Very Best Friends


A gay story: Very Best Friends The year was 1975 newly turned eighteen, a Senior at the height of the ‘Free Love’ era, and we were very best friends–at least that’s how Tony seemed to see it. Much as I wanted to, I couldn’t believe a guy like him would consider me his very best friend. It didn’t add up–and I didn’t really trust him. But there I was, waiting for him beside my locker–waiting for him to finish wrestling practise.

I mean that alone–that he was a half year older, captain of the wrestling team, while I only did gymnastics, put Tony in a whole other league. Never mind that Tony was also on the baseball team–was always surrounded by its giggling cheerleaders–that every cool jock in Rutland High considered him their own best friend. Let’s also throw in the additional fact that Tony was a ‘townie’, while I was bussed-in everyday from our farm. Farm boys were ‘hicks’, ‘4-H’ers’–in other words, ‘dirt’ to those who lived in town. I mean, I could see the silent envy, bordering on contempt, whenever Tony left his admirers behind in order to meet up with me.

Just the fact that Rutland High even offered Gymnastics was an oddity. Only two other schools in our region did. No one paid us much attention, making the gymnastics team feel that what we did wasn’t was all made up of us ‘farm boy hicks’.

No one except Tony came to our events. The empty gym echoed from his hollered cheers when I would dismount from the rings or bars. It was embarrassing as hell and made me instantly flush with chagrined pride. Were it anyone else, I would just want to die, but Tony Rodrigez was considered ‘King of the Jocks’. His enthusiastic cheers over my performances were viewed by my team as ‘the’ supreme compliment and served to subconsciously make me do my routines to please him alone.

In my own mind, though, I felt lucky. I felt lucky that Tony was my ‘buddy’. So on that day, I leaned against my locker in the empty hallway and again thought, “Yeah, I’m just a buddy. It’s a good word. Buddies are ‘just friends’.” Buddies aren’t best friends, and certainly not very best friends, I counselled and cautioned myself. I did so because I still couldn’t believe that Tony had called me his very best friend–but he did–and not just once.

I shook my head over the whole idea.

Even the first time he’d said it to me, I tried to correct him. We were at the swimming hole on my family’s farm. Tony was wearing his red Speedos while I just had on gym shorts. We were sitting on the raft, watching the sunfish nibble our toes.

“You ever have a best friend?”, he’d asked out of the blue.

I had to think it over. “Tommy Walker, I guess–before his parents sold the farm. They moved to Montpelier. I never hear from him anymore.”

Tony kicked the water around a while. Then he looked at me so long, I finally had to turn and look back at him. His eyes are like a deer’s’. They’re very dark brown and have long lashes. They’re the biggest eyes I’ve ever seen. I can hardly look into them without feeling like they’re looking right through me. It’s weird.

“You are my best friend,” he said quietly. “You are the very best friend I have.”

I suddenly looked at his full lips and snow-white teeth, as if unsure he was speaking to me–which of course was stupid because there was no one else there. “Oh, come on,” I blushed.

“No,” he said, once again catching my eyes. “You are, Jon. Can’t you believe it when I say it?”

I truly blushed then. I could feel the blood going right up my neck. I don’t know why I blushed, except Tony is the most handsome guy in our whole school. Everyone thinks so, especially the cheerleaders.

“You’re the most popular…” I began to protest.

“No, I’m not,” he interrupted forcefully.

“Anyway, I don’t care about that–or them either, really.”

He seemed to want to touch me or something. He seemed intense and agitated, as though trying to grapple with unknown forces.

Tony is the most physical guy I know, and his eyes went very dark and liquid.

“Don’t you want a best friend?”

I felt my whole face bloom scarlet at his question. “S-sure”, I stammered, hating myself for sounding so eager.

He put his hand right on my knee–his dark brown hand on my bare knee.

“Then say that you’re mine,” he insisted, smiling, squeezing into my leg.

“Okay,” was all I could say back.

“Good. Now let’s race to the dock.”

So we did. And I won.

That was the first of several more times. Tony’s face always brightened when he saw me in the hall between classes. He’d leave girls in mid-sentence to playfully push me against the wall, pinning me there.

“How’s my very best friend?” he’d grinned down at me a few days ago.

Now, I’m five-foot-four, and Tony is about five-eleven, with the widest shoulders of anyone.

“How’s mine?” I’d managed to mumble back, having to look up into those eyes and grinning face.

He then messed up my blond hair. “We’re going to my cottage, aren’t we? –I can’t wait!”

“You invited anyone else?” I’d asked, looking at his adoring harem and jock clique impatiently waiting for his attentions. The girls were glaring at me.

“Hell, no,” he whispered, letting me go. “I don’t want to ruin it, now do I?”

And suddenly his magical presence was back being courted by his muscle-jock friends and shamelessly-fawning cheerleaders–and I was left wondering if it had even happened. I was left wondering how he could be so physical, almost affectionate with me in front of those guys. It was hugely embarrassing, yet because he was Tony Rodrigez, anything he did was instantly called ‘cool’. But the lingering looks of others in the hallway let me know pretty quickly that they thought I was a brown-nosing little nerd, and a hick.

“No,” I again thought, as I leaned against my locker and searched the now-vacant hall, “I’m a buddy. He may say it’ll just be the two of us, but it won’t be. He’s too popular. They’ll all show up somehow and he’ll act like he’s surprised.”

That was last week, and today was Friday, D Day for our weekend trip to his parents’ cottage.

I looked down at my gym bag, full of everything from fresh underwear to fishing lures, and wondered if I’d also packed the brand-new Speedos I’d decided I’d splurge on. Believing it really wouldn’t end up being just Tony and I, I didn’t want to look uncool in front of his supremely cool friends. But I couldn’t believe how much those stupid little things cost–eating up most of my saved cash–all to impress people I didn’t even like.

And right on cue, I heard faraway laughter and knew that Tony and his gaggle was approaching. I steeled myself emotionally, preparing to be barely tolerated, wondering how many of them would be coming along with us.

The group turned the far corner, Tony in the middle. He is always unmistakable because Tony is dark-skinned. His father is from Cuba, and his mother, African American. Tony’s skin is the color and texture of mocha, or light milk chocolate. It makes his smile super-white, and his eyes all the more expressive. He’s as handsome as a guy gets, with a body to match. And all the girls love his dark looks–exotic, I’ve heard them call him.

I’m sure if he were skinny and ugly, I swear that bunch would be whispering, ‘nigger’. He’s the only person in school who’s not of the ‘white bread, vanilla’, variety.

Speaking of vanilla, my parents are Scandinavian. When I was a boy my hair was so curly-blond, it was almost white. At least, though, I tan really well, or I’d feel like a ghost next to Tony.

