When We Met


A gay story: When We Met Another hotel bar, a business trip and here I sit. You sit next to me, we smile at each other you introduce yourself, our grips are steady, not too bone crushing neither of us trying to prove how manly we can be but a sense of knowing each other comes over me. I start to tell you about my job and what brought me to the hotel, you listen intently and then tell me about your work and what brought you there. I would be staying through Sunday and you would be leaving Saturday morning. As we both relax and have a couple more drinks we start to look around the room and note the different people there and make jokes and guesses as to what brought them there.

Our conversation is funny but not arrogantly so. We become even more comfortable with each other and tell each other about our personal and family lives. I am married and have a 13 year old boy. You also are married and have two girls ages 10 and 13. I am into my fourth martini and haven’t really been paying attention to the drinking as the bartender just keeps bringing them as I finish them I somehow remember telling him when I first sat down to “keep ‘em coming and find someone to take me to my room later” with a laugh. The bartender being good at what he does has slid martini number 4 in front of me and you are on your third scotch, neat. As our conversation intertwines with backgrounds, lives, work, etc. we become amazingly comfortable with each other. The drinks and lateness of time which we both are astonished how late it became and so quickly that we have to part our ways since we both have meetings in the morning and throughout the next day. We part by touching, shaking hands again and again I note a certain feeling shoot through me when we touch and I tell you I hope to see you again. You invite me to dinner tomorrow around 6:30 in the hotel restaurant which you note has had rave reviews and anyway we should eat before drinking so much and we make a date for tomorrow and part our ways. As you walk away for some reason I have to watch you as you leave and note your stocky frame, muscular but not overso, the years have treated you well with your graying hair and for the first time in my life I note a man’s ass and with a smile I think what it would look like out of the pants. I shake my head loose of the feeling that had just overcome me and start for my room. The martinis have taken their toll and I walk slowly getting in the elevator to the 5th floor and getting off the elevator my mind again wanders to what you would look like out of the pants.

I must admit there has been numerous times I have thought about being with a man but I would just take a shower thinking of what a cock must taste like, feel like as I jack myself off. I always have wondered and once in awhile would get online and read m2m stories on various sites and they would always make me hard as a rock and I would have to masturbate either at the computer or in the shower after the reading sessions. I never had the opportunity but would always have fantasies about what it would be like. As I got into my room I stripped myself of my clothes looking in the mirror at the figure that was once muscular, handsome, and finding it had eroded with age I suck in my stomach which makes it even worse since I know I have to breathe out at some point and the slimming effect is gone. As I lay in bed feeling the martinis effect I am wearing a nightshirt because I like the looseness of the material and the easy way for my hand to touch my body under the shirt which I find my hand doing now. Being away from home always makes me a little more horny although when I am home the sex is very regimented and doled out about once a week if I am lucky. Stroking myself and spending extra time in the shower has become part of my routine. As I lay in bed my hand feels its way down my body to grasp my cock which also hasn’t aged well but likes to come out and play and that is good enough for me. Never being really long I did have thickness and the sensation when I stroke myself was always electric. Wait, electric? Like when we shook hands today? My mind starts to fantasize about you and me having dinner tomorrow then somehow ending up in one of our rooms and taking each others clothes off, kissing each other long and hard, our bodies intertwining on the bed . . . Oh shit! I just came all over myself and the bed but that was one of the hardest orgasms I have had and I was thinking about a man, about you.

The next day, I am going through the routine in my meetings and all the time thinking about tonight, having dinner with you, drinks and maybe . . . no probably you aren’t curious or the type of man that would want to explore but I still had my thoughts and after we part tonight will probably go back to my room and really get into my fantasies in another fantastic masturbating session.

It is 5:00p.m., I am through with my meetings. I am in my room getting ready to take a shower before we hook up for dinner as I again inspect myself in the mirror I find that I am not that bad for my age and build up some confidence as I go into the shower. As I am washing myself up I spend quite a bit of time on my cock and asshole thinking what might be but holding back enough not to masturbate since if I become brave enough to make a move I would not want to be already spent and have nothing for you.

I dress in comfortable corduroy pants, kind of baggy. A look I like since I try to hide my aging and weight gain. I put on a sweater shirt that is also loose and warm and head out for the bar to have a drink before we meet

The bartender recognizes me and nods, I nod back and he brings me my Tangueray martini with a breath of vermouth and two olives. I thank him and start to drink it down. Being in the meeting all day I hadn’t really noticed the weather but as I turn on my barstool I see it is still raining and windy I think this is a great day to be inside.

