Visiting My Soon-to-be Step-Brother Ch. 04

A gay story: Visiting My Soon-to-be Step-Brother Ch. 04 I spent the next several minutes catching my breath. I turned the water to cold and let the shame and embarrassment wash off me.

The whole thing felt just as weird as I dried off. I decided to walk out of the bathroom with the towel, still damp.

“Cornbread’s almost done!” Zach called from the kitchen. He was bending over the oven, showing me the hair on his ass. That and the cat-patterned oven mitts made for an interesting sight.

“Cool,” I said.

“You alright?” He looked up at me.

“Yeah. That was… That was just… Strange, is all. Obviously never had someone offer to shave my fucking balls before, ha.”

“Ha, well… I’m sorry if that was too weird for you. I just thought I’d help. You can always tell me ‘no,’ you know.”

“I… I will. If I need to, that is,” I said, after considering it.

“Good,” he smiled. “Boundaries are important.” He smirked and went to poke the cornbread, showing me his cheeks again.

When I came back from putting my towel away, he was sitting on the kitchen counter next to the cornbread and butter.

“Here, tear off a piece,” he said. He was a master of making weird sights; his dick rested gently on the counter while he spread butter on his slice.

“Thanks,” I said, trying not to stare at his dick now that it was much closer to eye-level. “Holy shit,” I said as I took a bite. “This is amazing.”


The chili was just as amazing. We ate sitting on the counter, him cleaning it afterwards of course.

We settled to the living room where we discussed what video game to play. Milo curled up on the chair while Zach offered to show me Hades and explained what a roguelike is.

“Hades is different though, it’s… how do I put this? It’s actually amazing, unlike most in the genre, haha,” He added.

I was only half-listening, as he had decided to sit right next to me on the couch, our sides touching. We were even more touchy last week, but the close contact was still electrifying.

He leaned his back up against me and the back of the couch and handed me the controller. “Here,” he said. “Give it a spin.”

“Are you going to teach me the controls?” I asked.



He just smirked and leaned his back on me, stretching himself out of the rest of the couch. I was already hard again, but it didn’t last long as the game began to demand my attention.

Zach commented on my prowess in the game several times. With each clearing of a chamber he’d say “Nice one!” or “Now you’re really getting it!” In truth the game did feel pretty instinctual.

My health was waning as I faced the first big boss and I subsequently died.

“Wow, I’m impressed you got to Megera on your first run!” He said.

“I guess that’s good?” I asked.

“Yeah! It took me ages to get past the damn Infernal Bombers when I started playing. When I got to Meg I was really pleased with myself. Of course now though she’s in my harem.”

“She’s what?”

“Um, spoilers I guess, haha, but you can court Megera in the game. Along with the god of death himself,” He explained.

“Oh, that’s kinda cool—Wait a minute, I thought you said I was the son of the god of death? Didn’t you say the player, um, Zagreus, he’s Hades’ kid?”

“Hades is the god of the underworld; Thanatos is the actual god of death and ushers souls to the afterlife.”

“Oh,” I said. “Guess I need to brush up on my Greek mythology.”

“Which is why this game is so cool! Almost all of it is true to myth, but of course it has its own twists. Man, I was obsessed with this game over the past year.”

“Sweet, why don’t you show me how it’s done then?” I tossed him the controller with a smirk.

“Well…” He conceded. “If you insist.” Poseidon was the first god to offer him a boon. “Nice! I was hoping to do a dash-build with the spear.” He cleared about six rooms in under a minute.

“Damn, you are good!” I said. He just smirked over at me between killing enemies.

He offered various tips and tricks as he played, explaining why he was making the decisions he was. He was well past Megera and onto the next section of the game when Thanatos showed up.

“Ah, my boy!” Zach exclaimed. “I fucking love Than. Listen to his voice, he’s got this great goth, too-cool-for-school aesthetic. I’d fuck him.”

“And you said you could court either him or Megera?”

“Oh, no! Absolutely not,” Zach feigned offense. “Than or Meg? No no no, Than and Meg.”

“Oh shit, so you can be like, what’s that called, um… polyamorous?”

“Mmmyep! It’s pretty great. This game is just exuding with representation, it’s fantastic.”

