Weekend of Submission Ch. 03

A gay story: Weekend of Submission Ch. 03 AUTHOR’S NOTE: Weekend of Submission contains graphic sexual scenes between adults which include non-consensual/forced rough sex, humiliation, and race-play. It is not for readers under 18 or those who are offended by the subject matter. All characters are over the age of 18.

All rights reserved: All rights for this story remain the property of the author.

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Chapter Three

Lonnie dropped us off at the house and sped away. We went inside and Jake began to direct the effort to clean up. Jim and Juanita were due home in a few hours and the place was a wreck. Half smoked joints and beer bottles were on the tables and shelves in the living room. The house smelled of sweat, pot, beer and cum. I immediately retreated to the bedrooms and collected all the lingerie for hand washing. I also had worn a couple of Juanita’s dresses which would require at least a pressing. We all worked diligently at our tasks and in a few hours, I heard a car door slam, just as I was closing the lingerie drawer, with all of Juanita’s items returned. I scurried into the living room and joined the boys on the couch as the door swung open.

“We’re back” Juanita cheerfully greeted her brothers and smiled at me.

“I hope you did not get bored this weekend, Boi?” Jim asked with a wink.

“No Sir, Jake and Hector were perfect company.”

“We did have a little trouble with the Jokers” Jake said.

“What the fuck — I told you boys to stay away from those racist assholes. You are gonna get yourselves killed.” scolded Jim.

“It could not be helped, we stopped for gas and their leader noticed Boi, and was real interested” Jake continued and filled in all the details of the confrontation.

Jim nodded his head with growing concern, then interrupted.

“Boi, you need to get out of town fast. The Joker gang is real trouble, and I do not want you to be the source of a race riot.”

“I understand. I was going to hit the road today and head up north towards Portland or Seattle as soon as I can get packed and hitch a ride.”

“Why don’t you stay put for now. It’s too dangerous for you to be flagging a ride, if the Jokers are on your trail. I’ve got a couple of local runs to make right now but tomorrow, I am scheduled for a run to Portland. We can leave first thing in the morning.”

I returned to the bedroom that I had been sharing with the boys, wondering where I would sleep tonight. Perhaps alone in the bag chair. I could not imagine fucking Jake or Hector with Juanita in the next room. While packing my knapsack, I noticed the sexy lace panties that Jim had given me were missing. I wondered if I left them hanging in the bathroom to dry and quickly moved to check. A quick scan revealed they were not there and as I turned to continue my search; Juanita stood blocking the doorway holding my panties in her hand.

“Looking for these, you bitch.” She glowered at me, as I grappled for a response.

“These are an exact match to a pair of mine that went missing a couple of months ago. Jim gave them to you, didn’t he? Don’t lie to me bitch.”

“Yes, they are mine.” I hung my head in shame, hoping she would not probe further.

“How long have you been fucking my husband, slut?….. Don’t answer that with a lie. I want you gone as of right now. Put your little slut panties in the backpack and get the fuck out, before I lose my cool, and scratch your little whore eyes out of your face.”

“…but Juanita I, er,…”

“Shut the fuck up and get out.”

She tossed the panties at me and went to her room slamming the door. The brothers were nowhere to be found, so I grabbed my bag and quickly left the house, headed up the residential street to the main road. It was about a 30-minute walk to the interstate highway, where I figured I could quickly flag a ride and at least get out of town. I was very concerned about running into the bikers when I did not have Jim to protect me. I texted Jim a quick note, letting him know my plans, but he was driving, and it could be a while before I received a response. I just needed someone to pick me up and get me well out of town to be safe from the gang. As I approached the north bound on ramp, I rearranged my hair and clothes, to be as alluring as possible, and stuck out my thumb as a pickup truck full of men roared by.

“Faggot!” Whoops of laughter flowed from the open windows along with the slur and a fast-food bag of trash hurled in my direction. I managed to dodge the trash as another car sped by, the driver staring fixedly ahead and ignoring my pleading looks for help. Several more cars passed in the next 15 minutes until I noticed and 18-wheeler with a trailer load of junk cars approaching. I put forth my biggest smile and was rewarded with the sounds of down shifting and air brakes as the driver slowed down and rolled to a stop on the shoulder. I approached the passenger door, which was being held open by a bearded, rough looking man in his late 30’s.

