Underwear Ch. 07


A gay story: Underwear Ch. 07 PART SEVEN — UNIMAGINABLE

“Welcome to Chapter Seven of Underwear, the novel cycle with possibly the longest gestation period on Literotica. (I’m sure someone will correct me if that’s not the case) I began writing these stories about three years ago and they’re finally beginning to metamorphose into the series that readers have been demanding. A real, proper love affair for the Wylde One. (And she said it would never happen!) Expect drama, lust, hilarity, tragedy… all the stuff you know you’re going to get from Rayne Wylde inc. In chapter seven our principal protagonists have a fight and go to a swingers’ party. Enjoy!” – UNDERWEAR is the intellectual property of Josh Rose and Sadie Rose Bermingham. Any unauthorised redistribution of this material will be sat upon by a large woman in a thong from a very great height!


Kevan had been wonderfully attentive since the night of their reconciliation. True to his word he had given Rayne plenty of space but he came round to the apartment every night after work. On the morning after their marathon lovemaking session, which had gone on all night and beyond, (firstly on the sofa then later in the shower and continuing in bed until long after the sun had come up) he brought Rayne ice-cream for his sore throat and Vaseline for his tenderised bum. Afterwards he let the little Vamp feed from him on the understanding that Rayne would treat him to breakfast when they were done.

Before breakfast could happen, he fucked his lover again, tucking a couple of pillows under Rayne’s hips and thrusting like a randy dog into his raised arsehole, taking full advantage of the thick coating of Vaseline he had applied earlier. Rayne made no objection to this. He felt unbelievably horny, so much so that he actually began to wonder if this was not another phase of Vampiric development that he was going through.

Jabez had warned him that there would be times when he suddenly grew in strength or appetite. He supposed that it was not beyond the bounds of reason to suspect that he might become prey to a rapid escalation of sexual appetite. Or maybe it was just having Kevan around!

As Kev liked a full cooked breakfast and Rayne would not tolerate dead animal parts in his refrigerator they went out for breakfast each morning as the Vampire’s treat. Today was bright and quite warm after the cold grey days they had been experiencing lately and they settled at a table outside one of the Canal Street cafes. Rayne sipped a huge bowl of black coffee and watched the world go by whilst his lover tucked into a plate of sausage, bacon, egg, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding and a couple of slices of fried bread that would have kept a small, starving, Third World village fed for a week.

“I don’t know how you do that,” he murmured, unable to even watch his mate eating. Just the smell of it was making him nauseous. “I don’t know how you can put all that cholesterol in your mouth, let alone swallow it.”

Kev grinned at him, unfazed.

“Given some of the things that ‘you’ put in your mouth that’s a bit rich!” he remarked in a good-humoured tone.

Rayne gave up and went for a walk. He bought a newspaper and took his time returning to the canalside. By the time he got back, Kev had finished eating and two more schooners of coffee, milky and sweet for Kev, thick and black for himself, had replaced his plate.

“Have you seen this?” the Vampire asked, showing his lover the paper with a little frown.

The headline on the front page of the local rag was typically hysteric, screaming in block capitals about deviants and perverts stalking the Manchester streets. The article beneath was an altogether darker piece about a teenage boy from Salford who had been assaulted and raped during the previous evening by a man who offered him a lift home. The guy had apparently picked him up in the city centre not long after 7pm and driven to a deserted parking lot on the edge of Hulme where he molested the kid in his car, forced him to strip and had sex with him three times during the traumatic forty minute assault.

Kevan pored over it in silence, his expression grim. When he looked up his lover was watching him with a look on his face that he knew all too well.

“You’re probably going to have to look into it anyway,” Rayne Wylde said innocently.

“Not my case,” Kevan pointed out, tapping the article again. “Sam Kapper’s grabbed it. He always did like nabbing the twisted bastards. He’s fuckin’ twisted himself! He understands them.”

“We could keep our eyes open, if we had a proper description,” Rayne suggested, sipping his coffee.

“No. It’s not my case, and you’re a civilian. Stay out of this!” Kevan folded the paper and put it back down on the table. “I’d better head in though, show my face. Give the Super my letter.”

Rayne looked up seriously at him as he pushed himself to his feet. Astonishingly, Kevan was not even stiff after the exertions of the last few nights. That gym membership certainly was doing him some good!

“You meant it then? You’re really going to quit?” he asked in a quiet voice.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while. This was just the push I needed,” his mate answered, bending swiftly to plant a lingering kiss on his mouth. “I’ll pick you up later. You’ve not forgotten we promised to pop over to Dave and Bern’s tonight, have you?” he asked and Rayne shook his head with a smile that said he had but he wouldn’t admit it. Kevan ruffled his hair like he was a little kid. “You be good. I’ll know if you’re not!”

“Spoilsport!” Rayne pulled a face at him and went back to his paper. He was still smiling though.

As he turned the page the sunlight glinted on the tiny diamonds in the ring on his third finger. The slight twinkling mellowed his dark mood as he re-read the article and an image began to slowly form itself in his head; a stray memory that had been dislodged from the dark corners of his mind by the story in the Manchester Evening News. Rayne put down the paper and fumbled in his coat pocket for his cigarettes and the battered matchbox he told himself he had kept there in case his lighter packed up. He turned it over in his long fingers studying the cellphone number written on the back of it in a hurried, shaky hand. Then he reached into an inside pocket for his slender mobile.

Later that same evening, when Kev got back from work, he and Rayne went over to Didsbury where Dave Ramsay lived with his partner Bernard. Rayne had visited them a few of times since he began to see Kev regularly and always enjoyed the evenings spent with the pair. The Dutchman, Bernard was as ebullient as his lover David was reticent. Dave was lean and wiry, Bernie was small, blond and tightly muscled. They balanced one another out perfectly though. Also Bernard was a terrific cook and always managed to tempt Rayne with some tasty morsel, even though the Vampire did not really need to eat food any more.

Kevan took a shower with Rayne at the Vampire’s Manchester apartment before they set out and this, of course, was an excuse for quick, urgent sex; like they needed excuses at the moment! One minute they were kissing and soaping each other slowly under the hiss of the hot water, their nude bodies wreathed in steam; the next Rayne was in his lover’s arms, up against the wall with his legs snaking around the bigger man’s thrusting hips and Kevan was sliding into him easily, pulsing like a stallion between his thighs. They communicated in a private language of gasps and groans, yelps and sighs, clinging to the pipes and to one another as their bodies merged and surged in hot, needy collaboration. They came within seconds of one another, quite literally. Rayne exploded with a breathless bark of satisfaction, adding to the wetness slicking his lover’s chest and belly, then Kevan’s hands moved to his lover’s thighs, gripping him tightly and spreading him hard to push deep inside him, filling him with extra heat as he growled with delight.

Rayne was still glowing half an hour later as they scrambled into Kevan’s elderly Saab and his mate gunned the engine. He was conscious of the sensation of pure, blissful happiness. It was like walking around with a little generator inside him that pumped out warmth and well-being. The emotions were almost disconcerting when he tried to analyse them too closely, so he stopped himself whenever it happened. Like a child picking at a scab his thoughts kept wandering back to it though. Why on earth did Kevan make him so happy? What was it about this man that he had managed something long considered impossible by those who knew Rayne Wylde best?