“Hey, Jensen,” Matthew Brooks said half-heartedly as he approached.

“Hey Matt,” I answered, trying to smile.

“Jon!”, Tony shouted. He chest-bumped and then pushed me and then messed-up my curly hair. Tony’s hair is super-curly–kinky, he calls it–and as black as ebony.

His gathering of wrestling jocks watched all this suddenly bored to death. They were obviously waiting for him to finish with me so they could all keep on walking.

“Catch you later,” Tony said to their surprised faces. “Great workout–you nearly pinned me, Brooks!”

Uh, okay,” David Williams said, looking at me, then at Tony. “We’re going to Brenda’s party later–the folks are away.” He winked at Tony.

Matt Brooks threw Tony a punch.

“Don’t get hammered again, Williams,” Tony laughed. He smiled at them winningly, until they reluctantly mumbled things and went off by themselves.

“You could still go, you know,” I said, genuinely amazed to see them walk off minus their ‘hero’.

“What? –to Brenda’s?”

I nodded.

“I thought we had a date,” he said, face falling, clearly disappointed.

My neck began to burn, blood rushing into my cheeks. I couldn’t believe I’d heard the word ‘date’ come out of Tony’s lips. “Well, we do,” I fumbled, mumbling my words.

“My stuff’s in the Jeep,” Tony grinned. He looked at my bag. “Jesus–what’d you bring? –it’s only for a weekend!”

He grabbed my gym bag, pretending it weighed a ton, going on about what a cool time we were going to have.

And then we were in his Jeep, me pausing when I saw a whole case of Miller in the back.

“It’s from my Dad,” Tony laughed, his teeth so very white, his full lips spread. “He said we won’t catch fish without some beer.”

He drove us out of the parking lot. “My Dad’s cool. He knows I can’t handle more than three without falling over.” We immediately headed out of town. “And he trusts me, which is the coolest part of all!”

We chatted about my own limited experience with drinking, then switched to sports. All the while I felt in a dream of sorts, as I watched the farms give way to forest. There was Tony, laughing at my stories about trying out golf, his animated face looking over at me every chance he could. He seemed to always want to look right into my eyes.

I felt proud to have his attention. I even fleetingly began to feel like Tony’s very best friend. He listened to every single word I said—kept asking me my opinions on baseball and other sports. It became a little too much of a good thing. I began to wonder if there wasn’t going to be a ‘catch’ in all this, wonder when the other shoe would fall or something.

I glanced back at the case of beer. “I guess you invited some friends to join us?”, I nodded at it.

“What? –this weekend?” he looked genuinely surprised by the question. “I already told you it’s just gonna be ‘us’.”

I could detect hurt in his smile. “I know. Sorry.”

He grinned afresh, his dark face and white teeth gleaming at me. The sun was shining through spaces in the trees as we came into the mountains. “I told you my Dad trusts me,” he explained. “You think I’d risk all that by inviting those horny bastards to the lake?”

I shrugged a little, not knowing how to react.

“They just want to get laid–every last one of ’em,” he laughed, shaking his head. Tony’s ears are very small and cute and lie right against his head. And his nappy hair is cut very short. “You watch–on Monday they’ll be full of fibs, bragging about Brenda’s stupid party.”

I wondered to myself whether Tony had ever laid a cheerleader.

“My Dad knows your Dad. They’re in Rotary. He thought it was fine when I asked if we could use the cottage.” He looked at me, eyes all happy, as though proud I was his special pal. “And it’s a great place! We put in a hot tub last summer.”

I couldn’t help but glance at Tony’s shoulder and biceps while he drove. Tony is amazingly built. Even I, with my gymnasts’ body, aren’t a match for his incredible physique. His shoulder is the size of a shotput. His biceps nearly ripped his T shirt open as he steered the Jeep.

I looked up to see Tony watching me admiring his build. I fought against blood rising up my neck again. He smiled even more at me, as if it were a compliment, as if proud I even noticed his body. I smiled back but didn’t know what to say. What do you say, when you’ve just been caught checking out your best friend’s muscles? Shit.

“I think you’re cool,” Tony then said, looking at the steep, winding road. “I guess you already know that, huh?”

“What?” I asked, not believing it.

“You are,” he nodded. “I have a very cool, very best friend.”

I shook my head, smiling like an idiot. “Come on, Tony. Shit.”


“No one thinks that” I argued. “They think I’m a…”

“They’re jerks,” Tony’s face grew angry-looking. I’d never seen him frown, much less look angry.

“They couldn’t get even up on that high bar, and especially those rings, much less pull off your routines. It’s fucking amazing, is what it is.”

“God,” I said. “Thanks.” I felt an unfamiliar surge of pride make my heart pound like a hammer.

“For your height, you have the most perfect body I’ve ever seen,” Tony added, looking me over.

“Shit,” I said, glancing his way. “It’s nothing like yours.” I meant every word, though I was sure Tony had heard it a million times before.

He seemed almost ready to blush himself! He swallowed and gripped the wheel, his face beaming as he looked at the highway. “You really think so?,” he asked thickly, his voice unsure and quiet.

I felt disbelief rise up my throat. I looked at his profile, trying to detect false humility, or disingenuousness or something. Instead, he swallowed again, his Adams’ Apple bobbing, his eyes plastered on the road. He was waiting for my response, I could tell. His smile was evaporating into crestfallen disappointment the longer I stayed silent.

“It’s—well, it’s… ”

“What?” he interrupted, his huge eyes looking uncharacteristically searching. “Too much bulk? –I can do something about that–eat leaner and stuff…”

I laughed. I shouldn’t have, but couldn’t help it. The most handsome, built, popular jock at Rutland High was apologizing to me over his body!

“Oh, shit,” Tony said, blinking his eyes at the road. “You think…”

“… I think NOTHING,” I slapped my knee, flashing my green eyes at him. “You’re like a GOD to me, or something. God damn!” I felt my face grow instantly red. I didn’t know what I was saying anymore. I just felt upset. “You’re like a fucking ADONIS!”

There was this hideous silence, filled-in by the climbing, whining Jeep’s engine.

“Why do you think you’re so… so godamned popular?”, I asked, my voice cracking, my heart pounding. “Don’t tell me you don’t even KNOW! You have to. I’m sorry, but you DO. You have to.”

Again, a horrible silence filled the car, Tony staring out at the winding road while I brooded in the passenger seat.

“Oh God, I’m sorry,” I said again. “I get this way sometimes. I don’t know what I’m saying.”