I feel a tap on my shoulder as I turn around there you are. You say that it looks like we had the same idea. A drink before dinner, you ask if you could join me and I of course say yes. You order the same martini I am having and as we drink we provide each other with the days events. It seems like we have been friends forever yet we just met yesterday. We continue our conversation over dinner but I sense something different in your eyes, your manner, just the way we are reacting to each other. I think I might have the courage to bring you back to my room and seduce you out of your pants. We finish dinner and head for the bar to have a couple of nightcaps before we head our separate ways. I am trying so hard to find the right words to ask you up to my room but as we take the last drops of our drinks from their tumblers I shy away and with a smile I say goodnight. You beg me to have one last drink, I of course agree and you start telling me about the Jacuzzi, steam room and workout area in this hotel. I didn’t even pay attention to the amenities that were offered and I listen intently. Did I hear right. Did you ask me if I would like to take a Jacuzzi with you. Even though it was a public area I wouldn’t mind seeing him in a bathing suit and what kind I wondered he would be wearing, speedo or baggy beachwear. I finally remember I didn’t pack any bathing suit and realize I can’t go. You leave the bar for a moment saying you would be right back and when you return you have a bag in your hand and you give it to me saying, here is your bathing suit now let’s go soak. I smile and thank him telling him I will repay him but he just shrugs it off. He tells me the Jacuzzi is on the roof and that he will meet me there as soon as I change.

I get back to the room my head swimming with thoughts I have never known before. Loving a man or at least having sex with one. I hurriedly change into the bathing suit and as I am putting it on I pause thinking about you being the one to buy the suit for me and not even asking me for my size and the fit was pretty good although a little short not quite a speedo but very close since it my was up my thigh to my balls which I adjust as I put them in their place rubbing them a little longer than usual because it felt nice to touch myself. I grabbed a towel and sped up to the roof. The roof was nice with a pool, Jacuzzi, workout room to the side with a sign for the steam room pointing past the weight room. It was strangely warm up there although I was prepared for it to be cold with the rain but the hotel had put up awnings and heating devices all around to keep it nice. There didn’t seem to be anybody up there then I heard my name you had already been up there and in the Jacuzzi when I arrived. I walk over and I really don’t get a chance to see anything more than your chest from the nipples up because of the bubbles in the water are going and the steam created leaves a fog haze over the water. I take my towel off and you make a wolf whistle which I laugh a little. You comment on the suit saying that you hoped it fit okay because it looks good. I don’t know if you are just being nice or coming on to me. I of course was wishing for the come on but not knowing I just laugh and thank you again for buying the suit and telling you I will repay you. Again, you make an odd but delightful statement that you are sure I will repay you.

The water is nice and hot as I put my toes in to get a feel for it then I bring my whole body down into the water and you were right I immediately feel relaxed. Thinking of everything you brought a bottle of wine and two water glasses from the room and offer them up to complete the relaxation mode. As I lay my head back neither one of us is speaking but a calming falls over us. We must have been there for 30 minutes or whatever it took to finish off the bottle of wine. You lift your body out of the water and it is my first time seeing you in just the bathing suit which is a speedo and you look fantastic I try not to stare but can’t take my eyes off of you and your package which is tightly sealed in the speedo. The steam is still rising from your suit around your crotch area and I, like Pavlov’s dog almost start drooling. I dip my head below water to try to break the trance you have on me. As I come up you are standing now by the side of the Jacuzzi and I stare up and your cock and balls are just bulging from the suit and I look further to see a lightly graying hairy chest and your nipples are hard from the cool air or maybe something else. You ask if I want anything else to drink and I say no I think I have had enough soaking for tonight. I am trying to gather the courage to ask you back to my room but the words just don’t come out. It is unbelievable the feelings I am getting for you and how I can’t take my eyes off of your body. We both get out drying off and I sneak a couple more glances at your body and still cannot come up with the words. All the signs I think you are giving still don’t penetrate me and give me the courage. We start back down to the elevators. We bid goodbye I note you are two floors below the roof, the 18th floor, those are suites I ask you say yeah I was supposed to share it with a workmate but luckily he wasn’t able to make it so I have it all to myself. He gets off the elevator I head for the 5th floor where I get in the room and as I am still wet I dry off and too tired and relaxed to take a shower to wash off the chlorine I lay naked on the bed dreaming what might have been.

