Well… He Did Say Please Ch. 14

A gay story: Well… He Did Say Please Ch. 14 I woke up Monday morning at 6:30. Fuck. I hated waking up this early. Little did I realize that 6:30 would be sleeping in after I graduate. Maybe more on that later. My 8 o’clock class was a chemistry lecture. This is the lecture that I shared with Michael. Until a couple of weeks ago, we were walking to the Chemistry Building on our own. Now, it’s almost guaranteed that we’re walking together, while bullshitting about something. It took 15 to 20 minutes to get to the central campus from our dorm. It was going to be a fucking cold walk in another month or so, but now it was just downright, chilly. It was football season though, and THE game was almost 2 weeks away.

I wondered what my walk would be like next year. “Carl told you that I was interested in taking the apartment with the two of you?”

“Yes. I think that will be great. We seem to have similar interests and schedules.”

“I realized that I never asked where the apartment is.”

“It’s on Hill, near Liberty.”

Fuck. That was well over a mile from the medical campus. “That may be a problem. I’ll have 8 o’clock classes over on the medical campus every morning, except Friday, next year … in both semesters.”

I was in Pharmacy School, with the hopes of going into research. I eventually did. Michael and Carl were in the Engineering School. All of their classes were on the main campus. Michael was majoring in Chemical Engineering, Carl in Automotive. The new apartment would be between the stadium and central campus. For them, it would chop 5 or 10 minutes from their morning walks. The medical campus was near the dorm we were living in. It was going to be a hike for me. The school ran buses though campus. I’d have to see what the schedule and routes were like.

“Is that going to be a problem? That will be a hike.”

Damn. I was looking forward to living with them. “Let me look into it a little more. I’m sorry. I should’ve asked that question a week ago.”

“Don’t worry about it. Carl and I will be able to find a roommate if you decide to stay closer to this side of campus. Just let us know by Christmas.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that. The stuff in the lecture today … will it be on the test? Do you know?”

Michael said, “I believe he said up to end of last week only. You think that you’re set for the test?”

“Yes. I’d like to review some things tomorrow night.”

“Sure. How about calculus? Do you think you’re ready for that?”

“Yeah. Carl is good at exploring the depths of the subject.”

I laughed to myself. Carl was really good about exploring the depths of other things as well. I wondered why I missed what the test would be covering.

In the lecture, while the professor was up on the stage, the TA’s sat along the front. Michael and I had been sitting on the left side, about 3 rows from the front. Last week we had to sit in the front row since we got there so late. I think I was staring at the crotch of my TA, Robert, the whole time. There seemed to be a nice bulge coming down the left leg of his jeans. I’m sure that he wore them tight to entice the girls in the class, but it was doing something to me as well.

After Chemistry, I had an hour before my PoliSci class. This is the class that I shared with Mary. I was looking forward to seeing her. We did not sit together in the class. This was a smaller lecture, of maybe 60 kids, in a large class room. The professor showed definite bias towards the Democratic Party of those days. Nixon had been re-elected the previous year with 60% of the vote. The professor’s favorite line was 60% of 60% meant Nixon was only elected by 36% of the electorate. During the whole semester, no-one, including me, had the balls to ask him what 40% of 60% amounted to. Nixon got his the following Summer. At the end of class, I tried to get to the door before Mary, but she was there when I got there, and was waiting for me.

We chatted some, then shared lunch. Her dorm was across the street from the main campus, so we ate there. I just had to show them my meal card from my dorm. I asked her out to a movie on Saturday. She agreed. They were showing Harold and Maude on campus. Neither of us had seen it. Nothing of importance was discussed, and when I left to go to my next class, Mary put her hand behind my neck, had me bend over, and kissed me on the cheek.

I think that I floated to my next class.

I had a calculus test the next day, so I spent the remainder of the afternoon looking over the text book and my notes, reviewing everything that I could. I met Michael and Carl for dinner at 6.

Michael finished chewing a bite. “Did you speak with Mary today?”

“Yes. We had lunch at her dorm. We’re going to a movie on Saturday night.”

Carl looked up. “Have you talked to Alan about vacating the room for the night?”

“I should, but I have no idea whether we would need it.”

