When Morning Comes Ch. 03


A gay story: When Morning Comes Ch. 03 Chapter 3 – The Shadow


“Pause,” Tito Jon was saying, his brow strained in concentration; “you…knew Aaron Rodriguez?”

“Is that his name? I guess I did.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why…do you?”

“He’s–uh…used to be coworkers with your Tita Rachael,” he stammered. “Saw him a few times at the house.” The thought of that horny old man Aaron around at Tito Jon’s old place unseated me somewhat. Seemed it did for him as well.

He composed himself once more. “Next subject,” he said, folding his hands like a prayer book. “You were using the building you were cleaning to hook up in?” He leaned in as he said it, like he was afraid to let the secret spill out into the mundane bubble of this crappy, retro-style diner.

I frowned at him, pointing my fork in his direction. “Man! I’m not even anywhere near the important part, and this is the thing you get caught at?”

He likewise pointed his butter knife at me, laden with cut-up burger guts. “Uh, yeah, because it now makes perfect sense why you got fired, Nathan!” I winced, but all I could offer him was a shrug.

“Kinda correct. I mean, I got fired because I got caught by the wrong security guard.” Tito Jon rolled his eyes so hard I thought I could hear them.

“That’s messed up, kid,” he mumbled around his straw. “No wonder you asked for a job from me. I oughta not hire you as a precaution. You’ll turn my restaurant into a…a hive of scum and villainy!”

“I won’t, I promise!” I pleaded, my hands up in a show of fake submission. “As for the firing, let me get to that part, please. We’re still like, months out. Tonnes of shit happened before that.” Tito Jon nodded his assent, waved his knife at me, and sat back in rapt attention.


“Josh. Are you sure you even like women?”


He was sitting opposite me on the parking lot bench, and I leaned against my car in the work building’s parking lot. I think Josh must’ve been on his break or something, because he had emerged from the building with two sodas. He had put one right in the palm of my hand with a wide smile.

In Ottawa, the seasons tended to stick around longer than their final deadline; summer and winter especially were guests that tended to overstay their welcome. And so the summer that was disguising itself as fall beat down on us from above, even in September.

Josh had taken off his dark dress shirt, and gave me a full view of his long, broad body, whether he’d intended to or not. I didn’t want to stare. I really didn’t. Scout’s honour. I myself hadn’t zipped up my jumpsuit yet, and so I just let sweat roll off me, drying in the heat. Out of uniform or any office of being anyone but ourselves, we soaked up the sun-blasted air. I felt luxuriously at ease.

“You heard me, man,” I murmured around my bottle of Sprite. “Are you sure-sure you’re into women?”

“Positive, dude,” he replied, staring down into his bottle of Dr. Pepper. “I’ve always been.”

“And yet you always choke. I dunno man. The evidence is there.” He gave me some serious stank eye and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright man, I’m just fucking with you. You know that.”

He scratched his jaw, pondering the statement like it was a test question. Sweat beaded attractively on his forehead as he mulled it over. “Well…I dunno. Men…can be attractive too. I’ve never really thought about it too hard. I just thought….” Josh took another swig. “You think I should try dating men?”

Something in me jumped. I hoped it wasn’t my libido. “Hey, all I’m saying is, maybe you haven’t explored all your options. You should just…do what you think is right.”

Josh frowned. “Man, I’ve been doing what I think is right, and it’s gotten me nowhere, bro,” he conceded. “This is why I’m asking you what you think is right. Cause you fuck weekly!” I tipped my bottle to him, and he did the same. “Seriously, bro! You’re like…you must be some kinda stud!”

“It must be so,” I said through a laugh and a sagely nod. Our laughs melted into the air until there was nothing left of them underneath the stare of the late-summer sun. They dissolved into a complacent quiet, punctuated by the sounds of distant traffic.

“You…” I continued, training my eyes into his; “don’t wanna be like me, Josh.” The phrase drifted out of me like it was being dragged, kicking and screaming. A curious look got into his warm, sleepy brown eyes. “You keep being you. Because you…is good.”

