Well… He Did Say Please Ch. 12


A gay story: Well… He Did Say Please Ch. 12 I found Carl before leaving the house, and let him know what I was up to. He said no problem and thanked me again for helping him get into the house.

JACK: My pleasure. I do need to talk with you about something that came up tonight with Ken.

CARL: Ken? The president?

JACK: Yeah. But it can wait until tomorrow. If you’d like, I can come over tomorrow and help you clean this place.

CARL: Really? I’m sure that will be ok with Ty. Meet you at breakfast?

JACK: Yes, about 8:30.

Argh. 8:30 on a Sunday. What I don’t do for a friend.

Mary and I left the frat house and walked over to her dorm.

MARY: That was an amazing time, Jack. I’m so glad I saw you tonight.

JACK: Not half as glad as I was, believe me.

MARY: So. I’ve got to ask. You didn’t hesitate to take Carl’s cock into your mouth, and didn’t flinch when I fed you his cum. Have you done that before?

How did I answer this question? I not only had done it before, I had done it quite a few times, including several times today. Well, I only swallowed Carl’s cum once today.

JACK: Yes. Does that bother you?

MARY: No. I thought it was hot. I love a guy that likes to experiment. I had a tough time just getting it into my mouth. I don’t think I could ever take anything that big inside of me.

You’d be surprised at what you can do. No. I didn’t actually say that to her.

JACK: That thing is massive, isn’t it?

MARY: I’ve heard that all black guys are huge. Carl’s only a little bigger than I am. If he is that big, the others must be fucking huge.

If only she knew. I walked her to the door of her dorm, but males were not allowed in after midnight, and it was just about that time. She kissed me, thanked me for the evening, and asked that I call her. I think that I floated back to my dorm.

I returned to my room. Alan was asleep, but as I was getting ready for bed, he woke up.

ALAN: How did it go tonight? Are you ok?

JACK: Alan. I think this was the best night of my life. I’ve got to hit the showers. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.

Alan said ok, and rolled over and went back to sleep. I showered, and hit the sack myself.

At 8:30 the next morning, I knocked on Carl’s door. Michael answered and invited me in. Michael was going to join us for breakfast. Carl told him that I had volunteered to help with cleanup. Michael said that he had nothing that needed to be done today, so he could help as well.

Carl came in from the shower with a towel wrapped around him. He greeted me and thanked me again for offering to help. He quickly changed into some clothes, and we headed down to breakfast. Sunday morning breakfasts were not well attended in the dorm, and today was not any different. There were probably less than 50 people in there. We got our food, and found someplace private to sit down and talk.

CARL: How was the walk home last night Jack? Mary seemed into you.

JACK: She talked non-stop. I enjoyed it. She did ask if I had ever sucked your cock before.

MICHAEL: Whoa. You sucked his cock in front of her? (Looking at Carl) You didn’t tell me anything about that.

CARL: Well. You had to be there. What did you tell her Jack?

JACK: I told her that I had, but didn’t elaborate. She told me that she liked guys that were willing to experiment.

MICHAEL: Sounds like a great girl. Are you going to see her again?

JACK: She asked me to call her. I figured I would do that this week.

MICHAEL: Don’t wait too long.

CARL: Yeah. Don’t wait too long. I’d call her tonight after dinner.

JACK: Thanks for the advice.

We finished breakfast, got our coats and headed over to the KOK house. We walked in and checked in with Ty.

TY: Jack. Michael. Thank you guys for offering to help out. I’ll find something easy for you guys to do. Carl. You need to start downstairs. Start with the bathroom down there. Its not pretty.

CARL: Fuck.

Carl headed downstairs. Ty had Michael and I start collecting cups that were scattered around. He gave us a big pail to pour out any leftover liquid, and a trash can to toss the cups in. There was a sunroom on one side of the house, and we started there. Ty told us that once we got the cups, someone would be coming behind us to wipe things down and vacuum. It took most of an hour to clean up the first floor and Ty asked us if we’d go downstairs to the TV room and the pool room? We headed down there, sticking our head in the bathroom to check up on Carl.

CARL: What did I do to him? This place was a mess. I don’t think half of the guys found the pisser, but I think I’m almost done. I wonder what he has for me next?

The TV room wasn’t bad at all, even with the beer pong that had been played. There was one guy that was watching the morning sports news. While cable was just appearing, ESPN was years off. He was watching a local station, speaking about yesterday’s games.