I had shared with them which dorm she lived in. Michael said, “If she didn’t live in that all girl dorm, you could use her room, but I’ve been told they are pretty strict about male visitors.”

Carl laughed. “That’s why the parents put their little girls in that dorm. I guess they just wanted to make it difficult if they decide to fuck around. And, she is into you. I think she’ll let you know pretty early whether she would like to come over.”

Discussion went to football. Our team was on the road again this weekend. It will be a lazy Saturday, listening to the game. Movie started at 7, so I told Mary that I’d pick her up about 6:30. The movie was being shown in one of the big auditoriums on campus, in the Biology Building. That was only 10 minutes from her dorm.

Michael suggested that we head up to his room. Carl said that he needed to call his brother, then he was going to the library.

“Hey, John. You called?”

“Yeah. I actually called at Anthony’s request. He’d like to speak with you. Have you got a minute while I check if he’s around?”


Less than a minute later, Anthony was on the line. “Hey Carl. Congratulations on being a full member. You’re going to like this place. I heard that you’re not planning on living here?”

“No. Michael, and probably Jack, are sharing an apartment with me next year.”

“Actually. I wanted to ask you about Jack. Do you think he would be interested in another round with Beth and me? Beth actually asked me about it. I think that she gets sore from my dick every once in a while.”

Anthony had 11 inches of thick, black cock. He was the thickest cock that fucked me up to that point.

Anthony added, “I haven’t found many people that can take this cock balls deep in both their ass and their throat. Hell, Beth can barely get 5 inches in her mouth before she starts gagging and I think that she would welcome a warmup with Jack’s puny dick.”

“Jack isn’t puny. You’re just abnormal.”

“Ah man. You know how to butter up a brother.”

“I can’t answer for Jack. I’ll let him know and have him contact you.”

“You let him know that Beth won’t be stretched out this time. I won’t fuck her until after he does. He’ll have to clean her before I do though.”

“You cover that with him. I’ll tell him to give you a call. It won’t be before tomorrow. He’s got a big test in the morning. I won’t be seeing him tonight.”

“That’s all that I can ask for. Thanks.”

Up in Michael’s room, Michael asked about the date with Mary on Saturday. I told him about the movie.

“Have you spoken with her about after the movie?”

“I had planned on playing it by ear. See how things go at the movie.”

Carl jumped in the room, grabbed his books and his coat and headed back out the door. He didn’t say anything to me about his conversation with Anthony. I would learn that the next evening.

Michael asked me if I wanted to smoke a joint? “Just a couple of hits to take the edge off.”

“Yes. I think that I’ll head back to my room in a little while. Study a little bit and hit the sack early.”

Michael grabbed a joint and lit it. “Well. I plan to give you a blowjob. Can’t have you having blue balls tonight. You’ll sleep better without them.”

I was all in favor of this. We shared a half of a joint, then Michael had me disrobe and lay back on his bed. Michael undressed to his briefs, and knelt between my legs and started working on my cock. He proceeded to give me a teasingly slow suck. He fingered my ass, sucked on my balls (commenting on how much more he enjoyed this without the hair there), then started sucking me to the root. When I suggested that we get into a 69, Michael said that this was for me, and resumed sucking me to completion. After swallowing my load, Michael leaned over me and gave me a kiss, slipping his cum coated tongue in my mouth. “There. That should help you tonight. Hope that you have a good night’s sleep.”

“Thanks, Michael. I owe you one. I do need to mention something.”

“Go ahead.”

I told him about my conversation with Rufus the previous evening. “He said that we’ve been a little loud and that a couple of rednecks on the floor had been talking about it. Rufus said that he straightened those guys out, but he suggested that we keep the noise down.”

“Thanks for passing that along. Fucking rednecks.”

I got dressed and headed down to my room. No Rufus tonight, and it looked like Alan was at the library. I took a shower so that I wouldn’t have to do so in the morning. It was 8 o’clock, on a school night. The showers were empty.

I got back to my room, and pulled out the PoliSci book. I wanted to get my mind off of calculus for the evening. But that got me thinking about Mary, and I started thinking about our time on Saturday evening, 2 days before. Whie I was fucking her, she was sucking on Carl’s 9 inch python. At one point, I had Carl’s dick in my mouth as she watched. She thought that was hot. I rubbed another one out thinking about this.

