretched, his prostate getting massaged, and his cock getting sucked! Lee felt like he was in sexual heaven.
It didn’t take long for his balls to tighten from the massive amount of pleasure.
“George! Fuck! George I’m gonna cum!” Lee practically shouted.
George pulled back and used his left hand to stroke Lee’s spit covered cock.
“Cum in my mouth!” George said with urgency, “I want to taste it. Fill my mouth with your cum!”
“Oooh fuuuucckk!!” Lee moaned, almost cumming too early because of George’s words.
Luckily George went back to bobbing up and down like an animal as he finger fucked Lee faster and faster.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck! I’m cumming!” Lee moaned and his body tensed up, “I’M FUCKING CUMMINGG!!”
Lee screamed out and, with one last burst, erupted into the other man’s mouth.
Once he started to cum, his body spasmed out of control. His arsehole clenched tightly around the two fingers, and his legs twitched over and over.
“Fuuuuucckkkk yeeeeeeeesss!!” Lee shouted out as shot after shot of cum fired out of his cock.
George didn’t stop bobbing or fingering him throughout as Lee experienced the biggest orgasm of his life.
Lee couldn’t believe how much cum left his body, more than he had ever experienced before. At one point, he felt like he passing out just from the amount of pleasure he was receiving.
Even after he stopped cumming, Lee found it hard to catch his breath. The warmth of George’s wet lips around his cock and the fingers deep in his arsehole left him breathless.
“Fucking hell,” Lee panted, “That was incredible.”
George’s mouth finally let go of Lee’s cock, and he heard a loud gulping sound. Lee looked down and saw George smiling, and all around his lips looked wet.
“Mmm, pretty tasty, I must say.” George told him.
“Well, at least I’m not the only one to swallow cum now.” Lee laughed out.
Lee grabbed George and pulled the other man on top of him. George’s smooth, muscular body pressed against Lee’s as they pulled into an intimate, passionate kiss.
Lee could instantly taste his own cum on George’s tongue, but he didn’t care. They made out like never before. Lee’s hands ran all over George’s firm back, grabbing his arse. He felt George’s hard cock pressed against him.
“So,” George said and kissed him again, “You liked me fingering you?”
“Oh yeah,” Lee replied and gave him another kiss. “You’re definitely doing that again.”
George leant back down and pushed his tongue into Lee’s mouth. Their lips were like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, perfectly fitting together.
Lee couldn’t even explain it to himself, but something just felt different being with George like this. It was nothing he had ever felt with a woman.
After a few minutes, he playfully slapped George’s firm arse.
“Right,” Lee told him. “Lie down. It’s my turn.”
“I think you mean, my turn?” George smiled and rolled off Lee and onto his back.
Lee reached down and grabbed the other man’s big, hard, leaking cock.
“Oh no,” Lee whispered, “I’m the one that gets to suck this cock. It’s definitely for me.”
George laughed as Lee lowered himself between the other man’s legs.
Considering Lee had only sucked his dick once, he felt oddly confident about it now.
There was no worrying or second guessing as he opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around George’s dick and instantly remembered how much he enjoyed it.
“Fucking hell, I almost forgot how good that felt.” George moaned.
“Mmmm.” Lee moaned back.
He couldn’t help himself from pressing both hands against George’s rock hard abs as he sucked his cock. He needed to feel every muscle this amazing man had as he pleasured him with his mouth.
It’s like he’d been designed to look like the perfect man, Lee thought as he bobbed up and down.
After a few minutes of lovingly sucking his dick, Lee pulled back and grabbed onto George’s thighs.
“Now, time to see how loud I can really make you moan.” Lee said with a smile.
“Fine by me.” George joked.
Lee lifted George’s thick legs into the air and looked at his tight little hole. So smooth, so perfect… so inviting.
He couldn’t wait any longer and dove down, pressing his tongue firmly against George’s arse.