“With a bi, polyamorous relationship I’d say so,” I agreed.

“That’s just the start. Dusa’s asexual, Artemis is likely a lesbian on the spectrum, Chaos uses they/them, and fucking Achilles and Patroclus are depicted correctly! None of this ‘He was just my cousin’ bullshit. And—the big thing for me—it’s all normal! No one in the story gives a shit or does anything other than accept the other characters for who they are.”

“Damn, that sounds… Really affirming. And in a mainstream game too,” I said after a moment.

He continued kicking ass until he beat a bone hydra, which I took to be the boss of the second area. He only lost five health points overall.

“Alright, I’m not showing you anything past Lernie,” he said and immediately exited out of the run.

“You’re on a roll though!”

“Yeah, but if I keep going they’ll be story spoilers. Here, you can go talk to people in the House of Hades.”

Hypno immediately greeted my character and commented on my interaction with his brother, Thanatos.

“So you have a thing for Hypno too, then?” I asked.

“Fuck no, Hypno is a little bitch. I’m just after Death’s dick.”

“Haha, fair enough then!” I laughed.

Next I interacted with Mother Nyx about Thanatos, her son.

“Wait a minute, Nyx is my mother too?”

“Well, spoilers, but she raised you, yes,” He replied.

“But she’s also Than’s mother?”

“Yeah, Thanatos is definitely hers, along with Hypno and Charon.”

“So that would make him… My…” I trailed off. Zach appraised me, letting the pause linger.

“Step-brother, of sorts,” He said after an uncomfortable silence. He didn’t take his eyes off me. Mine darted to his cock without permission.

“Oh,” I said, looking at the screen without doing anything. “And, um, you, er… Can still… uhm…” I swallowed hard.

“Yeah,” He said simply. “Why not.”

I could feel him still looking at me. Involuntarily, I glanced over at his crotch. He was starting to swell up again. So was I, even more quickly.

He had just shaved my balls for me, and yet somehow this moment felt even more tense. I was starting to flush.

After another agonizing silence, he thankfully broke the tension by touching my arm and getting up. “I’ll make you another drink?”

“Please!” I exhaled in relief and went to down the last third of the drink I had left. I couldn’t help but to notice how plump his cock was, defying gravity as he went to the kitchen.

My own hard-on didn’t help my confusion. Okay, let’s outline everything I know about my step-brother. He enjoys being naked, especially around his friends; the only two of whom I’m aware of happen to be male. He doesn’t mind casual erections at all. He’s so comfortable with his body and others’ that he literally shaved my balls for me. He’s gay or bi or is somehow attracted to men, and, finally, he doesn’t seem to have a problem with dating your own step-brother.

That couldn’t be right? Clearly I’m making some massive, critical error in assumption somewhere. Right?

Oh, and lest I forget, he’s fucking hot as hell.

No. No, just no. This isn’t real? This can’t be my life. Life doesn’t just hand you these kinds of situations. What’s next, the pizza delivery guy is going to take payment in the form of a blowjob? These things just don’t happen.

He returned with another mojito for me and a beer for himself. He then put a small pillow next to my leg and laid down, half-leaning on the back of the couch with his face inches from my now-throbbing cock.

“Uhm… Comfortable?” I asked.

“Very!” he said. “Oh wait, boundaries.” He sat up and asked “Is this ok with you?”

I chuckled and said yes, as long as he could see.

“Oh yeah, I can see everything perfectly.” He laid back down on my lap.

I began another run in the game, since that’s what he expected me to do, but I couldn’t manage to focus this time. My mind was racing, trying to understand the situation.

Was he actually coming on to me? For the life of me I couldn’t tell. It did seem pretty odd just how comfortable he was with physical touch, even with dicks. Like, here he was, face inches from my raging erection, comfortably laying with his crossed legs half-hanging off the other end of the couch.

His cock looked so… perfect? It wasn’t as hard now, but it and his balls were resting nicely on his thighs. His foreskin was threatening to pull back, but was still mostly covering his head. The slight veins caught in the light.

I barely passed the third room in the game. My dick throbbed.

And didn’t he suspiciously change the subject last week when I asked what he and his friends did about erections? I thought it was weird at the moment. He definitely looked away and said ‘Usually’ when I asked if they all just ignored them.