“You are good.”

“Aw, thanks, Josh.”

“Oh, shut the hell up, Nate.” I cackled. And Josh gave me a smile; quiet, and gap-toothed, and just fucking adorable. And I tucked it away like I was putting it into a drawer for myself later. God, Josh–you are so dumb. I couldn’t be like this. “No, but,” he was saying next; “I want to experience shit. And you do that all the time. So…I’m taking hints from you.”

I stared hard at him, taking his features in. The openness in his eyes. This guy, who’d hardly breached his twenties, was hardly an adult, and he looked to me for advice. Man–I was hardly an adult. I could only tell him the singular thing I knew to be true.

“You can’t be anything but yourself,” I intoned with as much gravity as I could muster; “and if that doesn’t work for someone, then you can pack up and move on.”

“But I’m like…a wet blanket, man….”

“So find someone in need of a slightly damp cuddle.” I shrugged, and Josh couldn’t help but laugh. I’m glad that in spite of everything, I could make him laugh. “Alright man. It’s been good, but I gotta clock in. Later?” He nodded his assent and fist-bumped me back, which turned into a handshake. “And for the record, Josh. You are not a wet blanket. You’re a good dude.”

He stared down at the pavement, his coy smile not quite creasing his eyes. “Thanks, Nate. I’ll keep all that in mind.” I reached over to pat him on the shoulder before leaving, and relinquishing myself to work.

Your messages with urlover-rory

urlover-rory: so no ones gunna b there? right?

nateynate1992: nah. i’ll come meet u @ the door

don’t be worried i got u

urlover-rory: alright man i trust u

It was no less than the third time I’d opened the message thread with today’s man of the evening, willing him to appear. I was fucking horny; the little fuck had been teasing me during our whole time texting earlier. The pics he sent of his slim, tight body; his ivory white cheeks that closed around a rosy hole. Fuck, I could’ve shot hours ago. Come on, Rory….

I spotted him as he approached in a white sweater that was painfully obvious against his surroundings. 7 o’clock; evening had come, and it closed in around the city, providing the backdrop for our hookup. The guy looked excessively cagey as he came to the back door of the building.

“Hey,” he said breathlessly, a smile tugging at his lips. Exactly as his pictures described: a slim young thing, not at all looking twenty-four like his profile claimed; likely younger. He was just a little bit shorter than me. A cute mop of shaggy brown hair; I just had to reach out and pat him. In spite of himself, he grinned and leaned into the touch. Fuck. Pliable thing.

“Come in,” I said with a head motion to the door; “and relax.” He sort of laughed at that, and he still sounded nervous as fuck, but he at least came inside with me. I let him walk in front, and I spied his skinny little white butt, protruding against his jeans. Oh, he was ready for this. I had no delusions of being a gentleman with this guy. I slid my hand down the little valley his cheeks made.

“You really have this whole building to yourself?” he mused aloud, eyes trying to find something to land on in these dim, all-grey hallways. I took him by the shoulders, guiding him in the maze, into the darkened staircase. Away from the prying eyes of the security cameras.

“Yeah,” I replied. “And before you ask, you’re not gonna show up on the cameras.” Though he couldn’t see, I gestured broadly around us. “I turned off the lights in the halls we’re gonna be in.” He breathed in sharply. “You know…I could take you right now if you wanted me to. Here, in the dark….”

His breathing picked up pace somewhat. My eyes, adjusted to the gloom of the staircase already, could spy him trying to search for my face. He was biting his pink little bottom lip, his eyes going wide to let in more light. “Fuck…” I breathed aloud. “You’re fucking cute.”

“Thank you…” he said in his most coquettish tone of voice. Fuck, he was one well-practised little twink. I wondered just how many men had been in him. How many at the same time. An orgy, now that would’ve been fun as fuck. But a little hard to orchestrate, and I wasn’t really in the business of getting caught.

“Can I kiss you?” I found myself saying, already lost to his charms.

