White Boy “Masseuse” Pt. 02


A gay story: White Boy “Masseuse” Pt. 02 Thoughts of yesterday, when Mr. Muscles mounted me and bred me out, were overwhelming as I woke up the next morning in my little apartment. I didn’t even remember going to bed. I vaguely recalled that Janine helped me back home and tucked me in. I also recalled that she kissed my cheek and said she’d nurse me back to health so I’d be ready for Mr. Muscles next time. She was becoming a good and valuable friend, and one I could count on. Not only that, but she knew the ropes as a masseuse and had invaluable expertise working on such big black men all the time.

I took Mr. Muscles giant cock deep inside me, but now I was dealing with the ramifications. I slept for a while, but the pain in my rectum woke me up. I didn’t want to move but had to make my way to the bathroom to urinate. My ass felt torn open and inflamed. I forced myself up enough to sit on the side of the bed. Then more pain hit me and I had to shift myself to my left butt cheek to get weight off my swollen asshole. Feeling a little unstable, I slowly stood up and with small steps carefully walked to the bathroom. I had trouble standing and decided to sit to urinate. The weight of my body on the toilet seat spread out my cheeks and I felt my asshole pull open wide, and it stayed splayed open while I peed. It used to be so tight, but Mr. Muscles used his giant cock to literally pound it wide open, altering it physically. My sphincter muscle was torn up and could only slightly engage and contract. I returned to bed concerned if I’d ever recover.

As the sun was starting to rise I wondered what would ever become of me. My phone was on the nightstand and I heard my text alert tone. It was Janine and she wanted to check in on me….

“Hey, white boy, everything OK?”

“Janine, I’m so inflamed down there. It stays so open and I don’t have any muscle control.”

“Don’t worry, white boy, that will improve today. Keep taking the aspirin every three hours, and ice it too.”

“Janine, I think Mr. Muscles destroyed my rectum…. He kept pounding and pounding it with that big fucking black cock.”

“Listen to me. It will be all right. You’re young and will recover. By the way, the fat lady called me and said Mr. Muscles wants you again.”

“No, I can’t! Please! It’s so big.”

“Don’t worry. I can make sure you take the day off, or if you’re willing, come to work and do only oral service. Strictly enforced.”

“Janine, I do want to see Mr. Muscles again. I know I can make him feel really good with my hands and mouth. Do you think he’ll be OK with just that?”

“I bet he will… I think he’s falling for you. You should show him what he did to your ass. That will turn him on, and it will remind him of your willingness to sacrifice for his pleasure.”

“Thank you, Janine. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“White boy, you will eventually adjust to the enormous size and the intense pounding, but it will take time. That’s such a massive cock, and he’s so fucking big and strong.”

I instinctively went into the shower and washed myself. The warm water felt healing. I carefully washed my ass and panicked at how splayed out it was. The giant cock devastated me. After my shower, I sat on the couch and placed an ice pack on my ass. That definitely helped with the swelling and pain. As I felt better I began to have the urge to go back to work at the massage parlor, or should I say, to see Mr. Muscles. I eventually got dressed and delicately walked to my unusual place of employment.

When I arrived everyone could see I was obviously injured from what Mr. Muscles did to me the day before. Janine was the first to approach me and help me into my seat towards the back of the room behind the counter. The fat lady noticed my situation, and said…

“Don’t worry white boy, dat ass won’t be in play today. I’ll make sure. These big black men will still want you.”

I appreciated the fat lady’s concern, and that she was even somewhat protective. Those big black cocks can do serious damage and she didn’t want to lose me as an employee. Then unexpectedly, the fat lady came over to where I sat, bent down, and whispered in my ear…

“I spoke with Mr. Muscles this morning. He can’t stop thinking about you. He’s working out now but wanted me to let you know he’ll be here as soon as he can. Said he got a muscle pump you won’t believe. White boy… I think he’s in love.”

I looked up at the fat lady and tears filled my eyes because of what she about Mr. Muscles, and that she actually showed some caring for me. Then she whispered…

“Now white boy, don’t get too emotional, I’m just doing what Mr. Muscles asked me to do…. Don’t you worry, I already told him he can’t make love to you today, and the man was good with dat. You know what, you’re all right, white boy.”

Janine was sitting next to me and held my hand in support. She even helped comb my blond hair and applied a pink glossy lip moisturizer for me. She even put on a little makeup on my big blue eyes. Holding up a mirror to my face, she said…

“See, look how beautiful you are with that little turned-up nose, full lips, and those gorgeous blue eyes. Mr. Muscles will love it.”