“What are ‘you’ smiling at?” Kevan chuckled as he pumped the accelerator and the trusty Swedish technology growled into life under his foot.

“It’s not illegal yet,” Rayne reminded him, his lips still defiantly upward curved.

“It suits you,” his mate told him, leaning over to plant a little kiss on them before he buckled up and they pulled out of the allocated space in the carpark for Rayne’s apartment building, where the Saab had been living since the weekend. “I like to see you happy.”

Rayne leaned back in the comfortable passenger seat and watched the city roll by as his mate drove. He was thinking more practically now as he asked; “Did you give the boss your letter?”

“No.” Kev hesitated a moment before replying and Rayne looked a question at him, the smile not quite gone. “He wasn’t in. His kid’s got flu or something and the missus is at a conference in Paris.”

“Lucky Missus!” Rayne chuckled quietly.

“I’ll do it tomorrow. There’s no rush, is there?” Kev slowed at the corner of Brook Street and Gower Street, gauging the filter on the traffic lights so that he did not have to stop.

“None at all.” His lover flashed another smile to show him that it was okay. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something work related.”

“Can’t we do it tomorrow?” Kev asked at once. “I’m off the clock now, Ray.”

“It was just an idea,” Rayne murmured. “I guess it can wait too. Not like we can do anything about it tonight.”

“Right,” the bigger man agreed emphatically.

“I was thinking about that kid though, the one that got attacked,” his pretty little mate persisted with a persuasive smile. “And I remembered something, Kevan.”

Kev Delaney rolled his eyes and said nothing. When Rayne had a bug in his arse about something there was no letting it go.

“Does your colleague have any leads to go on?” the Vampire asked him determinedly.

“They’ve pulled the usual suspects in for a chat,” Kev answered non-committally. “Look Ray, can we just stay out of this? It’s not my case. It’s nothing to do with you…”

“I think I might know who he is,” Rayne said a little more tersely.

Kevan turned his head to stare at his mate. He was so stunned by this that he nearly went off the road.

“Kev!” Rayne yelped, reaching for the wheel as his lover checked the Saab’s course just in time. He let the vehicle slow and pulled over.

“What the hell makes you say something like that?” he wanted to know once they were stationary and the indicator was ticking its rhythmic counterpoint to Kevan’s rapid breathing.

Rayne shrugged a little then reached into the pocket of his long coat and pulled out the matchbox, showing it to him.

“About a month ago, after you pulled that weird trick on me with your old boss, McCall, we had a bit of a cooling off period, right?” he reminded Kevan.

“You mean, you deliberately stuffed the ring I bought you up his arse then refused to talk to me for days, yeah?” Kev corrected him.

“I didn’t stick it up his arse. And you deserved it,” his mate pointed out. “That’s not the issue here, Kev. Something happened while we weren’t talking.”

“Let me guess…” Kev sighed and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Did it involve your flighty backside and a stranger’s cock, perhaps?”

Rayne felt a little jolt of betrayal at that remark. Some of his earlier good humour fizzled out irretrievably and he turned his face away, looking out into the darkness, wishing he hadn’t bothered to bring the matter up.

“If you’re going to be a tit about it, let’s forget it shall we?” he huffed turning back towards Kev and reaching for the matchbox.

Kevan held it just out of his grasp. There was a thoughtful little frown creasing his brow.

“So, some bloke wrote his number on your matches, meaning that you were probably in a public place and either he wanted to hook up with you somewhere more private or he wanted you in public again some time, seeing as how the first time was unforgettable. As it would have been, I don’t doubt!” Kevan looked the question at him again. “Did he fuck you? The owner of this number, did he give you a good hammering?”

“Just… drop it, Kevan!” Rayne snapped at him, loosing his cool. He snatched for the little box again and Kev pushed him away more roughly this time.

“Tell me what happened? Why did you get his number, Ray? Was he ‘that’ good?”

“Just give me the matches. Please!” Rayne implored him. “We can talk about this tomorrow.”

“He must have been good if you’re so reluctant to lose his number,” Kev sniped, putting the matchbox into the breast pocket of his jacket. “I’ll keep hold of the evidence then.”

Rayne lunged for it, grappling with him on the driver’s seat and cursing him furiously as Kev fended him off over and over.

“No. No, Ray! I told you, no! You’re not having it back. How many times have you seen this creep while you were supposed to be with me, huh?” he demanded, still struggling with his mate.

“I’m not ‘seeing’ him! It wasn’t like that… I was ‘hungry’!” Rayne barked back at him.

“You’re ‘always’ fucking hungry! Hungry for ‘cock’!” Kevan yelled.

Rayne let go of his hands, huffing furiously, his gaze incandescent. When he had overcome the temporary paralysis this accusation brought on, he delivered a cracking slap to Kevan’s face and reached for the release catch on the door. Strong hands grabbed his upper arms at once and pulled him back into the vehicle where he lashed out defensively.

“Let go of me!”

Kev pulled his lover into his arms and rolled onto him on the passenger seat using his whole body to keep Rayne pinned and still. He folded around the thrashing, snarling creature beneath him, not fighting him now but trying to subdue his rage.

“Shhhhh…. Shhhh Ray! Stop it! Stop it, now!” he ordered more firmly. “I don’t wanna hurt you.”

“Don’t fuckin’ flatter yourself!” Rayne twisted under him, burying his face in his arms, stifling the sobs in the material of his heavy coat. “I could kill you ‘this’ easily!”

He whipped out a hand, the middle finger raised in tremulous defiance. Kev’s hand folded around it and the mortal kissed it slowly. The heat of his flushed face and rapid breathing seeped into Rayne’s skin and somehow soothed his rage. He stopped resisting and pulled his hand away, curling up, fighting the sobs until he felt physically sick from holding back.

“Shhhh…” Kev breathed into his hair again. He held his lover close and rocked him gently. “Shhhh… I know. I’m sorry!”

“You’re pathetic!” Rayne shuddered.

“Yeah, I know!”

“Your mind’s constantly in the sewer!”

“For sure it is,” Kev murmured against his ear, making him quiver again. “I’m sorry, baby. I was jealous. If you’re gonna be with another guy I want to be there too, I want to watch and help him; show him what you like.”

“You’re a dirty bastard! I hate you!” Rayne sobbed, shaking his head. He burst into tears, for possibly the first time in decades. Occasionally he lost control and let a little emotion slip but it was quickly back in check. This had been building in him for months though and now he could not hold it back. To think that he had been so happy when they got into the car. And he had managed to ruin it in less than ten minutes. He sobbed and sobbed until he thought he would choke. Kevan just held him, curled around him, his hands moving in slow, reassuring patterns on his lover’s shuddering body.

“Ohhhh shhhh,” Kev whispered into his ear. “Don’t cry, princess. Please! I’m sorry… I really didn’t mean to make you cry. Just get mad at me like I deserve and we can call it quits, huh?”

Rayne shook his head helplessly. He was still hiccuping and weeping inconsolably beneath his mate.