9AM. Calculus 101. We were allotted 2 hours for the exam. It took me about 90 minutes. I checked my work on a couple of answers and turned my test in. Some tests, you know you’ve done well. I was rarely surprised by the results if this occurred. Some tests, you think you’ve fucked up seriously. Usually, I found that I did a lot better than I believed. This was a test that I think that I did ok, not great, but I didn’t want to start changing answers, second guessing myself. That never worked well. I found out the next week that I had done exceedingly well on the test. Thank you, Carl. I don’t think that I could’ve done it without you.

Chemistry Lab was at 1. I had lunch, and was in lab, on time. Towards the end of the lab, Robert (the TA) came by and asked me to stick around after class if I could. I did. “Are you ready for the test on Thursday?”

I was surprised. Why would he single me out for this question. “I think so. I’ve been quizzing with a dorm mate. He’s in the same class.”

“In this Lab?”

“No. He has a different TA.”

Robert looked at me. “So Jack. I wanted to ask you if you’re into dick?”

Well, this was not something that I was expecting. I just stared for a moment, not answering.

Robert added, “I’m sorry. It’s really none of my business, but I thought that you were staring at me last week. I’m not allowed to mess around with students in my class, but if you’re interested, I’ll give you my phone number, and next semester, maybe you can give me a call.”

“I’ll take that number. Thanks, Robert.”

I wrote his number in my notebook and headed out the door. Michael and I were studying for the test tonight.

At dinner, Michael and Carl asked me about the calculus exam. I related to them my concerns. On to Chemistry.

Carl told me, “I’m studying in the library again tonight. That’ll let Michael and you quiz yourselves on Chemistry. But I do have something to discuss with you tonight. I don’t want to discuss it down here though. How about if I come back from the library about 9, and we can talk it over.”

“Sure. You don’t want to give me a hint?”

“Not down here.” We were in the cafeteria.

The 3 of us returned to their room. Carl grabbed his books and his coat and got out. It was 6:30. Michael and I studied until 8. We lit up a joint, and got comfortable. Michael fucked me while I held my legs this time. Michael fucked me and stroked my cock at the same time. When I came, my ass squeezed around Michael’s cock, which sent him over the edge. We finished the joint.

Michael confessed, “I’ve been fucked by John a couple of times now. That is a dick a person could get addicted to.”

“Really? Does Carl know?”

“Yes. I’ve told him.”

I thought back on my time with that dick. “That is a great dick to get fucked by. Did you cum from it?”

“Yes. Both times. But I can’t deep throat him. He suggested that I bring you over, and we could have a 3 some.”

“That sounds interesting.”

Michael nodded. “I’ll let him know that you’re interested.”

Carl came in the room shortly after that, and loaded his bong. Michael and I shared one toke each, and then passed on any further.

After Carl took a couple of more tokes, “Jack. I received a call from Anthony yesterday. He’d like to talk with you. He says that he and Beth are interested in getting together with you again. He says that he doesn’t find many people that can take him balls deep in both the ass and the mouth, and he liked how you did it.”

“Wow. What about Beth? You said that she would be there, too?”

“You’ll have to get the details from him, but that is the way it was related to me. Give him a call at the house when you have a chance.”

I promised him that I would do so. Chemistry at 8 o’clock again tomorrow, so I said my goodbyes and headed down to my room. Alan was still at the library. I ran to the showers, saw Rufus eyeing up my ass as I was drying off. I walked over to him, and asked if he had ever been to the KOK house? That was the all Black fraternity on campus (Kappa Omega Kappa). Like us, Rufus was a freshman.

Rufus acknowledged that he had. “I thought about joining the fraternity, but they had a ridiculous requirement of having to find a white girl to fuck 3 of the brothers. That was downright stupid.”

I didn’t tell him that it didn’t have to be a girl. It actually crossed my mind to offer to give my ass up for him, like I did with Carl. I wasn’t sure about it, and decided to check on something. I checked the rest of the shower area, then I reached down and grabbed his cock. “Let me know when I can help you out again.”

“Ohhh. That’s not nice. But thanks, Jack. I will.”