Lee had never actually rimmed anyone before, but he instantly loved the feel of a tight, smooth hole that quivered around his tongue. Not to mention the loud moaning coming from George’s mouth.
“Fuuuck yeah!” George panted. “I fucking love you eating my ass.”
“Mmmm.” Lee moaned back, wanting him to know how much he enjoyed it as well.
Lee attacked George’s arsehole with his tongue, pushing deep inside of him and licking all over. He loved the way that George moaned and twitched just from the touch of his tongue.
“Lee…” George panted, “Finger me.”
“Mmmm,” Lee moaned and looked up, “nice to hear you doing the begging for once.”
George laughed at that, but Lee didn’t give him time to react before pushing a finger all the way inside of George’s arsehole.
“Oooooooh yeeeeess!” George moaned.
Fucking hell, that’s tight! Lee thought as George’s arse wrapped around his finger. How would that feel around my cock?
Lee suddenly found himself thinking another thing he had never imagined before… having sex with a man.
George was clearly more used to having his arsehole fingered as Lee was easily able to start pumping his finger in and out. In a few minutes, he pushed a second in and found George’s prostate.
George’s moans grew louder and louder.
“Yes! Yes!” He moaned, “Finger me! Oh fuck, finger my arsehole!”
Lee loved listening to him as he fingered him faster and faster.
No longer being able to wait, Lee wrapped his lips around George’s cock again and continued to bob up and down as he fingered the amazing, muscular man harder and harder.
“Fuck! Lee! I’m gonna cum!” George panted.
“Mmmm!” Lee moaned back, knowing how delicious his cum was.
And then it finally hit him.
The first strike of cum firing against Lee’s tongue, then another and another. Never ending cum erupted from George’s cock and Lee happily swallowed every last drop down whilst pleasuring the other man.
Eventually, George’s cock started to go soft in his mouth. Lee swallowed every last bit of cum and finally pulled his fingers out of George’s arse.
“That was so good.” George moaned.
Lee moved up on top of George and passionately made out with him.
For another twenty minutes, the two men kissed, holding each other as their warm bodies pressed together in a delicate embrace.
Eventually Lee pulled back and grabbed his phone.
“I should probably get home.” He told him.
“You can… you can stay if you want?” George asked, showing a nervous side to him.
Lee loved the idea of spending the night, sleeping in each other’s arms, but part of him worried about moving too fast, as weird as that sounded.
“Maybe next time?” Lee replied and kissed George. “Not that I don’t want to, I just want us to figure this whole thing out slowly.”
“I understand,” George said and held Lee’s cheek. “I don’t know what this is either, but I’m loving it.”
“Me too.” Lee said and kissed him.
After that, Lee got a taxi home and easily fell asleep with a huge smile on his face.
George: Sorry, just got back from the gym. You had a good day? X
Lee looked at his phone, and as soon as he saw George had texted him, his heart beat faster.
Lee: No problem, I’ve not been today, couldn’t be arsed. But yeah been all good. What have you been up to? X
George: Just work and gym, back home now. X
Lee started to type his next text but felt a little nervous.
It’s been a week since our last date and he hasn’t asked to meet up again, even though we’ve been texting every day.
But Lee decided to take the lead and hit send.
Lee: Sounds good. What are you up to this weekend? I’m free Saturday if you want to go out? X
He saw that George read it immediately. It felt like time slowed down as he watched the three dots that signaled George was typing.
George: About time you asked me out! Yes! Definitely! What do you want to do? X
Lee couldn’t stop the massive smile from taking over his face.
This is so strange. Why have I never felt like this with someone before?
Lee: Well, I was waiting on you to ask me! There’s a good bar near me if you want to go there for a few drinks? X
George: I asked you last time, so it was your turn That sounds perfect to me. X
Lee: Great, I’ll send you the name, meet there at 8pm? X
Geroge: Perfect. I need an early night, I’ve got a meeting first thing. Goodnight, speak to you tomorrow x
Lee: Goodnight, good luck with the meeting! X
After that, Lee sat there, wondering what to do. He didn’t need to get up early, and with his phone in his hand, he found himself searching through a porn website.
