Welcome To The Team – “Facial Syrup”

A gay story: Welcome To The Team – “Facial Syrup”

We dominated.  First game of the season at home in front of 70,000 folks, it was complete pandemonium. We were only favored to win by a touchdown, only for the final score to be seven them, to our 49.

“The number six team in the country from the big, bad conference, loses miserably to the number 25 team.  Guess there will be some changes with the reporters’ opinions after today,” coach said to us after the game.

I received my kudos as I caught nine passes for 239 yards and three touchdowns, all in the first half.  Davis went off, too, for he picked off three of the other team’s passes, even when the ball wasn’t thrown his way as both quarterbacks for the other team that played were scared of him.  The best part of it all:  professional scouts allegedly littered the stands, and any or all of the guys from our team down to the third string, got a chance to showcase their skills.  Boosters, alumni, and of course fans tied to the program showed love after we all showered and left the stadium, and my mom, who was watching from Chicago, was high pitched the entire conversation we had when I made it back to the dorm.

“My baby, you guys won!  And not one, not two, but three touchdowns?!  I’m so proud of youuuuuuuu,” she screamed.

Her approval was what I played for at this point as I knew she was my biggest cheerleader.  She had me so amped when I got off the phone with her that I wanted to go and workout in the gym, to get stronger, faster, and better. I got dressed to work out some more, when a text hit my phone.

“Hey rook.  Whatchu up to,” asked Davis.  “You kilt their asses today.”

“Man, you went nuts, too.  They didn’t want to throw to your side, and yet you still snagged them passes,” I rebuttled.

“So what’s up for tonight?  Wanna celebrate,” he asked.

I was a little reluctant.  After that night during the spring, I kept my head low with him as I didn’t know what to think.  Surely, I enjoyed that evening, but was this what my life had come to?  I knew that whenever we practiced after we didn’t necessarily go hard (no pun intended) on each other out of respect and trying to stay healthy, but this man fucked me, he fucked me, and I liked it!  As many broads I had chasing me, in my messengers, passing notes, I still liked the idea of eating and poking vagina, but I knew I liked being poked the same way, and Davis, well, he wanted to poke me some more.

“Come through. I’m solo tonight.  Planning to go out and get a burger, then, have a couple drinks, smoke, and chill in the apartment,” he told me.  “Javon, please come thru?”

I did notice that Davis wasn’t hanging around his entourage as much as of late.  I knew he had to protect his image to look good for the pros, but he seemed distant with some of his normal crowd since he “inducted” me that night.  I still played my position as the hot shot freshman receiver, and acted as if I was tapping everything from cheerleaders to fine ass female tutors, but deep down, I did want a second round with Davis.  I’d end up accepting his offer, giving my conditions.

“We don’t do what we did the first time,” I told him.

“LOL, so no smoking or drinking,” he asked me.

I knew he was being sarcastic, but I reiterated I was coming and needed to know what time on the grounds we didn’t get lewd.

“Press conference later on with CBS Sports, but you can swing by round eight,” he told me.

I got a fresh cut, bought a new outfit, then texted my mother and sisters for a bit until I caught the bus to make it to his place.

“Damn, you could’ve called, I would’ve scooped you,” he told me as I approached his front door.

We shook hands and hugged, stopping short of kissing as he eyed me up and down.

“Remember what I told you,” I said to him.

He giggled and let me in, and I’d sit on the couch and pick up a P5 controller.

“Want smoke,” he asked.

I said yes and he rolled up two blunts passing me one, and we kicked back and lit the tips while Lil’ Durk played in the background.

“Chicago shit,” he said to me.

I smiled as the hip hop, drill artist was indeed from my city and we revered him, with me bopping my head to the beat as I inhaled, and chatted with Davis.

“Workout tomorrow.  Seven on seven, receivers and defensive backs at the practice field.  You down?  Be like flag football, no contact,” he suggested.

I nodded yes, and he turned the music up as my high was kicking in.

“Some good ass weed, Davis,” I said to him, trying to raise my high even more between puffs.

“Alright, let me get something else off my chest,” he said, while turning the volume down on the music.  “I like you bro.”

I sat up in the chair to hear, focus on him, and fully gather what he was trying to say.

“I like you, I ain’t stutter,” he said.

“I don’t know what to say, Davis,” I answered back.

He came off his couch over to me.

“Don’t say nothing, but I know you like me, too,” he whispered, while his right hand ended up on my left knee.  “Why we doing this, man?”

“Doing what exactly?  We are two of the hottest prospects on the field each time we suit up.  We got the whole world watching us, including these fools on campus.  I like pussy, Davis,” I told him as his hand slid inside my right thigh.

He leaned in closer.

“You like dick, too, just like me.  Don’t do me like this,” he begged.

He reached in to kiss my neck, and placed that hand inside my shirt to rub my nipples.  I tried to move away, but his touch kept me still as he ran his tongue in circles around my Adam’s apple.  My dick was throbbing, and so he placed his other hand over it, caressing it like it was a genie in a lamp.

“Take that out for me,” he said in my ear.

“Bro, we really doing this right now,” I asked.

“Yes, because you want it.  Shit, you need it,” he answered back.

I did, as I hadn’t been with anyone else since that evening.  I pushed my sweats down, then my briefs, and out popped this dick of mine as it was already drooling precum.  He looked me in the eye and smiled, then went low to go down on me, making me raise my legs as he moved the coffee table, and went to town.

“Davis man, we ain’t gotta do this,” I whimpered.

“Shut up.  We already here, and you about to cum like you never came before,” he said, right before putting me in his mouth.

His soft lips caressed the shaft sideways, then he licked at my hairy base, before he went back to the top and took all of me in his mouth, as I felt that fold in his throat.  He squeezed my balls at the base as if I had a cockring, and increased pressure as he went back and forth on the dick.

“Got damn, come up for air,” I joked.

He stopped sucking to lick on my balls as he squeezed them tighter, and sent an unfamiliar jolt through me while doing it, making me moan.

“Push them legs up,” he said to me.

I would and he started tongue fucking me like never before, using that tongue as a shovel while he dug me out.  He’d let go of my balls, as well as my nipples to free his hands in spreading my hole and lap away further, doing his best in driving me crazy as I’d never had someone eat my ass like this.

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