“Thank you, Janine. I miss him so much. I need him.”

“I know you do. He should have been here by now…. Knowing him, I bet he’s working out extra hard for you and wants to show off all that gargantuan muscle.”

“Janine, I can’t wait to see it.”

Then Janine gave me a bright red silk robe and helped me remove my clothing and holding up the red robe, helped slip my arms through the large opening in the sleeves and up over my thin shoulders. She did it in front of everyone but I didn’t care. I noticed they were all transfixed at my taught, smooth and pure white body, tiny clit-like penis, and beautiful feminine face. The red robe was stunning with my glowing white skin, ultra-light blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. Even the pink lip gloss Janine applied seemed more sexy. I couldn’t wait for Mr. Muscles to see me.

Then the front door opened and Mr. Muscles walked in. He went right past the fat lady like she wasn’t even there and immediately started looking for me. I was seated near the darkened corner of the room and at first, he couldn’t find me. I could tell he was close to panicking, then our eyes met, and his face seemed to relax. A slight smile replaced his serious look. He walked to me and I rose from my chair knowing how sexy I looked, and just in time to receive his powerful hug. The fat lady, Janine, and two other girls watched in amazement at the site of Mr. Muscles showing such emotion. I felt wonderful in his loving arms. He smelled stronger than the day before, but I loved that black stud stink.

Incredibly, he kissed me, and I melted into him. It crossed my mind that he wanted everyone to know that I was his. Then he walked me back to one of the massage rooms. I didn’t even know which one and didn’t care. We entered and he closed the door. At that point, he hugged me into his massive body again, and said…

“Little white boy, don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. Janine’s right, I went too far yesterday. But you are so beautiful and sexy that I lost control. Here, let me show you how fucking pumped up I got for you.”

He stepped back, removed his gym clothes, and proudly showed off musculature that was hard to comprehend. He obviously worked out harder than before to impress and entice me. I figured he hadn’t showered since the last time we were intimate, less than 24 hours ago, because the most powerful black muscleman stink encircled me. He looked oilier than yesterday, and all sorts of veins popped off his muscles. His gigantic cock was hanging down and off to the side in front of his big left thigh. It had a banana curve upwards, and it pulsed heavily, and was throbbing. Incredibly, it seemed fatter than I remembered. The girth was surreal, the length was mind-blowing, and the head was thicker than the shaft with a pronounced lip on the bulbous crown.

I couldn’t stop myself from going to him and as we hugged like we were one. I had such an emotion outburst of love and sexual sensations that I even cried. My head was in his massive chest. My robe was already getting soiled with his stud sweat and oiled black skin. I was so in love with him, and everything that transpired yesterday, and now today, was overwhelming me. Then I said what I needed to say…

“I love you, Mr. Muscles, more than anything. I’ve never been like this before. You make me feel like a little sexy girl.”

“White boy, I think I’m falling in love with you… I used to pump all those weights for me, and maybe for some of the masseuses, but working out this morning was only for YOU, to get bigger for YOU, to get even more super-manly for YOU.”

“Oh god, you are so big and strong…. Mmmmmmmmm, you smell stronger too.”

My little turned-up nose was moving all over his massive chest now. My breath was audible as I breathed in his powerful stud scent. His manliness was ungodly.

“Oh shit, you sure like all this, white boy, don’t you?”

I was rubbing his giant oily muscles, and sniffing him, and replied…

“Oh yes, all of this drives me crazy with uncontrollable lust. Look, that gigantic black cock is hitting up against my little pure white body.”

“You make it so fucking big, white boy.”

He bent down and kissed me tenderly, and I kissed him back passionately. As we kissed he pulled the red robe off my body and was feeling me up like I was his aphrodisiac. I remembered that Janine told me to show him what he did to my ass the day before, and that it would excite him to see it. I turned and raised my left leg up on the massage table and bent forward, my elbows resting on the table, my back arching, turning up my butt. Mr. Muscles reached down and pulled apart both my butt cheeks, fully exposing my inflamed and distorted asshole. I felt it gape open very wide, and heard him say…

“Fuck, see what I did to that thing. It was so fucking tight, but now look at it. God damn.”

“I know, Mr. Muscles, your cock is way too big and you’re so strong.”

