White Boy Discovers BBC – Bonus 01


This story takes place BEFORE Chapter Four of the White Boy Discovers BBC main series. This chapter will contain SPOILERS if you have not yet read Chapter Four. Read Chapter Four First!


Initial contact

Alex sat outside of a coffee shop at a small table alone as he drank his iced coffee. He had a little bit of free time between his classes and needed a quick pick-me-up drink to get him through the rest of the day. While the warm sun was blocked by an umbrella attached to the table Alex sucked the ice coffee out of the straw and turned the pages of the book he was looking at. As he looked down he saw a shadow of a man move behind him. Alex turned to look up but the figure had already started to speak to him.

“Hey whiteboy. Your Cole’s friend right?” Marcus asked standing over the blonde haired college freshman.

“Yes – Marcus right?” Alex replied back remembering the one and only time several months ago when he had met Marcus and Jamal while he was grabbing lunch with Cole.

Thinking back on that first meeting Alex remembered that Cole had acted a bit odd around Marcus and Jamal. Alex never really found out why and he never bothered to ask. Before another word could be exchanged Marcus sat down across from Alex placing his backpack under the table.

“That sun sure is beating down today – a whiteboy like you should have some sunblock on to protect that pale skin” Marcus said with a chuckle refering to Alex’s pale and freckled skin.

“I’m sure ill be fine” Alex laughed back but sensing an undertone with Marcus.

“So how has the year been going for you? You like the school?” Marcus asked.

“Oh ya im taking some extra classes to hopefully graduate a year early.” Alex answered.

“A year early? Why do you want to finish up college so fast? Dont you want to enjoy the college years? Go to parties – meet people – get fucked – ” Marcus questioned laying on a bit more emphasis with the last part of his question.

“All that is fun but I’m looking to get into medical school and thats a lot of work. Gotta prep now and the faster I go the faster i can move on to the next phase.” Alex explained to Marcus whos eyes were wandering up and down his body.

“Do you wanna be a doctor?” Marcus asked.

“Maybe – or a nurse. I’m not quite sure yet.” Alex replied feeling a bit embarrassed that he didnt have his whole life planned out in his freshman year of college.

“A nurse? thats more of a girly job. Although you look like you have a more feminine figure anyway.” Marcus commented taking Alex’s ice coffee and taking a sip from it his eyes keeping contact with Alex’s.

Alex was a bit surprised at what Marcus had said. He was unsure if Marcus was trying to insult him by commenting on his physical appearance or if Marcus thought that was some kind of compliment.

“Well Alex. Good luck with being a nurse. I’m sure I’ll see you around again.” Marcus said standing up and patting the boy on top of his blonde head before walking away.

Alex felt a bit strange about the encounter. Marcus wasnt really mean or rude but something about the interaction just felt a bit off to him. He thought of texting Cole and asking more about Marcus but figured it was nothing. Alex took another sip from his ice coffee relizing half way though the sip that Marcus had put his mouth on the straw and that he had now cucked in some of his spit. The young man then chose to throw out the rest of his drink and head on to his next class.


Second Contact – Teasing and Seduction start

About a week had gone by since Alex had his interaction with Marcus. He never bothered mentioning any of it to Cole even though he had been with him several times since. Alex thought he had seen Marcus passing around the campus a few times but they didnt really interact. But one time he did pass Marcus in the dorm hallway on the way to see Cole. Alex had thought he would be nice and said hello to him. Marcus just gave him a smile back with a ‘hey nurse boy’ as he walked by. Again Alex couldnt tell what Marcus meant with his words – ‘nurse boy’ wasnt insecurely an insult but it did make him feel a bit on odd to have this bigger stronger black man call him things like ‘whiteboy’ or ‘nurse boy’ but he wasnt sure why.

A few days after that Alex ran into Marcus again in the halls of Cole’s dorm. Alex had plans to hang out with Cole but he was not picking up his phone so he chose to swing by the dorm to see if Cole was there. He went up to Cole’s floor and over to his dorm door.

“Cole you there?” Alex asked as he knocked on the door.

Alex thought he heard movement inside but no one came to the door. He decided to send Cole one last text telling him he was going to be in the dorm lobby working on a project for a bit and let him know if they were still going to hang out. After sending the text he headed down to the lobby. This was not the first time Cole had dissapeared when they had plans to meet up but it was not something that happened often either. Alex set up his laptop in the common area and started to work on a paper for one of his classes. It was not long before he heard the voice of Marcus.

“Nurse boy Alex! What are you doing here?” Marcus asked walking over to Alex.