I left the showers, and knocked on Carl’s door, still in my towel.

Carl answered. “Hey Jack. I thought you would be in bed by now. Come on in.”

“Thanks. I just have a question. Did you know that Rufus had considered pledging the KOK house?”

“Yeah. He and I discussed it. He didn’t think it was for him. I didn’t push it.”

“If he wanted to pledge, is there still time?”

“I think that if he isn’t planning on living there next year, he can still pledge. Why?”

“What would you think if I offered to fulfill his pledge requirement for him?”

“I’m not sure that would be possible. I can check it if you like. What about Mary? What if she wants you all to herself?”

“I’m going to take your advice, and figure out a way to explain to her that I don’t want to be exclusive, at least not yet.”

Carl nodded. “I think that is good. I’ll call the house and check it out. Have you talked to Rufus about this?”

“No. I spoke with him in the shower area a few minutes ago, and found out he was interested in pledging until he found out that he had to provide a willing hole. He didn’t mention providing a guy, only a girl.”

“Ok. Let me find out more and I’ll get back to you.”

“Thanks, then I’ll talk with Rufus.”

Carl didn’t have to ask me if Rufus was aware that I’ve taken to receiving dick. Rufus had let me know that the whole floor was aware of it, but he was not letting any of the rednecks do anything about it, more or less offering us protection.

Rufus was 6’5″, 240 pounds. He looked like a linebacker. He had accepted a scholarship to the football team, but blew his knee out in one of the last games in high school. Luckily, he was a good student as well, and the athletic department managed to get him a full ride academically, in pre-med. Nobody was going to mess with him. I thanked him for the protection, by giving him a blow job. His cock was possibly thicker than Anthony’s, just not quite as long. I said goodnight to Carl, and headed back to my room.

I saw Mary again on Wednesday in PoliSci. She invited me over to her dorm again for lunch. She asked if I was able to bring any pot to the movie?

I was liking this girl more and more. “Sure. I can bring a couple of joints if you like.”

“I’m sure one will be enough. If we decide to smoke a second one, maybe we could go to your dorm after.”

That was a deal. I headed off to my pharmacy class. After that class, it was a little out of the way, but I decided to stop by the KOK house on the way back to my dorm. I wanted to see if Anthony or John were in. I knocked on the door to John’s room, but got no answer. Bill came around the corner and said that he thought John was around. He suggested that I check down in the TV room.

I decided to go up to Anthony’s room first. The door was open, but I knocked anyway. Anthony told me to come in. He told me that he and Beth had enjoyed their time with me and were hoping that I could come by on Saturday for a repeat. Since I had the date with Mary, I had to decline, but said that I was interested. I promised to keep in touch. He thanked me, and I went to find John.

I found John down in the TV room and talked with him about what Michael had told me. He suggested that we get together on Friday night. I told him that was a possibility, and that I would talk with Michael about it, but that it would have to be here.

John said, “No problem. I’ve got a room all to myself, as you know. Carl called late last night looking for Ty, but he wasn’t around. He spoke with me about Rufus. I spoke with Ty today. He said that he doesn’t believe there is any exception to one person fulfilling the requirement for 2 pledges, but he thought that it would have to be 3 different guys than the first time, and remember that you have to suck Rufus off during each of the sessions, then Rufus has to breed you here. Now, Carl and Ty have fucked you, but Rufus wasn’t there, so they can be 2 of the cocks. I’m sure we could find one more guy for you.”

“Ok. I’m still thinking about telling Rufus about it, so don’t mention it any further.”

“Have you thought any more about taking over for Adam next year?”

Adam was the only white member of the fraternity. In exchange for a free room, he had to make his holes available to at least a couple of guys each night (more if he liked). There were exceptions for nights before tests.

I told him that I’ve thought about it. “But don’t believe its for me. If I see Ken on the way out (Ken was the chapter president … he was the one that offered the position to me), I’ll let him know.

“Ok. I’ll check with him later in case you don’t see him. You know his room? Knock on his door on your way out. I hope to see you on Friday.”

I walked up to the main floor, knocked on Ken’s door and he hollered for me to come in. He was in his private bath, drying himself off. “Oh. Hello Jack.”