Tony’s smile was sad, but still there. “I told you already that they don’t matter to me,” he said, his long-lashed eyes blinking at me. “As long as I win all my matches and hit homeruns, they treat me like a Superhero,” he said. “But, Jon, in case you haven’t noticed… I’m the only colored kid in the school. I’m black,” he gestured to his face. “My Momma’s black. She’s truly black. Way, way, black.”

He swallowed, his smile very sad now. “And you’re the only one who doesn’t give a shit if I win or lose, or I’m fuckin’ ‘green’, for Christ’s sake.” His eyes swallowed mine right inside. “And you know why?”

I could only shake my head, feeling dumb and stupid for my silent reaction.

“Because you’re my very best friend,” Tony announced, as if reminding himself of what he’s decided I was to him. “And because you already know what an outsider feels like. You already know what if feels like to be different from everyone else. They treat you like you don’t even exist.”

“Thanks,” I half-whispered, my voice hoarse. And finally, right then, and completely, I actually believed Tony Rodrigez. “And you’re right, you know–I am. I am your very best friend.” I felt my eyes sting. “And you’re mine, too,” I quickly added, my voice thickening up with emotion, meaning every word.


It wasn’t really a cottage so much as a rambling house with a huge deck and hot tub, with lots of wooden steps leading down the steep backyard to the secluded lake. It was early October, and we had to be the only ones around. All the other cottages had their docks pulled-up onto the bank.

And there were no boats or canoes anywhere on the glassy, chilled surface. “We keep ours open all winter,” Tony said as we stood on the dock, his huge shoulder brushing against mine. We looked over the silent lake, listening to the call of blue jays. “My Dad loves ice fishing. I think it’s like watching paint dry–but he loves it, so I go, too.”

“You love your Dad a lot,” I said, looking at his smile.

“He’s my hero. He’s the most affectionate, supportive guy there is”, he smiled at me proudly. “I love my Momma too–a lot, don’t get me wrong… but my Dad’s a real man.” He looked at me sincerely. “I admire guys like him–guys with guts–guys who can show their feelings without feeling they’re sissies.”

He looked at me like I was myself a guy like his Dad. I could only nod back, wondering how I could even come close to being a man in Tony’s eyes.

My own father was strong, silent, and distant. I knew he loved me but wasn’t always sure of it.

“Hey,” he said suddenly, taking off one of his sneakers. “Let’s take a swim before it gets completely dark,” Tony grinned at me. “It’s gonna be pretty chilly, but then there’s always the hot tub!”

“Jeez,” I looked into the uninviting depths, watching the fall leaves floating on top of the silent water. “You sure you want to?” It looked absolutely freezing cold, especially with no sun, and no one else enjoying it. Some crows flew over, cawing at us like we were intruding.

“I switched on the hot tub already,” he said, pulling up his T shirt.

“But,” I looked down at myself, then at him.

“There’s no one here!”, he announced happily. “Besides, it’s getting dark,” he gestured at the sky. “Leave your jockey’s on if you want,” he tugged his tight shirt over his gym-built pecs. “But there’s seriously no one around but us… trust me.”

I could handle Tony in Speedos—I’d managed before. But Tony completely naked wasn’t something I’d ever seen, or was ready to see. I suddenly wished his friends would all show up.

Truth be told, I have a really big cock, which seems to have a mind all its own. It’s why I always wait after our meets to shower alone. There is something about my being naked around other naked guys that makes my oversized dork embarrass me.

Suddenly, I was staring at the naked cheeks of Tony’s muscular, chocolate-toned ass!

I shivered in the chilly evening light–hating the idea of even attempting to jump into that frosty, midnight-dark lake–yet hating even more throwing an embarrassing, telltale hardon in front of Tony.

I wavered briefly, my eyes glimpsing the triangular dark vee of Tony’s pubic bush–seeing for the first time how he sported a cock to end all cocks–and suddenly just jumped in.

A roaring, icy thunder hit my brain, my heart nearly exploding from the shock! Surfacing like mad, a second thunderous roar filled my senses. I gasped and struggled, clawing for the surface, my legs treading like crazy.

“Oh, Jesus,” I shivered as I shouted. “Jesus Christ!”

Tony whooped and splashed, the noise echoing rudely in the silent autumnal air. He kicked a ton of water at me, so I grabbed for his foot, and sent him under. Then I was suddenly left staring at nothing, wondering where the hell he went.

I felt apprehensive, knowing he was down there below me. I also felt totally vulnerable because we were bareassed naked. I know that’s not such a big deal, I guess–or shouldn’t be–but it was an unfamiliar lake, and the water was freezing, and even with a suit on, I would have felt naked. But actually, truly BEING bareassed naked in that dark, cold, deserted lake–well, it made me feel ultra-naked or something. I just felt really jumpy and skittish.

A swirl of current hit way down around my ankles. There were little eddies rising on the surface, and little bubbles. I knew Tony was down there scheming, when suddenly I felt his big arms clamp around my legs. The next thing I knew, we were wrestling underwater–his naked cock pressed right against my bare ass! It felt warm and arousing, even as we struggled.

I couldn’t believe he would be so nonchalant about it, as if it didn’t matter at all–like he didn’t care his cock was rubbing into my body. I pushed at his tremendous biceps, fighting to get to the air. And when we finally both did, yelling and spitting and coughing, Tony stayed close to me, our hips brushing as we treaded like maniacs.

“Gotcha!” he laughed, trying to grab my ass through the swirling water below.

“I almost drowned,” I gasped, nervous over his nearness. I coughed dramatically.

“Oh, I would’ve saved you,” he then brought his arm up to lay around my shoulders. “What are best friends for?”

I almost wanted to throw my arm around him, too, but I felt so goddamned naked. And he felt so naked, too, his body pressed against my side. And then we were quietly looking at the orangey reflection of the setting sun, listening to the distant sound of crows.

Tony left his arm where it was, our hips joined, while we kicked to stay buoyant.

“It’s beautiful here, huh?”, he said, sighing contentedly, his warmth and big muscles caressing my submerged body. His vice was low and intimate-sounding, his arm draped across my shoulders, his head close to mine.

“Um, yeah,” I agreed, afraid to really enjoy his closeness. I simply couldn’t believe Tony’s casual, unembarrassed relaxation. I mean, he was literally hugging me–another guy–in the water while we were both nude!

He was acting like it was the most natural thing there was to do.

“You cold?”, he wondered, as I felt my body trembling. I was numb, except where my skin touched his.

“Well, yeah,” I laughed a little. “Aren’t you?”

“Naw,” he said, pulling me even closer into him. “You’re real warm you know.”

I really didn’t know what to say to that. “You’re real warm, too,” I managed. And then I nearly died when I thought I felt his chubby cock poking my thigh!