Adam walked in.

ADAM: Hey Jack. I heard that you were here. Did you want to talk?

JACK: Hi Adam. I promised to help out with the cleanup, so maybe later? I think I got most of my answers last night anyway.

MICHAEL: Go ahead Jack. I can handle this.

JACK: You’re sure?

Michael nodded. Adam led me up to the third floor. We went into a room at the end of the hall. It was a 2 room suite. He had a large room out front with a couple of closets. It had a couch, a dresser and a TV. There was a coffee table in front of the couch. I just stood there in awe.

ADAM: You like it?

JACK: This is amazing. This is all yours?

ADAM: Yes. The bedroom is back here.

He led me through a doorway and there was a small room with a king sized bed in it. That and a nightstand were all that were in here.

ADAM: Come and have a seat on the couch.

I was stunned.

JACK: You don’t pay anything to live here?

ADAM: No money, but my ass and mouth are busy making payments.

JACK: Ok. So tell me. It sounds like an awful lot. How do you find time to study? How much dick do you actually have to take?

ADAM: I think that Ken told you that there were times that I was off limits to the brothers, unless I chose not to be. Other than those times, I’m kept busy for a couple hours a day. I usually start looking at 8PM. I do 2 or 3 a night. I don’t have to tell you that some of these cocks are huge. I heard that you were fucked by Anthony yesterday, so you know what I mean.

JACK: Are they all Big?

ADAM: Not all of them. There is one guy here with 6 inches. Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve fucked him a couple of times.

JACK: How did you get started? Have you been doing this a long time?

ADAM: My roommate freshman year was Ty. He would parade around the dorm room nude on a regular basis. Within 2 weeks, I was sucking him. Within 3 weeks, he was fucking me. Then when he pledged here, he asked me to do what you did yesterday. I was fucked by 6 guys that day and never looked back. I love laying back and letting them breed me. I’ve even been DP’d by a couple of the guys.

JACK: DP’d? What does that mean?

ADAM: You have 2 cocks fucking you at the same time.

Bill and Michael had done that to me.

JACK: Two of THESE guys?

ADAM: Yeah, but not the big ones. I could never take Anthony with anyone else, but Carl’s brother, John and another guy have slimmer dicks. I went down to John’s room one night, and the next thing you know, I’ve got 20 inches of dick in me. I enjoyed it so much the first time, I’ve done it a couple of times since.

JACK: John’s dick is nice. I loved how it felt deep in my throat.

ADAM: That is a special feeling. So, what else can I tell you?

JACK: Actually, I more or less decided that I wasn’t going to accept the offer, but after seeing this place and talking with you, I’m having second thoughts.

ADAM: If you need more questions answered, let me know. I graduate at the end of next semester. I know they would like to line up a replacement.

There was a knock at the door. Adam yelled to come in. Ty stuck his head in.

TY: Hey Jack. When you’re done here, would you come down to my room, please?

ADAM: I think that we’re done. Go ahead Jack. If you need to talk some more, let me know.

I followed Ty down the hall to his room. Another nice room. Single bed here, but dresser, desk and a couple of tables.

JACK: I just realized that I didn’t see a desk in Adam’s room.

TY: He prefers to study at the UGLI (Undergraduate Library). He doesn’t have a desk here. So Jack. I was wondering if I could redeem my raincheck?

JACK: Raincheck?

TY: Yeah. In John’s room, you offered me a raincheck on your ass.

JACK: Do you have any pot?

Ty walked over to a table and pulled out a big joint.

He handed me the joint and a lighter, then slipped his shirt off. Ty was a little taller than me, with a nice looking set of pecs. As I drew on the joint, I watched him disrobe. His pants hit the floor and he reached for the joint. I was able to get a good look at the bulge in his briefs. He was hard. The cock was pressed across his pelvis, going to the right. I proceeded to slip my shirt off, and Ty handed the joint back to me. He turned me around, and came up close. I felt him press his dick against my ass as he reached around and unbuckled my belt. My pants hit the floor a few seconds after that. I took another hit of the joint, and Ty turned me around and had me get on my knees. That bulge was now in my face.

TY: You know what to do Jack.

I licked his cock through the briefs while caressing his balls. His cock started moving. It was going vertical. Shortly, it was sticking up through the waistband of the shorts. I got ahold of it, brought it down, and stuck it in my mouth. Ty removed his briefs, kicking them off to the side. I was sucking on what could only be described as a twin to Carl’s cock. I knew my way around this cock. I quickly got rid of the rest of my clothes and asked if I could lay across his bed.