“You’re right,” he sobbed at last, wrapping his arms around his head, girding himself for absolute damnation. His thumb slid between the middle fingers of his left hand, rubbing against the solid warmth of the ring. After tonight the space on his finger would feel cold and empty for all of eternity. “I went with him. I got in the car with him and I sucked him off, as much as he wanted, and then I let him strip me. He wanted me to be younger and I let him think it was true. And he fucked me up the arse. And then we put the seat back and he fucked me again. He kept asking if he was my first, promising to teach me. I just wanted his blood, but if he’d let me suck him off it was enough… enough to keep me sane! Enough to keep me h-huh-human! Except I’m not. I’m ‘not’ human! I’ll never be warm, or normal, or… faithful to anyone again. I ‘can’t’ be, I’d starve or go crazy. And I ‘hate’ it! I’ve ‘always’ hated it!”

He broke off and wept helplessly and Kev pulled him closer, kissing his cheek and his tangled hair. When Rayne finally judged that his lover was not about to blow a fuse, he turned slowly in the bigger man’s arms and reached for Kevan. Tiny sobs still caught in his throat as his mate gently kissed him on the mouth, hugging and stroking until Rayne stopped shaking in his arms.

“I’m sorry…” the little Vampire whispered at last.

“It doesn’t matter,” Kev said neutrally and he knew that it did. It mattered more than anything but Kevan would not risk losing him over it.

“No… You’re too good to me. I don’t deserve you,” Rayne protested huskily. Warm fingers touched his lips, stopping the words. Kevan kissed him again, long and hard.

“We’ve been here,” he said when their lips parted. “We both know what the issues are. I know you’re insatiable and you know that I kinda like that about you, in a kinky sort of way, so I’m gonna have to take the rough with the smooth, heh?”

Rayne struggled to sit up, wiping his nose on the back of his sleeve like a child. Kevan did not try to hold him down this time. He stroked his lover’s soft, ebony hair tenderly though.

“I need to tell you,” he said dully at last. “It might be important.”

“Well tell me then,” Kev sighed.

Rayne swallowed a rogue hiccup and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. He was mortally embarrassed at having succumbed to hysteria in a public space, in front of Kevan. If he could salvage any credibility at all from the situation it was his duty to do so.

“He wanted ‘my’ number but I wouldn’t give it to him,” he explained now. “He told me he’d enjoyed it, even though I was weird and I kept trying to bite him. He wanted to screw me again and he wrote his number down on the box; they’re ‘his’ matches. He wanted me to ring him if I needed to be fucked.”

Kev frowned, concerned at something.

“Have you called him since?”

“Not until this morning,” Rayne said hesitantly. He saw the look of consternation deepen and quickly added; “It’s not what you think, Kev. I couldn’t stop thinking about it after we read that headline this morning. The boy that was raped, he said that his attacker wanted to be called ‘Daddy’. And this guy… the guy I went with… he told me that. He said ‘You can call me Daddy Bigballs.’ And I was in the zone, Kev. He wanted a kid and… I dunno how I do it to them but he kinda believed that I was a lot younger.”

Kevan’s eyes narrowed and Rayne could see that he was thinking like a cop and not letting his heart run all over his head for once. He felt a shudder of relief run through him and bent his head.

“You do that to me when we’re role-playing in bed,” he mused now. “I’ve noticed it but I thought it must have been my imagination running away with me. Sometimes it feels like I’m inside a young lad, or even a girl. It’s like you’re suddenly a different person, Ray.”

“It’s a Vampire thing, I guess,” his mate said awkwardly. “Like I said, I don’t do it deliberately. But it’s only happened since I was Turned.”

“You said you rang the creep this morning?” the mortal reiterated thoughtfully.

“Yeah… I got his call-minder-thing. He hasn’t rung back. Chances are he won’t even remember me. Or his wife got to the message first and wiped it.” Rayne looked sidelong at him.

“If he ‘does’ get back in touch, let me know straight away,” Kevan said grimly. “I don’t want you taking this fucker down on your own.”

He sat up now, shuffling back into the driver’s seat and pulling his belt back across. Rayne remained slumped in the other seat with his gaze fixed on the wet, rubbish strewn street through the windshield. A feeling of despondency had settled over him now and he contemplated trying to mentally influence his lover to take them back to his apartment so that he could just curl up in bed and hide. Kev put the car into gear and they pulled away, heading for Didsbury as if nothing had happened.

Rayne hadn’t spoken to Dave Ramsay since the night he laid into that serial killer behind the University debating hall. He was conscious of having freaked the other man out a bit that night. Dave knew what he was, but he was still uneasy with the truth. Bernard, his lover, was also privy to Rayne’s secret and probably knew all about his attempt to eviscerate a fifteen-stone mass-murderer in cold blood by now. Dave kept nothing from him; after the episode with the Canal Street killer last year he had told Bernard the whole story, including the fact that he had enjoyed several bouts of fantastic oral sex with Rayne Wylde after the case was firmly closed.

Most partners would have kicked him out but Dave and Bernie were swingers, which explained the Dutchman’s tolerance, to a degree. Initially Rayne found it amusing, although he certainly appreciated their lifestyle a lot more since his second visit to the house in Didsbury.


The first time Kev had taken him to his partner’s house, after dinner, the four of them had settled in the comfortable lounge with a bottle of brandy. In the course of some casual chatter, Bernard had suggested watching a movie and popped a DVD into the sleek, expensive looking machine. Dave was unbuttoning his shirt as he his lover returned to the sofa and Bernie did the same and began to kiss his mate passionately as the brief credits rolled on the huge, flat screen set into the living room wall.

It did not take long for the startled Vampire to figure that it was a hardcore porn film. As he snuggled on the sofa with his head on Kevan’s shoulder and Kev’s arm around him, Bernard curled up on his right, a warm intimate presence. At the farthest end of the couch Dave was kissing his lover’s neck and groping the protuberant crotch of Bernie’s tight white jeans. On screen, the initial innocent movie premise of an older man taking his new young lover to a party at a friend’s house quickly descended into scenes of drunken fumbling and manipulation. The attractive youth was plied with drink by a number of men, then taken by his lover and a couple of his lover’s friends to a bedroom where he was quickly stripped and slicked with baby oil and lubricant. His companions undressed quickly and coaxed the boy to suck on their cocks and rub lube on their erect members as he knelt on the bed, then fucked him in the mouth and arse with ruthless efficiency. Soon there was a queue of men at the bedroom door and the moaning, spurting youth was at the heart of a vigorous and prolonged anal and oral gangbang. His own arousal and the excitement of his myriad lovers was captured in graphic detail by the cameras.

Bernard had leaned towards him as Rayne stared mesmerised at the screen and Kevan caressed him slowly, slipping a hot hand between his mate’s thighs to stroke his stiffening cock.

“You like?” the little Dutchman whispered, resting a hand on the Vampire’s right thigh. “It’s Nederlands porno, very high quality boysex from my homeland, yes?”

Rayne just nodded, not trusting his voice. His eyes had been fixed on the TV screen where the naked twink sprawled on his back with two long stiff cocks pulsing in his lubed arsehole and a thick erection pumping his open, cum-filled mouth. A number of men stood around the bed masturbating and the camera moved deftly between them to get it’s close up shots of the boy’s vigorous sexing. Rayne felt himself getting harder as he watched.