“Oh – Hi. I was supposed to meet up with Cole but he doesnt seem to be anywhere.” Alex replied looking up at Marcus who was pretty big and tall to start with but even more in this moment with Alex looking up at Marcus with his blue eyes while Marcus stood over him.

“Does he do that to you a lot?” Marcus asked knowing that he had made Cole break plans with Alex several times in the past to serve his purposes.

“Not super often – but it happens” Alex said.

“Maybe hes just passed out in his room or tied up with something.” Marcus suggested.

“Maybe – What are you doing here?” Alex asked.

“This is my dorm building.” Marcus answered.

“Oh – you must see Cole around here all the time then” Alex assumed.

“Ya – I see that scrawny white boy quite a bit. Maybe he should take some tips from you and get a little more meat on him.” Marcus replied.

“Oh – ” Alex said a bit surprised and unprepared to respond to that.

“You got that thikk booty going on too – classic look for a girly nurse. Maybe you would make a better nurse than doctor Afterall” Marcus said with a laugh.

Alex again wasnt sure how to respond. Did Marcus just give him a complement on his figure? Did Marcus insult him? Did Marcus just imply he had a juicy phat ass like a nurse? Alex blushed as several questions ran through Alex’s head in that moment. The blond haired young man finally just said ‘thank you’ to Marcus’s comments. Marcus pulled his phone out of his pocket after feeling it vibrate and looked at the message on his phone.

“Well nurse boy I got things to do. Good luck with Cole” Marcus said before leaving the room.

Every interaction Alex had with Marcus from first meeting him with Cole, to the coffee shop, and now this all seemed strange but Alex just didnt know what to think or do. Several

minutes later Cole came walking into the common room and apologized to Alex claiming his had fallen asleep in his dorm and the alarm he set on his phone didnt go off. Alex didnt think to mention anything about Marcus to Cole. The two then went up to Cole’s room to hang out and watch a movie.


Marcus Gets Alex

The last class of the day for Alex had been cancelled so he was done much earlier then planned. The original plan was to meet Cole at his dorm room after classes but since Alex was now done so early he wasnt sure what to do. Finally after a few moments of standing outside with the breeze blowing his blonde hair around he figured he would just go to Cole’s dorm and wait in the common area and work on some projects until Cole was free. Alex moved the blonde hair out of his blue eyes and headed over to Cole’s dorm. He sent Cole a quick text saying that he got out of lass early and would be in the common area downstairs working on his laptop until Cole was all set to hang out. Alex could not have been in the common room working on his lap top for more then 15 minutes before he spotted Marcus walking in. At first it seemed like Marcus did not notice Alex sitting in the corner of the common area.

“Hey Marcus!” Alex called out for some reason waving his hand at the tall fit black college student.

Alex was unsure what made him say hello and get Marcus’s attention. Every time Alex had been around Marcus he had felt strange but for whatever reason his mind told him to say hello.

“Nurse Boy Alex! What are you up to? Cole missing again?” Marcus asked as he walked over to the corner but chose not to sit and stay standing towering over the sitting Alex.

“Not yet – I’m actually just really early. My last class got cancelled and the one before that finished up early so i figured I would just sit down here until Cole was free.

“There is no need – how about you come hang out in my dorm until Cole hits you up.” Marcus suggested.

“Oh – Ya thats a nice offer – but – ” Alex started.

“You gonna disrespect me and turn down my offer?” Marcus said cutting off Alex in the middle of his sentence.

“No – we can hang in your room.” Alex said not wanting to insult Marcus’s hospitality.

“Good! Lets grab up your stuff and get that thikk white boy ass moving.” Marcus said with a smile.

Alex heard the comment but he still grabbed all his stuff putting it back into his backpack and followed Marcus. They went up several floors and finally were outside Marcus’s dorm. Marcus unlocked the door and lead Alex inside. The room looked like any other except with some personal touches of posters. Alex looked around the room as he walked in hearing Marcus close and lock the door behind him. Alex’s eyes landed on a framed poster on a wall int he corner of the room. It was a a digital drawing of a strong black man standing tall and a pair of white men on their knees chained up.

“What is this?” Alex asked looking at the computerized painted image.

“That was made by a friend of mine – its based on the concept of reversed slavery. Anyone can be in charge and and anyone can be controlled given the right circumstances.” Marcus said with a sparkle in his eye.

Marcus motioned for Alex to take a seat on the bed which he did without saying a word. Marcus then sat in a chair making him a bit taller as Alex sunk into the counion of the bed.

“How is the nurse thing going?” Marcus asked.

“Well i’m still not sure if I want to be a nurse or a doctor.” Alex corrected Marcus seeing if he could get rid of the nickname he had been given.

