When the Girlfriend is Out…


A gay story: When the Girlfriend is Out… I didn’t know it when I got dressed that night before heading over to my girlfriend’s apartment, but my life was about to change with new experiences.

I thought that Tiffany and I were going to chill, watch some movies, have a few drinks, and a lot of fun in bed this Saturday night. Well…I wound up doing all that, just with someone I would not have guessed at the start of the night!

I dressed in casual clothes since we weren’t planning on going out. I was in grey joggers, a black long sleeve tee shirt, sneakers, and athletic socks. I was going commando since I was hoping for a lot of action.

I drove over to her place at around 7pm, but my heart sunk when I saw two of her other girlfriend’s cars in the lot. I hope this didn’t turn into a friend hangout, my blue balls from not getting off for two weeks could not handle it!

I went up the outside steps and knocked on her apartment door. Her male roommate and gay best friend, Terrance, answered. He smiled at me and called over his shoulder, “Honey, lover boy is here!”

He opened the door wider so I could step inside. I walked past him and could smell his cologne. He emanated a sweet yet woody scent.

I didn’t know what it was, but I hadn’t connected great with him yet. He intimidated me to be honest. I knew he was gay, but he wasn’t overly flamboyant. Which made him seem like just a dude who lived with my girlfriend. I sometimes had thoughts enter my head of fooling around with another guy and part of me was afraid he could sense that and tattle on me to my girlfriend.

Plus, he was strong as hell and bigger than me. I knew he played football back in high school in Texas and he had kept up with working out, but adding more eating and drinking to the mix. Which meant he had a huge frame. If I had to guess, I would say he was like 6’4″ and about 275 pounds. Which meant he had 4 inches of height and almost 100 pounds on me.

He also had a little bit of a wild look about him. He had long hair that was styled in dreads and pulled back usually, but tonight it was hanging loose around his shoulders. His thick chest hair was pushing up over his v neck collar. He kept a short beard, trimmed and tight. That was the only super groomed part of him I knew about.

My girlfriend and three of her girlfriends were around the kitchen counter island, clearly having just finished a round of shots and what looked like not the first round!

Tiffany was tipsy already and stumbled over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a big kiss on my lips. Her breath was sweet and tasted like tequila which I didn’t hate!

“I’m so sorry, but Sarah and her boyfriend, you’ve met him a couple times, split up!”

“Oh yeah that guy was a dick.” I said which got a round of cheers from the kitchen.

“Exactly!” She practically screamed, hurting my ear drums. Then she lowered her voice, “She really needs her girls tonight, you won’t mind if we go out? Terrance is staying here, you guys can hang and get to know one another better!”

She smiled at me and I couldn’t back out now, she was so hopeful even though chilling at my own place and playing video games sounded better than hanging out with someone I barely knew. “Yeah, yeah fine, as long as we get to end the night how I want to!” I said teasing.

She stepped back and gave me a salute, “Yes sir!” Then she laughed and we walked back to the kitchen.

We hung out for about an hour with the group, sipping on drinks and letting the girls pregame. Terrance and I were not on their level, but not far behind as we joined a couple of shot rounds and had drinks of our own to sip on.

At 8pm, they said their goodbyes and left to get dinner and bar hop until Sarah had forgotten her exes face. And maybe sat on a new guys face by the end of the night!

That left Terrance and me alone. We kept some small talk going at the kitchen bar. Work, some sports, whatever came to mind. He was sipping on a beer. I was finishing a tequila and soda that I made to use the last of the tequila up.

He smiled at me, “You know it’s cool you’re chill with her going out with the girls. Some guys get super nervous when their girls go out, thinking she’ll get hit on all night.”

I shrugged, “Hey, she’s coming back to my bed anyway. Hopefully some guys buy her shots and we can save money for a trip or something!” I joked.

He laughed, “Hey, you smoke?”

“A little yeah.” I said cautiously. Smoking weed always makes me insanely horny and I was already pent up so who knew how far it would take me this time.

“Cool man let’s move to the couch and I’ll grab some.”

I went and sat on the couch and relaxed. Leaning back against the arm rest and laying one foot on the couch.

Terrance came back and he had changed into similar clothes to myself. He was in grey sweatpants and a black hoodie.

While he packed a bowl I my mind wandered.

Maybe it was because I was with a gay man or maybe it was because I was already so horny, but I couldn’t help but imagine him naked. It’s something that’s happened to me before. I’ve never considered actually hooking up with a guy, but when with a gay man alone I start to think what if? What am I missing out on? Whats great about it?