He flicked through a few videos at first until he found one named “sensual blowjob”. He couldn’t explain it, but ever since sucking an actual dick, he found watching it to be the most exciting porn.
With his hand inside his shorts, Lee stroked his cock as he watched a blonde woman lovingly bobbing up and down on a beautiful cock. It looked to be a little smaller than George’s, but as he gazed at her lips moving up and down, Lee found himself drooling at the sight of this cock.
Lee pictured it was him with the cock in his mouth, tasting the precum, feeling the warm, hard member between his lips.
Turning up the volume, Lee heard the man’s deep, masculine moan, which just forced him to wank faster.
The girl, whom Lee was paying no attention to, was bobbing faster, running her tongue all over his shaft. The majestic cock was flinching and soaked in spit, this guy seems to like it with more spit.
In his horny state, Lee clicked off the porn and searched “Tips for giving a blowjob”.
He read through a few and took note on the advice – using extra spit, holding a large cock at the base with your hand and moving up and down with your mouth, and tips for licking and sucking on the balls.
The more Lee read, the more he yearned for a cock in his mouth.
He clicked back onto the video and fully imagined it was him sucking this man’s cock, doing everything he could to make him moan and cum.
In a matter of minutes, Lee sat there with a pool of cum on his stomach, panting for air but still desperate to try out some of these tips on George.
“Fucking hell!” George panted and flew his head back.
Lee’s wet lips gave one last suck around the big cock in his mouth before lifting up. He saw George’s cock covered with his spit. In fact, there was a trail of saliva going from Lee’s lips to the tip of George’s cock.
Lee swallowed down the last few remnants of cum in his mouth, savouring the taste as he listened to George panting above him.
He pulled his two fingers out of George’s arsehole and then moved up to lie next to him.
“How… what…. Fucking hell.” George panted again.
“You like?” Lee asked with a cocky smile.
“Yes!” George said as he turned to lay on his side, and Lee did the same to look at each other.
“I searched a few tips.” Lee admitted and leant forward to give George a peck on the lips.
“Well, I’m glad you did! That was amazing!” George moaned.
“Says you,” Lee replied back and placed his hand onto George’s hip. “You were literally fucking me with your fingers then. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard in my life!”
“Yeah, you did seem to like it.” George said and kissed Lee again.
The two men gently made out as they felt each other’s smooth, masculine bodies for a while. When George pulled back, Lee was smiling like the cheshire cat.
“I’ve got to go away for work for a week and a half.” George told him.
“That’s cool. Where are you going?” Lee asked, still holding George’s body.
“Only down south,” George said. “I just didn’t want you to think I don’t want to meet up again.”
Lee smiled at that, He’s really thoughtful when it comes to me, isn’t he? I can’t believe this is actually happening.
“That’s fine,” Lee said. “We can just meet up when you’re back.”
“Definitely,” George replied. “You won’t get bored without me?”
“Well, I might have to find another dick to suck while you’re away.” Lee sarcastically replied.
“You fucking better not!” George said and gave Lee a playful pinch on his hip.
Lee leant forward and kissed George again, rolling him onto his back so Lee could lie on top of him.
“Don’t worry,” Lee said and kissed him before looking into George’s eyes. “Yours is the only cock I want.”
“Good.” George said back to him.
They laid together for a little while before George got a taxi back to his place.
Lee watched another porn scene of a woman sucking on a cock. Like last time, his full attention was purely on the dick.
Fucking hell, Lee thought as he slowly stroked his cock, It’s only been two days, what’s wrong with me?
Lee couldn’t believe it, but he really was missing George. In his head he knew that he wouldn’t have met up with him again already anyway, but just knowing that he couldn’t gave Lee a strange feeling of sadness.
I’ve never been like this with a girl before.
As he thought about George, he thought about their last night together.