“Seems like you would be better fit for the nurse job since you have the feminine figure and PAWG ass going on.” Marcus said with a laugh.

Alex blushed – Marcus had now mentioned Alex’s figure and ass multiple times on different occasions. The college freshman wondered if Marcus was gay maybe he was hitting on him this whole time and trying to flirt. Since Alex was straight he debated if he should say something and maybe clear the air now of any confusion or say nothing.

“Um – Marcus-” Alex stuttered a bit nervous.

“Ya?” Marcus replied.

“Dont take this the wrong way – Maybe i’m just reading this whole thing wrong.” Alex said taking a pause as he looked at the taller stronger black man sitting in front of him.

“Some of the things you have said – are – are you gay? Have you been hitting on me?” Alex blurted out.

Marcus let out a big laugh at Alex’s line of questioning.

“You would make a bad detective with how you stuttered and shook asking that.” Marcus replied.

Alex felt relieved for a moment as it seemed he had been mistaken and this was just some teasing and nothing more since Marcus was laughing about it and playing off the questions as funny. But when Marcus started to speak everything seemed to change.

“Listen white boy – let me ask YOU something. Do you like when I call you ‘nurse boy’ or say that you have a girly figure or mention that phat white ass you got there?” Marcus asked his brown eyes looking right into Alex’s blue ones.

“I – Umm – Well – It’s just that -” Alex stuttered at the question.

“Your blushing and turning red right now. Probably thinking how a straight boy like you would be blushing at me calling you names like ‘femme boy’.” Marcus added.

Alex felt so warm and didnt know how to act or what to say. As he sat still on Marcus’s bed he wondered what was happening.

“I assume you think you are straight – right Alex?” Marcus asked.

Alex nodded not speaking a word.

“Never been with a man before – probably never thought of being with a man before.” Marcus added.

Again Alex nodded and spoke no words still feeling his body warm contrasted with the fact he was felt frozen in place.

“Ive seen you Alex – maybe you dont know what you are yet but I do. I see that cute cock sucking freckled face. I see that phat fuckable pale white ass.” Marcus said standing up over Alex who looked up his blue eyes still locked right into the dark brown eyes of Marcus.

“I’m not – ” Alex started.

“Not what?” Marcus said back leaning in.

“You seen BBC porn before?” Marcus asked.

Alex shook his head. Marcus dropped his hands down to his pants and undid his belt then his zipper. Marcus’s grey pants dropped and his big black cock flopped out. Alex’s eyes grew wife looking at the still not fully hard monster. It had to be at least 9 inches long – way larger then what Alex had in his pants. There was no way he could fit Marcus’s cock all the way in his mouth – wait why was he even thinking about putting Marcus’s dick in his mouth?

“cute cock sucking freckled face – that phat white ass. I want to make them mine Nurse boy” Marcus said putting a hand on Alex’s head and grabbing his blonde hair.

Alex saw Marcus’s cock get harder and closer to his face. He felt the dick tip pressing agaisnt his white lips. His mouth opened letting the black python inside. Alex felt Marcus move back and forth trying to stuff the entire thing into his mouth. The young man felt the hard big black cock smack the back of his throat over and over making him gag a little.

“Straight boys dont suck cock” Marcus said with a chuckle as saliva started to drip down Alex’s chin as Marcus guided Alex’s body into a kneeling position on the floor.

Marcus was right – Alex knew that for sure now. How could Alex ever claim to be straight after having this massive manhood in his mouth. Marcus could feel his cock getting nice and hard in Alex’s untrained and unskilled mouth.

“Your oral skills are going to need some work nurse boy – If you want to be a nurse you have to learn to serve your patience and give them what they need and want” Marcus implied.

After several minutes of Marcus using Alex’s mouth he thought it was time to change tactics with this white boy and use the other hole.

“Take your clothes off and bend over” Marcus ordered.

Alex felt so hot and red and horny he just complied without even thinking of why he was doing these things. Within seconds Alex was naked and bent over Marcus’s bed his pale ass sticking out as if begging to be used. Marcus grabbed a bottle of lube and coated his big black cock and then put some on and in Alex’s tight virgin butt. Alex let out a moan as he felt Marcus lube up his insides.

“Use this” Marcus said stuffing his own boxers into the young man’s mouth to muffle the moans he was most certainly about to make.

“Mmmppphh!?!?!” Alex groaned as he felt the pressure of Marcus’s cock pressing against his ass and then entering.

“Good boy – ” Marcus grunted as he started to pump in and out of Alex making him moan uncontrollably.