What else is there to do with an erection? I doubt they play fucking ring-toss.

“Hmm, you’re not doing as hot this time, bro.” He was right, I was too distracted thinking about what this really was. Plus I kept stealing glances of his body in the seconds between rooms.

Did he work out? I think he must, at least a bit. He wasn’t built like Isaiah, but he definitely had definition to his muscles. His biceps bulged slightly, flowing into his forearms. They looked strong, don’t get me wrong, but they weren’t all veiny, so he probably wasn’t a total gym freak.

If he does fool around with his friends… God, I could only imagine him and Isaiah together. Does he let that inside him? I don’t even think that’s possible.

My dick started to ache from being hard for so long. He still didn’t acknowledge it. Though I couldn’t tell if he was looking at it or not from this angle.

I think I was still far from the boss, but I finished the last room with two health.

“You alright man? You seem distracted.” He extended himself out further.

When he was stretched out like this he even had that faint V leading to his pubes, right below a shadow of abs.

What if I’m wrong? What if he really is just radically, non-sexually open with all of his friends? God, I really didn’t want to ruin this, whatever it is.

I hesitated to begin the next room. I let my eyes rest on his body for a moment. First on his dick, then on the hair on his chest and his slight pecs.

He began to sit up and look at me. I felt scared.

“You want to talk about anything bro? You’re not even half-way to Megaera and you’re as good as dead.”

“Just um… Just distracted, is all.” I looked into his eyes for a brief moment, then looked down. He was sitting cross-legged, facing me.

“Well, you can always let me know where your mind’s wandering if you want to.” He seemed genuinely concerned. “I think you know by now my place is one-hundred-percent judgment-free.”

“Thanks,” I managed, looking at his dick only half-intentionally.

I took a deep breath and decided to go for it. Cautiously.

“So, erm,” I began, still looking down at his crotch. “Last time you were talking about, um… Radical acceptance?”

“Yeah,” he agreed.

“What—Um. What does that mean? To you, I mean.”

“Just kinda what we’ve been doing, hanging out, no expectations. Taking whatever comes for what it is, no judgment.”

“So just like… taking a really… Chill approach to things?”

“Yeah, pretty much. I mean I think the term has a clinical meaning, but I just mean it like…” He trailed off. I met his eyes for a moment while he explained. “Say your dog just died. What sense would there be in getting upset we can’t play video games? I shouldn’t have expectations about video games, but instead be a shoulder to cry on, if that’s what you needed. Or, um, I don’t know, let’s say one of my friends really needed to vent about their work problems? What good is it to get upset we can’t do other things? Just… I don’t know man. I just want everyone to be themselves. Be open and honest with each other, no pretenses. Just being present, man, in the moment. Y’know?”

“Other things,” I repeated him softly before responding. “Yeah, no that makes sense. I really like this openness.”

He smirked. “But that’s not what’s got you nervous?”

“How do you know I’m nervous?”

“Your breathing. Sorry bro, but I was just laying on you. I could feel it.”

I met his eyes for another moment before looking off again, then down back to his crotch. I exhaled deeply again.

“Last week I asked you questions about this kind of casual nudity.” I stated it simply.

“You did,” he agreed.

“And I asked what you did about…” I tried to steady myself. Another breath. “…Erections.”

His dick twitched. “Mm-hmm,” he said slowly.

Was I really going to risk it? I really hope he doesn’t kick me out.

Another breath. “You said you ignored them.”

“I did.” Still slowly agreeing. His dick throbbed again, now definitely swelling.

“…Usually,” I added.

I glanced up to see his face. He had this wonderful, handsome, devious grin.

“Thought you might’ve caught that,” he said almost to himself.

I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t even look at him. I just kept looking at his engorging cock for whatever agonizing slice of time it was. My own cock kept throbbing, not having been soft for a good while.

“So…” He began. I was so scared. “What do you want to know, if my friends and I fuck?”

I just looked him in the eye, not daring to respond either way. The moment felt like an eternity.

“Cause we do, sometimes.”

I exhaled everything within me. What the fuck.

“Well, fairly often, actually,” he continued. He was rock-hard now.