“Hi Ken. I was in the house, and just wanted to tell you that I decided that your offer to replace Adam wasn’t for me. I thank you for asking, though.”

“Thanks for letting me know. If you change your mind, check with me in case we haven’t filled the position yet.”

I was staring at his cock.

Ken grabbed it by the base and waved it at me. “I have a few minutes before I have to go. Would you like to help a brother out?”

I just nodded. He led me over near his bed, dropped a pillow on the floor and told me to kneel. He fed me his cock. I spent a few minutes licking his balls.

“Do you enjoy eating ass, Jack?”

I nodded while stuffing his cock back in my mouth. He laid back on his bed, and lifted his legs. He was slightly hairy, but having just come from the shower, I figured his ass was clean. I proceeded to lick his ass, while I stroked his cock.

“Oh. That’s it, Jack. Eat that ass.”

After about 5 minutes of this, Ken told me he was ready to cum. He stood up and started stroking his cock. When he came, he came on my face.

He told me to wait right there. He went over to his dresser, and picked up one of those Polaroid cameras.

“Look at me, Jack.”

Snap, brrrrrr. The camera spit out its picture. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. There was some cum on my shirt, but that wasn’t a big deal. After toweling off my face, I returned to the bedroom area, and Ken showed me the picture. Its just for me, Jack. And he walked over to a bulletin board, and stuck it up there with about a dozen other pictures.

I guess it was just for him and whoever he invited into this room. I wasn’t ashamed of it. I was actually turned on by the idea of strangers seeing me with a face full of cum.

“Thanks, Jack. I’m going to need to head out in a bit. Please let me know if you change your mind.”

“I will.”

I walked back to my dorm. I had enough time to review the chemistry lecture from this morning. Michael and I were in the 4th row today. I noticed Robert scratching his balls a couple of times during the lecture.

I met Carl and Michael for dinner. I told them about stopping by the KOK house this afternoon and the results from the discussions there. Once again, Michael and I retired to his room as Carl headed out to the library. Since we both had a test in the afternoon, we took the tension off with a 69. I headed back to my room before Carl returned. As I was walking down to my room, Rufus called to me. I stopped and he came down the hall to me. “Hey Jack. Have you got time to help me out tonight?”

“Damn, Rufus. I’ve got a test tomorrow and wanted to shower and hit the sack. Can I offer you a raincheck?”

“Sure thing. School comes first.”

“Rufus. If you could find someone to help you with the pledging requirement, would you pledge the KOK house?”

“I’ll tell you the truth Jack. I haven’t been able to find anyone to take care of the big ole dick on a regular basis. I’ve had a couple of girls willing to give me a blow job, but that’s it. And they can’t get even half of it in their mouth. They’ve all said that, while they were sorry, I was too big to let me fuck them. This dick is a curse.”

I thought it was far from a curse, but I never had a problem with anyone taking my dick all the way, so who was I to judge?

I looked up at him. “You were aware that it doesn’t have to be a girl?”

“No. I guess that I just assumed.”

“Well, if you’re interested, I could help you out with your requirement. If you are interested in pledging, let me know. I am sure we can figure something out.”

“Thanks Jack. I’ll let you know. Good luck on your test tomorrow. What course?”

“Chemistry. Michael and I both have it tomorrow.”

“Again. Good luck. See you around.”


I headed for my room. Off to the showers, and then I fell asleep looking over the PoliSci notes from today.

The chemistry test was at 1:00 in the lab, with Robert supervising the exam. I turned my test into him, wondering exactly what his dick looked like. This was a test that I felt that I aced. I found out a week later that I was right.

No tests for a couple of weeks, so I just needed to review my calculus notes from today, and a quick look at PoliSci, my only class tomorrow. I decided to see if Rufus was around. I could take care of that rain check if he was interested. I knocked on his door, but there was no answer. Carl was heading down the hall. “I think he has classes all day, almost every day, or he’s at the library all the time.”

“Ok. Are you done for the day?”

“Yes. How was your test?”

“Think that I aced it.”

“Michael said that he thought you would have no problems.”

“Have you spoken with him yet? Are you ready for dinner?”

“I haven’t seen him, and yes, I’m starved.”

