Vortex Quest Bk. 02 Ch. 04

A gay sex stories: Vortex Quest Bk. 02 Ch. 04 == VORTEX QUEST 2-4 ==


Chay was no fan of crawling on his knees but at least he got to go first. Goro had to stare at his ass the whole ascent.

They didn’t have much of a light source but enough glowing lichen spiraled along the chute walls.

The duo clad in red fundoshi emerged in a wide room too low to stand up. Broken crates, shattered amphora and various skeletons littered the ground. A few light shafts fell in from grated holes.

This trash room stretched below the entire base of the lair.

Chay made his way carefully around anything that would make a noise if stepped on.

“Use levitation where possible. Stay out of sight of the grates, even if they’re no light coming through. Some Ultrabolds can see in the dark, never mind all sorts of abyss assholes with bullshit abilities.”

They navigated by looking up through floor grates, moving closer to the throne room as per Oldblue’s implanted memories.

Chay even spotted their friends, getting whipped with a third slave by some Ultrabold as they moved along a corridor.

“Yo,” he whispered. “It’s them. Seems like they’re getting closer, too. Plan is working.”

He was glad he’d weaseled his way out of that fate and whispered a ‘good luck’ they wouldn’t hear before moving on.

A few imps nested in the trash piles, probably living off morsels. Chay blanketed the space ahead in darkness and the demigods were left alone.

Goro never said a word.

They made it to below the main halls’ back area. Chay glanced into the room’s silver glow, spotting no one.

“Big G? That grate is rusty as fuck and begging to fall out. Pull from this side.”

Goro tore the 60 pound grate off one-handed with seemingly no effort and set it down quietly.

They hopped into a treasury. The cave was the size of a living room, dome-shaped and had a few smaller rooms leading away. Ahead was the entrance, guarded by a lone Hellion with his back turned to them.

Goro was upon the red skinned watchman in a leather harness in one jump and wrapped his arms and legs around the skullhead-neck. With a dull pop, the Hellion was defeated.

Chay looked around the treasure storage. There were random bits of gold and gems, weapons and small obol piles. An unimpressive hoard, compared to the few he had seen so far. Mightfate’s lack of diplomacy left her bid for lordship with no supporters.

He smelled something like fresh man-sweat and cum, awe struck by how delicious that seemed. He lifted the lid off a clay pot to find it half full of nectar.

Chay had to fight the instinct to down it immediately in a single long gulp.

“Here,” he said and uncovered another pot. “That should calm us down.”

“Do we safe some for the others?”

“Th-there’s more,” Chay said. “We’ll just have a bit. One pot each.” He kept licking his lips and had to pause to stop himself from drooling. “Make it last.”

They sat down and Chay got to taste the golden sex water he had missed so much. Sensations of rubbing his dick to orgasm on hard muscles a thousand times over and getting fisted elbow deep rushed through his head. The nectar-effect had clearly gotten more pronounced. Early on he had shifted his mind to sex with chicks quite easily between gulps, now he could barely remember what a girl looked like, only wanting more golden liquid and the feeling of worshipping muscular guys and demonic dicks.

The pot was empty in what felt like two sips, when it had easily been a minute of careful nursing.

Chay cleared his throat. “Let’s keep looking around. Maybe we can use something here against Mightfate. If not we’ll go right into battle.”

Goro nodded and they checked the more prominently displayed items.

On a pedestal was a brass knuckle of black Elderite. Goro picked it up and tried it on. It had seemed a little big, likely demon-sized, but shrank on Goro’s hand to fit his fingers exactly.

“Are you doing that?”

Goro grunted. “No, automatic. Seems useful.”

He tried to shadow box and bounced off something invisible with a surprised yelp.

“What happened?” Chay asked.

“Look.” Goro pointed at the pedestal underneath, which had gotten chipped.

“Wait… That shadow is weird. Hold it to the light.”