“Hop in friend, if your headed north.”

“Thank you, Sir, I am headed to Portland, and I really appreciate you stopping for me.”

I glanced the livery markings on the truck door, and was unsettled by the logo “Gator Wrecking”. It seemed oddly familiar, but I could not place it exactly. As I settled into the seat, and stashed my pack at my feet, the driver was already accelerating onto the on ramp.

“You are in luck; I’m going all the way to Portland.”

It was then I remembered that Gator was the name of the biker that had threatened me. I looked nervously to the driver, then the speedometer, and finally the door handle. As I was assessing my chances for escape, a hand emerged from the sleeper cab behind me, and wrapped tightly around my neck, forcing an ether-soaked rag over my nose and mouth. I bucked, screamed and struggled but was quickly overcome by fumes. My last vision was of the smiling driver as my consciousness slipped away.

I awoke in a cold, damp, well lit room that looked like a workshop of sorts. Florescent lights hung over a work bench that was stacked with car parts. The floor was concrete and stained with grease and oil. I was tied face down, to a small bed in the corner of the room. My arms and legs were attached to an iron bed frame at each corner. I was also naked. Gator, was sitting on a stool at the foot of the bed, manipulating a coat hanger with a pair of plyers.

“Good morning, Princess. We gave you a little shot to help with the nausea and to keep you under overnight. I trust you are feeling better now?”

I felt just awful. My head was pounding, and my stomach was reeling. I felt like barfing.

“Fuck you, untie me and let me go before Jim finds out what you have done.”

“That nigger ain’t never gonna know what happened to you. Your phone is on the way to Portland on one of my rigs, and the driver is sending a little tease message to keep your lover boy distracted. As of now, you are the property of the Jokers motorcycle club.”

He chuckled as he menacingly cut the air with the coat hanger. The sharp hiss startled me, and I cowered in fear. Setting the coat hanger/whip aside he approached with a black, dildo shaped gag.

“I’m not worried about the noise, but you are gonna want to bite down on this when I get started. Most bitches don’t take too long to train, but I can tell you are a little bit stubborn. I’m gonna whip that out of you.”

He smiled as he forced the cock shaped device into my mouth and affixed it in place by tightening the straps around my head.

He stepped back to admire his work, looking me over from top to bottom as I struggled with the straps. I tried twisting to each side, testing the strength of the straps. They were impossibly tight. Nylon straps affixed with Velcro and impossibly out of reach. I was searching for an escape when a blinding white hot streak bit across my buttocks. The pain was overwhelming, filling my eyes with tears as I screamed into the gag. Gator stood back, cutting his coat hanger, whip through the air, smiling with satisfaction at the result of his effort.

“Feel that Bitch. I am just warming up too. I am gonna crisscross that pretty ass of yours until you are begging, pleading to be my subby cocksucker. So please resist a little for my enjoyment.”

He then angrily lashed out, marking my ass as he heaved his whole weight into each stroke. I screamed and bucked as each blow landed, some cutting the skin and bleeding but mostly just leaving deep burning read welts.

Gator seemed to exhaust himself with the whipping, after delivering a dozen strokes. His face was slick with sweat, and he sat on the bed. I was sobbing heavily, uncontrollably, struggling to breathe through the gag.

“I’m gonna take the gag out so that you can catch your breath before we continue. Be very careful about what you say, or the gag goes right back in”.

As he removed the gag, I immediately began pleading submissively.

“Oh, please no more, Sir. I understand what is expected of me, I will submit completely. Please don’t hit me again.”

He cupped my chin with his free hand and tilted my face towards his. He was still breathing heavy from his exertions. I looked at him pleadingly, begging for mercy with my sad expression. Silently he brought his index finger to my mouth and traced my lips. I instinctively opened my mouth, and he pushed his finger in. I sucked it as seductively, swirling my tongue around and caressing his finger with it. His hand tasted and smelled of gasoline, leather and grease.