“I love swimming naked,” he said then, finally letting go of my shoulders. Next, he was facing me, our toes hitting as we treaded. His teeth were snow white in the evening darkness, while his eyes were so beautifully large, I swallowed when he gazed at me.

“Do you?” he asked, grinning.

“Do I, what?”, I asked back, trying to relax some.

“–like swimming bareassed?”, he laughed, splashing me a little. “I bet you do–at the swimming hole–when no one’s around.”

Again, I could hardly look at those huge, dark eyes without looking away. It’s like no one on earth could ever tell a lie while under Tony’s gaze.

“My family’s real modest,” I said earnestly. “I always think someone’s watching me, or something.”

Tony’s teeth flashed in the dimming light. “But it’s cool, huh?–right now, I mean–huh?”

I looked around at the dusky shore, unable to make out the surrounding cottages. “You’re sure no one’s here?–I mean, you know… ”

Tony turned to see where I was looking. Then he looked back at me.

“Jeez,” he laughed, “you really ARE modest, huh, Jonnie?”

“I dunno,” I smiled weakly, embarrassed.

Tony treaded his way back beside me, his body instantly warm where we brushed and kicked. “We should be proud of how we look, you know,” he said. “Besides, we won’t have to wash our suits and hang ’em up on the line and all that shit.”

He made it sound like wringing out a skimpy pair of Speedos was a big burden. He also made it sound like we’d be spending the whole weekend skinny dipping. I laughed then, his logic sounding absurd, his voice amazingly sincere.

“You know what?”, I smiled.

“What?–tell me,” he bumped his hip against mine.

“You’re like Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer–that’s what!”

He seemed a little surprised, searching my face for disapproval or something. “Is that bad?”

“Hell, no, it’s not bad,” I laughed. “It’s better than being little Jonnie Jensen,” I said, making a face. “Little modest Jon-Jon.”

He splashed me teasingly. “So what if you’re modest? Shit. And you sure aren’t ‘little’!” He grabbed my bicep, making it flex against his grip. “BIG fuckin’ biceps, man,” he whistled. “Shoulders, too.”

“Come on,” I mumbled, while flexing even more into his warm fingers.

“You’re the best,” he reached out and once again drew me into his side, his hand on my upper back. He was amazingly developed–I could feel his muscles rippling. “No one’s as humble and well-built as you are,” he said admiringly. “You keep to yourself–don’t parade around like we do.” He let go of me, leaving me feeling a little dazed. I could barely see him anymore it was getting so dark. “And no one bothers to watch you on the bars or the rings–‘cuz, you know why?”

I shook my head, then realised he probably couldn’t see me. “Not really,” I said. “Why?”

“Because they’re green with envy, that’s why.” He tugged my arm to get me to go with him back to the dock. “They can’t handle anyone as talented as you. That’s why, Jonnie.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I just breast-stroked slightly behind him, unsure of my bearings. Compliments of any kind embarrass me to death. Compliments coming from a guy as built and handsome and popular as Tony made me go dumb. I sort of distrust compliments, because I’m afraid I’ll start to believe them or something.


It was glowing turquoise with steam rising from its swirling surface. Tony laughed, watching me standing there quaking, my hair dripping, using my clothes to completely hide my junk. I was staring at the steaming hot tub, disbelieving it was real.

His laughter changed once our eyes met. His own eyes grew softer, darker, as he looked at my blue lips and chattering teeth. Tony glanced down at my attempt at modesty, my crotch-stuffed bundle of clothes. He himself still held his, but just casually.

“Look,” he said, his black, nappy hair twinkling with water, “there really ISN’T anyone around, you know, Jonnie.”

“I k-k-know,” I shivered, still feeling really stupid and self-conscious.

“We CAN wear our suits, though, if you want.”

I kicked at the deck, wishing I were someone other than myself. “It’s not THAT,” I stammered, “–I mean, that I think there are spies around and shit.” I tried to look up at him, but he just looked too handsome, his dark cheekbones gleaming, his large eyes searching my face. And God, those little cute ears.

“I… I just… SHIT,” I wanted to die all of a sudden.

“You can tell me,” he said simply. “What are very best friends for?” he said yet once again, this time very quietly, reassuringly.

I shrugged. I glanced at him, checking his face for even the slightest hint of insincerity. He just looked a little concerned; and, yeah, a little curious. I sighed, my body quaking in the night air. “I just get…um…too excited or something–when I’m naked–with someone–.”

My face must have been red as a tomato, because I could literally hear my pulse ringing in my ears. I glanced up to find Tony grinning, relief all over his face.

“Is THAT all?”, he laughed, slightly exasperated. “Hell.” He tossed his clothes on the deck, making me look everywhere but at his nude physique. “So the fuck what, Jonnie? Okay?”

I nodded, reluctantly dropping my clothes. I instantly felt ultra-naked–naked in front of Tony Rodriguez.

I stared down at his feet.

There was this telling silence–a silence which to me meant that Tony was openly checking out everything I had.

I heard him give out a breathy whistle, as if he couldn’t quite believe his eyes. My legs trembled from the cold–trembled from my frayed nerves–the last thing I wanted my legs to do at that moment.

“You’re as big as I am down there,” I heard him say with respectful awe.

I was blushing furiously, certain my face was probably crimson. Had there been even a hint of tease or taunt in his voice, I would have bolted.

I stared at the deck.

“It’s a real beauty,” he said then.

“Oh God,” I whispered. I could feel blood begin pumping into something I so wanted to stay looking like a wet cigar. I was getting very anxious, very nervous.

“Seriously,” Tony said. “It’s as big as a cucumber—and what a set of BALLS!”

That did it.

My head snapped up–me ready to say whatever it took to shut him up, only to be stopped dead in my tracks.

Tony stood there, legs apart, a mammoth weapon levering upwards in tilting heartbeats. It shot upward from a crisp, triangular wad of soft, kinky, so sexy black hair, framed by his smooth, stallion-sized, chocolate-satin thighs.

Rich, very dark balls the size of kiwis, encased in such soft, generously-supplied creped skin–like the folds of rich drapery–hung in heavy, almost lewd, suspension.

“Yeah,” he said–practically a sigh–not caring in the least that he was so turned-on. “That’s one, beautiful cock!”

He was staring unabashedly and directly between my fleecy-blond hairy tanned thighs, and his worshipful gaze was aimed straight at my big fat Scandinavian dick.

I felt the head expand, sending little shocks up my spine. My cock is VERY big in girth and coiled and bunched-up when it’s cold. But whenever it gets excited, it turns into a preening monster.

I’m not bragging, there’s just no other way to describe the oversized thing. I mean, hell, I’m five-foot-four, and I guess I’m very well built–but when I get a full hardon, it probably looks like I’ll fall over. It just looks like I’ve got a Titan missile stuck between my legs! It dominates my whole torso.