He remembered having his legs spread as George used lube to push two fingers easily in and out of his arsehole. It felt even deeper that time and even more incredible. Even without having his cock touched, Lee loved having his arse played with.
With that in mind, Lee started to research something he never thought he would.
“What does anal feel like for a man.”
He read story after story of various men talking about being fucked, and every one of them said how much they loved it. They talked about the feeling of having a real-life cock inside of them and their arsehole wrapping around it. The more Lee read, the more he wanted it.
In his state of horniness, he went onto an online sex shop and not giving him a chance to question it, Lee ordered a set of three butt plugs in various sizes.
After purchasing them for next day delivery, Lee sat there for a second.
Am I really considering this? Having sex with a man?
He was.
Lee went back onto the porn scene he was watching and eventually made himself cum while staring at the beautiful cock getting sucked.
Finally, Lee thought as he stood up and saw George walk into the bar.
He didn’t see Lee at first, which gave Lee time to admire the man he had been thinking about nonstop. He looked at George’s wonderful face, his perfect hair. He was wearing a tight white shirt and black jeans that fit his muscular body perfectly.
Lee was overcome with a sense of joy and happiness at seeing him.
Then George saw him. Their eyes met, and both men smiled.
He walked over, and Lee couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his arms around George.
“How was your work trip?” Lee asked as he held the hug.
“Good, I missed you though.” George replied.
“So did I.” Lee said.
When Lee pulled back, he saw one guy in the bar giving them a bit of a funny look. To be fair, the warm embrace was more than a normal hug, but Lee didn’t actually care.
“So, anything exciting going on since I left?” George asked as they sat down.
“Same old stuff, work and gym.” Lee replied.
“You need to get a life.” George joked.
“Well,” Lee said with a smile, “I had been dating someone, but they decided to ditch me for nearly two weeks.”
“Dating?” George said with a coy smile. “That’s what you’re doing is it?”
Lee felt a slight rush of nerves but then let out a smile.
“Yeah, dating.” Lee confirmed.
George paused for a moment and smiled.
“Dating, I like that,” George said. “Well, I bet this person will have to make it up to you for leaving.”
“Oh they will, I know it.” Lee said.
The two men caught up, barely paying any attention to the band that was playing. They were completely lost in their conversation.
At one point George placed his hand onto Lee’s thigh, and Lee had no care in the world about anyone seeing.
It eventually got pretty late, and the bar started to die down.
Lee placed his hand on top of George’s hand on his thigh.
“Do you want to come back to mine?” Lee asked.
“Try and stop me.” George said and jumped off the seat.
Stepping out of the bar, Lee actually reached out and locked his fingers in with George’s. He felt himself engulfed in happiness as he held hands with this amazing man for the entire walk back.
And then, as soon as the door was shut behind them, Lee grabbed George and pulled him in for a deep kiss.
“Mmm.” Lee moaned as they instantly started to make out.
Their soft lips fit together perfectly as their tongues ran against each other.
Lee took off George’s shirt, and then George took off Lee’s. Barely breaking to kiss, they made their way into Lee’s bedroom.
“Lie down.” Lee told him.
“Oh, yes sir.” George joked back.
“And take your jeans off.” Lee said.
George smiled and quickly ripped them off.
Lee needed a second just to stare at this man’s perfect body, as well as his big, hard cock.
His arse flinched and clenched around the butt plug as he saw George’s cock.
Lee then got onto the bed and crawled between George’s legs and grabbed onto his cock.
“I thought I was the one that had to make it up to you?” George said with a smile.
Lee stroked the big cock a few times and looked up.
“Oh, you will.” Lee told him.
He leant forward and wrapped his lips around George’s cock.
“Mmmm.” Lee moaned, instantly loving the feeling of having this cock back in his mouth.
“Oh yeah, I’ve missed this.” George moaned.
“So, you didn’t get some random slut to suck your dick while you were away?” Lee joked and went back to sucking his cock.
