What Happened at the Party Ch. 01

A gay story: What Happened at the Party Ch. 01 There’s always a bit of a buzz round the office in the run up to Christmas. Apart from having a break from work, there’s also the office party to look forward to, on the last Friday before we shut down for the Festive season.

I’m Mark, approaching 40, not bad looking, 5’8 and slim build, take good care of myself and try to stay fit, but going bald early, solving the problem by sporting a close clipper cut and with a trimmed beard.

I work as a planner for a local kitchen design company and have just finished a quote for a new job.

I wander out to the main office area to collect my printing.

The three girls that work there are gossiping as usual and as I sort the pages into piles, I listen in to their conversation.

They’re discussing the upcoming party and also the kitchen fitting team, trying to decide which one is the hottest. Amy picks Chris, which is obvious as they’re going out together, Carol plumps for Barry and Faith decides on Dave.

All cute men, I’m thinking, when Carol behind me asks

“What about you, Mark? Who do you rate as hot?”

I don’t really have much to do with the fitters, unless they have a query about my design, but there is one that springs to mind, who I always notice if he’s out in the yard.

“They’re all good looking guys, but I’d probably pick Glenn.”

Amy and Faith both make a retching noise and Carol just lifts an eyebrow.

“You can’t be serious, he’s the most disagreeable, bad tempered guy ever.”

That’s true. Glenn is his his late 20s, has worked here for 5 years and doesn’t really talk to any of us in the office, especially me, apart from work stuff. He’s always arguing with somebody and drinks a fair bit at the weekend, which makes him worse. There have been a quite a few Monday mornings when he turns up for work with skinned knuckles, or bruises from fighting on a Saturday night.

He is however excellent at his job and customers are always very complimentary about the work he’s carried out.

Despite all that, I think there’s something really sexy about him, with his muscles and black hair, so I say so.

Carol just shakes her head at me.

“I thought you’d better taste than that, Mark.”

As I walk back to my office, I hear them whispering, no doubt deciding that I’m maybe not so fussy now that I’m pushing 40.

Ten days later we’re at the party. It’s held in a big hotel and the company has forked out on overnight accommodation for all the staff, so nobody has to drive home.

Including subcontractors, there’s about 60 people there and when I arrive with Carol, who’s driven me over, the bar is already busy, as the first hour is free.

We stand with our drinks and survey the room.

Carol nods her head towards the far end of the bar.

“I see the boys have started early.”

I follow her gaze and see our fitting team crowded round the end of the bar. By the look of them, they’ve been in the pub first, as there’s a lot of drinking and loud conversation going on.

They look different out of their work clothes and have all made an effort to look smart.

I spot Glenn with a beer in his hand, laughing at something Chris has said.

He’s wearing dark trousers and a wine red shirt, open at the neck which shows a fair bit of his hairy chest.

As if he’s aware of being watched, he looks in our direction and his face turns into a scowl, before he turns round.

Carol makes a face at me.

“What’s his problem?”

“It’s how he is, Carol, especially where I’m concerned.”

“Do you think he’s homophobic, then?”

“Oh I think he hates mostly everybody, so I don’t take it personally.”

The rest of the evening is great, a Christmas meal with all the trimmings, followed by a DJ and dancing.

At the end of the night, most guests either head home, or up to their rooms, but a few diehards linger in the bar.

Carol and I settle on a comfy sofa in the corner and we’re joined by Amy and Chris, for a nightcap.

Some of the boys are still at the end of the bar and I’m surprised they’re still standing, as I’d spotted them doing shots earlier.

We finish our drinks and the other three slip outside for a last cigarette, while I decide to call it a night.

I get in the lift and just before the doors close, an arm appears to force them open again and a very drunk Glenn stumbles in, hitting the wall.

We start moving and he comes right up close to me, leaning against my shoulder.

“Well hello, Mark. Did you enjoy the party?”

“Yes, it was a good night.”

I was a bit uncomfortable being so close to him, as I knew he could be a bit of an unpredictable drunk, so when he turned, with his face close to mine, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

“So a little birdie tells me that you fancy me, is that right?”

I silently cursed Amy because she must have told Chris.

“What gave you that idea?”

“I heard you think I’m sexy, so you must fancy me, right?”

“No, Glenn. Somebody’s picked it up wrong.”

He got right in my face.

“I don’t believe you. I’ve seen you watching me at work and I’ve heard you like a bit of cock, so how about this.”

He grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch. I could feel his semi hard cock through his trousers and it felt pretty big as he pressed my hand against it.