He made a little sound of assent, and I slowly closed in on his tantalising mouth. Dude smelled and tasted like toothpaste and bubblegum; like a fucking dreamland. I reached down and felt his ass again, and he moaned under my touch. His sounds echoed in the stairwell; his whimpers reverberated off concrete walls to meet me again. Ah fuck. I needed to be in him, now.

“Okay,” I said breathlessly, pulling away from him and immediately craving more. “Let’s keep going.” His brown eyes were big and wide, wet with lust. Whether or not he meant to, I felt him grinding his dick through his jeans against my leg.

“Okay, daddy,” he responded, his pink lips going wide. Ah, so it was gonna be like that.

I led him up through the darkened hallways up to the sixth floor, to find Old Reliable: the one office room with all the abandoned furniture in it. Whoever owned it last obviously didn’t think some horny fuck was gonna use all that to hook up with. That one was a win for the freaks.

This entire room was three rooms with their walls knocked down, providing us with the perfect ambient light from the streetlamps outside. A weak off-blue wash of light poured in and illuminated Rory’s pale body, like my own personal moon. From the door behind us, the muted glow of a singular red emergency light threw a weak shaft into the room, casting my shadow as a blur on Rory’s body.

“Take it off,” I said, my throat dry. I could barely focus as he grinned and slunk his long limbs out of his clothes. He was swaying to his own rhythm, dancing for me. My lover Rory. I watched him in a trance while he put on a show for me; one he no doubt did for many other men. With his back to me, he stopped, and presented his unzipped jeans for me to pull down.

A low shudder escaped me as I finally undressed him, taking in the sight of his bare, creamy legs. His tight butt kept under wraps with naughty, barely-there underwear. I pulled those off him too, the smell of his washed, cleaned-out hole hitting me in the face with a kiss. I was almost panting. I needed to taste him.

“Oh…fuck, yeah, daddy…” he moaned while I tongued his tasty little pussy. Right on cue, he devolved into daddy talk. No matter. I lapped at his hole, tasting him; tasting soap and the unmistakable tang of fresh ass. My god, was he delicious. He moaned, but I could tell he was holding back.

He stood right in front of a huge conference table, forgotten by time. With a gentle push on his back, he played along and fell forward, laughing a silver bell kind of giggle on the way down. And he landed just how I wanted him: ass up. He was good at these games. Little whore was a catch.

My entire body was heaving with desire for him. Unzipping my jumpsuit further, I felt my thick six inches flop out my clothes. The smell of cock that had been buried for hours in sweaty underwear filled the air. My cock cooled immediately, slick with precum. Stepping forward, I smacked my cock head against the top of his skinny little cheek. He moaned and ground into me more.

“You know,” I intoned, low and dark; “it really is just us here.” I smeared my dick across his buns, leaving a slimy trail of precum against his immaculate ass. He gyrated his hips, groaning against the table’s wood. “You can be as loud as you want, baby.” Scooping some precum off my weeping dick, I smeared a swatch of it against his hole. He squeaked out a moan at my fat fingers touching his pussy.

“You sure?” he mumbled, some genuine concern poking through the haze of his breedable little twink façade. No way. He was gonna keep playing at this for me, so god help him. I smacked one of his tight little cheeks lightly, eliciting a sharp, decent moan from him.

“Daddy’s sure,” I responded. Honestly, hooking up with Aaron had made the whole daddy talk trite and boring, but Rory was just gonna be mine for the night. I could put up with it for a bit. He let out that cute little giggle and shook his ass in my direction. I swallowed, grateful for all the chub chasers out there.

“Now come here.” I scooped him up and kissed between his skinny shoulder blades; my dick found a nice place to rest right between his cheeks. “Come and suck daddy’s cock.”

Sinking to his knees, he turned and placed his hands on my belly. I wasn’t exactly a super huge bear-type, but my little belly seemed to satisfy him enough.