I’ve watched gay porn before and it’s kept me hard and gotten me off, but without experiencing the real thing, how could I know what it’s like?

He sparked up and took a deep hit. My eyes wandered over his body while he did so. He wasn’t leaving a lot of questions unanswered in those sweatpants I thought as my eyes fixated on his bulge. He must not have been wearing underwear either. I could practically make out the outline of his dick. Was he hard? Or was he that big soft? Shit, he’s looking at me!

“Your turn man.” He said smiling and passing the bowl to me. His beefy arms filling out his hoodie nicely.

“Thank…thanks.” I stammered out. Fuck I hope he didn’t see me staring at his dick.

I quickly took a hit and held it in my chest. My eyes closed. Then I released the smoke and laid back against the arm rest again. My head tilted back as I let the weed roll over me. I leaned back up and set the pipe down and sipped my drink to cool my throat.

He was sitting against the other armrest. One arm on the back of the couch. My foot fairly close to his thigh.

“So you and Jennifer been together for a while huh?” He asked me.

“Yeah man like 3 months. Longest relationship I’ve ever been in.”

“Yeah? I think mine was like 4 weeks so you got me beat!”

I laughed, “Well I mean I’m not going to pretend it’s a super long time, but hey a little at a time and we’re still young so nothing serious.”

“Yeah, well apparently it’s long enough for eyes to wander.” He said.

My mind went blank. Wait was she cheating on me? Or was he talking about my eyes? I looked at him and saw his smile again in a different light. I figured maybe I could play dumb.

“What? She’s like cheating on me or something?”

“Haha no nothing like that, she’s a loyal chick for sure. I’m talking about your eyes.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you’ve looked at my dick like 10 times tonight and practically stared it down the whole time I packed that bowl!”

My face turned red and I suddenly felt a little clammy. “I, I mean, no, just like vibing, I was just spacing out…” I stammered out.

“No worries man chill!” He said leaning over and grabbing my ankle and shook it. His touch sent a shiver up my spine. “I’m just messing with you, don’t get your panties in a twist.” He said and sparked another hit.

The silence filled the room and I couldn’t think of anything to say except, “Well that would be hard to do since I’m not wearing any panties!”

He practically choked on the smoke he was in the process of inhaling laughing. He handed me the bowl and I sparked up while he collected himself. “Man I knew you were commando, not much left to the imagination down there. You expecting action tonight huh?”

“For sure.” I said blowing out more smoke. My eyes glancing down between his legs again. Fuck me. He had his right hand cradling his bulge now. Was it bigger than before?

I tore my eyes up to meet his when he spoke again. “Anyway, who said you couldn’t get some action with her out? Always happy to help Tiff’s boy toys out if you’re in need of a release..” He said with a mischievous look.

I gulped and felt my face burn red. Unsure of what to say. Honestly the weed was hitting me hard and my dick was doing my thinking for me. I could feel my cock getting hard and straining my sweatpants. The thoughts of messing around with another guy floating in my head. He was hot too I couldn’t lie to myself. I started picturing his black cock in my white hand. Thick and dark in my hand while I stroked him up and down…fuck now it’s all I’m thinking about.

His eyes continued to casually look me up and down. His hand slowly moving on his bulge. No pressure, but lots of implication. I watched him rub himself. His fingers carefully traced the outline of his dick.

Finally I spoke, “I guess no one.”

“Uh huh.” He said in agreement. “And the way you’re looking at me, I’m thinking you wouldn’t mind a little action with me?”

“I guess I have been a little curious. And you’re…” I stopped.


“Well you’re pretty hot!” I said feeling like a virgin schoolgirl.

He smiled at me. “Yeah? I think you’re kinda sexy too.”

My cock was fully hard in my sweatpants now. My head rubbing against the inside of the fabric was edging me and stimulating me while we talked.

Terrance lifted his hand off of his bulge, moved it to the armrest, and tilted his head to me. An invitation. “Wanna take over?” He said.

I sat up and moved next to him. His arm draped behind me on the back of the couch. I felt small next to him and the radiance of his body heat washed over me.

My eyes were glued to his groin. His cock left an imprint in his sweatpants that left me a little in awe. He was thick and long. I wondered how he even fit those sweatpants on in the first place. His cock was pushed to the left side and extended down his thigh.

Slowly I moved my right hand over and placed it over his bulge. My palm feeling the thick bulge underneath.

“Fuck…” he moaned in a long drawn out breath. His head tilted back as I pressed my hand into his cock.