“Holy fuck!” Tony whispered, watching it lengthen and throb upwards.

“‘Holy fuck’, yourself,” I said back, staring at his mahogany totem. It was every inch as huge as mine, only it curved the way an archery bow does when you tense the string, a strong bend up beyond his navel. The gorgeous, brown, and truly enormous mushroom head on it was a work of art. But at least on Tony it all looked more proportionate because he was much taller and even more muscular.

“Do they make jokes about yours the way they do mine?” openly gawking at what I had going on between my very curly, dark-blond cock-bushy vee.

That question–and the fact that he was obviously just as erect as I was–made me finally, finally breathe deeply, exhale, and… just… let go. My defensive guard gave way to a feeling of relief I’d never really ever experienced. I even began to stop trembling.

“I don’t give anyone a chance to even look at it,” I shrugged in a spirit of confession. “I just wait till the locker room empties out before I shower.”

He nodded in apparent empathy.

“Um, well, okay… so… do you, um, like mine?” he asked then, his voice uncharacteristically quiet, his manner very uncharacteristically hesitant.

I knew better than to say ‘no’–which would’ve been one big fat lie–but then I wasn’t exactly experienced in the art of complimenting another guy’s hard cock. My pausing made his eyes look away from me and down at the deck.

“It’s…it’s super,” I blurted a little too loudly, suddenly feeling like an idiot.

“Really?” His eyes were drilling into me, but I couldn’t look up. I was genuinely transfixed.

“The fat head pokes right into your belly button–hell, past it, it’s so huge,” I said marvelling. “It’s so cool the way it curves like that. And look at that huge vein snaking up it!”

“Yours is as stiff as a friggin’ two-by-four,” he stared, wonder in his voice. He looked up at me intently.

He paused, searching my face. “Does the color of mine turn you off?”

I laughed, which made him stiffen in instant alarm–so unlike him. “Tony,” I utterly quickly. “Hey–no DON’T–don’t be, you know, hurt, Tony, okay?”

“Why I laughed just now?” I gestured down at my throbbing pork roll, then quickly back up at him. “C’mon… I mean, seriously, Tony—do I look like I’m turned OFF, here?”

I smiled apologetically, indicating my upthrust rod. Tony stared at it, then back at my smiling face, then broke out in a laugh. He exhaled in relief.

“Silly question, huh?” he grinned, back to his old self.

“Um, very,” I nodded in huge relief.

“I guess we both really get each other going,” Tony said. “I’m hard as fuckin’ rock.”

“Me, too,” I said, which was so so true.

“You embarrassed?” He smiled, his eyes looking concerned.

I shook my head. “Not now–not anymore.” I suddenly felt like I could share anything at all with him–felt a huge, huge burden disappearing–felt so utterly light and free, I didn’t know such feelings were possible.

“I just feel, um…”

“What?” he waited in suspense. “You feel, what?”

“Um, you know…horny.” I shrugged, embarrassed for being so blunt. “And cold–except for….”, I smiled down at my ‘third arm’.

“Then let’s waltz these two badboys into the tub,” Tony grinned conspiratorially. “–see what happens next.”

I felt excited–not nervous–excited…and really, honestly? –happy-excited. Our unwieldy batons scythed before us like separate entities, sending thrills up it’s every twitch and lurch.

“Wow,” Tony said, staring at it. “That’s…one…giant…schlong!”

“Look who’s talking,” my eyes followed the curvaceous thrusts of his incredible Dark Lord. It was so solidly independent, it just swung around in front of him like a cargo ship’s derrick!

“So friggin’ hot!” I winced down.

“I’ll say,” Tony stared at my belly-thumping beefsteak.

“I meant the water.”


And it was hot–and he was right–NOT just the water.

I was so turned-on by our erotic nudity–by the enormity of newly-felt, shared horniness–I could feel a dull wall of warning building in my swaying nuts. My cock was indeed stiff as a two-by-four –like it would never be anything but this fucking hard.

The swirling, heated tub only made it grow harder, if that were even possible.

We sat down on the submerged ledge, me gasping at the heat. The water came just below Tony’s chiselled, chestnut-brown, knockout tits, while only covering about two-thirds of our surfacing hardons.

“Fuckin’ UNREAL,” Tony laughed down at the sight. They looked like two periscopes–another species–his mahogany, with a giant mushroom head. Mine was pink from the heat and super-flared, the helmet-shaped head huge and polished.

“These have to be the biggest two dicks in the whole school,” Tony said, in awe, almost reverently.

“Think so?” I didn’t know how to discuss guys’ dicks. I usually tried not to even think about guys’ dicks.

“They call me ‘donkey dong’ and shit,” Tony looked at me, half-smiling. “But I know they’d trade in theirs for one of these models, like THIS,” he snapped his fingers.

The turquoise water glowed and swirled around our surfaced skin rockets.

Then suddenly, Tony shifted himself next to me. My first impulse and instinct was to move away, but I knew one thing for certain: I was navigating all new territory–new and a little scary–but mostly breathtakingly exciting new territory.

Our biceps and shoulders and thighs were rubbing gently in the steamy tub. It was muscle caressing, feeling up, worshiping, and enjoying muscle. “This is so great,” Tony sighed, and then threw his arm around my shoulders. I stiffened a little, not knowing how to react. I mean, we’d arrived all clothed, him showing me his folks’ summer place. The next thing I knew, we were skinny dipping in the lake–and now he had his arm around me while we discussed the whole new world of cocks and hardons.

“We really are very best friends,” Tony said, his head nearly touching mine. His fingers pressed into my solid deltoid.

I only managed to nod my head, my cheek actually brushing one of his cute little ears.

“I know you’re sort of shy and all,” Tony said quietly. “So just push me away if I’m too in-your-face,” he laughed, pulling me even more into his muscular side.

“It’s okay,” I said. “It’s kind of great, really,” I added, clearing my throat.

“That’s what I mean about all this ‘best friends’ talk,” Tony smiled contentedly. “We can be like this,” he nodded down at our prominent rods, “and not be all immature-acting like those other jocks.” He looked sideways at me, his bicep flexing into the back of my neck. It felt huge and warm and solid. “It’s great, huh?”

He always seemed to need to know my opinion. Hardly anyone was ever interested in my opinion on anything. I wasn’t used to offering up my thoughts, even in class. I nodded again. “You sure are built, Tony,” I said back, feeling like everything I said was lame.

“You feel good, too,” he answered, pulling me closer. “Your routines really put on the muscle, huh?–amazing torso, man–seriously. Gymnasts work body parts to the max, with eye-popping results.”