I don’t know how long I was out but I heard this light tapping on the door. I look at the clock it is about 12:30 a.m. I don’t know who it could be except maybe a wrong room so I just lay there for a few more minutes but the tapping increases and I know they are not going to stop till they find that they are at the wrong room. I get up, grab my robe which was on a chair by the door and put it on looking out the eyeglass hole and to my surprise I see you walking off I know it is you because in the sweats you are wearing I can still make out the nice ass you have. I immediately open the door and you turn with an apology and a bottle of scotch in your hand saying you thought I might still be up and that you couldn’t sleep but really didn’t want to go back down to the bar and thought maybe we could have a drink but since I was already asleep you are so sorry about waking me up and you are talking so fast I can’t stop you and finally I get in my words saying please come in I would love to have a nightcap. I hadn’t fallen asleep but rather was just relaxing and letting the Jacuzzi’s healing waters soothe me. A nightcap would be great. I open the door a little wider there is but one light on in the room which is just that a room with a bed and bathroom to the left of the door as you come in. The light in the bathroom was on but the door was almost closed so it wasn’t illuminating much. I switched on a couple of the light switches which made the room now too illuminated. I go to turn one off and in my haste I hit them both putting the room back in total darkness. I feel like a giddy schoolboy about to have his first sexual encounter fumbling around in the dark. I finally get the lighting right and you look around for a couple of glasses. Damn! I used them both and they were dirty you said no problem if you would like we could go back to your room where the view is great and have the drinks. I agree and start for the door you chuckle and say well maybe putting on some clothes might be better at least till we get to your room. Another hint that I am not sure if I am reading correctly.

I am now in the precarious position of being naked underneath the robe and trying to get my clothes on by taking off the robe. As I said the room was just that a room. Funny though this situation is any other time I wouldn’t have been embarrassed at all to drop the robe and dress in front of a man. Now, I am terrified to do so. You start to look out my window at the view feeling my nervousness and providing me the moment I need to slip out of the robe and into some sweats and shirt for the trip up to your room. I get situated and we head up to your room. You, still holding the bottle of scotch we make some small talk in the elevator but I sense that we both are quiet because we are nervous about what might occur.

Your room is twice the size of mine having two large beds and three separate rooms, a bed in two of them and a kind of study-workroom the other. Now for some reason I get to your room and I need to go to the bathroom, the sudden urge overtakes me and you point out where it is. I go in closing the door as I hit the light switch I am bathed in soft light and see an oversize tub with Jacuzzi jets. I wonder why you wanted to go to the roof when you could have just come back to your room. Another hint. Also, in the bathroom is a nice big shower with a faucet coming out of the ceiling and a big head to spray the whole body and plenty of room for two people. What am I thinking. I go to the bathroom, washing up afterwards and making sure to look in the mirror which is not looking very nicely back at me since I had just been in the Jacuzzi, my hair had dried strangely, my skin was a little red and mottled but what the hell all the hints seem to be there so I was going to just do what came naturally and see where it took me.

I exit the bathroom and you are standing on the balcony with two tumblers of scotch on the rocks. As I walk out onto the balcony you hand me my drink and comment what a gorgeous view and I note that he isn’t even looking out but looking at me. Another hint! Well that is about all I can take with the hints, I look you right in the eye and tell you that I am going to ask you something that might make you throw me over the balcony or do something else but I can’t just let the moment pass. You look back at me with a little smile on your face and I ask if I can suck your cock. My hand was trembling, you were steady as could be. You are looking right at me, through me actually and a big smile came over your face and you say, My god I was wondering how many hints I had to drop before you got the message. You tell me that you had never been with a man but the day we met you just knew you had to have me, another man in your bed. We are standing on the balcony 18 floors up and are staring right at each other but not knowing what to do, we both empty our glasses as a way of avoiding what comes next. You go back inside to fill our glasses back up. I gaze out into the dark night and city lights trying to muster up the courage to say what I am feeling. You return and touch my back from behind handing me my full glass I smile and thank you, the awkward situation just hangs until I finally gather up the courage and reach for your hand holding it in mine you turn to face me and our faces move towards each other on a slow trek to each others lips. As our lips meet we kiss closed mouth and I lean back to look into your eyes to determine if you were okay with that or what would come next. You seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and so did I now that the ice was broken.