I swallowed hard and then slowly started moving my fingers up and down his length. God he was big! I thought.

I brought my left hand over too and used both hands to rub him. My left hand tracing his cock head. He moaned again when I touched him there.

He moved his arm behind my head and I felt his fingers wrap around the back of my neck.

“Fuck that feels so good baby.” He whispered.

I flushed with pride that he was liking my touch. It was a powerful feeling that I could make this man so hard! I felt so sexy seeing this physical representation of desire for me.

I continued to run my fingers over him slowly. His cock still growing. Finally I got the courage to ask him, “Can I see it?”

I looked at over him and he bit his lower lip and nodded.

I took my hands off of his cock and reached for his waistband. He lifted his hips and I tugged his pants up and over his dick and down to his mid thigh.

“Oh my god…” I whispered.

His big, black cock flung out and then laid down against his thigh. God he was huge! I thought as I reached for him and started stroking him again, my hands on the real thing now. My hand held his cock straight up. His dick was so heavy if I let go, it would have crashed down to his thigh again.

The man was the definition of hung. I hadn’t visually measured a lot of cocks, but based on knowing my own measurement, 6 inches, he had to be like 9 inches! I knew if we stood cock to cock, mine would be dwarfed in his presence. Not only because of his length, but his girth too. He was so thick my fingers barely touched as I wrapped them around his shaft.

He was moaning again, a little louder now. He was leaning close to my ear. His moans were turning me on and I felt so sexy that I could make him sound like that. I could feel his heart beating faster as I leaned against his chest. I felt him stir and his hand release my neck. He tugged his hoodie and shirt off and tossed it at his feet while I continued to stroke him.

His big body was so hot in the light of the room as I drank in his figure. His chest was covered in thick hair that filled his chest and some of his belly. His dark skin gave off an intimate look in the light of the living room. He was thick with muscle and some fat everywhere, built like a lineman. His stomach shifted up and down with his deep breaths as he relaxed into me playing with his dick.

He put his hand back on the back of my neck. My left hand reached down and cupped his balls while my right hand stroked him slowly, learning what he liked and what he responded to. He was so fucking big I could have used both hands on his shaft end to end.

“That’s it baby, you know not to forgot about the balls too.” He whispered in my ear.

I continued giving long, slow strokes. Then teasing him with a soft touch by running my fingertips along his length and over his head. He kept whispered encouraging words to me as I played with him. Occasionally some tips on how to best rub his balls or how to focus on his tip. Tease his cock, massage his cock, love his cock.

“Does that feel good?” I asked him.

“Yes baby, but it’s a little dry, you wanna taste me?” He asked, his hand tightening on my neck slightly.

I didn’t want anything more in that moment I thought!

He lifted his hips again and with his free hand pushed his pants down and onto the floor. He lifted his legs out and kicked them to the side. His fully naked body was visually so hot. Deep, black skin. Tough, big hands. Barrel chest with big shoulders and arms. Thick, powerful legs framing his big, black cock.

I lifted my shirt off and tossed it on the couch. I was getting so turned on and warm. I shifted my body to the side, a better position I thought to lower my head down and he helped guide me with his hand on my neck as I went down to eye level with his dick.

I leaned close and his manly scent filled my nose. He showered right before I came over I was sure. I could smell his soap and his raw sexuality.

“Go slow baby. Learn about my cock, make friends with him. Don’t be too over eager, I’ll let you know when that time comes.” He said, his hand encouraging my lips closer to him.

Close up his dick looked even more massive! I stroked him again the full length of his dick and then when my hand left his cock head I pushed my tongue against the underside of his cock.

“God damn that’s good!” He moaned right away.

I licked his head all over. Careful to keep my teeth away from him. I knew what I liked and I just tried to copy that.

“That feels good baby, you’re doing so good.” He said as I continued to lick his dick all over. My saliva coating him. His moans made me feel so good. I glanced up and saw he was watching me. His eyes steely hard and his mouth slightly open. He was loving it!

I let my spit run down him and then I stroked him again. It was easier to use my left hand as I was leaning over on the couch.

“Fuck, you’re a pro man, that’s good, that’s good!”

I was encouraged by his words and started to stroke him a little faster. I was a little afraid to try and stretch my lips around him but I needed him in my mouth!

I clamped my lips just over his head. I barely stretched wide enough. I heard him breathe harder, sighing with passion, and I knew I was doing ok.