Alex had never felt anything like this before. He didnt even know he could feel this amount of pleasure. Now having Marcus pounding his ass Alex could not process much of anything outside of the moment as he bit down on the boxers in his mouth and groaned over and over with Marcus’s pumps.

“What a good slut – take my cock like the fat assed whore you are nurse boy!” Marcus growled his arms pinning Alex down as he thrusted faster and harder.

“Ahgggg!” Alex moaned as Marcus’s boxers fell out of his mouth.

“What was that? What are you?” Marcus taunted Alex as he continued to use his ass giving it a few hard loud spanks.

“I- I’m – I’m your g-g-ggood little nuurse boy. I’m a fat ass slut for your cock!” Alex blurted out without really thinking.

With that statement Marcus knew that his plan had worked and the real conditioning could begin. Alex never ended up meeting with Cole that day and had to reschedule.


Alex’s Next steps

Three weeks had passed since Alex had started being trained by Marcus. He kept everything as secretive as he could especially making sure Cole didnt find out since Cole knew Marcus and Alex did not want to make things complicated between them. Alex spent several times a week with Marcus learning his new role and how to properly serve and please Marcus. The whole situation was still very strange to him but he knew deep down this somehow felt right. Tonight was going to be different though – Marcus had told Alex that he was going to have a special surprise and take the next step in his new role. Alex was of course suspicious but also curious and excited to what Marcus would have in store for him.

After classes he did as instructed and cleaned himself up then headed over to Marcus’s dorm. Because Marcus and Cole lived in the same dorm building Alex always tried to make sure to avoide Cole’s room or being seen by Cole so he would not suspect anything. He took the back stairs to Marcus’s room and then knocked on the door quickly looking around to make sure no one saw him.

“Well if it isnt my personal little nurse boy” Marcus said teasingly as he opened the door and had Alex walk inside.

Alex was confronted with two more tall strong black men – one he recognized as Jamal from meeting him before the other he didnt know the name of.

“So slut are you ready for your next step?” Marcus asked placing a hand on Alex’s butt.

“Y-yess daddy” Alex replied excited but nervous.

“Good” Marcus said with a smile and chuckle which the other two men joined in on.

Until now Alex had only ever served Marcus. The addition of two more men mad Alex feel extra worried about anyone especially Cole or his family back home finding out what he had been up to this semester. Alex was ordered to strip – and one by one he sucked off each of the three large black cocks in front of his face. For what seemed like over an hour these three strong men took turns using his holes and filling him up.

“Lets have you put these on” Marcus said holding a thick black scarf in one hand and a set of headphones in the other.

“What do you want me to do with them sir?” Alex asked his big blue eyes looking up at his master.

“This is going to cover your eyes. And this will go over your ears and make things nice and quite for you.” Marcus said almost as he was speaking to a child.

Alex did as told and blindfolded himself with the thick black scarf and then put the headphones over his ears which muffled most sound. He then felt his arms being grabbed and put behind his back where they were then bound. Alex was in no position to argue and just accepted his fate. Once those items were on the three men went back to taking turns with him in all sorts of positions making Alex truly look and feel like a dumb slut. He was getting his throat and asshole stuffed by two of the three men – he had no idea who since he couldnt hear or see apart from a few blurs and muffled noises. Alex was having the absolute time of his life in complete ecstasy. He could hear what sounded like a banging – maybe a knock on the door but he was in no state to know who it was. He then heard some muffled talking but could not determine if someone new had entered the room or if it was just the three large black guys making jokes as they used his body.

“Ahhghh” Alex gurgled with a large black cock in his mouth completely unaware of what was going on in the world around him.

Alex’s body continued to be used by the same two men – whichever they were. His hard cock dangled around unable to cum yet. After what seemed like a lifetime Alex felt a hand on his face pulling back the blindfold from his face. Alex would finaly be able to see again and know what was going on. Alex blinked for a moment after the scarf came off and was stunned to see he was staring right into the face of his best friend Cole. Cole wasnt in much of a different situation as Alex. Marcus had him bent over and was pounding his round white ass. Alex’s and Cole’s eyes met as they stared at each other both not knowing what to do.

Both young men were in very compromising positions with Alex very confused and surprised to see his friend Cole in the same situation as him. Cole panicked as he looked at Alex who was getting his butt stuffed by a massive black cock while cum ran down his face and dripped from his mouth and lips. Cole too didn’t say anything but let out his erotic whimpers and moans as Marcus thrust in and out of him.

“Alex — ” Cole began not knowing what he was going to say or do.

With Alex and Cole being so close Alex just smiled at Cole for a moment and then in that moment they knew they were the same.

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