Goro held the knuckle away from him and his arm cast a shadow on the wall. There was a blade extending from the knuckle, which served as hilt, but it was only visible through the shadow it cast.

The tall Japanese hunk grinned. “Oh yes. Shadowsword.”

Chay crossed his arms, over-acting. “Thematically, that should be mine, you know?”

Goro smirked, watched the blade’s shadow retract and took the knuckle off. “I’ll agree you’re lacking in offens- Ughhhh.”

“What- What is it?”

Goro was swaying. The knuckles clattered on the ground. “Fuck. Must have been cursed.”

“Can you out-heal it?”

“Not… taking damage,” Goro said, sounding pained. “Nectar.”

Chay grabbed the nearest pot and handed it over. Goro downed the liquid as fast as possible, gold running from the corners of his mouth. “Fuck. That’s not… I gotta… Fuck, sorry Chay.”

“Sorry for wh-”

The mania-beast attacked — or so it seemed.

Goro groped Chay’s body, bending to lick the sweat slick neck, collarbone region and pecs. He pulled both their fundoshi off. Chay weakly tried to fight him but got overwhelmed by the amount of force and the erotic surge the licking gave him.

Goro kept pushing Chay farther toward the wall, humping and groping and licking. His hand was already parting Chay’s ass crack.

“I need it,” Goro said into Chay’s skin. “Worship muscle.”

“G-Goro what…”

“Fuuuuck,” the tall man growled, hugging hard and trembling. “Wish I could rape you.”

Chay was pushed onto a pile of leather and Goro held the cyclist’s mighty legs up to bury his face in the ass, licking the cheeks as much as the hole. Chay had to suppress multiple whimpers.

With Goro’s much stronger hands roaming his pecs, and Chay’s arms constantly switching between holding the demigod off and drawing the bigger hands into the right spots, Chay convulsed with pleasure.

This was by far the weirdest type of sex he could image but getting his hole so eagerly eaten was helping with the resurging nectar cravings.

Just as Chay was fully willing to give himself to the pleasure, Goro slowed down, then broke away.

“Holy shit,” Chay said, breathing hard. “That was intense.”

Goro stood as if ready to pounce again, chest strongly rising and falling. “Yeah, it was. I… I thought I was going to die if I didn’t get muscles in my mouth.”

He glanced between Chay’s legs. “If you weren’t caged,” Goro continued, “I’d have sucked your dick dry.”

His monotone left open whether he was glad or regretful about it.

Chay wrapped the ‘knuckle hilt’ in leather. “Just forget it happened. Maybe someone can lift the curse. A shadowblade would be rad. If not, we drop it somewhere.”

The exit of the treasury was equipped with a force field frame but the field was off. Maybe Mightfate couldn’t afford to spare the energy. The whole lair was a shabby imitation of a lord’s fortress.


The umbralist and berserker found themselves in the throne room, which contained a skull throne much too small for the Wyrm.

Train-cart-sized, the white serpent regarded them with suspicion from three heads, still thinking of them as roaming slaves.

Chay burst with black clouds. He sent Pie ahead, catapulted on the fan. “Now!”

Goro squatted down and pushed off the ground with the godly power of his immense legs. His fist found the chin of the middle-head, which was a catfish-snake-mix.

Mightfate’s white body dissolved like ash in the wind.

“An illusion,” Chay shouted. “She’s better prepared than I thought. We gotta find her.”

Pie raced into the nearest tunnel.

A door burst open and three Ultrabolds rushed in. Goro got the drop on them. Two died to his fists. The third one had blue crystals for eyes and fired a beam from them that seared off Goro’s face.

The berserker screamed and did a backflip. Chay covered the area in smoke. The beam ceased.

Pie shot from the tunnel and tried another one.

A grate opened in the ceiling and lisks fell down, using their chitinous wings to slow their descent. The black praying mantises broke into two groups, one going after Chay.