I stopped stroking and focused on taking him into my mouth. Slowly he entered me until I felt him hit the back of my mouth. I gagged slightly, but held him in my mouth. His hand pressed down and helped me to stay down on him. My mouth relaxed and got used to its new friend.

After a while I felt his hand relax and I popped up for air. My mouth felt empty as his cock slid out of my lips. I gasped for air and my face was red, but I honestly felt proud! I admired his veiny, black cock shining in the light from my saliva. I had only taken maybe a quarter or at most a third of his cock in my mouth, but hearing him moan and tell me good job made me feel like I was leaping over buses.

Terrance put his other hand under my chin and lifted me up to face him. We kissed deeply. My lungs still striving for air. My heart beating hard. This was the first time I had kissed a man! Which somehow felt so much more intimate than sucking his cock!

His hands held my head and he pushed his tongue hard into my mouth. I switched back to holding his thick cock with my right hand and cradling his balls with my left. I moaned softly as he rammed his tongue past mine and penetrated me like his cock did earlier. I could still taste his dick on my tongue.

I felt so sexy holding his big cock and balls in my hand as he kissed me. He was so hard just for me! I wish I had a picture from the front! Big black man sitting and holding his white cocksucker while I held his big dick in my hands!

We kissed for a few minutes and he dictated the pace. We leaned into each other and got to know how we liked to kiss. Soft and tender. Then hard and eager. Then soft. Then hard. My hand holding his cock like a pole I couldn’t let go of on the subway.

He pulled away from me and smiled at me. I smiled back and laughed a little. “Doing ok?” He asked.

“I’m doing fucking great!” I said.

He laughed again. “Why don’t you get on your knees now, easier angle.”

I smiled at him, “Easier angle to suck your big, black cock?”

He winked, “That’s where I like my cocksuckers.”

“I guess I better get down there.” I said smiling before I crawled down to the floor. The carpet felt rough through my sweatpants. My hands held his thighs as I centered myself between them.

He looked down at me and held the base of his massive cock up in the air between us, waiting for me.

I ran my hands up his thighs to his hips and held him as I leaned over and kissed his chest. Then I lowered and kissed his stomach. His hand pumped his cock up and down, his cockhead beating against my chest.

I bent down more and licked his cockhead while he held it up for me.

“Keep that tongue out.” He said and then slapped his cockhead on my tongue. I closed my eyes and moaned as he bounced his cock off of my lips and tongue.

Then I slid my tongue down his shaft and started to lick his balls while he held his cock up above me. My nose pressed into his sack and I breathed him in as I massaged his balls with my tongue.

I replaced his hands with mine and then lifted my tongue and licked his shaft again. All over. Taking my time, enjoying his dick.

He moaned as I got him wet and then I used my hands to point him straight at my lips. I quickly slid his pole into my mouth as far as it would go before. His head poked the back of my throat. I gagged again and held myself down for a while without his help. Then lifted up and down. And held him in my mouth. Pushing myself to hold him deep.

Terrance moaned and I looked up to see him relaxing with one arm draped on the back of the couch and the other on the armrest. Peak relaxation, like a king with his cock in my mouth.

I raised up, down, and held him deep in my mouth. Up, down, and hold. I repeated over and over again. My lips stretching and was getting used to his girth now.

I gripped his exposed shaft with my right hand and stroked him with my lips rhythm. My left hand tucked under and cradled his hot, heavy balls, still wet from my tongue work earlier.

“You’re doing good man, keep going and I’m gonna nut. You want that don’t you?”

I moaned around his cock in affirmation.

“Yeah man you want me to cum for you?”

Another moan. His hands cradled the back of my head again and he set the pace now. Moving my head up and down. Up and down. My hands and lips pleasuring his slick shaft.

“You love sucking my black cock huh?”


“Yeah, you’re a good cocksucker.”

Moan. My cock twitched hearing him talk about his black cock and calling me a cocksucker.

“That’s it, make me cum baby, I’m gonna cum down that throat. That’s where you want it huh?”

Moan. “Uh huh!” I mumbled out.

“Deep in your mouth, you want to make this big dick cum?”


“You like this black dick filling up your mouth?”


“Get ready baby…” He said and I could feel his balls contract in my hand. His shaft swelled. His breath quickened. His hands held my head and moved me up and down faster. My hands keeping pace.

Then…boom! The first shot hit the back of my throat. I gagged and I would have pulled off if his hands weren’t on my head.

I kept his cockhead gripped between my lips as he filled my mouth up. His hips rose up and down as he came in me. I started to swallow as quickly as I could. His hot cum filled my mouth rapidly. My tongue tasting the salty seed he pumped into me.