“I don’t think I’ll ever need anyone else to go near my dick.” George replied, and Lee smiled around the perfect cock.
For a few minutes, Lee gave a sloppy, spit filled blowjob to George who panted, moaned, and yearned for more.
Then, Lee pulled back and stood up.
“I want to try something.” Lee said, trying to hide his excitement and not give anything away.
He walked over to his bed side drawer and reached inside.
“Oh yeah, what do you have in mind?” George asked.
Lee took off his jeans so he was completely naked and then pulled out a tube of lube from the drawer.
“And what are you going to do with that?” George asked.
Lee didn’t say anything at first. He smiled at George before getting onto the bed. He placed a knee on either side of George’s waist and straddled him. He felt George’s cock hit his arse cheeks.
Then, Lee reached back. He felt the end of the silver butt plug that was held in his arse. Grabbing it, he let out a little moan as his arse stretched around the toy and eventually it pulled out.
Moving his hand and holding it in front of George, the look of shock and excitement on the other man’s face was priceless.
“I want,” Lee panted, “To have sex.”
George’s mouth hung open slightly.
“Are you… are you sure?” George asked.
Lee flicked open the lid of the lube tube in his hand.
“Unless you don’t want to?” Lee asked.
“Yes I want to!” George practically shouted with excitement, “I just want to make sure you want to. You don’t have to if you don’t want it.”
Lee smiled and then squeezed some of the lube into his right hand. Then, he reached behind and grabbed hold of George’s already spit covered cock.
Gently stroking it up and down, Lee spread the lube generously around the big cock.
“I want to,” Lee whispered as he stroked George’s dick. “I’ve been wearing butt plugs all week to prepare.”
“And you didn’t tell me?” George moaned as he got a lubed hand job.
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Lee said with a smile.
He stopped spreading the lube around George’s cock and then pressed his fingers around his arsehole, pushing two fingers inside of himself a couple of times to make sure he was properly ready.
Lee then grabbed George’s cock again, lowered himself a little until he felt the head touch his arsehole.
“Oh god,” George panted, and his hands gripped onto Lee’s thighs. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“Just, let me start it off,” Lee whispered. “It might take some getting used to having this beast inside me.”
“Take all the time you need.” George panted.
Lee looked down at George’s amazing body. His firm six pack between his legs, his pecs just above, and then his gorgeous face.
Rubbing the cock up and down against his arse a few times, Lee then held it firmly and started to push back.
I’m about to have a cock in my arse.
Holding George’s cock firmly, Lee pushed back a little more.
Although he had gotten to the third and biggest butt plug, George’s cock was definitely bigger than that. He immediately felt his arsehole attempting to resist the big head.
But Lee held it, and with a deep breath, he pushed back a little more.
His arsehole started to open up. The lube was doing its job.
His tight, virgin hole slowly accepted its first cock as he slowly pushed back.
“Oooh god.” Lee panted as he felt himself stretch a little.
Another little push and just like that… George’s head popped inside of him.
“Fuuuckking hell!” Lee panted.
This is definitely bigger than the butt plug!
The only way Lee could describe how he felt was stretched! His arsehole opened unnaturally wide as it clenched and pulsated around George’s head.
“Is that okay?” George asked.
“Yeah… yeah…” Lee panted, “I just… need to get used to it.”
“Don’t rush it.” George whispered.
Lee closed his eyes and attempted to control his breathing. His right hand was still holding George’s big, hard cock. The slight burning feeling in his arse quickly disappeared, and Lee felt himself loosening up.
He pushed back again, feeling another inch slide into him. His arsehole was so tight and gripping around the cock that he felt every vein and ridge.
“Hoolly fuck!” George moaned.
“Is that… okay?” Lee panted, it was like the air was being pushed out of his lungs.
“You’re so fucking tight.” George moaned back.
Lee looked at him and managed to smile.
“That’s because you’re taking my virginity.” Lee joked and saw George smile.
