White Boy Discovers BBC – Ch. 01


A gay story: White Boy Discovers BBC – Ch. 01 Prologue

All my life I have considered myself to be a pretty ‘average’ and ‘normal’ young man. I have always been interested in women specifically fit thin girls. I have always been a bit dominant in relationships like most men tend to be. I have dated a fair amount of girls in my life and never thought anything else of it. However in the last few weeks and months I have found my mind wandering and my desires and fantasies expanding if not completely changing. One day I stumbled onto a porn site and ended up watching some interracial videos which is not weird at all — instead of me watching it as a man fucking a woman I saw it more as a submissive white being dominated by a black man. After a few more clicks I was looking at big black cock or BBC videos where a strong dominant black man was using white women — then white men — until I found myself just watching porn of white submissive men serving dominant BBC. I tried to shrug it off but I couldn’t — I tried to continue to be ‘normal’ and ‘average’ but I think it was already to late at that point — my mind had already been exposed and altered and there was no going back.

Chapter One

“Are you going to the party tonight?” Cole’s friend Alex asked as then hung around the campus field between classes looking up at the sky and texting on their phones.

“Is that tonight?” Cole asked passively.

“Ya! It’s the first major party of the semester. Should be a good one for picking up chicks.” He added not looking up from his phone.

“What time is it?” the young man asked his friend as he glanced up from his phone.

“We are going to meet up around 8 at Tony’s prob get there for 9 or 930 — you in?” Alex added.

“Ya sure. Not like I have any other plans” Cole said with a chuckle.

The party was not mentioned again in person but Cole shared a few texts with Alex and a few other friends about what to wear and bringing drinks prior to the party over text. The next few ours flew by and before he knew it Cole was on his way back to his college dorm at the end of classes. Cole spent some time picking out clothes and then headed to the dorm showers. He took his time washing in the not water his hands running through his short brown hair, rubbing his green eyes being sure not to get any soap in them. As he showered he could hear voices of a few other guys discussing the party.

“I hear there are some good looking freshman this year. Cant wait to use their fine little bodies.” One voice said.

“All I want is a big titted bimbo for the night” a second voice said with a laugh.

“I wouldn’t mind getting a stupid-cute white boy to make my bitch” said another voice just as Cole had turned off the shower and started to dry himself off.

He walked out of the shower towel around his waist and out into the common area of the showered where he say two muscular black men standing around talking with towels around their hips. He looked at them for a moment a bit shy and nervous. The two men were at least a year older than Cole if not older and is was obvious by the way they acted. Cole couldn’t help but glance over to them his eyes scanning over their muscular bodies encompassed in their strong black skin. He didn’t know if they realized he had heard their conversation of if they even cared.

“You looking at something?” one of them said looking over at Cole after their eyes met.

“N-no” Cole said before rushing out of the room turning a share of red in embarrassment.

Cole quickly grabbed his things and left the bathroom heading back to his dorm room. Once in his dorm he closed the door his heart beating fast. He leaned against the door and took some deep breaths. He then noticed on top of his heart beating fast his cock was hard and pulsing. Oh shit — did they see that? Cole thought his heart still beating fast. The young man thought about what he had overheard trying to process. One of the black guys had said something about making a white boy his bitch — what did he mean by that? Cole continued to think — his mind briefly wondering into kinky and sexual thoughts. Cole pictured kneeling next to the man — being used by him — they were not detailed thoughts only blurred concepts.

After a few minutes Cole calmed back down and got dressed to head over to Tony’s dorm to meet his friends. Once with his friends his thoughts from earlier subsided and he enjoyed their company as they drank and joked until it was time for the party. The party was being held off campus at a sorority house — Cole didn’t remember which one. He had been to house parties in high school but this was his first college party and it was a bit more than he anticipated. The music was loud and all around him, multicolored lights filled the rooms like a dance club and the two floor building was packed with people. Cole and his friends stayed together at first scanning the crowd. One by one Cole’s friends vanished into the pile of people in search of a girl to bed for the night. As the night dragged on Cole talked to some people and even danced with a girl or two but it was short lasted. He got texts from his friends saying they were leaving with a girl or just heading out one after another. Cole stood in a corner a drink in one hand the other in his pocket.

“Hey you’re the kid from the showers earlier right?” a voice said from the left of Cole.

The young man turned to see one of the muscular black guys from the shower standing next to him — it was the one that had noticed Cole was looking at them.

“I — ah — yes” Cole replied a bit caught off-guard and not sure why he would lie about it.

“You new? I don’t think ive seen you before today” the guy asked.

“Yes — this is my first semester — I transferred” Cole explained.

“I’m Marcus — I’m a Junior here” the man introduced himself

“I’m Cole” Cole said a bit lost for words.

“You’re a bit of a shy one arnt you?” Marcus said leaning a bit closer.

Even though there were tons of people surrounding them shouting and laughing, drinking and dancing — in this moment Cole felt completely alone with Marcus as if everything else drained out of existence.

“I — um — ” Cole said not knowing how to respond to what the clearly taller and stronger black man had said.

“That’s okay — shy little white boys can be cute. It normally means they’ll make good submissive sluts Marcus said with a smile his right hand squeezing Cole’s butt unexpectedly.

Cole could feel his body become very tense and warm as his cock twitched in response to the words Marcus had just said to him. He felt frozen in shock not knowing what to do or say his face probably turning red but not noticeable in the lighting of the room.

“Come with me” Marcus said more in a command then a request awaiting approval.

Without thinking the young college freshman did as he was instructed and followed the man through the crowded rooms and through a hallway with far less people and into a room off the side. Marcus opened the door to what looked like the sorority laundry room. There was another couple in there making out but Marcus calmly told them to get out and they did. The door closed behind them and Cole stood there alone with Marcus for only half a second before he was pinned against the wall with Marcus’s lips against his. He felt the stronger black man’s hands run over his body and he did not object.

“On your knees” Marcus commanded as if giving an order to a dog.

Cole did as he was told without thinking and quickly found himself facing Marcus’s hard black cock — it had to be at least 9 inches long. Marcus grabbed Cole’s head the short brown hair between his fingers and stuffed his manhood into Cole’s mouth. Cole immediately began to choke and gag on Marcus’s black cock. Even if Cole had pleased a man before — which he had not — he would not have been prepared to handle Marcus and his meat. After a few more thrusts Cole got the hand of breathing and was better taking the black dick.

“Good boy” Marcus said looking down at the much weaker white boy who was looking right

back at him with his bright green eyes.

Marcus grinned with pleasure as he dominated the younger college freshman. This freshman was far from the first white guy Marcus had ever used and controlled but that didn’t make it any less fun to turn some random boy into the human equivalent of a sex doll. As Marcus continued to use Cole’s mouth he started to speed up feeling the urge to climax and explode. The stronger black man pumped his hard cock into the freshman’s mouth and down his throat until he finally felt the rush of ecstasy. Cole started to gag as his mouth was stuffed harder and faster by Marcus’s big thick cock and finally felt a spasm and Marcus’s cum in his mouth.

“You like that faggot?” Marcus said laughing as he finished busting in his prey’s mouth and pulling out allowing a bit of drool and cum to drip down Cole’s lips and chin.

Cole just looked up at his dominator baffled not knowing what to do or say as he took a gulp swallowing the man’s jizz without even thinking about what it was or what it meant.

“Well kid — thanks for the fun. You might want to clean up before going back to the party” Marcus said as he fixed himself up and unlocked the door walking out of the laundry room and down the hall back to the still ongoing party leaving Cole still in complete shock of what


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