His cum slipped down his shaft and out of my lips. I kept pumping him hard. Desperate for every drop. His hips pushed up even more, my face riding his orgasm as he bucked.

Man he could cum! Shot after shot entered me until finally he settled down. His cock pausing between blasts. Then some big twitching as his sensitivity increased.

His breath was ragged as he moaned down to me, “Keep going, don’t miss a drop…”

I continued to swallow and stroke him. The smallest amount coming out of his cockhead and landing on my tongue. I slipped him out of my mouth and licked him up and down. Gathering all of his cum and swallowing like a good cocksucker.

“Good boy…” he moaned as I got every drop.

He pulled me away from his cock and smiled down at me. “Too sensitive now, sorry! I bet you’d keep my dick in your mouth all night if I let you! You’re fucking good for your first time!” He said leaning forward and kissing me again. His hands cradling my neck and head.

I felt so much pride that I could make that big cock cum so hard!

“Mmm.” He moaned into my mouth as we kissed. Me still on my knees. One hand resting on his thigh, the other still holding the base of his dick.

After a minute of kissing, he ran his right hand off my neck, down my chest and abs, and over my bulge. I was painfully aware of how hard I was!

As his hand groped me, I moaned hard into his mouth.

“Yeah you want to cum bad don’t you?” He asked.

I nodded and looked into his eyes with a pleading look.

“Sucking this big dick turn you on so much?”

I nodded again. He stroked me slowly over my sweatpants. I felt almost ready to cum just from sucking him, his words, and his light touches!

His left hand went to the front of my throat and traced down to my stomach. “Ready to cum just feeling my black seed shoot down your throat and into your belly?”

I nodded and stared hard into his eyes. Begging for him to bring me to orgasm.

His hand left my cock and I whimpered I was so horny!

He motioned for me to stand up and I did so with his help. My legs were weak from kneeling so long.

“Let’s see what you’re hiding…” he said as he gripped my waistband and tugged my pants down to my ankles in one movement. My cock sprung out and bounced up and down in its full glory.

Without hesitation he slipped my cock between his lips and pushed me deep into his mouth and throat.

I gasped and could barely catch my breath as he swallowed my cock whole. Up and down. Up and down. His tongue rubbing the underside of my dick as he blew me.

“Oh…my…god!” I moaned in unison with his throat movements and I held onto his head and shoulders for support. My legs weak and shaking as he gulped my cock down his throat. His hair bouncing off of his back and shoulders.

He reached behind me with his left hand and firmly gripped my ass cheek. Held me tight as he rocked me in and out of his throat.

His right hand slipped under me and pressed a finger against my asshole. My hole became a button that he pressed repeatedly in time with his lips swallowing me.

I groaned and moaned that he was going to make me cum and soon I was shooting my load into his throat.

His right hand joined his left and held me firmly into his mouth by gripping my ass cheeks. His strong hands pulled my ass cheeks apart as he held me in his throat. The cool air hitting my asshole.

I moaned and held his head and he swallowed my orgasm down his throat. Not a single drop falling from his lips.

I panted hard as he continued to suck me dry before I needed a break. My cock was so sensitive from my explosion. I felt liked I had been edged until he finally sucked me!

I stumbled over and practically fell back onto the couch next to him. He was chuckling as he leaned against the back of the couch, our shoulders together. Both of us naked and with cocks wet from the others mouth.

“Not the action you were expecting tonight, but not bad huh?”

I looked over at him, “Not bad? That was fucking great!” I said making us both laugh. “I cant believe how easily you could deepthroat me, that was the best blowjob I’ve ever had.”

“Guys know what guys like!” He said. “You were good for your first time, my cock can be a little intimidating I know.”

“Yeah, I mean you do live up to the big, black cock stereotype!” I said smiling and glancing down at his beautiful dick resting on his thigh again. “I can’t imagine being able to deepthroat you like you did me.”

Terrance took a deep hit off the pipe, blew out the smoke, and handed me the pipe. “I guess you’re just gonna have to practice.”

I took a hit and let it go. My body desperate for more after that experience. I glanced at him sitting next to me. “Yeah I guess so…” I trailed off and looked at his cock, “Right now?”

Terrance chuckled. His big belly shaking as he leaned over and kissed my lips. “Give me ten minutes to recover and you better be ready.”

I kissed him back. “Promise?”

“Promise.” He said and then stood up and went to the bathroom and I grabbed us a couple of beers.


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