TY: Please.

I laid with my head off the side of the bed and said to Ty: “Go for it big boy.”

Ty stepped up and started to work his cock into my throat. After just a few moments, his balls were resting on my forehead.

TY: I didn’t get a chance to cum yesterday. I’ve got two loads for you Jack.

He proceeded to fuck my throat. He wasn’t rough, just working it in and out. I reached up and started caressing his balls. After a few minutes, I felt them start to rise up.

TY: Here it comes Jack. Adam loved my cum so much, I was able to turn him into a bitch for the house. I’d love to get you in here.

And Ty started cumming in my throat. He pulled out a little bit, and filled my mouth. It was some good tasting cum. After swallowing the load, and milking his cock for what was left, Ty removed his cock.

JACK: I can see how Adam got addicted to that.

Ty found the joint, relit it and handed it to me. I sat up and took a big hit.

TY: Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll be ready to breed that ass of yours.

JACK: That’s what I’m here for.

While I was up in Ty’s room, Michael finished with the cups downstairs. That is where John found him.

JOHN: Damn, Michael. You didn’t have to help, but thank you.

MICHAEL: No problem John. I don’t mind helping a friend.

JOHN: Are you done down here? Would you like to come up to my room and have a joint?

MICHAEL: I should find Carl and Jack.

JOHN: Carl is mopping the floor in the foyer. I haven’t seen Jack.

MICHAEL: He went off with a guy named Adam.

JOHN: Ok. He’ll probably be there for a while. Did he say anything about the offer the house made to him?

MICHAEL: No. What was that?

JOHN: I think I better let him explain it. Come on. I’ve got some Acapulco Gold up in my room. Its killer stuff. If you’re interested, I can probably get some for you.

MICHAEL (looking around, satisfied with his work): Sure thing. Show me the way.

They went up two flights to John’s room via the back stairs. John wanted to avoid Carl seeing Michael go up with him. There would be no secrets afterward, but he didn’t want Michael to talk to Carl yet. Once there, John pulled out the desk chair and offered it to Michael. He went to his drawer and pulled out a joint.

JOHN: This is some serious shit. I think you’re going to like it.

He proceeded to light it, then passed it to Michael. As they smoked, they chatted about nothing important. Michael was surprised. This was some serious shit.

JOHN: So Michael. You know that I want to fuck you.

MICHAEL: I sort of figured that’s why you invited me up here. Carl’s fucked me a couple of times, and it was just too much.

JOHN: I can promise you that you’ll like mine. I could use a tight ass to fuck. Please?

MICHAEL: Ok. I didn’t get a chance to blow a load yesterday. I could use a release.

Michael stood up and started to take his shirt off. John’s clothes were off before Michael’s shirt and pants had hit the floor. Michael was 5’6 or 7″. John was 6’2″. They were both slender and smooth. John waited for Michael to remove his briefs, then he lifted Michael up so that they were face to face. He had Michael wrap his legs around John’s waist. John’s 11 inch dick was acting like a shelf for Michael to sit on. It was wedged in his ass. John started walking towards the bed and laid Michael down. Michael couldn’t believe how strong this guy was, and that cock was rubbing across his ass and driving him crazy. Michael didn’t bottom often, but he had been awed by John’s cock the one time he saw it when he and Carl has visited. He always wondered what it would feel like.

John twirled Michael around so that they were in a 69. John had been told by his brother that Michael was packing some serious meat. He was impressed. John fed his cock to Michael. He wasn’t going to try and go deep. He didn’t think Michael could handle it. John found a way, in spite of their size difference, to take Michael’s cock in his mouth. John had never sucked a guy before, but this kid had him so turned on, that he couldn’t help himself. As he was taking 4 or 5 inches of Michael into his mouth, John started pumping his dick into Michael’s mouth. He felt Michael tap him, then push. John removed his cock.

MICHAEL: Easy big guy. I’ve never come close to anything of this length, and I don’t think its going in my throat.

JOHN: Ok little buddy.

After another 5 minutes of 69, John stood up and declared that he was ready to fuck.

MICHAEL: Take it slow. I’ll let you know if it’s too much for me.