Bernard looked enquiringly past him to Kevan who nodded his head as well. Both men were now stroking the Vampire’s groin, unimpeded. Then as Dave and Kevan watched, Bernard had begun to kiss Rayne passionately. To the soundtrack of squelches and moans from the TV their respective lovers helped them to undress and encouraged them to perform oral sex together on the settee. Kevan and Dave both stripped as well and began to kiss and lick the writhing pair. Then Dave guided Rayne’s mouth from Bernie’s cock to his own and Bernard began to gulp Kevan’s long, thick penis down greedily. Rayne and Bernie rubbed together eagerly and their two mates helped to steer Bernard’s erect cock into Rayne’s arse, encouraging them to fuck and suck, completely naked and uninhibited on the sofa.

Rayne had lost track of the events of that night but he was sure that he had performed anal and oral sex with all three men at some point, as had Bernard. He was also invited to feed from each of them, which was a deeply rewarding experience. He had woken on the following morning feeling enormously contented.


Tonight Bernie greeted him on the doorstep like an old lover and planted a long, deep French kiss on his mouth as soon as he was in the hallway, much to Kevan’s excited amusement. Their home was a vast, three storey Victorian terrace on a road that had mostly been converted into student bedsits. They had turned the bottom storey into a flat, which they rented out, but still lived on the other two floors. Rayne thought that Bernard seemed overly pleased to see them but it was in the Dutchman’s nature to be wildly exuberant about everything and he dismissed the idea quickly. Dave was sprawled on the couch when they came into the living room and greeted them with a languid tilt of his hand. If he was uncomfortable with having a Vampire in his house he was polite enough not to let it show. Bernard fixed drinks for everyone and they sat down for dinner. Before the meal was served however there was a knock at the door and moments after Bernard went bounding off into the hall to answer it he returned with a tall, handsome, dark-skinned guy in tight blue jeans and a white sweater that hinted at a well-toned body beneath.

“Hi guys, this is Tony. He lives downstairs, you don’t mind that he has a meal with us, no?” Bernie grinned. “He gets very lonely down there on his own.”

Rayne looked at Kevan who shrugged and shook his head. Tony shook hands with them both very formally. He was a huge man, at least 6’4″ with broad shoulders and a deep chest, narrowing down through his waist and hips. He wore his ebony hair close cropped and a couple of diamond ear studs glittered against the blackness of his skin. Rayne was fascinated by his eyes which were a pale grey colour, very striking given his dark complexion.

“Well, we can’t have you getting lonely, can we?” he chuckled as his fingers curled around Tony’s hand and the bigger man murmured his surprise at the strength of Rayne’s grip.

Kevan moved in for a handshake with smooth, possessive speed. He put his arm around Rayne’s shoulders as he introduced himself, staking his claim. The little Vampire glanced up at him with an incredulous smile, not sure whether he was touched or irritated by his lover’s defensiveness. Whatever the catalyst for this little display of machismo, it was over with in moments and they all went through to the huge dining kitchen to eat.

Bernie adjusted the table settings so that he was sitting between Kev and Tony. He put Rayne on the newcomer’s right, next to Dave Ramsay at the circular table so that Kevan and Dave could ‘talk shop’ as he put it, while he and Rayne found out more about Tony. Their tenant looked mildly embarrassed but soon settled down when the food was served up. Bernard had cooked a wonderful, fiery pasta dish with olives and peppers, drizzled with oil and dusted in flakes of parmesan. There was fresh, hot bread and bowls of garlic butter for dipping.

“I made that ‘special for you,” Bernard teased, pushing one of the little bowls towards Rayne as they all tucked in. “It has no garlic!” He winked at the Vampire playfully.

“Dunno who you’ve been talkin’ to,” Rayne said airily, dipping a finger into the butter and sucking it off with a lascivious smile. “I ‘love’ garlic. Can’t get enough of the stuff!”

Over the course of the meal they interrogated Tony and Rayne learned that he was a firefighter and lived alone in the downstairs flat. Although he admitted that he liked men and occasionally brought lads back home for a fuck he hadn’t met anyone he cared to settle down with yet.

“Christ! A chef, two cops and a fireman!” Rayne laughed. “All we need now is a strapping Paramedic and we’ve got the emergencies covered!”

“So, I already know Bernadette’s a housewife superstar, and no mean cook. What do ‘you’ do all day, Rayne?” Tony wanted to know. The wine was loosening his tongue. In a lower tone he added; “And can I maybe come round one afternoon and help you do it?”

Kevan gave the guy a ‘look’ but Dave just nudged him and murmured something that Rayne only half caught, even with his sharp ears. Something about the idea never bothering him before. He frowned slightly, but Kev would not look at him so he peered up at Tony instead with a lazy smile.

“I used to be in a band,” he said casually. “Now I just do this and that; a bit of writing, a bit of telly. I’m a night owl though. I sleep during the day.”

“In his fur-lined coffin!” Bernard giggled.

“Go and play with your Marigolds, Nigella!” Rayne told him with a barbed grin.

“So you’re not up for some fun when I’m not on call then?” Tony pretended to sound disappointed.

“That all depends on what you think of as fun?” Rayne reached over for a breadstick and stirred it languidly in the garlic butter.

” ‘We’ had fun last time you and Kev stayed over, didn’t we, honey?” Bernard asked the Vampire with a suggestive smirk. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself with all our dicks, anyway!”

Rayne extracted the butter-slicked breadstick and nibbled on it pretending to think about that allegation.

“Oh… ‘that’ kind of fun,” he said airily at last, licking his lips.

“You are a very wicked boy,” Bernard told him.

“Takes one to know one!” Rayne grinned back at him.

Tony was staring eagerly from one to the other as they bantered with one another, a slightly wary smile on his face. He looked at Kevan who was studying him contemplatively across the table, possessive but curious at the same time.

“You’re a lucky bloke,” he said. “Your boyfriend’s really hot.”

“He’s that all right,” Kev admitted.

“What do you guys like to do?” Tony wanted to know.

“Do?” Kevan queried uncertainly. He thought he understood the question but clearly wasn’t used to hearing it asked at the dinner table.

“In bed,” Tony elucidated. “How does he like you to treat him in bed?”

Kev looked sidelong at Dave who just shrugged one shoulder and looked privately amused. Bernard was chuckling quietly.

“I don’t think that’s any or your business… yet,” Rayne interjected before Kevan could volley off at the guy.

They all looked at the little Vampire curiously. Tony did not seem offended. His smile broadened.

“Well maybe when our dinner’s settled you can take me into the bedroom and ‘show’ me what you like,” he suggested with a wink. “We’ll even let your boyfriend come and watch me doing you, if that turns him on!”

Rayne chewed on his lower lip, wondering privately what Dave and Bernie had already said to Tony behind the scenes. The little Vampire glanced at Kevan speculatively. He already ‘knew’ that would turn his lover on. Kev loved to spectate while other men were fucking him hard and making him suck. His only concern was that after his ardent declarations at the weekend and their stupendous row this evening Kevan might not now want to share him. The ring suddenly felt heavy on his finger and he glanced up at his mate, wondering at the same time if this was how it felt to be married; this uncertainty. Suddenly all the things he had taken for granted; the freedom to make his own choices; the readily available sex — it was all being put under the microscope.

He need not have worried. The look in his mate’s blue eyes said that the idea was already rousing his passions. Some things never changed. Slowly the Vampire turned his head and lowered his gaze. If he could see through the table he would have been staring straight at Tony’s groin.