I didn’t have to blush–my face was already bright pink from the hot tub.

“Well, you’ve got killer thighs,” I said. “And your pecs and arms and delts are amazing.” Once again, I felt stupid, discussing our obvious nakedness.

“God, thanks,” Tony said, genuinely grateful. “Yours are the best–far as I’m concerned. And these abs!” he looked down. “Fucking unreal!”

“I’m a shrimp,” I muttered. “–at least, next to you.”

Suddenly his bicep locked around my neck, forcing me to look straight into his close-up face.

“Don’t ever say that” he sort of whispered, relaxing his arm some. He looked uncharacteristically upset. “You’re perfect,” he insisted. “To me, you are PERFECT. I can hold you real tight, even though you’re built.” He hugged me against him. It forced my left hand up across his flexed right pec. I felt his fat nipple instantly stiffen. My fingertips connected with the hair in his pit, soft and kinky.

Even then, Tony wasn’t the least embarrassed. He sighed, still keeping his arm over my shoulder.

My cock was now roaring hard, and my balls were sweetly aching.

“Sorry,” he murmured. “I’m a physical guy–I guess you’ve noticed.”

I knew better than to laugh. “I wish I was, too,” I admitted. “–so, it’s good that at least one of us is.”

“It’s okay, then?” he wondered. “I’m not…..?”

“You’re not anything,” I interrupted, trying to calm his apprehensions. “I like it.”

“Wow!”, he laughed then, like a big kid, his face more handsome than any guy on the planet. “So I can hold you and stuff? You sure that it’s not…?”

“…. I TOLD you,” I stammered. “I LIKE it.”


He leaned into me, which made me lean in also. Our gigantic cocks tilted toward one another, only a couple of inches apart.

Then, daringly, I climbed down into the tub, waded my way right between Tony’s spread legs. I could feel his smooth, wet thighs against my knees. Unlike my legs, his were nearly devoid of hair, the effect almost even more sensual to me.

Crouching just a little, our great fat throbbers were so close, I swear I could feel the heat of his radiating out at mine.

“Hot, hot cocks,” I husked down at Tony. “Huh, man?”

“Y-yeah,” he whispered, not daring to move a muscle.

And now it was my turn to be physical for a change.

“You dig my big, hard cock, Tony?” I bounced it from my pelvis, a mere inch away from his.

“Oh yeah,” he whispered again, his big brown eyes like saucers.

“I dig yours, too–you know why?” I drilled my emerald eyes into his huge black pupils.

“Uh uh,” he said, head shaking, voice low and almost whispered.

“‘Cuz it’s like a big, fat O Henry bar, man–like it’s just begging to be sucked and licked,” I heard my voice say. “… and then swallowed.”

“Ohhhhh, fuuuuck,” Tony moaned.

His legs suddenly clamped against my knees, and I watched as a clear pearl of cock dew drooled from the stretched hole of his skintight mushroom head. It trickled down his arched shaft, following the snaking vein, his deep-toned skin rocket pulsing with lust.

“Yours is so pink and sweet and tough,” he stared. “It’s like a fuckin’ candy apple–on a great big stick!”

Though a brand-new adventure, complete with my characteristic misgivings, I was getting off on keeping him all hot and bothered. It got me just as worked up, just as hot and bothered.

It was fun.

“Hmmm,” I purred. “You think chocolate and pink candy are a good combination?”

“Sure,” he stared, wondering where this was going, coming from someone he thought was always shy and reserved.

I slowly brought both arms in front of me and opened my hands a few inches from our jerking hardons.

“Oh Sweet Jesus,” Tony gasped.

I levered my dick down, then firmly grabbed our torched rods and pressed them together.

And then I squeezed.

“Unnghhhhhh,” Tony groaned skyward, head thrown back.

My knees nearly caved-in–the sexual charge so exquisitely thrilling, I felt shaken with lust. So sexual was it, that male-to-male contact, that it changed me inside, rewired my circuits, undid the useless and connected me to who I really was inside my deepest self.

Little Jonnie Jensen was no longer little, no longer Jonnie, but a man–a man who knew what and who he wanted, and wasn’t going back to the old Jonnie for anything in the world.

My two hands couldn’t fit completely around their combined girth. I stared at our big cockheads french-kissing together and shook with orgasmic tremors.

I whimpered and pumped them some, dazed by the feel and sight and size of our mating, love-making, hot-as-fuck cocks.

Tony’s hips rose upwards from the water, grunting and feeding my fists dark dick, his eyes now slitted with lust.

When I felt my ultra-sensitive balls rubbing his own hair-sprinkled, suede-skinned bag, I lost all control. I nearly fell backwards into the tub, and I let go of our dicks to catch my balance.

In shock, I splashed down beside him, breathing hotly, no longer the sexual teaser.

“Oh, FUCK,” Tony stared at me. “We’ve GOTTA now, man….” —and he flung one hand under his huge balls while grabbing his aching cock with the other.

I stared back at him, fisting like mad, mouth open, tongue lolling out.

We shifted to face each other, staring at tits and biceps and flying fists. We stared at rippling abs, muscular thighs, hunky armpits, and lifted our hips out of the water, each other’s eyes fixated most of all on each other’s ripely flared and snorting cockheads.

The thick pile of his midnight-black bush framed his brown-toned meat and smooth muscular thighs. His huge balls were a deeper, richer shade, sprinkled with black curls. It was the one place on Tony’s smooth, muscular body with any hair at all–and the crisp, blue-black thatch turned his giant cock and balls into a masculine, mysterious, triangular wedge of raw power. With Speedos on, that hairy-black delta disappeared completely, making anyone think that Tony was–apart from his armpits–devoid of body hair, period.

But now knowing that hunky, forested bush was just beyond view, I knew I could never stay soft again around Tony in that full-pouched sexy suit.

These flashes of erotic turn-on were far from being processed as we whacked-off. I just ogled salaciously–hungering for all that cock–my eyes sinking into the vortex of his black-kinky vee.

“Uh-uh-UH-uh-OH-OHHH, JONNIE!!!” Tony’s bulging eyes were glued on my roaring throbber and blurry bundle of thigh-slapping balls.

Rigidly turned toward one another, our hot crotches nearly touched as we madly masturbated in a primal, exotic, thrillingly sweet fury. Pre-come coated our rods, making a slickened, slippery sound alongside our moans and whimpers.

Our eyes connected, his glazed with passion. His tongue lolled out, teeth snow white, half-smiling, handsome in lust. His eyes were black and yearning, beckoning me. Our faces drew closer, and then our tongues were doing wet battle while we moaned together and panted down each other’s throat. The contact made us crazy, our fists racing over our scorching cocks. My eyes saw only his eyes then, which pulled me deep inside. I wanted to kiss him sweetly, fully, but we were jumping and flexing, only managing to wage tongue warfare.