“So hot…” he breathed out, tracing kisses down my navel. Gently, I eased him down to his knees with my hands on his shoulders; soon, he was face to face with my heavy column of meat. His eyes flickered in fascination. “Wow…” he breathed out. What I lacked in length, I more than made up for in girth. Rory could barely close his hand around my shaft; awkwardly he stroked me, making my body shiver and spreading my precum all over his cute lips.

“Suck it, baby.” He obliged. Torturously slow, he opened his mouth, stuck out his pink tongue and lapped at my slit. I was fucking pouring juice all into his mouth. I groaned out my satisfaction, and it echoed back to me in the mostly-empty room.

“Is that good?” he asked through a sly grin. I moaned and nodded, patting him gently on the head. That got him to finally pop my waiting cock head into his warm, slippery mouth. Fuck. He had to stretch his lips wide to let me in.

I looked down at him, tracing the shape of his face in the artificial colours of the dark. His mouth stretched obscenely around my cock, making his brown eyes tear up. “Daddy’s gonna fuck your throat, okay babe?” I said gently to him. He moaned around my dick, the vibrations lighting up my nerves. “Yeah? You want that? You wanna deepthroat my fat Asian cock?” Rory nodded.

Fucking his throat was my new favourite thing. He gasped and boggled around my girth, struggling for air while I pistoned into his gullet. His hands crawled up my sides, trying to find someplace to grab. All the while I kept palming his head, grabbing at his hair to keep his slutty mouth leveraged on my dick. I dripped precum into his throat, making his passageways slick with male essence.

“Fucking whore,” I grunted out. “You’re a fucking boy whore for real men aren’t you?” He whimpered out a reply, closing his sweet lips around my shaft. “Yes…yeah…suck it down you little bitch.”

Like a man entranced, I soaked in the feeling of his dutiful sucking. From beneath us, the familiar sound of masturbation. He was jacking off while he sucked me down into him. Fuck yeah. He was so into this.

When I could no longer take it, I pulled out of my favourite brand of condom. Rory must’ve heard the familiar sound, because he popped off my dick with a moan. The shiver that took over was exquisite.

“There’s lube,” I panted out, fumbling with the wrapper; “in my pocket.” He reached for it. I got the condom open, all the while Rory lubed himself up. He had moved to the nearby table; as he rolled onto his back, I could see a nice, long cock on him. It throbbed and jumped with his heartbeat as he watched me prepare myself. His hands were idle drifters, prodding up and down my body, rubbing slow, sensual circles against my skin.

“I love your body, daddy,” he said, his voice heavy with lust. “You’re so hot.”

“Thank you, baby,” I said with a shudder, slipping into the condom. “But you’re my sexy boy too, don’t you know?” His breathing quickened, like a pant. This shit was so easy. I lined my cockhead up with his tight pink entrance, and he leaned back, stretching against the table. He squeaked, and it devolved into a long, high moan as I sank into his hole.

Slowly. Slowly. My heavy cock had challenged many a hole in my history. But Rory was taking this like a champ. He spread apart his lily-white cheeks and accepted my fat cock sinking into his hole. All the while, he moaned out his pleasure. “Fuck….”

“There you go, good boy,” I muttered, my voice not my own. The animal inside me was taking over, sinking its claws into this fawning prey. In this new position, with his ass flattened right up against my balls, I was fully in him. He whimpered, his keening cries filling the empty floor. It was me and him; my fat, heavy cock pushing against the recesses of his guts. He felt fucking incredible.

I put a hand on his soft, smooth cheek and he grabbed onto my wrist like he was going to die if he let go. His eyes were wet and hazy with lust; he panted, heaved and moaned out like that was all he could produce. Good. I pulled out to just my tip and plunged in again. My cock felt fucking amazing inside of his pink little hole. Rory groaned, desperation filling his throat.

“Good boy, good boy,” I praised him, slowly pulling back out, then hammering into him again. He sounded like he was on the verge of crying. I wanted to make him sob. I wanted to make him beg for me.

