Vortex Quest Bk. 02 Ch. 09


A gay sex stories: Vortex Quest Bk. 02 Ch. 09 == VORTEX QUEST 2-9 ==


They found the Ceiling Dancer again.

The realm liner had escaped before the start of battle and waited as per instructions. The captain was not inclined to let them back on but Chay’s negotiation skills and the entire sack of the pantheon’s remaining obols were convincing.

Goro fixed his hair clasp and dropped his perfect-specimen-body onto the planks, casually leaning on a chain-ringed iron pillar. He closed his eyes and tried some light meditation as the barge’s cables hummed on the way up.

The glistening hunk was glad he didn’t have to fight the crew and take the pilot hostage. He was done with violence for the day. But it *would* have been easy — and a welcome distraction.

He had begun to hate sitting still, because it made him keenly aware of how horny he was. His nipples begged to be brushed, scratched, bitten. His hole kept pulsing as if demanding an intrusion. His dick… well, he felt ready to jerk off for a year straight but the aegis prevented all sensation, leaving the urge to get erect as a lingering whole-body craving.

Goro did pushups just to spend some energy.

Chay dropped his naked ass next to him.

“Well then, big dude,” the leader started, seeming a bit nervous. “I… I just thought I’d let you know I appreciate how you keep a calm exterior. Marcus s prone to freaking, if he sees others freak around him. And Xane trusts you enough to follow your lead. You keeping your cool is… It’s pretty vital. And impressive, considering you’re ready to blow up.”

“You can tell?” Goro grunted. He didn’t slow down his pushups, trying to reel in his mania-power which kept instinctively compensating for his muscle exhaustion.

Chay only nodded. “You’re scowling… differently. Like you’re hangry, but it’s not food that’s missing.”

Goro rammed one fist into the ground, which earned him a twitching glare from the nearest Aeobold and made the Glitzer turn his faceless head around.

The berserker brought the other hand behind his back and did one-arm pushups. “I fucked pussy the night before we got recruited to be demigods,” he said. “Two actually. Was a threesome. Anyway, now it feels like a lifetime ago. I’m so horny it’s like I’ve never had sex.”

Chay chuckled. “Hehe, yeah. When we got dick-caged I started thinking about ass nonstop. Uh, *girl* ass. I fucked a chick three times in one night the week before we got here, if we’re bragging. But now I…” He groaned, letting his head drop. “You’re… hot.”

Goro switched the arm he was using. “I know.” He felt himself grin and his eyes met Chay’s. “But… I feel it, too. I stopped thinking about girls. I had an aesthetic appreciation for men, obviously, but…”

“But now,” Chay said, breathing heavy and avoiding Goro’s gaze. “I kinda get what all the thirsty comments from guys were about. I *do* have a great ass. I’d fuck myself if I could, hehehe.”

The Japanese hunk grunted. “I’d rape the shit out of every one of you if the Goroconda got unleashed.”

Chay’s eyes squinted shut with silent laughter. “Did you come up with Goroconda or a girlfriend?”

Goro paused. “Some thirsty fags called it that when I posted a pic with bulge. So… Is the abyss turning us gay?”

“No idea. Maybe it’ll be reversed once we stop the vortices and escape.”

“I’m okay with bi,” Goro said, now sitting opposite Chay. “I just… I mean, can you imagine dating a mess like that?”

He gestured over to the thaum-mage who was ‘tagging’ the Ceiling Dancer’s interior with illusory cock-and-ball drawings. Captain Lasher had been rather displeased before learning they were fleeting. Xane’s butterflies were hopping between his biceps in a game of their own. His mohawk was bright orange for the moment.

Goro’s view wandered over the ship. “Hm, where’s our swim team champ?”

Chay pointed at a stack of iron supply crates. “Face down, ass up, getting Kobold dicked. Oh, speak of the ass-fucked devil.”

The tan, lithe athlete with a white mohawk dropped beside them. There was no more pretense of them being regular humans in front of the crew.

“You’re not going to believe that,” Marcus said, “but I know what the curse was. Tell them, Morsel.”

Marcus gestured at the Aeobold in a tented loincloth who folded his wing membranes and sat with them.

“Greetings. I’m Cr’kknaa,” -Boldian for Falling Morsel of Gruel- “and I’ve got a bit of an interest in warlockcraft. I think you got hit with the Drowning Destiny. The victim is doomed to unquenchable thirst. Most drink until they burst, some walk into the sea and just drown. If you got any treasure buried anywhere, now’s the time to tell me.”

Chay stared between his feet. “I was feeling oddly parched. I want to say we’re immune but…”

Xane walked up to the group and stood over them broad legged. He smacked his lips. “Guys, I know this doesn’t make sense but I’m kinda thirsty.”

Chay sagged. “Fuck.”


The rest of the journey was mostly quiet and somber.

Goro’s thirst grew considerably. Even if they were immune to the deadly effect of the curse, which was no guarantee, the constant thirst would still be torturous.

They met the Daemon Fiend in the revealing toga again, Sremnan, the contact to their benefactor who had a few jars of nectar ready to reward the pantheon.

The men first chugged the golden muscle-sex-drug, then started quenching their water-thirst on a fountain.

Unfortunately, Sremnan could only confirm their knowledge.

“It’s not working,” Marcus whined. “Still as thirsty and I’m starting to get a tummy ache.”

Goro slapped his hand on the wall and scratched the stone. “Fuck. He’s right. I’m exploding and I’m just as thirsty. If this doesn’t kill us this is how we spend the rest of our stay in the abyss.”

“We’ll find a solution,” Chay said. “We need to find an expert. Sremnan said there’s nothing to be done but he’s just some guy. Young and inexperienced. For now, let’s piss.”

They stepped to the edge of a section where the fallen tower’s wall had broken away, put their hands behind their necks and pissed wild sprays from their lightly gleaming cages into the canyon below.

Marcus bent forward, saying “Ahhh”, pretending to catch drops with his tongue.

Xane smirked and turned his own piss spray into a stream right into the Filipino’s open mouth. “Hehehe.”

Marcus snapped away with a retching sound, then froze. “Oh no. Oh *no*. Do that again.”


“Hold it,” Marcus said and cut his own stream.

Goro flexed his entire body, fibers and veins popping, to distract from the unpleasantness of cutting his stream, especially with a painfully full bladder.

“Why?” Goro asked, but he already understood.

Xane shot his stream at Marcus’ mouth where it splashed on his tongue. The taller man swallowed with a mix of eagerness and disgust.

“Are you for real?” Xane asked and bent forward. He directed his stream into his own mouth, then flexed his ass, cutting the piss. “Nope, nothing’s happening.”

“I swear it helps,” Marcus said. “I’m not a faggy piss freak.”

Chay sighed. “Maybe it synergizes with the paradox curse and we can’t, uh, drink our own piss.”


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