Just as I was about to remove my leg off the table, he spread my ass cheeks wider so my distorted asshole was as exposed as possible, and he was grunting. The next thing I know he was kissing my ass cheeks passionately. Then, pushing out my cheeks further, he started lapping the inflamed and overtly stretched lips of my rectum. It was so erotic and it felt very soothing. I could hear him lapping away, smacking his lips, and sniffing at it. The inflammation was subsiding and was replaced with sexy tingling feelings. My tiny cock got hard and pushed into the massage table. I started whimpering and moaning. He kept at it. I was in ecstasy.

Mr. Muscles started taking long laps on it and grunted over and over again. Then he said…

“This ass taste fuckin good baby, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.”

I arched my back to its limits in an effort to give him more access. He started working it even more diligently, and in between my whimpers, I said…

“Don’t stop, Mr. Muscles. Please don’t stop.”

Unexpectedly, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about his gigantic cock boring me out again. I wanted it bad, but my rational mind knew it was too soon and would destroy my rectum. It appeared that Mr. Muscles was about to lose control and seemed to be positioning himself to mount me. As great as that sounded I knew I needed to intervene, so I asked…

“Oh Mr. Muscles, please let me suck on your big cock… I want to kiss you first.”

That snapped him out of his instinctual breeding impulse, and he picked me up and turned me into him. Our bodies were up against each other and I looked up into his eyes. I noticed his mouth and nose were moist from lapping and eating out my ass. I slowly raised up on my tippy toes, he lowered his head, and we kissed. It was so very good.

I could tell he was on the edge. His gigantic cock looked so engorged that I thought it could rupture. I instinctively went to my knees, wraped both my hands around the massive shaft, and pulled the monster down. It took all the strength I had from both hands to bring it level with my mouth. I sucked and licked it, but made sure I didn’t go too far…. I wanted this to last.

The giant cock was so powerful that my arms got fatigued trying to keep it pulled down. I finally let it go and it flopped up and bounced off his stomach and lower chest with a slapping impact. Now I completely focused on his massive sperm-filled balls. At first, their stink was way too powerful for me, but within seconds I was drawn to them and worshipped them more passionately than ever. I was so out of control that I lost track of time.

The next thing I knew I heard Mr. Muscles yell and grunt loudly and the giant cock jerked around, bounced off his body, and sprayed thick ropes of wad into the air and they fell heavily back on me, splattering on my pure white skin and blonde hair. I noticed some was even shooting over the top of my head by several feet, landing over a yard past me on the floor.

Mr. Muscles was coming hands-free. It was amazing. I greedily started eating sperm and didn’t stop until most ropes and gobs were off my face and body. I noticed my asshole felt good for the first time in 24 hours, and the previous pain was almost undetectable. Mr. Muscles lifted me to my feet. We hugged each other for what must have been five minutes. I thought this would be a good time to ask Mr. Muscles if I could move in with him. Unfortunately, I could see he realized he was late. So he got dressed quickly and left saying he would “be back tomorrow.” I missed my chance.

I put my robe back on and went back out to see Janine. Unfortunately, she was with a client. I sat down and could see the fat lady speaking with a very tall and thin black guy near the front desk. She nodded her head and came over to me, then said…

“Hey, white boy, dat stud over there wants a massage. Are you up for it? He’s got a real thick cock, girth you won’t comprehend. He pays big tips too.”

I was still euphoric from servicing Mr. Muscles, and the thought of some more big cock intrigued me, so I said yes. She brought him over, we said “hi” to each other, and as directed we walked to room number 1. When we got there he removed his clothing and immediately showed me everything.

He was tall, very thin, very muscularly defined, and had a good amount of body hair, particularly on his chest and pubic area. His face was very handsome and he had a relaxed personality that made me feel comfortable. Just as the fat lady said, his cock was thick beyond imagination and hung a quarter way down his thin thighs.

As he stood there naked and exposing himself, he explained that he was a truck driver and just completed a grueling 3 day trip across the country, only stopping for gas and food, and sleeping in the truck cabin as needed. Apparently, he came straight to the massage parlor because he had that powerful black man smell you’d expect after three days driving around the country in hot weather. I didn’t mind at all.

I started staring at his big fat cock. Nothing near as long as Mr. Muscles, but unbelievably, it was thicker, and the head was bigger too. It was engorging and I estimated it would end up being at least 8 inches long with ungodly girth. He got on the massage table face up. The cock was already showing off for me, moving around. I left my red robe on but I let it open up in front.

The tall black man had me fantasizing about that super thick cock. I went to him and started massaging his hairy chest. It was facinating running my fingers through all that hair, and I liked doing it. His skin and hair were moist and oily, and an exotic manly scent rose up off it. I kept glancing at the ultra-thick cock. The stud scent wasn’t overly powerful like Mr. Muscles, but it was nonetheless stinky and manly.