“Well…” he mused. “That all depends on a few things, doesn’t it?”

Tony was not going to be sidelined. He rose to his feet and unbuckled his belt then yanked his zipper down firmly, murmuring; “I get it. You wanna check out the goods before you sample, ’em. I’m cool with that, gorgeous.”

As he unbuttoned his waistband and opened his fly his stiffening cock jumped out of his jeans and he stuck his hand down his pants, quickly tugging out his heavy, neatly trimmed, black balls as well. He was not under-endowed in any sense. Across the table Dave exchanged a look with Kevan and made a small, incredulous puffing sound, shaking his head. Bernie’s mouth was watering. Tony was at least 10 inches and he wasn’t even fully hard. His cock was the colour of milk chocolate and easily as thick as Kevan’s fat bone.

Rayne felt his fangs extend as he checked it out. He sensed that they were all looking from Tony to himself and waiting for him to rise to the unspoken challenge. Laughing quietly and shaking his head he pushed his chair back and reached out to take Tony’s cock in his hand. It was hot and heavy to the touch, the skin dry and smooth against his fingers. Dave and Bernie’s tenant was circumcised, with a Prince Albert piercing glittering through the head of his semi-erect penis. Rayne used it to tug the man towards him firmly and Tony sensibly came to heel. The little Vampire pushed a small dish across to the edge of the table and swirled the fellow’s thick, dark cock in the creamy garlic butter. Then he crouched in front of the man and pulled Tony’s dick into his mouth, slowly sucking the oily, yellow streaks of butter off the dark, pulsing helmet. He licked the man clean, taking his time, working his tongue stud in and out of Tony’s piss slit, then lifted the long cock and licked his way down the throbbing vein on the underside of his rippling shaft to suck slowly on his firm, furry balls. By the time he came up for air he did not need to hold Tony’s cock out of the way, it could stand unaided. It even looked pleased with itself.

“Fuckin’ Christ!” Tony exhaled breathlessly.

Bernard already had his pants undone and was masturbating vigorously as he watched the show. Kevan was on his feet with his fly unzipped, fully hard.

“Sorry darlin’, I think we’re moving on to dessert already,” Kev said to Bernie who just grinned and shook his head, as excited as Kevan was by the spectacle. Dave’s hand was working the sizeable bulge in his jeans as he watched his partner’s sexy mate openly fellating his half naked lodger at the dinner table.

Rayne took his time exploring the stranger’s crotch with his lips and tongue. He loved sucking and licking men, especially when they were clean and this well hung. Rayne might not have had much appetite for food but he thought he could probably eat this man’s cock and nuts all night.

Tony was not putting up a fight, for sure. The tall, powerful, black fireman began to thrust slowly as Rayne swallowed the head of his prick again, stroking it with his tongue.

Across the table Bernard now had his arms around Kevan’s neck and his tongue in the bigger man’s mouth. Rayne’s lover unfastened the blond’s jeans and pushed them down as they lapped hungrily at each other’s mouths. Rayne experienced an irrational prickle of jealousy at seeing Kev snogging another man but it was gone as soon as it rose. Dave Ramsay had his pants down and came to kneel behind Rayne, kissing the back of the Vampire’s neck and nuzzling his silky black hair as he helped Kevan’s sexy boyfriend to get out of his clothes. Kevan and Bernard sank back down onto the chair Kev had recently vacated, still kissing ravenously. Kev dipped his finger in some more butter and eased it slowly up and down the Dutchman’s smoothly waxed arse crack. Bernie ripped Kev’s shirt open and rubbed his leaking prick against the bigger man’s exposed belly and chest as Kevan’s slippery finger pushed hard on the pucker of his anus.

On the floor, Rayne’s shirt came off and his jeans were pushed down to his ankles. He rose now, as Tony collapsed onto his chair, panting with desperate excitement. Stepping out of his pants he straddled the newcomer’s powerful black thighs, kissing his mouth hungrily. Dave pulled on Rayne’s erect nipples and stroked the Vampire’s painfully hard cock from behind. He was stiff as a rod between Rayne’s pert buttocks, his mouth roaming greedily across the Vampire’s slim shoulders and naked back. Tony’s knob stuck up straight like a maypole, glistening with spit and pre-cum. Rayne’s thumb found the stud beneath his cock head and rubbed it in slow, sensual circles as their lips moved together ravenously. He turned his head back and forth now, kissing Dave as Tony lipped his neck and sucked on his nipples then returning to the newcomer’s mouth, delirious with pleasure as Dave bent to lick and finger his arsehole.

Bernard had wriggled slowly down Kevan’s chest and was kneeling on the floor between the big ginger cop’s open thighs, sucking hungrily on the fat fuck post jutting up from the nest of his heavy balls. His hand pumped the base of Kevan’s dick fiercely as he nodded and gobbled on the leaking head. His bare arse bobbed in the air and Kev finger-fucked him rapidly whilst he was being treated to the delicious blow job. His other hand was hard at work on Bernie’s stiff cock.

Dave dipped his fingers in the blue-cheese dip and pumped the slippery digits firmly up the arse of his best mate’s sexy, naked lover. Tony tugged on Rayne’s nipples with his teeth then stroked his hand through the singer’s silky black mane. Releasing his tits he pushed Rayne’s head back down to his cock, making the slender young man bend right over to swallow and suck his huge prick again. Dave rubbed his curving cock up between the singer’s thighs, letting it lie against Rayne’s balls as he frigged Kev’s sexy lover deeper and harder with two fingers. Now Rayne’s left hand moved down to curl around his own penis and Dave’s, pulling them off slowly together as he nodded down onto Tony’s long, thick erection. The fingers of the other hand were wrapped round the base of that massive black battering ram, easing up and down on it as his lips and tongue worked the upper six or seven inches.

“Uhhhh! It’s no good, Ramsay!” Kevan groaned from across the table, where Bernard was trying valiantly to get his nine and a half incher all the way down his throat. “I’m gonna have to take your little slut to bed and give him a good hard fucking! He’s gagging for a shagging!”

“Be my guest!” Dave panted happily. “But we’re gonna fuck the mouth and arse off your cock hungry bitch here while you’re busy knobbing my randy little tart!”

“Bring him to bed so I can watch!” Kev gasped. He tugged lightly on Bernie’s blond curls. “Come on you little Dutch tease, time to get your bum nice and slippery and full of cock!”

Kev’s eyes widened and darkened with arousal as he watched his near-naked lover skilfully deep-throating Tony’s huge black cock shaft. His own erect dick twitched and leaked at the sight and he picked Bernard up, pulling the younger man into his arms and hurried out into the corridor with him and up to the bedroom, eager to have sex before he exploded without anyone touching him.

When Tony pulled out of Rayne’s mouth without climaxing the Vampire was briefly disappointed but the big guy rose and picked him up in a traditional fireman’s lift, hoisting Rayne over his shoulder. Dave’s fingers slipped out of his bare bum and the detective divested himself of his jeans, boots and socks. He kissed and stroked Rayne’s exposed bottom as he was stripping, then Tony carried the little Vampire to the bedroom.