“Now that is much better, faggot. Do you understand that you are now property of the Jokers?

I nodded vigorously.

“You are the Jokers clubhouse cocksucker and whore, let me here you say it.”

I quickly repeated it.

“You will eagerly suck and fuck any club member immediately upon command.”

“Yes Sir, I will eagerly suck and fuck every Joker’s cock at every opportunity.”

“That is more progress than I expected. But I don’t believe you, so I am gonna lay on another dozen stripes right now, so you understand how serious I am. Then later if you are a good girl, I may send up a couple of boys to test you. If you pass the test, I may spare you a day of ass whipping tomorrow. ”

I started to cry when I realized my ordeal was not over. In between sobs I managed to tell him I would be a good cocksucker and I was sure I could pass any test.

He nodded, then slipped that gag back into my mouth and fixed it in place. I was shaking with fear when he picked up the whip and traced the welts he had just left on my buttocks.

“This is really nice work, don’t you think?”

He smiled, admiring the deep red stripes on my ass.

“I need to finish up with a nice crossing pattern, you may find it difficult to sit for a few days, but you really won’t be sitting much. You will be on your knees sucking or in bed fucking.”

He chuckled, stepped back, raising the whip, and immediately lunged into another whipping frenzy, striping my ass with the coat hanger while I screamed into the cock gag until my throat was raw. After a half dozen strokes, he stopped, pinched my ass cheek hard, spit on me, and left the room.

The pain had been so intense, that I was frightened to the edge of sanity. Near panic, I began to control my breathing on concentrated on calming myself. While I sobbed, a very effeminate looking Hispanic boy of about 18 entered the room carrying a large shopping bag. He was tall and very thin with long dark hair, cut and coiffured. His facial features were thin and feminine, looking very much like Salma Hayek, the actress. He carefully removed the gag, then touched his finger to my lips and said:

“Shhhh. I am to get you ready for a couple of the boys downstairs. One of them is called Tiny, but he is anything but. I need to get you lubed up for him or else it will go very bad for you. My name is Manuela. Nod if you understand.”

I quickly shook my head yes, searching his face for sympathy.

“I am going to put something on those whip marks to ease the pain and help with healing. Fucking Gator, really tore you up. That man is full of anger and hate and he unleashed it all on your ass.”

He extracted a jar from his bag with one hand and deftly removed the top. One hand continued to stroke my hair and face in a gentle and comforting manner while the other applied a soothing cream to my wounds.

“I will untie you before I finish, but you must not try to escape. The only way out of here is down the stairs thru the clubhouse and right now it is full of very rough bikers”

Again, I nodded and whispered,

“Please help me, Manuela.”

“I am helping you honey. I am getting you ready for Tiny’s cock. He fucked me once, and it was a nightmare I will never forget. You must focus on the next few hours. Tiny and his friends are coming up here shortly. You need to win their approval. If you displease them, Tiny will turn you back to Gator and I am afraid he might whip you to death.

His feminine features hardened as he spoke. Upon hearing him mention Gator, I involuntarily gasped and began to cry again — thinking of the terrible whipping I just received. His features became more sympathetic, and he released me from the bindings.

“Shhh honey. Relax you will get through this. I have and so have many others.”

He slowly slid his cream lubed fingers into my ass crack as he spoke and began to massage my pucker with the numbing cream. I relaxed and softened my hole and his finger easily slid inside. He massaged more cream inside of me and then produced a large anal lube injection device and pumped a voluminous amount of lube into my rectum.

“You will appreciate this later. Tiny is rough and you need to use all your seductive skills to slow him down. Otherwise, he will rip you apart with his big cock. Flirt with him, pretend he is sexy, do whatever it takes, but don’t let him get angry and violent or it will go very bad for you.”

After my brutal beating from Gator, I was terrified of these men, but I forced myself not to panic. I can do this, I told myself. I reached out and took Manuela’s hand —

“Can you help at all, please. I am terrified.”