“See, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Just then the lift reached my floor and as the doors opened, he let me go.

I ducked past him, but he followed.

“Come on, Mark, you know you want to.”

I’d no idea what had brought this on, but I wanted no part of it. I turned back towards him.

“Go to bed, Glenn.”

He caught me up and grabbed me round the neck in a head lock, his face inches from mine.

“I don’t think you get it. I’m coming to your room and you’re going to suck me off.”

He didn’t let go, but half dragged me down the passage, till we came to my room.

I decided I wasn’t going to get out of this without getting punched or worse, so thought I might as well do it. With a bit of luck, when it came down to business, Glenn would chicken out, or not be able to get it up.

But he didn’t. As soon as we were inside, he leaned against the back of the door and began to undo his trousers.

“On your knees, cocksucker”

His cock was huge and thick, at least 9 ins, with a big mushroom head and my face must have given me away.

“See, I knew you wanted my cock. Now suck it.”

He grabbed the back of my head and pushed me on to his cock, but I was ready and swallowed him to the hilt, my nose against the black hair on his groin.

He unbuttoned his shirt, giving me a view of his muscled chest, which was covered in smooth black hair that continued in a line right down over his stomach.

A couple of times I tried to reach his hairy chest to stroke it, but he slapped my hand away.

“Just suck my cock. Nothing else.”

I was determined to give him the best blow job he’d ever had, but even though he was rock hard, there was no sign of him coming any time soon.

I was looking up at him leaning back with his eyes closed, when he suddenly opened them and pushed me off him.

“Right get your clothes off and lie on the bed.”

I did as I was told and stripped off, then, pulling the duvet aside, lay face down on the bed. I was kind of excited because I knew I was going to get that massive cock inside me, but I was worried about how rough he would be.

He took a bit of time to free himself from his trousers and briefs, then climbed on top of me. I spat on my hand and spread it on my hole, before his big mushroom head pushed against my sphincter, forcing me open.

He rammed that huge cock deep inside me, till he was balls deep and I heard him breath out loudly.

My hole felt stretched and full with his thick shaft, the weight of his body pressed me into the mattress.

He raised himself up on his strong arms and begin to pump his hips against my arse, his hard rod sliding in and out of my hole, every thrust going all the way inside me, pinning me to the bed.

Glenn might have been drunk, but he was still able to fuck, as he increased the speed of his thrusts, slamming into me and I could feel his balls slapping against me.

Just when I thought he wasn’t ever going to cum, his cock suddenly seemed harder and bigger inside me and with a loud grunt, he released a massive load up my back passage that went on for ages, with thrust after thrust, before he rolled off me.

It had been ages since I’d been used by such a big cock, that I had to lie for a minute or two to recover.

By the time I moved and looked across at Glenn, he was sound asleep.

I went to the bathroom and tidied myself up, then took a washcloth back with me to wipe down Glenn’s cock, licking off a little bit of cum from the tip.

He didn’t stir, so I covered him with the duvet and crawled in beside him.

I woke early in the morning with Glenn holding me close from behind, his morning wood nudging my arse and his breathing heavy.

I lay still, enjoying the moment, with his hard cock throbbing against my bum, not wanting to wake him, but all too soon, that’s just what he did.

He jumped like he’d been burned and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom, where I heard him pissing loudly for a long time.

Pretending to still be asleep, I was aware of him coming back and moving around the room, muttering to himself. I half opened one eye and saw him picking up his clothes from the floor and getting dressed, before he sat on the chair to put on his shoes.

I opened my eyes.

“Morning, Glenn.”

He looked across at me and I couldn’t decide if the look on his face was a scowl or confusion.

“Morning, yourself.”

It came out as a mumble, before he looked down and laced up his shoes.

He stood up and as he approached the bed, I started to speak.

“About last night…”

That’s as far as I got. He leaned in close to my head, with a snarly look on his face.

“If you tell anyone about what happened last night, I’ll punch your lights out. Understood?”

I wasn’t going to argue with him, so just nodded. I also made to get out of bed, but the look on his face stopped me

“Stay where you are. I don’t want to see your skinny naked carcass first thing in the morning.”

As he went towards the door, he turned back with a threatening look on his face.

“Remember, you say anything about this to anybody and you’ll be in big trouble.”

“Don’t worry, Glenn. Having sex with you is not something I’m going to admit to any time soon.”

That earned me a scowl and he left, kicking the door on the way out.