We both smile and you tell me that you have never done this before and really don’t know why you are so attracted to me and why you have wanted to do that since the moment we met. I tell you much the same thing. The cold air has now taken over and with our first time nervousness and the cold air you suggest we move inside where the heater is on and the room feels warm and comfortable. As you close the door and curtains I grab your shoulders to turn you towards me and the next kiss is longer and more sensual, our lips parting to allow our tongues to intertwine in each others mouth. Our hands begin to wander our bodies feeling each through the material we are wearing until you slip my shirt over my head and I return the gesture and we begin to now roam our hands over each others bodies I am a little embarrassed because I have some body fat that I am not comfortable with but I note you do too and it doesn’t seem to bother either one of us as our hands explore each others body. Our heavy breathing increases as our kisses become more and more passionate. I am rubbing your back aching for my hands to move down to your ass and finally I do so moving my hands underneath the waistband of the sweats you are wearing you sigh into my mouth as my hands feel your naked ass for the first time and my cock begins to spring to life and your hands wander down to my ass but you begin to move my pants down my body. I start to remove your pants also but to do this we have to stop kissing and as we do I lower my body to pull your pants down and I am now eye level with your cock as you lift each leg out of the pants and I see your beautiful cock with some precum staining on your underwear I raise my body back up to allow you to lower my pants except when you lower my pants I hadn’t put any underwear on in my haste to leave my cock jumps out and you look up to me as your eyes lower to look at my cock which is half erect and a small drop of precum is oozing out. You move your face towards my cock sticking your tongue out to lick the tip of my cock tasting my precum you make a semi growling sound that makes my cock become harder. We move towards the bed our naked bodies now touching making my skin so sensitive and I don’t want to stop. My arms are around you and I guide you down on the bed, both of our inhibitions and nervousness has left us and we are now just doing what feels right and good.

I lay you on your back and kneel in front of you on the bed your legs spread apart my eyes scan your body with the little light that is on in the room I let out a sigh as I lower my body over yours and laying on top of you with our cocks touching, our lips meet again. I could kiss you forever. I was really not sure what a man’s kiss would be like and you have exceeded my best expectations. Your lips are soft and your tongue is probing not poking around my mouth and lips but I must stop because there is more of your body I must explore.

I break our kiss and begin to nuzzle your neck and start tongueing your neck, ear giving them light kisses as I move down your body our cocks touching each others skin as I move to each nipple lightly teasing them with my tongue giving them both a slight tug with my teeth making them hard. As they harden I can feel your precum on my stomach I know you are ready for me so without too much more I continue my descent down your body dragging my tongue and kissing you as I go. I have never sucked a man’s cock and now within seconds I will be sucking yours the anticipation is killing me and I move a little quicker down your body. Your hands are dragging along my back and touching my hair and face as I move down your body your breathing becomes faster and I know you can’t wait for my lips to wrap around your cock. I finally reach my present goal and I lift my head a little bit to gaze upon your cock before moving my tongue around the tip licking off the precum as I do so then putting my lips around the head and slowly lowering my head down taking in part of your 7” cock into my mouth before moving back up I lower my head again down on your cock, the salty taste and soft velvet skin tastes so good in my mouth and on my lips I want to take you all so I go a little deeper almost taking all of you. I can hear your breathing become faster and more urgent and I feel your cock jump in my mouth I know with all this anticipation you are pretty close to cumming. My cock has been dripping since I started and I hope I don’t cum. I take a deep breath and move my lips down taking all of you in my mouth I am amazed I don’t gag but it is so heavenly I want to keep taking you and I move my lips up and down your cock my hands have moved under you taking your cheeks in each hand I move your body upward as I lower my head down on your cock I move a little faster as I hear your breath and light moaning prodding me on. I finally feel your cock stiffen up and I know what is about to happen you also moan out that you are going to cum and I make the decision, which wasn’t hard to make that I am going to swallow all of your cum and have your cock feel the warmness of my mouth as you cum. You are now bucking your hips up and down and I try to keep up with your rhythym and you let out a cry and I feel all your warm salty cum explode into my mouth. I didn’t know what to expect but the intimacy of it all encouraged me to leave my mouth wrapped around your cock and I start taking in your cum which was quite a bit but with just a little bit dripping out of my mouth I accomplish keeping you in my mouth as you let your load shoot into my mouth. You lay your body back down telling me what a great lover I am and how good it felt and my mouth still around your semi hard cock I just make a little noise to let you know it was just as great for me. I don’t want to let your cock out of my mouth but you are pulling on my shoulders trying to bring me back up to your face. I slowly let your cock fall out of my mouth making sure my body rubs along it as I continue back up your body kissing and licking you all the way back up. I look into your eyes and you bring your lips to mine kissing me hard and deep. You tell me that your own cum doesn’t taste so bad since I still had the taste in my mouth I agree. You tell me it is your turn to taste my delights and you roll me over on my back and start kissing me down my body kissing my nipples, teasing them with your teeth, making a trail of saliva with your tongue down my stomach and you reach my cock which has a good share of precum on it. You don’t hesitate taking your tongue and licking it all off and then bringing your mouth down on me and start moving up and down I start moving my hips to the motion of the up and down movement you are moaning and making sounds that you are in heaven and so am I. I don’t last too long shooting my load into your mouth where you also take it all in licking your lips and moving to my balls kissing and licking them you move your head farther down moving your tongue towards my ass. I feel a sensation that intrigues me and I hope you go further lifting my hips up so you can reach it better then I roll over on my stomach and you continue licking from my balls to my hole. You then move up my back kissing and tongue bathing me on your trek up I feel your cock in my crack as you start kissing my neck and ears and shoulders and rub your semi hard cock in my crack I spread my legs a little so your cock can touch my hole you slightly rub your cock against my hole and I let out a moan. You lean into my ear kissing it deeply then whispering to me asking if I would like to take a bath or shower or just lay here for awhile. I roll you off my back laying next to you tracing your body with my fingertips and tell you I would love to just lay here for awhile in each others arms. You agree and we lay there slowly touching each other with our fingers and we fall asleep I don’t know if you did first or me but we both sleep a deep sleep.