“I am a prisoner of these men too. There is nothing we can do right now. You need to get through the next 12 hours, then they plan to take us both to the city club house where we will whore for money. Once there, it will be our best chance of escape. So, convince Tiny, you are a ready and willing whore and do not need any more training. He will let Gator know it is ok to send you into the city with me tomorrow.”

I nodded and pondered my next move.

Manuela gathered his things, and slipped out the door. I could hear men hooting and shouting lewd and ribald comments at him as he went down the stairs. His retreating steps were immediately followed by heavier steps ascending the stairs. I quickly repositioned myself on the bed, partially covering my nakedness but leaving enough flesh exposed to be sexy. I straightened my hair, pinched my cheeks to give them color, and had just enough time to wet my lips before the door slammed open into the wall. A very large, hairy fat man stood in the doorway. His belly was huge, pendulous even. I bet he couldn’t even see his cock unless it is a foot long. He was wearing denim with biker colors, a filthy bandana was tied on his bald head. He had a long, uncombed beard, cloudy blue eyes, a broken nose, and crooked yellow teeth. His face, neck and arms were covered with prison-style tattoos. He was the ugliest, fattest, and most disgusting man I had ever seen.

“Hello.” I greeted him shyly.

“Hello Slut. Are you ready for fucking?”

He laughed and unbuckled his pants.

“You need to warm up my cock with a blow job first. Get me nice and hard then I will fuck your pussy. Most bitches around here have trouble with my cock, but after a few fuckings, they really begin to enjoy it”

“I have been looking forward to this, Sir. Both Manuela and Gator told me what a sexy man you are.”

I patted the bed next to me and made room for him to sit. He responded by dropping his pants and grabbing his cock and stroking it. Even while flaccid his cock was impressive. It was 10 inches long, and very thick. So thick that I was grateful for the extra lube I could feel squishing inside of me. Tiny continued stroking his cock while smiling lewdly. He sat down on the bed and kicked his trousers away.

“Come here and get acquainted with my dick, Bitch. Tell me how much you love it.”

“Oh yes Daddy.”

I slid closer and gently took hold of his cock with one hand and rested my other on his big balls. I bent down and placed a soft kiss on his uncircumcised cockhead. He smelled of piss, gasoline, and grease. His cock had a very strong odor. Indescribably fowl. Faking desire to mask my disgust, I moaned and took him into my mouth. As he became more erect, the foreskin retreated, releasing a fowl, nauseating taste. I moaned again and sucked him deeper. His massive belly was resting on my head, and I felt smothered in his girth.

“You like my tasty Dick, Slut.”


I sucked harder and caressed his balls wanting to end things as quickly as possible. He was fully erect now and the size was alarming. He was bigger than my biggest dildo. Manuela was right, if he became forceful, he would rip me apart. I had to take the initiative and please him without damaging my body.

“Oh Daddy, your cock is so big, I want it in my pussy. Please lay back and let me ride you. I will do all the work and work pussy magic on that big cock of yours.”

“You are an eager slut. If you want my cock that bad, go-ahead honey. I want to feel that pussy magic.”

I mounted him reverse cowgirl, easing down until his cockhead pressed against my well lubed hole. He grabbed me by the hips and I was afraid he was going to pull me down and force himself inside, so I relaxed my hole and pushed down until the cockhead breeched my sphincter. The pain was intense. I felt I close to tearing, so I concentrated on relaxing and was able to accommodate more of this cockhead. I clenched his cockhead with my anal muscles and moaned.

“Oh Daddy, it is so big, you are going to ruin me for other men.”

I began a gentle up and down motion combined with anal squeezing, and he seemed to enjoy this.

“Damn Bitch, your pussy is hot for Daddy”

“Oh yes Daddy, your cock is driving me crazy, please let me ride it a while longer.”

“Sure honey, enjoy Daddy’s cock for a bit longer, till we get down to the hard core fucking.”

I needed to get him all the way inside of me before he took control and caused damage. I lowered my hips and pushed more of his cock inside, continuing to bounce and squeeze, I eventually was fully impaled on his shaft.