I had been sucked so deeply into the maelstrom of Rory’s seductive persona that I almost didn’t notice the shadow moving across the red emergency light. I almost froze, but my dick wanted inside Rory, so my hips kept going. I inhaled sharply, sucking in my breath. Rory didn’t notice a change in pace at all; his hole clenched around my dick, milking slippery precum into the condom.

“Don’t stop, daddy, please,” he begged, panting into the palm of my hand. Barely losing pace, I kept fucking him. But I couldn’t tear my eyes off the shadow, which had now eclipsed the doorway. Whoever it was, whatever it was…they stood there, watching.

It was hard to adjust my eyes to the red light. I practically lived in the darkness with how long I had been crawling around in here, and my eyes adjusted well to the gloom. But under the low, growling wash of red, things seemed murkier, greyer. Difficult to discern. I could see the shape heave slightly as I slowed down my fucking to focus on it. Underneath me, tonight’s lover moaned and palmed at my body.

With a groan, I pulled my hips all the way back and shoved into Rory. He groaned, grabbing onto my wrists. A man possessed, I alternated between quick, shallow thrusts, and deep, barrelling shoves that made him bounce up and down on my cock. “Oh fuck!” he was sputtering out.

I reached down to feel his hard, leaking cock. Me fucking him caused his cock to flail, leaving strings of precum onto his tight abs. He was a nice seven inches, his cock about as skinny as the rest of him; hot and weeping with his arousal. Rory squirmed.

At the same time, the shadow shifted as well, making red light drift around my body. I squinted harder. It was a person, that much was certain. And they filled up the space almost entirely with their form. They watched me; watched me fuck this oblivious little twink. They stared into the blue gloom of the room…just watching.

Cautiously, I continued to fuck Rory, my strokes becoming more purposeful. Whoever was watching didn’t budge, didn’t immediately run to let anyone know. Nor did they burst into the room to stop me. I couldn’t find their eyes in the red haze of their shadow. But they could see me. I hope they enjoyed the show.

The way his eyes were pressed shut and his head was lolling off his neck, Rory definitely wasn’t seeing what I was. His high-pitched moans were drifting out of his mouth, filling the stale air. It was so exciting, hearing him whine with my cock in him, all the while this huge stranger watched us. Saying nothing. Doing nothing.

“You like that shit?” I asked to the empty air, louder than before. Rory’s hole spasmed around the base of my cock and I grunted against the wave of pleasure that filled me. I kept my eyes on the shadow. Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I thought I saw it vibrate and jiggle.

Plunging into the twink’s hole, I savoured all the pleasure that licked up every inch of my cock. His pussy was taking my battering, his body bouncing as I fucked into him. He was practically crying, trying to put his arms around my large, sweaty body.

I leaned down to kiss him, and he couldn’t open his eyes to look at me. He was lost in his own world. His pink cock leaked and I just had to stroke him. His whole body shivered at my touch.

He gasped out a little choke. “Oh fuck,” he said with real desperation. “I think–I’m gonna–I’m cumming!” With such little warning, Rory grabbed his engorged cock and started jacking off. I picked up my pace, slamming into his hole for what I was worth. The shadow stared on at the show.

Rory’s squealing reached a fever pitch as I fucked his orgasm out of him. His cumshot arced up and hit him square in the chest; his legs and body twitched as if electrified. In agonising pleasure, he groaned and squeezed his cock, focusing his attention on the inflamed head that spurted out three more weak shots of his hot white cum. The sight was fucking amazing.

“Oh baby,” I moaned out, my hips taking control of me completely. “Oh god. Oh baby. I’m gonna cum too.”

“Please, daddy,” he said hoarsely; “shoot your fucking load.”

“Where, baby? Tell daddy.”

“My face!”

What a communicative guy. I pulled out of him, my cock immediately missing his hole. He slid off the table to clatter to his knees in front of me, and he immediately began tonguing my heavy, sweaty balls.