Kev was already hard at work on Bernie on the king-size bed when they got there. A well-squeezed tube of lubricant was open on the towels spread across the mattress. The absence of traditional bedding said a lot for Dave and Bern’s expectations of this evening. Rayne could hardly criticise though. He was hot and horny, genuinely glad that they had chosen to come out tonight. For the time being his anxiety over Daddy Bigballs was put to the back of his mind. His mate was already naked and pumping Bernie’s glistening, lubed up hole with the first two fingers of his right hand. The muscular little blond writhed and moaned, masturbating hard for him, one slippery hand on his own cock the other fisting Kevan’s nine and a half inch pole.

As Tony dumped him on the bed, Rayne rolled over at once and climbed onto the naked Dutchman, taking the blond’s chunky six incher in his mouth as he knelt astride Bernie’s head.

“Oh yeah!” Bernard sighed appreciatively, opening wide to take Rayne’s hard eight between his lips.

There were instant growls of approval from their mates and Tony as the two young men performed mutual fellatio for them on the bed. Greedily they sucked and nuzzled at one another as the three eager observers wanked hard, kneeling in close formation around them.

Rayne’s head came up and he licked his lips, panting; “Can I shag him, Dave?”

He looked from Bernard’s lover to his own and back, visibly eager, his lips glossed with Bernie’s spunk.

“If he wants you to,” Dave huffed. Kevan nodded eagerly.

“Get him warmed up for me, fox.”

Under him, Bernie was already nodding his head enthusiastically, although his mouth was still full of Rayne’s cock. The lean young Vampire pulled out and turned so that he could kneel between the Dutch lad’s wide open thighs. Kev had already lubed him up nicely and Rayne spat into his palm now and slicked his well-sucked cock, getting it good and wet before he eased it smoothly into Bernie’s tight, hot boy-pussy.

“Uhhhhh!” he groaned as that snug sheath swallowed his hard-on and he began to thrust rhythmically between the blond’s legs.

“Ahhhh! Fuck me, Ray!” Bernie keened, and whimpered with pleasure under him. Rayne was soon on his hands and knees with Bern’s heels on his shoulders, screwing the Dutch boy’s bum fiercely.

Dave knelt behind Rayne Wylde, spreading his cheeks and pressing his skilful tongue up the Vampire’s arse as Rayne was hammering his naked boyfriend. While Dave busily tongue fucked him, Kevan gripped a handful of Bernie’s short blond curls and pulled the boy’s mouth onto his hard, swollen cock again. Bernard wriggled dextrously onto his side and choked down the older man’s thick penis greedily. Rayne almost came in his arse as that tight sheath twisted on his sensitive erection and he watched the well-muscled blond lad deep-throating his horny lover. He straddled Bernard’s left thigh, side-splitting the Dutchman so that he could keep on pumping that hot, tight hole.

He nearly shot his load again when Dave’s tongue slipped out of his arsehole and was quickly replaced with the detective’s thick, seven inch cock. Rayne took a sharp breath and moaned hungrily as Dave’s fat cock slipped slowly into him, stretching his anus for the second time that night. (He was grateful for Kevan’s insistence on making out in the shower now, since Dave was not lubed.) Bernard’s randy lover curled over him, kissing and licking his neck and playing with the Vampire’s erect nipples as he adapted his stroke to Rayne’s thrusts in his boyfriend’s arse. Dave pumped into Rayne as the Vampire was on the backstroke and drew back smoothly as Rayne fucked his length up Bernard’s receptive chute.

“Ohhhh… fuck! Yeah!” Rayne exhaled, blown away by the twin points of stimulus on his twitching cock and deep in his meat-packed colon. He knew that he was not going to last long with that fantastic double-friction going on between his naked thighs.

Kevan leaned across to kiss him gratefully on the mouth and then Rayne was looking up expectantly at Tony, trying to catch his eye. The big, muscular, black fire fighter was uncharacteristically shy all of a sudden, confronted by the delicious vision of two horny couples, who knew one another so intimately, tangled in hot orgiastic sex right in front of him. He was still rubbing that fabulous, big cock excitedly.

It looked even longer and thicker than it had when Rayne first took it in his mouth at the dining table. Tony was easily packing eleven inches; maybe more.

“Put it in my mouth,” Rayne panted, licking his lips. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You won’t hurt me. I love throating a nice big cock.”

“Rrrrgggghhhh! Yeah… he does!” Kev grunted, pumping Bernard’s submissive, wide-open mouth energetically. “He’s fantastic at it, too! They both are!”

He stroked Bernard’s curls appreciatively as Tony inched closer, gripping a handful of Rayne’s silky, straight black hair and urging his leaking prick into the singer’s mouth. The thickness of his fully engorged tool forced Rayne’s jaws wide and he was soon a submissive participant in the violation of his open pharynx. Tony’s erect dick was so long and fat that it was almost impossible to suck him. Not for the first time, he was glad that he did not ‘have’ to breathe.

Feeling sorry for Bernie, who was the only cock in the room not getting some oral or anal attention, Rayne wrapped his long fingers around the blond’s leaking sex, wanking him hard and fast. Dave’s vigorous cock thrusts were driving his own leaking dick urgently into Bernard’s hot, tight arsehole as Rayne masturbated him. Kevan’s precum was drooling out of Bern’s open mouth as the bigger man tooled away hard there. Tony stepped astride Bernard on the bed, taking a double handful of Rayne’s hair and throat-fucking him energetically. Rayne moaned incoherently around the hot, wet missile pounding in his gullet.

He was going to cum uncontrollably, he could feel the spunk rising in his balls as he was spit-roasted. Bernie was close too; the Dutchman’s firm, tight, hairless knackers were clenching hard against his own as they rubbed up on one another with Rayne’s cock buried to the hilt in Bern’s arse. Dave hammered Rayne’s colon from behind, really slamming that fat cock into him. Dave wasn’t long in the prick department but what he lacked in expanse he made up for with his girth, coupled with skill and enthusiasm. He knew how to position that lovely seven-inch wand in another man’s anus so that it gave maximum satisfaction.

In Rayne’s hand, Bernard’s leaking dick jumped and spurted. Bernie cried out wordlessly around Kevan’s thrusting cock meat as his semen jetted up into the air, bursting out in thick, pearly ropes of desire. His body clenched and juddered; the tight, sweltering heat of his arsehole gripping Rayne and milking him as deftly as a man’s fingers.

Rayne’s panting, stifled cries quickened and grew more frantic as he was overcome by the tormenting tendrils of ecstasy playing up and down his cock shaft and radiating out from his throbbing prostate. He was at the mercy of the other three, his climax controlled by the impact of their bodies with his own. Rayne closed his eyes, shuddering and moaning as he began to cum for his eager lovers. Dave groaned too as he felt Rayne tighten on his shaft. The singer’s throat gripped Tony’s sex and the fireman grunted a profane oath and bucked faster. Behind Rayne, Dave was pounding like a stallion on a mare, driving it up him as the unremitting tremors of his fuck-mate’s orgasm gripped his cock.

Kevan, who was spurred on by his mate’s familiar, orgasmic cries of ecstasy and relief, also jetted his release into Bernard’s, slack-jawed mouth with a howl of satisfaction. His gaze was fixed on Rayne’s twitching, jerking, sweat-and cum soaked body as the other three men brought his naked lover to a massive, helpless orgasm. He was jealous and furiously aroused at the same time, squirting several hot ropes of spunk into Bernard’s mouth. Luckily the little blond was a ravenous cum-slut and gobbled down all that he could give.