I told Carl that I was going down to my room and that I’d be right back. I ran down to my room and grabbed a joint. Once back in Carl’s room, we lit the joint. On the second hit, Michael walked in. “Hey guys. How’d the test go Jack?”

“I think that I did well. How about you?”

“Not sure, but I’m not going to worry about it. Any of that joint left?

Carl handed it to him. We finished the joint and headed down to the cafeteria. About half way through the meal, Rufus joined us. His tray was piled high. Man could that guy eat. The cafeteria was crowded, so discussions were limited to football. The topic tonight was the Lions. They were playing .500 ball, and probably not going to make the playoffs. Little did I realize that this was going to be the good days to look back upon.

Carl asked Rufus, “Any chance you could play ball for the University next year?”

“Dr says that my knee will never be 100% again. Another injury to the same knee, and I could be limping the rest of my life. I’m just thankful my mother insisted that I hit the books hard, and I was able to get a scholarship to go to med school.”

I looked at him. “You’re pre-med?”

“Actually, I’m in the Medical School. After 6 years, I graduate with an MD, assuming I graduate.”

I’ve never heard of that and I told Rufus.

“I’m lucky that I got in. There are only 20 of us this year. I have Anatomy next year, and I think that is with your class.”

“I do have Anatomy next year. It’s 8 o’clock. I know that much.”

“Same here. I think it’s the same lecture. Can I talk with you and Carl after dinner?”

Carl looked at me and nodded.

I told Rufus, “When you’re done, we can head up to one of our rooms.”

“You guys don’t have to wait for me. I’ll find you when I’m done.”

30 minutes later, we were in Carl’s room. The door was cracked open. Rufus tapped on the door and asked if he could come in?

Carl got up. “Sure. Come on in.”

Rufus entered, looked around. “Michael is not here?”

Carl shook his head. “You didn’t mention him in the conference, so he went to the library. Do you smoke dope? I can light up a bong.”

“No. I don’t touch the stuff. Nothing against it. It’s just not for me.”

Carl set the bong down. “Ok. So what can we do for you?”

“Well, Carl. You pledged the KOK house. Correct?”

“Yes. I’m a member now.”

“Was Jack your pledge requirement?”

“He was.”

“Well. I got a call from them last night. They would like me to pledge. With my academic record, they said they would be honored to have me as a member.”

I wondered who called him. “Who did you speak with?”

“Ty. He also told me that you’ve already checked with them about being my requirement as well.”

“I have.”

“You like black dick that much, eh?”

“Well. I have to admit that I’ve enjoyed it, but the reason I did it for Carl, and the reason that I’m willing to do it for you, is because I consider you friends. I enjoy the cocks, but I’m doing it for you and Carl.”

“Well. Thank you Jack. You’ve got no problem with this Carl?”

“Not at all. Jack is in charge of Jack.”

“Ty said there is no hurry to fulfill the requirement. All I can do is say thank you. I think this fraternity is important. I can’t believe they have this requirement, and I’m actually embarrassed about it.”

I tried to reassure him. “Don’t be. Did they tell you that you had to be there for each of the meetings?”

“Yes. And they told me that I was not allowed to cum in the house until you finished with the 3rd guy. And then, I needed to breed you too.”

I smiled. “I know. That is one of the reasons that I offered. I’m looking forward to getting fucked by that cock.”

“I’m hoping that I don’t hurt you.”

“So am I, big guy. So am I.”

Rufus stood up. “Well, thanks again. Do you think you could stop by my room before going down to yours tonight?”

“Sure thing.”

With that, Rufus left the room, closing the door behind him.

Carl looked at me. “You told me that you thought his cock was perhaps the thickest that you’ve seen. Think that you can take it in the ass?”

I wondered that myself. “Either that, or die trying.”

“Let us know when its going to happen. We may be able to set up another DP to prepare you for it.”

“Is that what Michael and Bill were doing? Preparing me for Anthony?”

“Yes. Did it help?”

“I have to say it probably did. Ok. I’ll let you know. You’re not planning on being one of the cocks, are you?”

“Yeah. I was thinking John and me.”

“I may not be able to walk for a week after that. Where’s that bong?”

When Michael returned to the room, Carl was in the middle of fucking me doggie style. Michael lit the bong, took off his clothes, and fed his cock to me as he finished the bowl.