“I’m gonna fucking cum,” I warned him, speaking out to the empty room. “Fuck, yes, lick my fat nuts, baby. Fuck.” He obliged, flattening his wet tongue as deeply into the crevice as he could. “Daddy cums a lot. You ready?” He stuck his tongue out, and smiled with his lips. Ah fuck.

I kept my eyes on the shadow, that hadn’t moved all the while. Even still, I couldn’t see who it might have been. I heard nothing; I just pulled up and down on my heavy, slick cock, inching closer to the edge.

“Aw fuck, here it is,” I announced, pressing my cock head against Rory’s tongue. The scream that ripped out of me was almost pained, animalistic, as I shot my load down his throat.

He closed his lips and let the following spurts of my cum burst out all over his rosy face. Semen mixed with sweat to paint his face in beautiful colours as I rode out my orgasm. It shuddered out of me like the rolling thrum of thunder.

My eyes tore between the shadow, and Rory, who was spitting my cum back up to mix with the load on his face. I shuddered with residual lust at the sight of him. The shadow watched, its form heaving.

“Oh, fuck!” I cried out, loudly, so I knew the shadow could hear. It even seemed to jump at the sound of my voice. “Oh, fuck! Yes! Take my fucking cum.” Rory moaned his sounds of appreciation, licking up the spurts that burst forth from me. He smacked his lips loudly, moaning as he did. He reached up, begging me for a kiss. I licked his lips, covered in my sperm, and tongued it back into his mouth to kiss him with. It tasted amazing.

And when I looked up next, all I saw was a gleam of red light. The shadow was gone.

In the come-down, I tossed Rory a rag. I cleaned myself off quickly, watching him fumble aggravatingly slowly with his. Once he was acceptably clean, I handed him his clothes. Again, he did that little dance for me, pulling his underwear, then his pants, up past his thighs. In the cooling air of the abandoned office floor, my satisfaction was complete, and was already beginning to be replaced by annoyance.

With my phone light leading the way, I gestured back out into the hall. Better to lead him out a safe path than for him to be caught on camera–and my ass being fucking fried.

“That was fun,” he was saying as I led him back down through the dark, a few paces behind me. “Maybe we’ll do it again sometime?”

“Yeah, maybe,” I muttered to him. In turn, a small hum of confusion. We reached the backdoor of the building, and I took in the sweet smell of the night air. From somewhere on the other side, in the distant parking lot, I heard a car start up…and drive away. I wondered if Rory heard that too.

No. Instead, he reached up and threw his arms around my neck for a final kiss. “A kiss goodnight?” he whispered, a coy smile touching his voice. I gave him a peck, feeling his disappointed frown tugging at his lips briefly. He pulled away from me, his arms falling limply at his sides.

“Take care of yourself,” I said to him, the night air amplifying just how sticky this encounter had made me. Not meeting my eyes, he bade me his somewhat annoyed-sounding goodnight, and he started off. I watched him disappear past the decorative shrubs that delineated the parking lot, then down the road. Soon he was gone, already a dot in the distance. My dick twitched fondly in my underwear, already recalling the hot fuck we had together. The first and last.

Drifting lazily back inside, I prepared myself for the final lonely hours of my shift. Just three more hours and I could go home, get high and pass out again. I headed back upstairs to gather my supplies, flicking on light switches at control panels as I went. Wincing as the lights came back on all the while, the safe cloak of darkness shrank back immediately into the corners.

Ending up back in my favourite, most illicit hallway, I spied the emergency light station. Its red was off; its function spent. When I crossed the still-open door to the abandoned office area, my shoe kicked something light, and it clattered away from me, coming to a stop by the wall.

“Huh?” I mumbled aloud, brows stitched together. I went to pick it up…it was a lanyard with a keycard. One that had SolTech branding on it.

Something dark closed its clawed fist around my heart as I turned the keycard over. The one side of it greeted me with a familiar, softly-smiling face. Those sleepy brown eyes behind those stupid, dorky glasses. My blood ran cold as I ran my finger over the text, printed as brutally plain as could be:



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