It was hot–sexy hot–melting-down hot. My mind shut down. I was left with cock and muscle–and those erotically-male seductive eyes. The crescendo was taking me over the falls, with Tony heading over them with me. That unmistakable wave of pounding need built–no turning back–our mouths panting our heat, our eyes wide in shocked surrender.

We locked in an upward snapping of hips, our torsos colliding, our hands throttling, choking our screaming erections.

Astonished looks crossed our faces, a final gasp escaping our lips…. “UNGHHH!,” Tony throated.

“Oh!” I felt an internal wall cave-in, a feeling like someone had thrown a giant switch.

Tony shuddered, eyes glassy, mouth an astonished ‘O’.

“Uh–uh–oh–oh–OH!!!” Clots of pent-up cream plowed out my snorting cock, splatting Tony’s face. I stared down in sweet horror to witness a rope of jizz spew out Tony’s bulging cockhead, hitting my chin. I would have laughed, the whole thing so outrageous–but my body wracked in seizure, kept firing out shots of hot cum, hitting my tits, then Tony’s neck.

“Oh God–oh God–oh GOD!”, Tony shouted, hips gyrating, his skincannon rearing back and firing. It flew everywhere, the air streaked with jets of sperm.

Whole minutes of mind-numbing, muscle-flexing orgasm seized our bodies–our asscheeks smacking the water, splashing it over the sides of the tub.

“J-JESUS,” I shuddered, yet more cum spewing, my cock bucking and firing.

We fell back onto the ledge, only to be seized yet again, our bodies rising back up in flexing contortion. Waves sloshed against the tub, little streamers of jizz floating about.

“Holy, holy FUCK,” Tony panted.

“Oh, God,” I exhaled. “Oh GOD.”

I looked at Tony, wondering what had happened, like surviving a train wreck.

His smile was weak, yet happy. And his eyes again sparkled. He lifted his hand– covered with it. “Talk about CUM,” he panted.

“Look at this!” I raised up my own, and we laughed and tried shaking hands, the effort slippery and sexy. In a teasing mood, he reached between my legs and slimed-up my softening cock.

Super-sensitive after ejaculating, I jumped as though electrocuted, instinctively pushing him away.

“Oh, I get it,” he teased. “You get to torture mine all you want, but I can’t even TOUCH yours!”

“Not right now–just, not yet,” I smiled, a mild shudder going through me. “Its nerves are all shorted.” I looked between his legs, his dick now languishing in the water. “Does yours get like that, too? –you know, real sensitive–after, I mean?”

“Yeah,” he said, reaching in to fumble his tubular hang, “–too much friction, I guess, huh?”

“That was sexy,” I said then, grinning as though I’d really accomplished something.

“We were practically kissing, you know,” he looked thrilled. “–had a little tongue action going on!”

“Was–was that a grossout?–I didn’t mean….” I squirmed a little.

“….hell, no!–it was HOT! Jesus.” He threw his arms behind to cradle my head in his hands. I stared into his husky, studly armpits.

“He looked up as though he were savoring the memory. “–first off? You givin’ me a little show–bouncing your juicy, superhard dong around–movin’ in-between my legs, talking dirty–getting me all hot? Jeez. Jesus, Jonnie. HELL.” He turned his head and smiled, all teeth, licking his lips.

“Then putting our hot cocks together and squeezing the fuckers–God–I almost shot off right there!”

“Me, too,” I almost couldn’t believe that had been me doing all that.

“But shit, man,” he looked back up into the night, “when we beat-off, and your sweet face moved-in, I just wanted you so bad–SO BAD!”

“You still feel like that?” I queried. “All sexy and horny?”

“With YOU around? —Ha!,” he grinned. “Are you serious?”

“I don’t get it,” I shrugged. “I’m sure no prize……”

“…. just go on thinking that way–maybe I’LL finally learn how to be humble,” he declared, meaning it. “–feel like another beer?” His eyes glowed, and his smile once again opened up my heart. He dug me–alot–I could see it, feel it. Even after the sexual thrills and shooting our big loads he was raptly gazing at me.

“Um, you’ve still got my cum on your cheek,” I pointed out delicately.

“He rose up out of the water, looking down at my relaxing body. “I know–and it’s staying there, too,” he licked his lips and grinned. “My own line of personal beauty cream, man.”

I laughed in breathy disbelief, watching his muscular globes bounce as he went up the steps–looking at the sweep of his flaring back, at the sensual, mocha-toned muscle ripple and gleam as he moved. His thighs were stallion-like in their strength, levitating those seductive, dancing cheeks.

And he thinks I have a perfect body? It was too incredible or something, so beyond the norm of the expected behavior of a football jock that I truly had nowhere in my brain or experience to put it. Oh, in my horny moments I’d imagined Tony without clothes. I’d looked at his arms and chest when we’d gone swimming–checked out his bulging Speedos, and more than once.

But my censoring mind forced me off that crazy path to nowhere. I never let myself go too far, get carried away. It was my Danish-bred reserve which always viewed such moments as needing moderation. After all, I wasn’t so young that I couldn’t picture myself with a wife and kids. Like everyone else on the planet, I expected that to be my future.

Thus, I knew I had to watch myself.

And now I was immersed in a hot tub, bareassed naked, my cock still alive and semi-hard even after actually jizzing Tony’s face–jizz he wasn’t even going to wash off, because it was MY jizz!

“Jesus”, I thought. “He isn’t even fazed by this. No guilt–no chagrined back-tracking–no second thoughts. If anything, he’s hotter for me now than ever! It’s like we’re becoming more than best friends. Fuck, it’s like we’re…..”

The screen door whined open, then slammed. “Two fresh ones,” Tony announced, beaming at me. “You must be boiling to death in there, Jonnie.”

I looked up to see his tubular, heavy-headed hang slapping his thighs, his balls swinging in their fruit-laden sac. Buried in his deepest torso was that ebony delta of water-twinkling bush. It formed a perfectly shaped crisp triangle between his hefty quarterback thighs.

“Like what you see?” he helicoptered his cock and balls with abandon, watching my eyes trying to keep up.

I nodded, my habitual modesty kicking in, stopping my speech.

“–makes me proud, the way you look at me,” he grinned back, beckoning me to get out and sit on the deck. “See?” he smiled down at himself. “One look from you, and my badboy wants more.”

I stumbled my way up the stairs to sit on the cedar planking.

“–guess my cock likes what it sees,” he handed down my beer, keeping his naked sex swaying for my benefit.

“You turn me on, Jon-boy,” he said thickly, “something FIERCE.”