“OK Bitch, I am gonna fuck you hard now.”

He rolled us over, so I was on my back, legs in the air as he mounted me on top, his big belly crushing my abdomen. He propped himself up with his hands on my tits, and he squeezed them hard as he began thrusting. The pain in my ass was overwhelming, so I welcomed his rough pinching of my tits as it was a distraction. He leaned over and began to slobber me with kisses. His breath was horrible, and his tongue was needy. Clawing my mouth open and forcing its way into my throat. As he slammed me with cock, I was pounded into the bed by his massive weight. He thrust hard for several minutes rubbing my tits raw and making my jaw ache with his fat tongue. When he got close to orgasm, I pulled him tight with my arms and clenched my ass hard on his cock.

“Oh Daddy, I am gonna cum, your big cock fucked me to orgasm, cum with me Daddy, fill me with jiz.”

I humped feigning desire but wanting to end this quickly. He grunted and pinched my tits hard as he came. I felt his fluids fill me as I faked my own orgasm. It was easy to fake an orgasm as my cock was hidden by his massive belly and there was so much slime between us that the lack of cum was unnoticeable. I rubbed his legs with mine and caressed his back while he continued to kiss me and let his cock drain. He collapsed on top of me and seemed to fall asleep. I was trapped in his fat arms and belly. His cock slipped out while he held me and he began to snore. He must have been drunk because he did not wake for hours, every time I tried to wriggle free, he would turn, snort, and pull me tighter. I dozed off briefly just before dawn but then was soon thereafter awakened by Gator kicking the bed.

“Wake up love birds, honeymoon is over. Tiny — can I take this slut up to the city or do I need to keep training?”

Tiny sat up abruptly and pushed me out of the bed.

“This Bitch is ok; she will be good for the city clubhouse. She is a great cocksucker, and has a nice well-trained pussy. She really enjoys fucking too. All those San Francisco businessmen will eat her up.”

“That’s good to hear. The car is leaving in 20 minutes. Get dressed, clean up your pussy, Bitch and be downstairs in 15 or I will take 30 minutes to whip you before we leave.”

Gator grabbed my face and forced me to look at him.

“No funny stuff bitch — I really mean it about the whipping.”

He spit on my face and turned and left. Tiny pulled up his pants and immediately followed Gator out of the room. I quickly washed my face, crotch, armpits and ass using a small sink in the corner. I could not find my clothes, but Manuela had left a small bag the night before. In it were flip/flops, panties, some cut off denim shorty shorts, and a Jokers half T-shirt with the waist removed. I hurriedly slipped on the clothes and glanced at myself in the small mirror above the sink. I blushed, seeing that I looked like a faggot tart.

Mindful of Gator’s threat to whip me again, I hurried down the stairs where I met Manuela, Gator and two other bikers I had not seen before. The men laughed and made comments about how “faggy” I looked.

“Normally I would have these two fags ride in the car with us and they could suck our cocks on the long drive but the new one has her nigger boyfriend looking for her and I cannot risk being spotted on the way out of town. So the fags will ride in the trunk.”

Gator opened the door and led us to the parking lot, where a Cadillac was parked with doors and trunk open.

“Hop in ladies, cuddle up, you can blow each other all the way into town if you like. It will get you in practice for all the cock you will be sucking when we put you to work.”

We clumsily climbed in and were facing each other in a 69 position when Gator slammed the trunk closed. The engine started and we lurched forward, spinning loose gravel as we accelerated onto the road. We were on our way to San Francisco to be whored out by the Jokers Motorcycle club….

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This concludes the series Weekend of Submission”. I will continue with the story as it involves my experiences as a young man over a period of 2 years. The entire series should be more appropriately named “Two years of submission”. I am working on one more chapter to follow this one, which will detail Boi’s experiences in San Francisco. And I am working on the beginning of Boi’s story too. There will probably be 3 chapters to before this series, and several to follow, depending on comments and reader interest. Please provide feedback that I may incorporate into future writings.

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