I wake up first a little disoriented we have moved our positions I am spooning you and it feels so good because my cock is between your butt cheeks and the feeling is incredible I move a little up and down and my cock springs to life then I realize that this is a workday I look at the clock and it says 5:45 a.m. I don’t want to go but know I have to. You are still sleeping making little snoring noises I don’t want to disturb you so I get up gather my clothes and finding a pen and paper provided by the Hotel I leave you a note that says. Lover, let’s continue this tonight and let’s start earlier!! I leave your room hustling down to my room to get dressed it is now Thursday and I know you are leaving Saturday morning a little depression overcoming me but as I get in the hot shower I know there is so much to do in the next couple of days. I smile at the thought.

The day seems to go by so slow I look at the clock every couple of minutes thinking it should be hours passing but it isn’t. Finally, the day ends I rush back to my room where the message light is blinking I hope it is you but it isn’t. It is my work telling me that I had left so fast they didn’t think I heard that the Friday sessions were not going to take place and that there was no need to stay or if I liked I could still stay and take in the City’s sights. I opted for staying but it wasn’t the City’s sights I was interested in staying for. After I delete the message and pour myself a nice drink to celebrate the phone rings and it is you telling me to get my bathing suit on and get up to the roof. I refresh my drink, dress in my bathing suit and head to the roof.

You are already in the Jacuzzi smiling with a couple of martinis next to you I get in the hot, soothing water and since there is nobody around and the bubbles from the Jacuzzi makes looking through the water impossible I move my foot over to your leg and rub it up. As I am moving my leg up I don’t feel any material from your suit you are just looking at me with this devious smile and I realize you have taken your suit off. You grab my foot with your hand moving it further up your body till my toes are touching your cock which is hard. You move my foot up and down I laugh at your impish behavior. I look around and move a little closer to you kissing you quickly on the lips lifting my body up a little and slip out of my suit sitting back down on it just in case I need to get at it quickly. Your hand lets go of my foot moving it over to my semi hard cock rubbing my balls and smiling such a beautiful smile.

We sit there for a little while sipping our martinis and going over the days events as if we have know each other forever. I tell you that I don’t have any more meetings but will be around until Sunday. You tell me that you were scheduled to leave Saturday but called and got a flight out for Monday morning. I am excited that we will be able to spend the next few days together. We sit there in silence now knowing we will have plenty of time to get to know each other very well.

The martinis are gone and you suggest we go back to your room where you have ordered some finger foods and stocked up the bar. I tell you I have to change and would be right there. You tell me not to bother to shower that I could shower with you. I must have had the biggest smile on my face and you just laugh. We get out of the Jacuzzi putting our suits back on and just in time when we see a woman and a man coming out onto the roof they are laughing and holding hands we just say hello and pass them with devious grins on our face.