George’s hands kept rubbing and squeezing Lee’s thighs as Lee pushed further back. Another inch of George’s cock delved deeper inside of Lee.
He started to rock slowly back and forth, taking just half of the cock inside but attempting a little more each time.
“Oh god… oh god… fuck.” Lee moaned as his arsehole clenched around this beautiful dick.
As he gently moved forward and backwards, Lee realised he was taking more and more of the cock inside of him.
He felt full. That was the only way to think of it. Like his arsehole was totally and utterly filled, and it was an amazing, overwhelming sensation.
“Yes… fucking hell.” Lee moaned.
He kept rocking back and forth until… he felt it.
Lee’s arse cheeks pressed against George’s skin. He looked down at George. His entire cock was inside of Lee.
“Fuuuucckk meeeee!” Lee uncontrollably moaned louder than ever.
“How… how does it feel?” George panted.
“Good!” Lee moaned, “So fucking good!”
Lee’s hands moved and landed on George’s chest for support. His right hand still wet with lube. For a minute he just sat there, completely impaled on this cock.
That was until Lee started to move again. He lifted his arse up and felt the cock slide out of him slightly. He must’ve gotten halfway up the shaft before pushing back down.
“Ooooh gaawwdd!” Lee moaned.
“Lee…. That’s so fucking good!” George moaned.
“I know… oh god it feels amazing.” Lee moaned.
With the cock staying in his arsehole, Lee leant down and pressed his lips hungrily against George’s.
He felt George’s hands reach around and hold onto his back.
While passionately making out, Lee moved a few inches up and down this beautiful cock.
“George… fucking hell… you’re so deep inside me.” Lee moaned into his lover’s mouth.
“I can’t believe it,” George moaned back, “you feel so good.”
His hands reached back and grabbed onto Lee’s arse cheeks, guiding him up and down a little faster.
The longer Lee rode him, the easier it got. He was taking more and more of George’s cock out of his arse before pushing back down.
In a few minutes, Lee was riding his cock properly. His arse bounced up and down, and Lee moaned like a wild animal.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck me George, fuck me.” Lee moaned.
Feeling George’s big hands grabbing his arse just made the feeling even better as Lee rode him the best he could.
Lee then sat upright, keeping the cock balls deep inside of him and looking down at George.
Both of their large, muscular, smooth bodies were sweating and panting.
That’s when Lee’s legs started to cramp up a little.
“Fucking hell, how do girls do this?” Lee joked.
He rocked forward and backwards, adding a new but equally good feeling.
With his body upright, George suddenly reached and wrapped his fingers around Lee’s cock.
“Oooh fuck George!” Lee moaned.
He was grinding back and forth on George’s cock, probably only taking an inch or two out at a time, but it was hitting all the right spots as George stroked Lee’s dick.
“Yes! Yes! Oh god! I fucking love your dick!” Lee moaned.
George’s hand flew up and down Lee’s shaft, and the pre cum poured out of him.
With this amazing cock so deep inside of him and George wanking his dick, Lee felt his orgasm quickly building.
“Stop!” Lee moaned and grabbed George’s hand.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing… I don’t want to cum yet.” Lee panted.
George let go and went back to holding onto Lee’s firm thighs. Using his strength to help Lee grind forward and back.
“Oh yeah… you’re so deep in me!” Lee moaned, “Your cock… it’s so fucking deep!”
“You’re so fucking tight!” George moaned back, “I can’t believe how good this feels.”
Lee leant forward again and passionately made out with George. Their bodies pressed together, sweating and moaning as Lee bounced his arse up and down on George’s cock.
George then grabbed Lee’s hips and held him a few inches up. Without saying a word, Lee then felt George start to thrust from underneath him.
It was no slow thrusting either, George was hammering into Lee’s arsehole faster and faster. Their skin was slapping together, and Lee felt George’s big, smooth balls slap against him.
“Oooooh fuuuuccckk yeeeess!!” Lee moaned into George’s mouth.