When we finished, I confirmed with Michael that I was coming with him to see John tomorrow. I dressed and I left for Rufus’ room. Rufus answered the door in a pair of gym shorts. He thanked me for coming over and asked if he could redeem his raincheck.

“I hoped that is why you asked me over here.”

“Get your clothes off and lay down on the bed. I want to fuck that throat again.”

“Just take it easy. No-one is close to you in thickness.”

Rufus smiled. “Aww, Jack. You always know just what to say. Now lay down.”

It took about 10 minutes, but I felt Rufus’ balls tapping my forehead. He was deep in my throat when the door to the room opened. We forgot to lock it. It was Rufus’ roommate. His name was Pete. He stood with the door open, and stared. Then he closed it quickly, but he hadn’t left. “Sorry guys. I didn’t expect to see this tonight.”

RUFUS (with his cock still in my mouth): “You want him to leave Jack?”

I pushed him out. “If he wants to watch, I’m ok with that.” And I started licking his balls.

Rufus looked at Pete. “If you want to watch, you should remove your clothes.”

As Pete disrobed, “I can’t believe you can take the whole thing, Jack. I think that I can see it in your throat.” Pete placed his fingers on my throat, and felt Rufus’ cock moving back and forth in my esophagus. “That is amazing.”

Rufus interrupted. “Jack needs some help there Pete. Why don’t you do a dormmate a favor.”

Pete was a white kid, about 5’8″. I heard someone else in the dorm refer to Rufus and Pete as Mutt and Jeff. I don’t think anyone was brave enough to say this to Rufus’ face. When I glanced over at Pete’s nude body, he was hard, and finally, I found someone smaller than me. He may have been 5 inches, and his dick was the slimmest I have seen. Pete leaned over and took my dick in his mouth. I reached over and caressed his dick and balls.

Rufus told me. “I would really like to fuck that ass Jack, but I believe you would wake up anyone that was already asleep on the floor, and maybe the floor above, so that will have to wait.”

Pete took his mouth off of my cock. “Really? You’re planning on fucking him?”

“Just get back to work, Pete. He’s helping me out. It’d be nice for you to return the favor.”

Pete bent over again, and started sucking on my cock. I don’t think he’s had much experience, but he was going to get a load from me anyway. And he did. He swallowed most of it, and the rest was dribbled on my groin.

Then Rufus told me, “I’m ready to cum Jack. Are you going to swallow it for me, or do you want me to spray it over your body?”

I pointed to my mouth. I was going to take a shower anyway, but I didn’t want to walk down to my room covered in cum. Rufus blew the first shot directly down my throat, then withdrew so the rest would fill my mouth. I swallowed as quickly as I could, and believe I got it all. I was still playing with Pete’s cock, when he grunted and sprayed his cum all over me. Well, best laid plans …

Pete handed me a shirt to use to wipe up the cum. I checked. It wasn’t my shirt. Once cleaned up, Rufus put on his gym shorts, I got dressed and Pete draped a towel around his body. “I think that I’m going to hit the shower. Again, I’m sorry about barging in.”

That made me smile. “It’s your room, Pete. Don’t worry about it.”

After I finished dressing, I told Rufus when he wanted to start pledging, to let me know. I’ll find some time to help him. I headed down to my room, undressed, wrapped myself in a towel and headed for the showers. Pete was just getting out when I arrived.

Pete looked at me. “Do you shave, Jack? Your groin, that is.”

“Yes. Well, last week was the first time, but I like the look, so I plan on continuing.”

“I think it’s awesome. I was thinking of shaving. Do you think you could help me?”

“Yeah. Let me know when you’re interested.”

“Maybe I could come to your room to listen to the game this Saturday, and you can help me.”

“That should be possible. I’ll let you know.”

Pete tucked his towel in. “Thanks a lot. I’ll talk to you.”

I took my shower, went back to my room and relaxed on my bed. It was looking like another busy weekend. PoliSci tomorrow. I’ll see Mary again.

Since PoliSci didn’t start until 10, I was able to sleep in a little. I thought that I’d be able to sleep in a little. Alan woke me up early and asked if I could give him a blowjob.

Well … he did say please.

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