I felt the need to lay next to him so I got up on the table and rested myself on his side, my head on his hairy chest. He wrapped his arm around me and I felt sexy again feeling the kinky hair on the side of my face. Dirty black chest hair was up against my little white nose. It even tickled it a little. He smelled so manly that I rubbed my face and nose across his chest, just like I do with Mr. Muscles. Then the tall black man said…

“My god, boy, I could sure fall for a beautiful little sissy like you.”

Sissy? I never thought of myself like that, but maybe that’s what I’d become. My knee was bent and on the tall man’s lower stomach and I could feel the surreal girth of his big cock across my thigh. He started feeling up my sissy body and pulled off my silk robe. Now I was moaning as I smelled all the pure man scent from his hairy chest. I even used my little nose to part his hair by rotating it around. My nose was saturated with smelly man oil. I felt so sexy, and said…

“I love servicing big black guys like you. I like their big wads. I like the way black guys smell so manly…. Just like you do, mmmmmmmmmmmm.”

That statement got to him and he took control, pushing me down to the incredible cock. All that pubic hair was so different than smooth Mr. Muscles. In some ways it was stinkier as it held more cock and ball musk, being so saturated with it. Yes, it was a dirty cock, but I was instinctively drawn to it. I sucked him off like my life depended on it’s nourishment. His wad was thicker and even more pearl-like in color than Mr. Muscles, and it tasted sweeter. He fed me every bit as much as Mr. Muscles. I ended up blowing him twice in 30 minutes, and when I finished with him he was so euphoric that he said…

“I’ve never experienced anything like that before. How can you eat so much of my spunk? Listen, can I see you after hours? I want to be with you as much as possible.”

I was up on his hairy chest again as we talked. He smelled so manly that my little cock, which stayed rock-hard the entire time I was blowing him, now started to ache and my little balls pulsated. I slowly humped his side and buried my face into all that course black chest hair, and moaned. He made me feel so wanted and appreciated. I never experienced the kind of appreciation and attraction I’d felt from the big black men. After thinking about his question, I replied…

“I suppose I could see you, but don’t let the fat lady know. Do you want to pick me up tonight when I get off work?”

“My rig is parked across the street. I’ll wait for you there.”

We said our goodbyes and I got myself together. Before I put my robe back on I went in front of the mirror and examined myself. The first thing I noticed was three long pubic hairs, one on my forehead, and the other two on my cheek and nose. A combination of cum and smelly black man skin oil had them stuck in place. The powerful essence of big black men was all over me. Even now my little white cocklet was still rock hard. I looked at my dirty cum stained and pure white skin and rubbed on my tiny penis as the smell of big black men emanated off my body. My index finger rubbed all over my tiny balls.

Next thing I knew I moved my other hand behind me and started touching my still streched-out asshole. The inflammation was almost nonexistent at that point and the sensation I felt was extremely erotic. I rubbed the stretched rectum lips that had been so contorted, and my finger easily slipped inside my ass. Everything felt sloppy and distorted, but the discomfort was replaced with ecstasy. Soon I put two, then three, then all four fingers easily into my ass. That felt so good that I pushed my entire hand inside, and fisted myself to an amazing orgasm in which my tiny penis flicked away as it spurted tiny clear jets of cum.

Clearly, big black men profoundly altered the projection and quality of my life. The construction worker, being the first one, made me realize I loved black men and their big black cocks. Then, Mr. Muscles codified my needs and accelerated my lust for the biggest cocks possible. Now the infatuating tall and thin black man made me realize my urges were for lots of big black men. Their big black bodies, ultra-manly scents, massive wads, and enormous musky cocks and balls were all I thought deeply about.


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For the first time, I understood that I would be happier working at the massage parlor and forgot about quitting and moving in with Mr. Muscles. I could suck off big black cocks all day at the massage parlor and still see Mr. Muscles. I loved blowing different cocks, and I needed lots of cum. I undoubtedly needed to be with lots of big stud black men.

I was nervous and excited at the same time about my growing urges to be mounted and pounded out by big black cock. It was undeniable. Earlier that morning I was so scared and concerned about what Mr. Muscles did to my ass, but those fears and concerns faded as I serviced such big hard cocks. I even developed strong urges to touch it and fist myself. In my mind, I was destined for lots of breeding by big black men. It was out of my control now.

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