George was panting and breathing heavily as he fucked Lee from underneath.
Lee’s arsehole had fully accepted this cock, and he felt nothing but amazing pleasure.
“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuuuuuccckk meeee!!” Lee moaned.
Lee then placed his hands back onto George’s pecs and pushed him down. Sitting upright again, he started to grind back and forth. In this position, his cock constantly pressed against Lee’s prostate, and he moaned louder than ever before.
George again grabbed Lee’s cock, and Lee did nothing to stop it.
“Yes! Fuck! I won’t last long!” Lee moaned and rode George’s cock faster and faster.
“Do it!” George roared, “Cum for me! Cum as you ride my cock!”
“Fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” Lee shouted.
He rode George so hard that the headboard of the bed slammed against the wall.
Lee’s orgasm was building up quickly. It was like something inside of him was going to explode.
His breathing was loud and erratic as he rode faster.
“Fuck! George! I’m gonna cum!” Lee moaned.
His arsehole clenched around George’s cock.
“I won’t last much longer.” George warned.
“Cum in me!” Lee shouted without a second thought, “Cum inside me!”
“Oooh fuck!” George moaned.
And then it hit Lee. His earth shattering, life altering orgasm erupted from his entire body.
“FUUUUCCCKK MEEEEEEE!!!” Lee screamed out.
His cock erupted into George’s hand. His cum flew high into the air and landed down onto George’s smooth chest.
Lee’s arsehole was clenched and twitched around George’s throbbing cock and then…
“I’m fuucckinng cuumminngggg!!” George roared.
Lee felt George’s cock expand, and suddenly he felt the first shot of cum filling his bowels. The thick, creamy, delicious cum fired deep inside of him.
“Yeeess! Cum in me!” Lee moaned as more and more cum fired from George’s cock.
His eyes were closed, but he heard his own cum land onto George’s body as a gallon of cum fired out of George’s cock and into Lee’s arse.
“Ooooh fuuucckk!” George kept moaning.
They both just moaned and panted as they came harder and harder. Neither man could seemingly stop the cum erupting from their cocks.
After what felt like an eternity, George’s cock started to go softer inside of Lee.
Lee stopped riding and automatically placed his hands onto George’s chest, only to feel the inhuman amount of cum covering him.
“Fucking hell,” Lee panted, struggling to catch his breath, “that was amazing.”
George seemed to struggle catching his breath as well. When Lee opened his eyes, he just saw the other man smiling at him.
“Yeah… that was… perfect.” George moaned.
Lee stayed on top of George as they both breathed heavily until George’s softer cock eventually fell out of his arsehole.
He felt the massive amount of cum start leaking out of him and onto George.
“I think we’ve made a mess.” Lee panted.
“Yeah, a big one.” George said with a smile.
“Stay there,” Lee said and went to stand up, but his legs turned to jelly, and he nearly fell over.
“You alright there?” George asked.
“Yeah,” Lee moaned, “just a little weak.”
George laughed and Lee looked to see this amazing man completely covered in both of their cum.
A few minutes later, Lee returned to the room with a roll of toilet paper, and a few minutes after that, they were both cleaned up.
Lee then laid down next to George. By this time, both had their breath back.
“Well, that was even better than I expected.” Lee said, staring at the ceiling.
“Yeah, you seemed to really like it.” George said back.
Lee turned and saw a cocky smile on his face.
“I think you liked it, too.” Lee told him.
George turned and smiled as he stared into Lee’s eyes.
“If your moans and how much you came is anything to go off of, then yeah, you’re definitely fucking me.” George said and leant over to kiss him.
The two men held each other as they made out for nearly half an hour.
When Lee broke the kiss, he looked into George’s eyes and whispered.
“Do you want to stay the night?” He asked.
George’s eyes looked soft and filled with joy when he heard it.
“I’d love to.” He said and kissed Lee again.
The two, muscular, naked men held each other. As they laid on top of the duvet, it took them both less than five minutes to fall asleep.