The umbralist hopped between platforms, more mobile than the lisks. Another Ultrabold arrived, followed by six regular Kobolds.

Chay took control of the Ultrabold with a crystalized forearm, made him turn around and started fighting the reinforcements. The enhanced arm was better at punching, faster and harder without adding weight. The Kobolds didn’t stand a chance.

Pie tried a third tunnel.

Chay had no idea where Goro was. He kept half the floor cloud blanketed to give the berserker a place to retreat to if desired and otherwise focused on staying away from lisk claws.

Pie fed him life force, meaning she had bitten into something. Wind came from the tunnel she had gone into.

Mental fingers probed at Chay’s mind, trying to extract knowledge. It was easy enough to slam the door shut.

Chay’s Ultrabold started a fight with some lisks, and the demigod could focus on staying safe.

Marcus and Xane ran in with powerful strides. Marcus kicked a path through the lisks, driving holy fire into his punches. Xane sent purple lightning into the remaining Kobolds.

“I’m down two motes,” the Korean shouted. “We fought an illusions.”

“Same,” Chay shouted down. “But she’s coming.”

As if on cue, Mightfate burst from a tunnel. Pie’s cloud trail was hanging off the catfish head where she was biting down.

The rightmost head – a white, scaly bat — snapped at Chay in passing.

The demigod was hit with a wave, a psychic blast they had been warned about. He was thrown into a wall and speared by the rock. Pie’s lifesteal ability let him heal quickly but the shadowblade dropped to the ground, slipping from its leather cover. Chay disregarded it. He couldn’t afford to suffer the curse.

Swords rained from above. Chay evaded. The swords altered course to chase him.

“Swords are illusions,” Marcus shouted. “We got the same ones.”

Chay confirmed and any sword that hit him just phased through his body.

Another psychic blast sent him to the ceiling.

Goro was engaging the left head, a serpentine ram, punching and kicking. Marcus was riding the serpent tail and sliced long stretches of scales apart. Xane held off the Kobold reinforcements. Chay puppeteered a Kobold to turn on his compatriots.

“Xee, shoot the cunt,” Chay shouted to Xane.

The naked wizard leapt. His immense, illusory dick flapped around in a way that would have been uncomfortable if it had been able to feel real sensation.

Xane was shot by a psychic blast from the catfish-head but got his mote through. It exploded into a crackling purple sphere that cut the middle chunk out of the catfish. Pie had long moved elsewhere.

“Taste eldritch, bitch,” Xane shouted and raised his middle fingers. Lighting shot from his middle finger tips into the tattered Wyrm flesh.

The bat-head swiped at him. Chay made it spasm off course.

Marcus and Goro were nearly done cleaning up the lisks, broken chitin and green blood littering the floor.

Xane flew between the remaining heads and sent his last mote into the catfish-stump. He landed near Chay with a grin, his fake dick flopping proudly.

“Mightfate is done for.”

“You think?” Chay asked.

Xane nodded. “Necrotic damage. I got ‘inspired’ by Mashmorg’s poison.”

“Cool. Fucked up, but cool.”

The stump was rapidly decaying, brown, bubbling rot wandering down the pristine scales.

Chay dared to land in his clouds. With no more reinforcements coming, he could focus on keeping the Wyrm blinded.

The ram-head was getting gnawed on by Pie while Marcus danced around it, using his chakram like a yoyo, one-two-ing her scales apart. Goro was exchanging blows with the bat-head, landing fist hits and getting psychically blasted away over and over, his hair whipping around his face.

“Still waiting for her Hellions,” Chay said.

“Already taken care of,” Xane said between lightning strikes. “That’s where I honed my eldritch damage. It takes a long time to charge but it’s like every kind of force at once, from piercing to bludgeoning. Nothing stands in the way of this!” He flexed.

Chay watched with fascination as the rot reached the end of the decaying stump and spread through the triple-head splitting point. “Man, remind me to never pick a fight with you, hehe.”