I thought I’d had a lucky escape, but I remembered being impaled by his huge cock last night and today, although my hole was still feeling pretty tender, it was also very satisfied.

By the time I made it down for breakfast, there was no sign of Glenn or the others from the fitting team. Carol was attacking a full English breakfast at a table by the window, so I joined her, picking up juice and coffee from the buffet on the way.

An hour later we drove back into town, chatting about the party on the way, but I was a bit distracted, as I couldn’t stop thinking about the night before.

Christmas came and went. Before I knew it we were back at work and on the first day, office gossip was rife. Carol filled me in at coffee time.

Apparently rumour had it that Glenn had scored at the party. He’d been sharing a room with Dave, but his bed was never slept in. At breakfast, the boys had interrogated him, but he gave nothing away and turned bad tempered when they persisted.

I listened as Carol told me all this, keeping my expression neutral.

“Well nothing new there, he’s always bad tempered that one.”

“Yeah, you’re right, but he must have spent the night somewhere.”

“Probably fell asleep on a sofa or something. You know what he’s like.”

Carol nodded and dropped the subject, which I was grateful for.

It was soon forgotten and life continued in that flat way that it does after the Festive season.

I did occasionally see Glenn out in the yard, but he never even looked my way.

A couple of weeks later, I got in late one Saturday night and had just settled into bed, when the doorbell rang.

I wasn’t going to go to the door, but then worried that my family or neighbour might have a problem.

When I opened the door, Glenn stood on the doorstep, leaning against the wall, looking very drunk.

“What are you doing here, Glenn?”

He straightened up and smirked at me

“I want my cock sucked again.”

Before I had a chance to close the door in his face, he pushed his way inside, shutting the door behind him and pinning me to the wall,

“Now, I’m going to let you suck my cock. That’s what you want isn’t it?”

Here we go again, I thought, but he had a nasty look on his face, so I just nodded my head.

He fumbled with his zip and his cock flopped out, already semi hard, then he gripped my shoulder and pushed me down with my back against the wall.

“Suck it, bitch.”

I teased the tip of his cock with my tongue, before sliding over his big mushroom head and taking the whole length of his shaft down my throat.

As I sucked him, I felt him getting harder and harder. I began to fondle his balls, tugging on them gently, which brought groaning noises from above me.

His hand came down and clamped itself to the top of my head, so I couldn’t move and he began to face fuck me, his cock almost choking me as he shoved it as far down my throat as he could.

I couldn’t breathe properly and I gripped his arse cheeks with both hands to try and control his thrusts.

Thankfully, that must have been a turn on for him, because his cock started to spew his seed down my throat, the quantity of it flooding my mouth.

With one last jerk, he finished and leaned forward with his head against the wall, breathing heavily.

He looked down at me, my mouth still filled with his cock and cum dribbling down my chin, my head pinned by his hand.

He had a slightly glazed look in his eyes, but he released my head, then took his still hard cock out of my mouth and stuffed it back in his trousers.

He leaned down, his face very close to mine and snarled.

“You keep your mouth shut, remember, or you’ll feel my fist in your face.”

“Fine, whatever, just fuck off now.”

I thought I might get that fist in my face right then, but he opened the door and disappeared leaving it wide open.

I kicked it shut, locked up, then went to the bathroom and cleaned up my face, then gargled to get the taste of his cum out of my mouth.

I was also cold after being in the hall wearing only my shorts, so poured myself a whisky to take back to bed.

As I wrapped myself up in bed and sipped my whisky, I was feeling conflicted

Glenn turning up drunk like that had been out of order, but I’d loved having his huge cock in my mouth again and despite being a nasty piece of work, he was still a hot guy with that big piece of meat between his legs that I wouldn’t mind up my arse again.

Unfortunately the only way I’d probably get it again, is when he was drunk, which I didn’t really like.

That was my last thought before I managed to get to sleep.

Next day, I headed to the DIY store and bought a doorbell camera, so if Glenn came back, I could just ignore him, if I chose.

Next week at work, I noticed him a couple of times in the yard and he obviously saw me as well, keeping his head down and walking away.

On Thursday, I looked up from my desk to see Glenn approaching my office.

He came in without knocking as usual and threw a work schedule in front of me.

“There’s something not right about this job we’re doing today.”

“No problem. How can I help?”

That threw him slightly, but at least one of us was going to be professional.

“Why do the tiles stop halfway along the back wall?”

“Because they’ve bought a large dresser for that space and don’t see the point in paying for tiles that will never be seen.”

“Ok fine.”