I just looked at him, a different kind of scared now.

“Oh.” I barely spoke it.

“Yeah,” he said after a moment. He looked down at my aching cock and balls.

We just sat there, each appraising the other for a painfully long time.

“Was that…” he began, “I mean, I don’t know… Was that something… you’d be… interested in?”

“Is this real? Are you for fucking real right now? You’re joking?” I still couldn’t believe it.

“Only if you’d be into it! I’m sorry, I’m really enjoying spending time just like this!” God, he thought he offended me. But he seemed totally sincere.

“No no, I didn’t mean… I only meant…” I took several more breaths. “I’d… Um. I’d be… I’d be into it.” I whispered the last part.

“Hahahaha, nice! Damn you scared me there, bro!” He stretched back, letting his dick point straight out towards me. “I thought I upset you!”

“No… I could be… Interested.” I still could hardly catch my breath. What now?

“So,” he said, suddenly his confident-self again.

My eyes searched him. “…So?”

“Soooo, do you want to take care of these?” He gestured to our stiff dicks.

“What, right now?”

He just smiled.

I gave him the smallest nod of my life.

“You’ve got to be less scared, bro. Here, you want to hold mine first?” He turned around with excitement and put his feet up on the coffee-table and scooted over so our hips and legs were touching.


“Do whatever you like.” He threw his arm around my shoulders and stretched out, making his dick sway in the air. This clearly was all very normal to him, but my stomach was doing flips.

“Are you sure?” I wanted it so badly.

“Absolutely. Have fun.”

I still couldn’t believe this was happening. I slowly reached over with my right hand, not breaking eye-contact with his cock. I hadn’t really noticed before, but he was thicker towards the middle. I wrapped my fingers around it, right below the head.

“Mmm,” he let out a soft moan.

Fuck. His dick couldn’t be stiffer, but his skin felt so soft. My bottom fingers wrapped around the middle, following the curves in thickness.

I looked up to his face, still feeling scared. He had his eyes closed with a slight smile, looking exceptionally comfortable.

Fuck it. I decided that if he let me get this far, he wasn’t suddenly going to tell me he’s actually a puritan and to get my hand off his cock. So I might as well dive in.

I gave him a very slight stroke, keeping my fingers loose as I did so.

“There you go,” he breathed softly.

He cock was beautiful. It felt slightly thicker in my hands than my own did. I watched his foreskin move up and down with each stroke. Covering his head, then revealing it. I would have been fascinated if I weren’t so horny from it.

I moved my hand further down, grabbing his shaft at the base. The gentle slope up in thickness towards the middle of his shaft felt amazing. I gave slightly more pressure and focused on wrapping each of my fingers around him.

He breathed out again, a soft “Ooh,” as he relaxed his body even farther back.

I wanted to hold him like this forever. It felt like my hand was made to ride the curves up and down his cock. It felt different from jerking myself off, but in a good way.

I looked up at his face. God, he had such a pretty face. The way his head was relaxed made his subtle jawline more pronounced.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. “You like this?” he asked.

“…Yeah,” I breathed, still stroking him.

“What do you like about it?”

After a moment of starting at my hand stroking his dick, I said “You have a beautiful… Cock.” I wanted to say ‘body,’ but I chickened out.

“Hmm,” he responded. “But so do you.” He leaned forward and reached out for my dick which was still throbbing aimlessly in the air. My whole body tensed as his left hand lightly touched behind the head.

“Mmmph, fuck!” It felt just like when he was shaving me earlier.

“Just relax,” he told me, wrapping his hand around my own dick. “I know you want it.”

I looked over at him. I felt like I could barely breath. He took his eyes off my cock to meet my own and smirked. When he directed his attention down again he began slowly stroking me.

“Seriously, I need you to relax,” he said softly. “Can you do that for me?”

I inhaled deeply, trying to focus on regulating my breathing. His left hand moved slowly up and down. Up to the head, down to the base. His grip was delicate, while I had completely forgotten my own grip on his cock. I went to reach for it when I realized, but he stopped me. “Just breathe for now,” he said.

I closed my eyes and eventually got my breathing under control. He kept at it, slow and gentle for several minutes. I let myself moan as my body settled into the handjob, but the tension building in my cock and balls was intense.