John flipped him around again, reached for the Vaseline and proceeded to prepare Michael’s ass. After he worked 3 lubed fingers into Michael, John greased up his cock and proceeded to enter him. Damn. Michael was tight. Carl had told him that he had fucked Michael a couple of times, but it must have been a while. It took 5 minutes for John to work 6 inches in. He kept checking with Michael.

For Michael, he was finding it much easier than expected. Maybe Jack had opened his ass up. He wondered what the next 5 inches would feel like. It didn’t take much longer to find out. With every pump in, John was going deeper. By the 10 minute mark, John’s balls were slapping Michael’s ass.

JOHN: You ever been long dicked?

MICHAEL: Well, Carl is pretty long, so yeah.

JOHN: Then, you’ve never been long dicked.

John proceeded to pull his cock all the way out, set it on Michael’s hole, and smoothly slide it all the way in. He did this repeatedly. And something happened to Michael. Without a hand, a mouth or a hole on his cock, he started cumming. And when he came, he clenched his ass. This set John off. And in spite of his promise to take it easy, John drove his cock deep into Michael, 4 or 5 times.

Michael had never cum without some stimulation. It was an entirely new sensation for him. And until those final few thrusts by John, he saw the possibility that he could do this again. But his body wasn’t built for this. How does Jack do it?

In Ty’s room.

True to his word, Ty was ready after only a few moments. Of course, my stroking of his cock may have helped him along.

TY: Ok. Time to let me in that ass? Are you ready for this?

JACK: Yes Sir. Please fuck my ass.

TY: Well, since you said please.

Ty grabbed a tube from his nightstand. Jack saw it. It wasn’t Vaseline. It said KY on the side. Must be a new kind of lube.

Ty flipped me over and proceeded to lube up my ass. Carl and Michael usually spend several minutes trying to loosen me up. Ty made sure there was lube in my ass, then put some more on his cock, and lined it up. With one shove, it was in balls deep.


TY: Sorry Jack. I got carried away. Are you ok?

JACK: Yeah. I guess I just wasn’t expecting that. Go slow at first. Ok?

TY: I can do slow. I’ll just keep it in there for a moment. Let me know when you’re ready.

It didn’t take long. My ass has had so many dicks in it recently, many of them big black dicks, that it didn’t take long for me to recover.

JACK: Ok. I’m ready. Just take it easy for a while.

Ty withdrew his cock, and slowly slid it back in. Then repeated. I’ve been fucked in a lot of different positions, but I could not remember being placed flat on my stomach and have the guy dick me down into the mattress. I rapidly became accustomed to Ty’s cock, and I told him he could go faster.

I felt Ty raise himself up, then drop down. Unh.

Then again. Unh.

Then again. Oh? There was that feeling. Ty was stimulating my prostate, and I was getting into it.

Then Ty just started pistoning into my ass. After six or seven strokes, I came. I can’t believe how good this feels. Through my orgasm, Ty just kept pile driving. In a couple of minutes, he let out a loud growl, and I felt him unloading into my ass. He spasmed a couple of times, then lifted himself up again, and boom. Deep in my ass, and I felt him spasming again. After coming off his high, he climbed off of me, moved me around, and stuck his cock in my mouth.

TY: Clean that cock for me.

I didn’t care for this, and I pushed him off.

JACK: That’s not cool, Ty.

TY: Sorry. I got carried away.

JACK: That’s ok. Up until then, I was enjoying it. Let’s just say that didn’t happen and leave it there.

TY: Damn. I hope you accept that offer Jack. We’re going to miss Adam.

JACK: I’ll let Ken know. I do like the dicks in this place.

Ty asked me if I wanted to help him finish the joint. We hadn’t finished it? Ty said that he had found some extra large rolling papers, and was able to roll some monster joints with it. I passed on it, but thanked him for his hospitality.

JACK: I think that I need to find Carl and Michael. I did offer to help them clean.

TY: Hold up a sec. I have to check their work anyways. Well, not Michael’s. You and he were just extras. The pledges should’ve had plenty of time to finish the clean up.

We walked down to the first floor, and I was astonished. You would never know there was a big party here last night. Carl was on a couch in the living room(?) … the band was there last night. He was reading a magazine.

CARL: Well. One person found. Do you know where Michael is?

JACK: I left him in the basement.

CARL: He’s not there now.

TY: Did you check your brother’s room. I heard that he was looking for Michael.

CARL: I hadn’t tried that. Thanks.

We heard someone coming down the steps. It was Michael and John. We all just looked at them.



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