Between Bernie’s open legs, Rayne came again as the other two pounded him. His hands found Tony’s powerful thighs and he struggled to get the black guy’s cock out of him, writhing and rising at the same time, trying to get off Dave’s pulsing prick. He was on fire; hungry for blood as well as sex. The orgasm was pouring over him like waves in a hot, shallow ocean, surging higher and higher as the randy pair spitted him. Dave cried out violently, a bark such as an animal would utter as Rayne rose and fell on his pistoning dick, twisting like a small, intemperate cyclone in his grasp. The little Vampire felt him buck, burying himself deep and then knew the sudden hot flood of cum up his arse, scalding his sensitive nerve ends as Bernard’s lover satisfied his animal lust for his work partner’s boyfriend.

“Uhhhhh…. Uhhhhh… fuck! Fuck!” Dave gasped, dropping to his knees and pulling out of Rayne’s hot, gaping hole slowly. “Fucking amazing!”

Tony stilled his thrusts in Rayne’s mouth and withdrew as well. He and Dave exchanged high-fives and switched around as Rayne went down on his hands and knees huffing like a winded horse.

“Can ‘I’ fuck him up the shitter now?” Tony asked Kevan eagerly.

“Be my guest,” Kev panted. He was already spreading Bernard and slipping his insatiable cock into Dave’s giggling, sweat-drenched, little blond mate. Dave went to his lover for some oral stimulation at the same time and Tony fondled Rayne’s glistening flanks covetously.

“Are you okay?” he asked in a deep, quiet voice.

“Mmmhmmm,” Rayne nodded. His throat felt paralysed and it took all his control to croak; “You didn’t cum.”

“I’m not ready yet,” Tony purred. “I want to cum deep in your mancunt, Rayne.”

On the other side of the bed Bernie squealed with delight as Kevan’s big dick filled his chute and began to pump away urgently inside him. Tony’s strong fingers pried Rayne’s cheeks open and he sensed the newcomer’s hot gaze on his gaping passage.

“Hope you don’t mind sloppy seconds,” he quipped huskily. “Or even trashy thirds!”

“I don’t mind, darlin’,” Tony grunted, positioning his fat plum against the open ring of his partner’s fuckable hole. “Besides, once my big boy’s up you his spunk’ll be half way down your leg. I’m gonna pump it all out of you, Rayne. You are a fuckin’ dirty bitch and you’re gonna get your throat drilled the back way now!”

“Promises, promises!” Rayne exhaled. “Hope you can keep ’em!”

By way of a response, Tony pressed his throbbing, hot helmet into Rayne’s open rectum and worked it in and out for a few moments, then pulled clear, impervious to the little whimpers of disappointment from his horny mate.

“Pass me the lube, man,” he grunted to Kev. “I’m gonna give your boyfriend such a serious fucking he’ll not walk straight for a week. He’ll ‘beg’ to be my bitch!”

“Give it to him, mate!” Kev laughed breathlessly, still bucking hard between Bernard’s thighs as the Dutchman writhed on the bed, sucking his lover’s hard cock at the same time. “I wanna see how he likes that big black ball-buster in his cock-gobbling slutty hole!”

Tony didn’t need telling twice. He squeezed a finger of cool, wet lube into Rayne’s rectum and eased his magnificent tool back up the little Vampire, quickly working it all the way up his experienced fuck-tunnel. Rayne’s little purrs of appreciation became hoarse, tremulous cries of astonishment as Tony bucked and pulsed and corkscrewed that massive prong all the way up his rectal-canal and into his colon. The speed and thickness of the anal intrusion drove urgent little mews of sexual need from his lips as Tony pushed him down onto the bed and mounted him with his face pressed into the rumpled towels over the mattress and his arse still up in the air. A massive, hot hand gripped and played with his cock as Tony straddled him and pumped him hard from behind.

“Mmmmhhhh…Nnnhhh… nnnnnhhhh…Ohhhhhh… Uuuuuhhuuuhhuuuuhhh, Jesussss!” Rayne panted into the mattress as he took Tony’s knob until he could feel the fireman’s heavy bollocks slapping his scrotum with every thrust. He knew he was not the most inexperienced of sex mates but he could still only think of a few cocks that had felt this good inside him on a first fuck. Tony had his heart pounding and his pulse racing violently in the head of his rising boner.

“Fuck! You hot slut!” Tony barked excitedly. “Most of the boys I knob with are pleading with me to pull it out way before now!”

“Shut your fuckin’ mouth and screw me!” Rayne Wylde ordered breathlessly. “Fuck the cum out of my balls, sweetheart! When I ‘want’ you to stop, you’ll fuckin’ know about it!”

Tony uttered a ribald laugh and pumped him vigorously, his hands strong and warm on the Vampire’s lean, naked body.

“Is he always like this?” the fireman chuckled to Kevan.

“Usually he’s a lot worse,” Kev panted back, grinning at the sight of his beautiful, nude lover so obviously excited and deliciously submissive. “Just give him what he ‘thinks’ he wants, yeah!”

He winked at Tony and the other man looked surprised, but gripped Rayne’s hips and redoubled the urgency of his long, hard cock thrusts until his mate was almost crying with need under him. The strokes of Tony’s huge tool were pushing deep into his gut, tossing internal organs casually aside in the quest to impale Rayne. Each smooth, steady thrust pushed a little gasp of astonished appreciation from the Vampire’s throat and the gasps became moans and then shameless cries as Tony drove into him faster.

“Oh God! Oh God! Ohmyfuckin’god!” he yelped, gripping double handfuls of the sweat soaked towel beneath him as he was fucked halfway across the bed by his companion’s urgently bucking groin.

“He doesn’t believe in you any more, Ray!” Kevan snickered breathlessly, still pulsing hard in Bernard’s tight arse. “He’s punishing you, foxy bitch!”

“Even God would spring a hard-on watching that!” Dave laughed hoarsely, nodding towards Rayne and Tony as he worked his sex in and out of his boyfriend’s suckling mouth. Bernie writhed beneath them, nuzzling Dave’s crotch hungrily and groaning with pleasure as they spit-roasted him the way Dave and Tony had just been doing Rayne.

Rayne’s knees buckled and he went down on the mattress, so aroused that he couldn’t control his limbs any more. He was literally shaking with ecstasy as Tony stilled in him for a second, then clambered astride him and began to perform slow, sexual press-ups against his bare buttocks. He surged forward with each inbound thrust, pulsing into his mate and grunting his satisfaction.

“Oh baby, you’re hot!” he growled, slowly pile-driving Rayne on the bed. “I’m gonna cum so hard, any minute now!”

“Wait! Wait! Not yet!” Rayne huffed desperately. “Tony, please… just a bit more! Just a bit harder, darlin’, please!”

“You just can’t get enough, can you baby?” the bigger man sank down on top of him, snuggling around him unexpectedly and steadily circling his hips over Rayne’s impaled backside. “No wonder lover boy has to share you around! I bet you wear him out.”