I get back to my room and gather up some toiletries in case I don’t get back to my room and grab my sweats, no underwear and my robe I put them in a gym bag I have and act like I am going up to the workout room but exit the elevator at the 18th floor. I stand in front of your door for a few minutes taking in a deep breath and hoping I can exceed your wildest dreams because I know you will mine.

Before I can knock you open the door. I step in you close the door and we kiss each other. I can’t stop smiling. You hand me a drink and we sit on the couch in one of the rooms you have a faux fireplace and it is burning, the heater is on and the room feels so warm and cozy. I put my arm around you, and pull you towards me for another kiss. We sit there for awhile kissing and hugging, me holding you in my arms. My hands begin to wander your body as our kisses become more sensual. I reach your semi erect cock and move my hand under your robe where you have nothing on and move my hand slowly up and down your cock making you moan in my mouth as we kiss. I tell you that I have had many fantasies about a man but have never acted on them and this one exceeds my wildest dream. You just smile and tell me that you have often wondered what it would be like but never could even watch a m2m video but this has come so naturally that it feels we have been lovers forever. The night lights twinkle in through the open curtain, the faux flame of the fireplace and us together kissing is so sensual and arousing. You ask me if I would like to take a Jacuzzi.

I really don’t feel like going back on the roof in public but you just laugh and say that you have a big enough bathtub with Jacuzzi jets and that is what you meant. I remember your gorgeous bathroom and immediately stand up to take your hand and lead you in. The water is hot and the jets are pulsating we situate our bodies in this massive tub so I am sitting with my back to the rear of the tub and you are lying in my arms in front of me. I am kissing your neck my hands wandering over your chest feeling your nipples, running them down to your cock, holding your balls, my lips tracing the back of your neck and shoulders, you turn so our lips can meet and then you sigh turning back around and just lie there taking in the warmth and relaxation of the bath. I lay my head back and sigh hoping we never have to move. My cock hardens as it rubs against your back you turn around and kiss me again, I am not sure how much time has passed but you say that you are starting to turn into a prune I grab your cock and tell you that not all of you has shriveled up as you harden a little more under my touch. You suggest a shower would be nice and we both get up our hands still touching each other.

We move to the shower which is big enough for four people but all we need is the two of us. The water feels good as we stand holding each other and kissing you grab the soap and start washing my body all over I grab another bar and start washing you the same. You turn your back to me asking me to wash your back I start rubbing your back, moving down to your butt which is slightly hairy with a tuft of hair just above your butt. I move my soapy hands in between your butt cheeks rubbing right along your hole and you move your body forward and bend a little to better let me access your hole. I soap up a little more and stick my finger into your hole a little bit not knowing how hard or far I should go, you push your butt back into me letting my finger slide deeper into you as you let out another moan. I am hard as I have ever been and I start soaping up my cock hoping you want me to enter your beautiful tight hole I pull my finger out starting to slide my cock in between your butt cheeks you lean a little farther forward grabbing onto the wall and tell me to please stick my cock in your hole. I don’t’ need anymore encouragement I straighten my cock down and aim it into your hole and touching the outside you are moaning so loud I am just so excited I push very slowly inside you and your growling groan tells me you are loving the feeling I pull out a little and you push your butt back into me forcing my cock back inside you.

You start to move your butt back and forth slowly taking in my cock I pick up the rhythm and push forward as you are pushing back, the sensation is wonderful. My cock feels so hard, your hole is so tight providing so much stimulation that when I finally realize it I have my cock all the way up to my balls inside you. I am so hot I know I won’t be able to last much longer and I speed up my movements into you. You are moaning and groaning with such satisfaction the turn on is killing me. Finally I feel my cock start to fill up and begin to erupt you feel it also and reach around to hold me in place as my cum shoots into your hole filling you up and the throbbing of my spewing cock makes you jump a little bit and finally when it is over and my cock falls out of you, you turn around and give me the hottest sensual kiss I think I have ever had. I want you inside me now but you tell me we have plenty of time so I lower myself down to your cock and begin sucking it with all the care and love I can. You are so ready you almost spurt into my mouth immediately and I take it all in finally rising back up to you and kissing you long and lovingly. We both are a little sleepy and we get out of the shower taking our time drying each other off and then doing some before bed essentials, brushing out teeth and kissing some more we fall into the bed without our clothes snuggling up against each other and before I realize it you have fallen asleep and I follow. I have dreams of so much more to come in our limited time together.


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