Vortex Quest Bk. 03 Ch. 04


A gay story: Vortex Quest Bk. 03 Ch. 04 == VORTEX QUEST 3-4 ==


Chay and Goro took the Cinereant in its prison back to the entrance to finish the deal. Meanwhile, Xane and Marcus had explored the Holy Spire without procuring anything of immediate use.

Then the pantheon moved toward Sharpeye, beyond the depth of the abandoned mine.

The air grew moist as they descended, moss blooming on the walls. Soon, the entire tunnel was moss covered all around, soft green pillows squelching wet under their steps. Xane took over rudimentary cleaning but they kept finding new spots of ash stuck to their skin.

Goro didn’t mind being a little dirty. The whole adventure was a ride of sex and violence, both more brutal than he had ever thought possible, and a hundred percent gayer than he would have wanted. But he had begun to revel in the sheer manliness of it, like he was reveling in his animal pleasure.

Sharpeye was a Dragoon — a Drake infused with demonblood. The purple lizardman’s body flexed with veiny muscle that would have gotten him called out for steroid abuse on earth. His broad neck and traps were merged into something like a cobra hood. He had large, black eyes and a snaggletooth. He wore dull gold mold-armor over his crotch and knees, a leather harness covering the chest. Three of his four arms held different scrolls, a bandolier across his chest held many more.

A body of inspirational strength.

His face was impossible to read — except for Chay, probably – but the whipping of his tail made the surprise obvious.

“You’re here,” he said. “You made it, like Tfeccus thought you would. Welcome, I suppose. Is the entrance open again?”

Naturally, Chay stepped forward. “The Cinereant there is still alive but you may come and go as you like.”

“Amazing,” Sharpeye said and just seemed to catch up to reality. “Real demigods, in Rhibinelg, and they want to join the Revolution.” He gestured into the hall behind him. “I’m Commander Sharpeye. Be my guests.”

Goro couldn’t take his eyes off the strong v-line below the chest harness, leading into the crotch armor. How unfortunate that demonblooded creatures didn’t produce nectar.


The academy had claimed an abandoned Dark Chantry and the decommissioned mines below it as headquarter. The underground temple structure had been turned into classrooms, armories, impromptu workshops and dormitories.

The alliance consisted of many minor factions hoping to get rich and powerful by striking deals with down-on-their-luck inhabitants of the Lydeth ocean above and bringing about a faster cycle.

There were splinter tribes of Kobolds, exiled Trolls, the occasional errant Hexer or Wraith and even a bunch of runaway slaves.

The majority of people present at the academy, however, were lord-less Hellions. The tall men with skulls for heads barely bothered with clothing. Bright red muscle fibers and skeletal white filaments made the muscled specimen look like walking anatomy illustrations. A little freaky, actually.

Goro flinched as he felt himself drool, his eyes glued to the loincloth-covered crotches — and those loincloths had to be *long* to cover up.

Chay and Sharpeye were rambling exposition at each other. Goro liked being underestimated as a meathead, but right now he really *was* an idiot with no mind for strategy.

Marcus was also not listening. He leaned into Goro’s pecs. “All those Hellions,” the Filipino whispered, “and not a drop of nectar.”

Nectar addiction was common in the abyss, although few beings were as effected as the pantheon. Hellions were immune to most drugs, including demon jizz. They were often paid in nectar since it was a desired good nearly everywhere, but these Hellions were lordless.

Goro answered with a sigh.

After a march along pillared halls, the demigods were led to a bath.

Steam wafted at them. A long, hot pool got continuously refilled by a steaming waterfall and emptied itself on the other end. A few more tubs were placed around the walls. Sconces of motionless fire gave the place a warm tone, with some torches casting eerie purple light.

Some ten Hellions were bathing or showering, their super-dicks with crazy mushrooms at the tip swinging fully relaxed. A dozen naked human men at various levels of consciousness were bathing, too, looking quite average among the abyss warriors despite their great physiques.

The Dragoon left and the demigods hung their fundoshi on a wardrobe hook.

The pantheon’s glinting aegises made their presence obvious. A seven foot Hellion with a ridiculous 15 inch cock slapping between his thighs approached them.

“The godly avatars, huh? Bet you didn’t expect to fight alongside us. Same.”

“Common goal,” Chay said, clearly distracted. With more and more Hellions turning their way, the amount of ten-to-twenty inch cocks with flat, rimmed heads grew to more than Goro could handle.

Two figments – bald bodybuilders – hesitantly approached. The Hellion waved at them and they started sponge-washing the demigods’ ashy spots.

“Care for a bath?” the Hellion asked. The skullheads always grinned, but this one seemed to grin in particular.

Xane groaned as his back got sponged. “Yes please, I haven’t had a hot shower in soooo long.”

The pantheon dispersed. Goro sank into the steaming pool. Aches seeped from his muscles. His healing prevented physical tension, but mentally, he had needed a hot tub.

His two ‘assigned slaves’ knelt on the rim.

“A massage, sir?” a slave asked in memorized pandemonic.

The gift of language let Goro answer in Spanish, including the slave’s Nicaraguan accent. “How long have you been here?”

The bald hunk was taken aback but recovered. “I… seem to have it more together than anyone else here. I was… reborn… a few weeks ago and brought here.”

Goro tried not to stare at the uncut dick right next to his head but continued to fail. “Cool. You’ll be out of here sooner or later. Just going to die a couple more times first.”