“Yeah?” he answered, looking up at me.

“Can you slow down please,”


“I’m going to cum if you don’t…”

“That’s the idea.”


“Please?” He kept the tempo but raised an eyebrow.

“I… I want to do you more first.”

“Haha, do you now? Hm, alright. Here,” He bent over to reach under the coach and pulled out a bottle of lube. “Use this.”

He pumped some into my hand and leaned himself back, letting his own cock swing in the air again.

“Ahh!” He cried out when I touched him again with the lube. “Mmm, fuck.”

“Do you… Do you like it?” I felt embarrassed. I didn’t know how to dirty-talk.

“Yeah bro, I do,” he slightly laughed as he said it through his moans. “I love you touching my cock.”

I picked up the pace a little, enjoying my hand sliding effortlessly up and down his thick shaft.

“Mmmmmmmfuck bro, yeah! Give me some of that lube.”

He reached over with his left hand and grabbed my dick again. Holy fuck. His hand started slowly going up and down my dick again as I started going faster on his.

“Just like that, yeah. You like my thick dick?”

“Yeah, I love it,” I admitted. “Its so big, fuck.” I picked up the pace again, wanting nothing more than to keep enjoying the feeling of him in my hand.

“That’s right. Your dick’s pretty perfect too, bro.” He started stroking me in earnest too, adding a little twist as his hand got up near the head.

“Fuck! Fuck that feels good.”

“Yeah, I bet you like that,” he said in a low voice.

We kept at it like that for about a minute. Each of us looking at the other’s cock in our hands. The pressure was getting too much, I started squirming on the couch as he kept stroking. I wanted it all, faster, slower, all of it. I never wanted this moment of us holding each other to end.

I couldn’t fucking take it after a short time of us really going at it. Despite myself I let out these higher pitch sighs and moans.

“You got it, that’s right. Let it wash over you. Your cock knows what it wants.”

“Fuck!” I was losing control of my body. I felt the waves coming up on me, each one more intense than the last.

“Fuck man, no no, I’m going to cum, please.”

“Hmmmm,” he just moaned, not changing anything about what his hand was doing. I focused more on my hand touching the curves of his cock, up and down, wrapping around the thick middle each time.

“Dude, seriously… Fuck. Fuck fuck, please. Oh god… Please, god. Fuck, FUUUCK!”

The first shot hit my chest.


“That’s it, good boy.”

“Fuuu-uuck,” I almost whined it but I was way too far gone to form anything more coherent.

All the other shots hit my belly.

He started stroking himself as the orgasm washed over me, wave after wave.

“Fuck, god, fuuuck,” I moaned.

“Yeah dude, that was so fucking hot,” he said, jerking himself quickly now.

“Fuck, yeah.”

“Dude you’re so sexy, I’m going to cum,”

“Yeah, cum for me.” I decided to cup his balls as he jerked faster and faster.

“Fuck dude! Yes, GOD, FUCK! Jesus fucking christ—UUNNGH!!” I felt his balls tense up, then fill my hand as he shot straight up in the air. Again and again, his body writhing with each burst.

“Duuuude, fuuuck meee,” he cried.

He slumped over, leaning his whole weight onto me, head limp against my shoulder. I could still barely move too. Our legs were still crossed over each other, hands slack by our dicks.

We stayed like that for a while. Breathing.

He eventually looked over at me with a confusing smirk.

“Hahahaha,” be began to laugh.

“Hmm?” Why was he laughing?

“Dude. Christ bro, that was so fun, hahaha.”

I started laughing too. “Hahah, yeah! Jesus, that felt amazing. Like. Holy shit.”

“Was it good for you? I hope it wasn’t too weird, cause damn.”

“You don’t even know.”

“It was weird?”

“Jerking off with my step-brother? Yeah a little, man, haha! But I mean. I want to do it again. Like. Now. So.”

“Hahahaha! HAHA! Gotcha, haha, nice. Well, damn. Fuck man. I don’t even know. I don’t know what to say. Other than you’re sexy, and that was great.”

We kept sitting there for a moment longer.

“Want to hop in the shower with me?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “That’d be nice.”

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