“Cheeky fucker!” Rayne panted, trying to laugh though he couldn’t catch the breath to do it. “Get your lumpy arse off me! You’re squashing me flat!”

Tony chuckled again and knelt up, pulling Rayne back into his arms like a rag doll, astride his thighs. He lifted the limp, restless, eager little Vamp and lowered him back down onto that big cock which had slipped half-way out as they adjusted their position.

“Uuuuhhhhhh!” Rayne moaned as he felt it fill his colon again. When Kev fucked him hard he just about stroked that second hot spot, higher up in Rayne’s arsehole but Tony’s engorged cock head overwhelmed it, especially in this position where it was driven about as far up him as it could possibly go. “Mmmhhhhh… Tony! Please!” he begged shamelessly. “Please fuck me!”

“Told you I’d make him beg,” Tony rumbled, beginning to pulse up into him again as he grinned at Kevan.

Rayne’s arms came up and looped back around his neck so that he had Tony’s chin on his shoulder and could feel the man’s hot breath on his neck and chest as he worked his arse up and down on the massive flesh pole pounding his intestines. He cried out wordlessly again as his sex-mate began to pinch and play with his erect nipples, teasing and tugging until he writhed up like a serpent uncoiling from the nest and his whole body shuddered with the release. His cock jetted ribbon after ribbon of cum and he almost screamed at the ripples of ecstasy engulfing the dark regions of his loins.

“Good lad! Uhhhhh… goo-oo-ood!” Tony growled in his ear, his hands sliding to Rayne’s hips. He held the slender, beautiful young man down on his thick, spewing cock as he ejected his sexual response into the singer’s gut.

Across the bed, Kevan was grunting with lustful delight as Bernard occupied a similar pose in his lap. The blond’s knees were over his lover, Dave’s shoulders and the two men were double teaming him hard and fast, both their lubed cocks pounding in Bernie’s highly experienced anus. They came off up the little blond Dutchman almost within moments of one another. Bernard was already covered in his own semen and moaning deliriously in their arms.

When they released him he collapsed onto the bed, gasping for breath like he’d just run seven marathons. Rayne sank down from Tony’s lap and curled around Bernie, licking the sweat and cum off his naked body to the delight of the three very satisfied observers.


Kev and Rayne stayed the night, although they retired to the spare room once they had showered the sweat and spill from their bodies. Tony had gone back down to his own flat, apologising that he had a four o’clock start at work the next morning but wreathing both Rayne and Bernard in grateful kisses before he dressed and departed. As they curled up in bed they could still hear the splashing and laughter from the bathroom where Bernie and Dave were now relaxing after their strenuous evening.

Kevan was very quiet and after several minutes of affectionate spooning, Rayne wriggled around in his arms and kissed him full on the mouth, enjoying the heat of his lips and the searching wetness of his tongue. Slowly Kev rolled onto his back in the darkness, taking his mate with him and Rayne sprawled comfortably on his chest and belly like a child in his father’s embrace. His arms snaked around Kevan’s neck and they cuddled quietly like that for an age.

“Are we okay?” Rayne whispered huskily at last, hardly daring to voice the concern he was feeling inside.

“For sure, we are,” Kev rumbled in low tones that he felt, rising up through the big man’s powerful chest cavity. He stroked Rayne’s damp hair tenderly. “We’re more than, okay, yeah?”

“If you say so.” Rayne snuggled his face into the hollow of his lover’s neck and shoulder, breathing him in. When he kissed Kevan there he could almost taste his lover’s pulse.

“Still hungry?” Kev asked incredulously.

“Always!” his delicious mate murmured in a drowsy voice.

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised after the pounding you took tonight,” Kev chuckled, stroking him a little more eagerly. Rayne felt a stirring in his lover’s crotch and shook his head.

“Christ! Don’t tell me you can still get it up! I hoped Bern would have worn you out by now!”

“Jealous?” Kev teased him.

“Don’t be an idiot!”

“Why not?” his lover sounded a little perplexed and Rayne pushed himself up on his forearms and looked down sleepily at him. Kev murmured; “Don’t you worry that I might go off with another guy?”

“Should I?” The Vampire arched an eyebrow enquiringly.

“I worry about that with you all the time,” Kevan admitted, looking sheepish.

Rayne blinked at him, not sure what to make of that.

“If you worry about that, why do you let me fuck other men?” he asked curiously.

Kevan’s hands caressed his lean hips as gently as a collector examining a fine piece of porcelain.

“So that you don’t feel tied down,” he said, looking embarrassed.

“But you ‘do’ enjoy watching?” Rayne persisted, sitting up with his knees astride his mate’s belly. He rested both hands flat on Kevan’s chest and looked down at him with a challenge in his green eyes. “‘Don’t’ you?”

“Yeah,” Kev admitted, with a bashful smile. “It makes me horny. Like my own private porno, you know!”

“Dirty cunt!” Rayne laughed vehemently. “Did you like it tonight?”

“Mmmhhh, yeah!” Kev rumbled appreciatively and Rayne could feel the heat of his swollen cock head nodding against his buttocks now and knew it wasn’t a lie. “But I think ‘you’ liked it even more.”

“He made my eyes water, I’ll tell you that for nothing!” the Vampire chuckled, curling his fingers and drawing his nails across Kevan’s chest, just enough to mark him.

“He made your cock squirt as well!” Kev pointed out lewdly. “Never known you so randy with a stranger before!”

“You ‘are’ jealous, aren’t you?” Rayne sat back and put his hands on his hips, frowning at his lover in puzzlement. “What’s going on, Kevan? This was ‘your’ idea.”

“I know,” Kev sighed, shaking his head. “Ray, I don’t know what it is. I just feel like… I want you all to myself now. Tonight just proved it to me.”

His lover’s expression softened and he leaned forward again, then came down slowly into Kevan’s arms, wrapping himself around the other man and nestling into his warmth. He was confused and exhausted and just wanted to feed and sleep but he sensed that Kevan would not rest just yet.

“You can have me,” he whispered huskily. “I’ll be all yours. You just have to say, Kev.”

His mate hugged him almost tight enough to break ribs.

“Ray… the thought of you going off with Tony tonight…” he began then ran out of words.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Rayne told him at once. “I’m here with ‘you’, Kev.”

“I know you like your independence,” Kevan said stoically.

“True, and I like big cocks and I ‘love’ fucking and sucking, but I lo…” he stopped himself and closed his eyes, not sure how to proceed. “Kevan, I really like ‘you’ as well. I love being with you. I like making love with you. I want to make love with you now.”

Kevan said nothing, he just stroked Rayne’s naked back again quietly. His lithe little mate wriggled against him so that their cocks were touching and settled into his arms, his head on Kevan’s shoulder. They were still again. He had half expected Kevan to roll him, presented with an invitation like that, but the bigger man said nothing; did nothing. That in itself felt odd. His lover’s hand came to rest in the small of his back and he felt Kevan’s chest rise and fall steadily.

Rayne snuggled down again, perplexed but contented at the same time. If Kev did not want to fuck him then maybe he had his own reasons. For now it felt just as good to lie here in his arms. At least the other man had not thrown him out of bed. Tomorrow, he decided, he would make Kevan discuss this properly.

His eyes closed and he drifted again, tumbling easily into a dreamless sleep.



To be continued…


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