As he grabbed the paperwork, he was looking straight at me for the first time and I wondered if there was something he wanted to say, but he just turned and left, leaving the door wide open.

Saturday night I was in bed early and almost asleep, when the doorbell chimed just after midnight. I reached for my phone to check the app, but knew perfectly well who it would be.

There on the screen was Glenn, swaying slightly, with one hand against the wall to support himself, his finger poised to ring the bell again.

I decided I was going to ignore him and hoped that he would get fed up and go away.

He persisted though, by ringing the bell every couple of minutes, which also made my phone ping beside me and drive me mad.

There was silence for about 10 minutes and I hoped he’d given up, but a look at my phone, showed him leaning against the door post with his eyes shut.

A few minutes later, he started banging on the door. Well I’d had enough of him by then and lost my temper, which I don’t do often. I opened the front door and grabbed him by the shirt, hauling him inside.

“Get the fuck in here.”

He was a bit surprised to say the least and stood there with his mouth open.

“You want sex, Glenn? Come with me.”

I hauled him through to the bedroom and let go of his shirt.

“Right, get your clothes off.”

He didn’t move.

“Do it. NOW!”

I watched as he undressed, revealing his muscled upper body with all that black hair on his chest, his treasure trail that disappeared down into his jeans and when he dropped them, followed by his briefs, there was his big mushroom headed cock, surrounded by neatly trimmed black hair and smooth balls hanging below.

For once he seemed to be a bit unsure of himself, so I dropped my own shorts and walked towards him.

I gave him a shove and he fell back on to the bed, lying there looking hot, but not very sure what was happening to him.

I climbed on top and kissed his nipples, running my hands through his chest hair.

He began to protest, but I put my hand on his mouth.

“Shut up Glenn.”

I worked my way down his body, till I reached his cock and as soon as I took it in my mouth, he gave a hissing noise, followed by a grunt of satisfaction.

I carried on using my mouth like a sucking device on his cock, then moved to his balls, rolling them around my mouth one at a time.

My nose was filled with his musky male smell and what I really wanted to do was taste his hole, but I thought I’d be pushing my luck, so got back to his cock, getting it nice and wet with my saliva.

I straddled him and slowly lowered myself on to his rigid shaft, till he was right up inside me.

Supporting myself with both hands on his chest, I bounced on his cock, feeling it hit my prostate on every downward motion, my own erection bouncing along and slapping him on the belly.

I risked playing with his nipples and didn’t get any grief for it, so gave them a good hard tweak, which made him yelp.

“Be quiet, you wimp.”

I continued using his cock as my own personal dildo, thicker than anything I had in my drawer.

“You like this, don’t you, Glenn.”

He nodded, but didn’t look at me, seemingly fascinated by his hard rod sliding in and out of my hole.

As I rode his cock, I still had my hands flat on his pecs, using my thumbs to play with his nipples.

He began to buck his hips upwards, meeting my downwards squats and my arse banged against him as he thrust.

I felt his cock stiffen up and he groaned loudly, as he released a huge load up my back passage, making me come without even touching my cock.

Afterwards, looking at him lying there, completely spent with his eyes closed, I realised just how handsome he was. It’s a shame he was such a shit most of the time.

I got off him and cleaned myself up in the bathroom, before coming back with a sponge and a towel that I used to wipe down his cock, along with my cum, which was spattered all over his chest.

He half opened his eyes and watched what I was doing, but stayed quiet till I’d finished.

“Need to go piss.”

He headed for the bathroom, while I tidied up the bed and when he came out, started looking around for his clothes.

“You can stay, if you want. It’s far too late to go home now.”

I thought he was going to refuse, but put down his trousers and got back into bed.

He was very quiet and I don’t know where the loud obnoxious guy had gone.

“You ok,Glenn?”

“Yeah, just a bit knackered.”

He didn’t look at me and I wanted to know what he was thinking, but this was not the time, so I turned out the light.

Morning came and Glenn was lying right behind me, like a rerun of the morning after the party, but this time he stayed there, his erection probing my crack and his hairy chest close against my back.

I knew he was awake, because his hand was slowly exploring my nipples and stomach, so I spat on my hand, reached behind me to lubricate his cock and lined him up with my hole.

“Fuck me, Glenn.”

He was much gentler this time, pushing his way slowly inside me, till he was buried deep in my arse, the size of his shaft stretching me open, his heavy balls resting on my arse cheek.