I couldn’t speak. Gone were any thoughts of a wife and kids.

The wrinkled skin of his fat cockhead suddenly expanded–like time-lapsed photography the dusky-toned crown bulged as I stared, flaring, preening–the slit opening to form a big ‘O’, the dome of that handsome head tightening and glistening.

His thick prime beef swayed all on its own, lengthening, swelling, then tocking in small pulses up from his knuckle-deep delta of bush.

It was hypnotic, watching Tony throw a rod, because I was the one it wanted, the one Tony lusted for. There could no longer be any made-up, manufactured doubts or insecurities.

A shudder passed through me. “Fuck”, I husked. The carnal display was transfixing, life-changing and so fucking erotic.

“Oh, baby, baby,” Tony whispered back. “You turn me on–so bad–so BAD!”

He gently rocked his hips–his enchilada thumping his thighs–the head so weighty, it pulled everything down, even as the shaft pulsed upward.

He took a baby step forward, the head now lolling around directly before my eyes. It looked so smooth and full and male. The beautiful mouth called to me, seeking me, wanting me. I breathed-out a stream of air, which hit his balls, making them rise-up and swell, the little crinkled hairs standing on end.

“Oh, dear God,” I swooned, feeling faint, feeling lost. My mouth was welling-up faster than I could swallow–and then I was moving forward, unable to stop.

My nose buried itself in his water-beaded bush, the feeling so carnal, beautifully male and private, as I inhaled his erotic scent. His cock suddenly throbbed–lancing full-boar upward against my cheek while my tongue lashed across his lightly-haired, magnificent balls.

Tony nearly dropped his beer.

“Jonnie,” he moaned down. “Oh, my baby.”

His words enflamed me, made me use my hand to stuff his cock past my starving lips. The head stretched my mouth till it popped inside, my spit washing his whole, drooling, full-lipped crown.

His thighs clamped the sides of my head–locking me inside. My hands flew around, grabbing muscular cheeks, prying them open while sucking in half his shaft at once.

“Oh, Jonnie–oh God–JONNIEEE!” he was hoarse, thighs trembling, his concave belly flexing against my forehead.

I slobbered and sucked and nearly gagged–needing his cock, his beautiful gorgeous mancock like I needed air.

My tongue worshipped its girth and shape and heat. My fingers dug inside his vicelike ass-crease, steaming my hands, making me crazy.

I was going insane.

Unable to stretch my mouth more, I came off it to use my rubbery, spit-soaked lips to ride the whole, veiny shaft, my face basting, tasting, adoring, in a rhythmic facial masturbation.

“Oh JESUS!,” Tony thundered over the sweet agony, the pornography of it, the cum-making thrills.

My eyes stared to see his dark dick knife away from me, leaving me panting and kneeling on the deck. Almost roughly, Tony pushed me backward, my legs flying out, my back hitting the cedar.

He was kneeling behind my head, and then his face was over my own, kissing my lips, tongue bathing mine, moving further, me kissing, nibbling his nipples, suckling one of his dark rivets in mindless abandon, nursing on his pliant pec, my hands rising-up to fondle those meaty brown slabs.

Tony’s torso moved down, my lips riding over his rippling abs–his lips bumping and sliding over mine. We paused to diddle deep into our muscle-taut belly buttons–his too sexy for words–mine sending sparks deep into my balls.

Hot steamy cockhead collided with my scalp, then careened, skated across my whole face. My torso seized, back arching, gasping in shock, his mouth french kissing my knob, tongue-lashing its nerve-shorted surface. My hips locked, pummelling hot dick down his saliva-rich throat. It was like wet fire–like a sucking, steamy glove of heat.

I nearly died.

His beefy bruiser slapped my face, my gasping mouth moaning hotly over its vein-lacy length, my mind turning to mush.

In frantic lust, I used my hand to handle his hugeness, piling it into my gasping lips. I panted across his enormous bulb, then tried throating the whole, incredible log. Sensations wracked my body–head to toe–I was sucking, being sucked–his balls massaging my forehead, his nappy scalp scrubbing into my own swollen bag.

Delerium took over, my hands now wrapped around his back. In instinctive impulse, I threw my weight against his body, catching Tony off-balance. We rolled like wrestlers, now me on top. Our cock-clogged throats never missed a beat–our sucking lips frantically nibbling, basting, masturbating.

I was staring down at his swollen, black-fleeced nuts, purposely rubbing them against my forehead. I wanted more–only more Tony. It was insane–my hips driving pink dick into his grasping mouth, his hips plowing arched, swollen dark meat into mine. We groaned and lashed our tongues, driving each other mad–mad for more–more veiny, fat, steaming muscular cock.

His hands travelled up the backs of my thighs, to find my deep-split ass. He dug inside, discovering my spot of spots.

I gasped, my body clenching. For a second I couldn’t move–couldn’t think–couldn’t feel. His finger pushed inside, hitting something out of this world. A dull, roaring, unforgiving need broke inside my balls.

Cum thundered from my crotch, racing up my love rocket. Cum spewed into his throat, my own mouth suctioning and teasing his shaft. His cockhead bloomed, then fired. We went catatonic, thumping all over the deck, our torsos locked in spasm. Jizz clogged my passages, making me gulp and choke.

My dick felt throttled, electrocuted–it bucked and piled-out more batter.

Tony’s hips shovelled his firing cannon almost to my gullet. I swallowed and gagged, and swallowed.

I couldn’t stop cumming!

In self-protecting reflex, we clawed our way apart, his cock oozing over my panting face–mine drooling before his lust-crazed eyes.

He collapsed on top of me, his balls massaging my eye sockets. I was panting into his furry inner thighs, surprised to be alive.

Tony was kissing my exhausted nuts, licking and then rubbing his handsome face across my cum-soaked cock.

Finally, he rolled off, to lie spread-eagled on the deck.

We stared at the starry, starry night.


“Jesus Christ,” Tony breathed. “What just happened?”

Dazed, yet calmer than I’d ever been in my life, I locked eyes to watch his read mine, to see mine blink and grow moist and full of the love I suddenly felt flood my soul, waiting until his grew large and moist until we both understand the import of it all.

Tony shifted to bring us side-by-side, his arm falling over my chest. He nuzzled his jaw into my neck.

“We’re more than very best friends now.”

“Much much more,” I whispered, letting my hand slide down to fondle his jizz-emptied balls.

He squeezed my full tits, his unshaven chin brushing my ear.

I turned into Tony’s arms, our lips parting, our tongues sliding, then delving, then exploring our love-filled mouths until we felt our sex-crazy cocks twitch and lurch and find each other–and our jizz-emptied balls once again begin to fill.



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