“Die? I don’t underst-”

Slapping sounds echoed in the surprisingly quiet room. Marcus was taking fifteen inches of bright red dick the whole way into his guts, standing with his ass out and getting rammed hard. His face was contorted in a permanent scream, but only choked whines escaped his throat.

Chay was already riding the dick of his assigned slave between tubs. He seemed to like sitting in men’s laps, riding face to face. Goro found that way too intimate.

“My god,” Goro’s own slave huffed. “He can take that?”

Goro chuckled. “That and more.” He splashed some water. “Want to hop in and stick it in my ass?”

“By god, I’m… I’m not a homosexual.”

“Oh, right,” Goro said and felt rather awkward. “Marcus, some help?”

“Busy,” Marcus said, his voice distorted by trembling and pleasure.

“On it,” Xane said and took Marcus’ ring for himself. The mage sprayed some glitter onto a few slaves’ faces before pulling a Hellion into a shower with excitement shining on his face. Amazing how everybody had gotten so dick-crazy.

Goro’s slave was furiously masturbating within seconds of getting ‘glittered’, which wasn’t what the berserker had hoped for. He stood up in the pool, looking at the slave, unsure how to proceed.

A Hellion took care of the job and rammed some thirteen inches with a thick, flat head into Goro’s guts. The entire shaft slid in easily and Goro felt like fainting from pleasure. Water splashed on his back as the hammering began.

“Finally a slave that can take cock,” the warrior grunted and pulled Goro’s long hair. It felt fucking fantastic. No chick had ever pulled his hair — well, they had never been seven foot tall with a super-cock ravaging him from behind, either.

Goro’s face was practically pressed into the Nicaraguan slave’s crotch. He felt horny enough that *everything* about a muscular male body screamed sexy.

Goro swallowed cock to the balls and worked the head.

Sucking dick was fun. He was never *ever* going to admit that to anybody, but he liked the challenge, the struggle, the rubbing of shaft on his lips as the head pulsed in his throat, the sight of flexing abs right before him.

It was ninety percent a proxy for his own cock and his love of *getting* blowjobs. The other ten percent he just wasn’t going to think about.

His situational awareness told him that Marcus was getting fucked by two Hellions; Xane was on all fours under a stream, getting ass-fucked by a slave high on unicorn dust with a few others having a wet orgy on top of him; Chay was buried under three Hellions all fighting for his hole.

Goro twisted on the slave cock until his eyes met an unoccupied Hellion to wave closer. Soon he was outside the pool, with two stupidly long dicks in his ass, spreading him nicely as their two rimmed heads rubbed along his guts, each at his own pace.

Xane walked with legs apart and a sullen expression.

Concern for his friend had priority, even when monster-fucking. “Y-you don’t look to happy, Xee.”

“Swallowed two loads. Not my fave way of finishing sex.”

Goro grinned. “Oh, it’s on. I’m not going out of here with less than three.”

He pulled his assigned slave closer and dove between the legs.

“Oh yeah?” Marcus shouted. “Watch me get four.”

Chay was sinking onto a Hellion cock at a tub rim, eyes rolled back into his head. “Fuuuuck. Uh, I’d one-up you bitches, but there are literally not enough slaves in here for me to catch five loads.”

The umbralist’s top hummed. “If you demigods supply the slug shit, you can bring as many slaves in here as you want.”

Xane grimaced. “Can we keep calling it ‘unicorn dust’? Much better PR.” He drew a quick unicorn outline in the air.

“Ughhh,” one of the Goro’s tops made. “So close.”

“Wait,” the berserker shouted. “Do Hellion loads count?”

Chay paused. “For the curse or for this weird competition we’re doing?”

“Yes,” Marcus said. “Worked for my hunger.”

“Well,” Xane said and rubbed the glitter-ring currently on his finger. “I’ll accept last place for now and bring more sla- When did we start going along with that fucked up terminology? They’re humans. Whatever, faggots, I’m off finding more cum to dump into y’all, hehe.”

Goro’s top pulled out. “I’m gonna shoot.”

The mania-warrior barely had to turn. The long dick reached his mouth with ease and squirted a load onto his lips. Goro still hated the taste of cum and tried to swallow it down as fast as possible. “One down. Oh, about to be two.” He took his slave’s shaft in his mouth and was rewarded with a cumshot deep in his throat, escaping the taste. Why were they playing this game? Didn’t matter, he was going to win.

Xane came back with more muscle man, already glitter-fed and jerking off. A few more Hellions had also come along out of interest.

In the end, Xane went back on all fours and got two more loads in his mouth for a total of four. He was still the looser. Marcus got seven, Chay eleven and Goro fourteen — accused of cheating when he licked two off the floor.

He was giving in to his animal nature and it was fucking awesome. No judgement, no *thinking*, just pleasure and perversion and doing whatever the fuck he wanted.


A room had been prepared for them, four huge silk sacks stuffed with fine sand ready to be napped on.

“Okay,” Chay said, laying on his back, legs apart. “Next time we’re doing this I want actual bets down.”

“Agreed,” Goro said. “Loser should eat the winner’s ass.”

He grinned at Xane who conjured a rainbow of six illusory hands around his body, all flipping Goro off.

“That reminds me,” Marcus said, spinning a lick of whitefire. “Anyone up for fisting?”

Goro groaned. “Where’s the plasma?”


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