He came almost all the way out, before slipping back in slowly, which I enjoyed, but next time he thrust forwards, it was with a lot more force and soon he was pounding my hole with his thick shaft, his balls banging against me, as his hand on my chest caressed my pecs and nipples, squeezing them between his thumb and finger.

Behind me his breath quickened and I waited for the explosion that followed a minute later, as he cried out and filled me with his seed. He jerked a few more times till he’d emptied his balls inside me, then lay still, panting from the exertion.

We lay quiet, still joined, till his cock softened and slipped out of my hole.

I half turned and patted him on the shoulder.

“I’m going to jump in the shower then you can go, while I make us some breakfast.”

“Yeah I could murder a cup of coffee.”

I left him there, had a quick shower and when I came back, he was lying there, his hands behind his head, looking very relaxed.

“Shower’s all yours. Coffee in 10 minutes.”

I didn’t bother getting dressed, just kept the towel around me as I organised breakfast.

He came through 10 minutes later, his hair damp from the shower and wearing just a towel.

I put an orange juice in front of him, which he drained in one and I poured us both coffee.

“Eggs and toast ok?”

He nodded, but didn’t speak. Studying him while I cooked the eggs, I thought he looked uncomfortable. Maybe this domestic breakfast scene wasn’t to his liking and I almost wished that I’d let him just leave.

I put a plate of eggs and toast in front of him and watched as he devoured it at double speed, finishing before I was halfway through mine.

“Sorry, I eat too fast.”

“Nothing wrong with that. You probably worked up an appetite earlier.”

He actually blushed, so I pointed my fork at the cafetiere.

“Help yourself to more coffee.”

Which he did, topping up mine at the same time.

As we sat drinking our coffee, he looked across at me occasionally and I got the impression that he wanted to say something, but then his eyes went down again to concentrate on his coffee mug.

I picked up the egg plates and put them in the sink, but before I got back for the mugs, he’d brought them over, standing close to me with a questioning look on his face.


“Why are you being so bloody nice to me?”

“Cos I’m a nice guy.”

“Yeah, you are actually.”

He said it like it was something he’d just discovered.

Standing there, his hot body clad in nothing but a towel, I was desperate to kiss him, but wasn’t sure he’d appreciate it, so I put my hand on his hairy chest.

“And you’re the handsome guy, who spent the night in my bed and that deserved breakfast.”

He went a bit pink round the ears and looking down, I could see the shape of his cock tenting the front of the towel.

Sliding my hand downwards, I tugged it open and his hard cock sprang out.

I didn’t even ask, just got down on my knees and swallowed his thick rod, breathing in the clean male scent of him.

He let me go at my own pace, not forcing his way down my throat and a glance upwards let me see he was watching me suck his cock.

I played with and tugged on his balls, using my tongue on his mushroom head, before sliding my mouth the length of his shaft to engulf him completely.

I wasn’t sure if he would come again, but I was enjoying myself anyway, having that huge cock in my mouth.

Reaching behind him, I grabbed his arse cheeks and squeezed, massaging his buttocks with both hands.

He gripped my shoulder and tensed up, so I sat back and opened my mouth, with my tongue out to catch his cum, wanking his cock fast to make it happen.

He let go a big jet of cum that I caught in my mouth, then I rested his cock on my tongue, as he gave out two more spurts of his man juice, that I swallowed eagerly. I licked my way over his big mushroom head, getting every last bit of cum off it, then gave the length of his cock one last suck, before releasing it.

Glenn was holding on to the sink, looking slightly stunned.

“You really love doing that, don’t you?”

“Yup, but I don’t do it for everybody, just so you know.”

He was quiet again as he digested that information, then picked up the towel from the floor.

“Maybe I should go and leave you in peace. I’ve messed up your weekend enough.”

I didn’t stop him, as I got the feeling he needed to process what had happened to him.

By the time I’d washed the breakfast things, he was back and ready to go.

There seemed to be an awkwardness between us.

“Well I’ll be off then.”

“Ok, see you later.”

“Thanks for breakfast.”

“You’re welcome.”

He was at the door, when he turned round.



“Can I come back again?”

“Yes, if you want to, but maybe earlier next time.”

I smiled to take the sting out of it and he actually smiled back.

“Yeah, sorry. I was a bit of an idiot last night.”

“Forget it.”

He stood and looked at me for a moment, then left.

I couldn’t believe it, but Glenn was shaping up to be a pretty decent human being, but I got the feeling that he was conflicted about his sexuality and would need some time to adjust.

I wasn’t going to push, but I’d let him know he was welcome to return. Whether he did or not was up to him.

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