Unfinished Works by TexanBelgianCutie

A gay adult story: Unfinished Works_(0) by TexanBelgianCutie ,

Howdy y’all, I’ve amassed a small collection of stories that I feel unmotivated to finish. Since I’m in the closet about writing erotic stories, they are gonna be stored here and not on my computer. (With a backup of course)Feel free to comment regardless.

Feeling a bit impish?Freckles blew her crimson hair out of her face. Her plump body felt weak from her adventures, but the orc girl was determined to continue exploring the strange world she lived in.

The skimpy leather straps covering her moist crotch, round ass, and oversized breasts easily slip off, forcing her to constantly readjust them lest she accidentally exposes herself in public. Again.

Her tongue ran across her puffy green lips and the two smallish tuscks in anticipation for the random potion she pulled out of her bag.

“Let’s hope this one doesn’t turn me into a succubus like the last one”

The liquid easily slides down her throat and Freckles immediatly begins to feel it’s effects: The pupils of her dark red eyes widen, her light green skin shine with sweat, and her concentration becomes foggy with desire.

Potion: Musk

Frecks felt warmer and warmer, to the point where she was forced to find a patch of grass in the shade to lie down. She started panting as she removed the thin scraps of cloth covering her.

“Maybe this wasnt a good idea” She said out loud after smelling her armpits and realizing that she stunk bad.

The orc girl started to snooze off in the grass, hoping to sleep off the fever-like potion. That’s when she noticed that she had a visitor; a little red imp who seemed to be jerking off behind a tree.

He seemed harmless so she called out to him and invited him to come closer. The girl had no intention of making new friends, but the voyage is lonely and she wouldn’t mind letting him get himself off if it meant she could have a bit of company.

Freckles stayed laying down on her back and watched as the imp sat on a log a few feet away while stroking himself with fierce passion. She felt nice seeing the creature rubbing his massive twice inch cock so forcefully, he must really be turned on by her.

However, time passed and he seemed no where close to release, whilst she was getting hotter. A burning flame was slowly growing within the orc which made her unconciously start to grope herself. Her erotic display didn’t seem to help the imp, and now Freckles was getting impatient.

“Why hasn’t he came yet? My crotch is on fire and I really dont want to have to fuck a dirty imp”


The Story of Marble

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