More illusions appeared, Kobolds streaming in from portals, Hellions appearing in flame bursts. None of the demigods fell for it. The false images were jittery and blurred.

The rot made the remaining necks fall off. Ram and bat hit the ground, separated, unmoving.

Marcus who had taken quite a beating shouted an angry “fuck yes!” and kicked the giant ram-head.

Xane shouted. He gave himself a halo over his bald head. “Woooo, I’m a god, I’m a god, Xane is god.”

Chay relaxed. He hadn’t contributed nearly as much as he’d have hoped but there had been too many enemies and Mightfate hadn’t had weaknesses suited to his abilities.

At least it was ov-

The bat head opened its eyes and snaked toward Chay in a mad dash. The white beast sank it’s teeth into the fleeing demigod. Chay screamed as his right hip and thigh got shredded.

Marcus was getting attacked by the ram-head.

Under Xane’s lightning, Chay was driven further along a wall by the wildly spasming severed serpent. He could pry the jaw open with puppeteering easy enough but his mangled leg was stuck on the serrated teeth.

He got slammed into the wall and dragged along. The black knuckle was in reach.

Chay grabbed the cursed item and hoped his willpower would summon the invisible blade.

He slammed the blade forward, meeting resistance as the scales got torn. He slashed and beat down on the head until he had carved into the Wyrm’s brain and the creature ceased.

Xane was by his side and pulled the leg from the jaw with two real hands and a magic one.

Pie bit down on the Wyrm to drain the last life force. Chay watched his leg knit itself into shape, fibers and skin reconnecting, blood no longer dripping.

He crawled backward from Mightfate’s remains in blind panic, knuckle discarded.

“Stay back,” Goro said. “The sword is cursed.”

“What’s going to happen?” Marcus asked.

Goro pulled his fundoshi down without explanation and stepped closer.

Just as his leg was back together, Chay was hit by a wave of nectar craving. No, worse, a pure urge to worship muscles, to *devour* dicks and asses and lick every sweaty inch of man bodies.

He raced his tongue over Goro’s brickwall abs, hands on the bodybuilder’s ultra-smooth thighs, exploring every mountain and valley.

“Xane?” Marcus said. “If we’re gonna have to watch this at least finger me.”

Chay registered the two guys hooking fingers into each other’s holes but then Goro turned around and lightly squatted. His ass was a *command*.

Chay lapped at the hole like he wanted to tear it open with his tongue. Goro grabbed Chay’s hands and pulled them up to his nipples.

The big guy groaned from the bottom of his soul.

Was that the first time Goro had made a sound while they did sexy stuff? In any case, sinking his whole head into Goro’s massive cheeks was Chay’s salvation. He only wished he had more tongues to lick more spots at once.

Goro convulsed. “S-sorry.” The bodybuilder pissed. It hit everything below Chay’s neck but he hardly cared. He slipped through the legs and lapped at the balls, getting piss streams running down his face.

He understood what Goro had meant earlier. If *Chay’s* dick had been out he’d have raped any hole going but more to the point if *Goro’s* dick had been out Chay would have put his mouth nowhere else. As it stood he could only lick the sweaty balls, which was a worthy consolation price.

He had no idea how long it took, probably just two minutes, but the rim-fest ended somewhat abruptly. His mind returned to normal within five seconds and the horror of his actions came crashing in.

Chay felt his already flushed face flush further with embarrassment. Somehow rimming was the worst thing magic had forced him to do yet. He tried to think of it as better than sucking dick since chicks also had asses, but rimming a bro was simply a step too far. Maybe the worst part was how fucking great it had felt.

Goro packed the knuckle into its makeshift leather cover and Chay rose from his knees.

“What now, boss?” Marcus asked, jizz ropes running off his chest, abs and thighs.

Chay cleared his throat. “Let’s grab as much nectar as we can and get the fuck out.”

Xane drew a green check mark in the air. “Sounds like a plan.”

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