Wrestling Tim Ch. 15


A gay story: Wrestling Tim Ch. 15 It was hard to believe I had ended up in this position. Just a couple of seasons earlier I hadn’t known Tim and yet from the moment I set eyes on him, I was captivated. At 20 he was blessed with all the athletic attributes associated with physical beauty. More than that he was youthful, rugged rough, and cocky.

Tim had moved swiftly from a few ‘friendly fight’ gestures to full-on domination over me. He had finally met someone with whom he could express his true sexual nature. It was experimental for both of us. Months into it and I still didn’t know exactly what it was or where it might go. What I did know is Tim could turn me on in ways I never imagined before.

Some things were clear: (1) Tim was physically superior and dominated me.(2) Domination involved physical punishment, humiliation, and sexual control over me. (3) Each of these elements aroused both of us. (4) Our fights were real and grueling but always safe, Tim demanded submission and rewarded it.

Fights were always prolonged, that’s how Tim wanted it. He loved to watch me trapped and struggling in any number of his impressive submission locks. On this occasion it was the reverse head scissors and it’s worthy of more description:

Tim’s Reverse Head Scissors:

Always the result of a wrestling scramble involving some take-down variation on Tim’s part. So fast and powerful I would find myself flat on my back and feel his thighs power into the back of my neck instantaneously. His crotch was at the back of my head and neck and sometimes I could feel his hard cock behind my skull. Often he had me facing a mirror so he could admire his thighs flex into me and on those occasions I could see his cock head erect just over the top my head. The scissors was locked at his ankles it was inescapable and solid like steel. Tim explored every possible angle to intensify his stranglehold: powering in by flexing his thighs, shifting left and right to intensify the pressure, foot smothering and even standing upright!

For me, it was a long intense session of pain and sexual ecstasy over which I had no control. The more he did it to me the more I wanted to do it to him. Getting Tim like that was impossible but I did get a chance to try it on another teammate!

To be clear Tim and I played rugby for the same college but he was elite I wasn’t. Stephen was on my team though and we had a history of ‘mess fighting’ as teenagers. Truth be told he used to annoy me always looking to hang out like a young cousin or something. He was only six months younger than us but not very physically impressive.

Something about Stephen changed when he turned 19. We didn’t see him that summer but when college reopened and he walked in it was a ‘wow’ moment. As though he had taken steroids and spent all his vacation in the gym Stephen was now an alpha for sure.

I got my first taste of the upgraded Stephen when I went over to hang at his college apartment one evening. Pretty much straight away he challenged me to wrestle. Before I could even acknowledge him he had me on the floor pinned. I tried to shift him off me. I could easily do that before but something had changed he felt heavier more solid.

This was humiliating the guy I submitted for years was controlling me now. Stephen had me trapped and that’s when I got my first close-up look at his upgraded physique. I’d always thought Stephen kind of looked Italian he had dark hair was tanned and could pass for a rougher-looking brother of Timothee Chalamet. His body was now cut perfectly resembling the statue of David. As suspected Stephen had spent the summer remodeling himself at the gym and it paid off.

Stephen was dressed to impress with tight-fitting soft blue jeans, a muscle-fit white t-shirt, and white Adidas trainers. All designed to show off his meaty thighs, solid ass, bodybuilder pecs, and bulging biceps. He wasn’t shy about his new physique either ‘reckon I’m bigger than you now’ he grinned flexing his biceps over me. I was pinned under him and forced to watch his gun show. I hadn’t expected to be so impressed Stephens body fat ratio was incredible the vascularity of his arms was astounding. Not only did he have a sculpted ball of bicep but it was double-headed. The most impressive arms on campus for sure!

Observing Stephen you would never expect him to carry such impressive muscle definition he was a perfect example of a sleeper build. There was no denying it he was a match for me now! I couldn’t shift him off me at all. He was sitting on my chest and his weight was substantial, his thighs kept my arms and shoulders pinned down and my head fixed in position.

I was shocked when he started to brag about his cock. ‘Girls keep telling me I’m big, I get accused of stuffing my jocks to look bigger but seriously I’m all natural’. What do you say to a lad who has you pinned down and says that? I didn’t get a chance to say anything before he pulled it out over his jeans!

The first thing that hit me was the smell. Stephen had obviously been wanking! A fine hefty musty jock smell for sure! Fuck was he big! Sturdy, thick muscular even, and cut. His cock head was a work of beauty and looked ripe for adventure! He had wanted to impress me and man had he succeeded! I raised my head to get closer but he pushed me back down with his hand. The palm of his hand face smothered me and it smelled of his precum. I watched him stiffen too, he tried to hide it as he stuffed his cock back into his jeans. When you are that big you can’t hide!

As soon as his cock was back in he took his hand off my face. Immediately I raised my head to look for it. He moved up on my chest until my face was right on his crotch and I could feel it throbbing. There he shared more stories of his manhood.

Maybe it was pride but as much as his cock turned me on I resolved to shake him off me. Stephen constantly bragged about all the women he ‘fucked’, this fight was just a show designed to humiliate me. All of my attempts to shift him failed much to his amusement ‘How does it feel having the young lad own you? All those times you won cos you were bigger and older?’…’Six months older Stephen only six months but you jumped me today so it’s not a fair fight’…’ fuck any excuse I can beat you’re ass with one hand behind my back and I can beat your mate Tim too! wanna call it quits and start over I’ll let you start with any position you like?’

Stephen’s offer was too good to refuse. It was only when I was back on my feet I realized how broad his back and shoulders had become and how much taller he was now. He honoured his agreement to give me the advantage and followed my instruction to lie flat on his back on the floor. He was quick to realize I was putting him in Tims reverse headscissors, his challenge was to escape or submit.

It felt erotic forcing Stephens neck between my thighs. I crossed my ankles ‘You ready Stephen’…’ Yeah go for it’. I flexed in as hard as I could and he let out a shriek ‘Submit Stephen?’…’ fuck you’. The next ten or fifteen minutes were a sweat-filled heart-pounding wrestling marathon. It felt deeply orgasmic to have him between my legs and judging by his stiff cock he was also aroused. Stephen put up fierce resistance but in the end, I broke him and he submitted.

As soon he stood up he challenged me again ‘Even now? let’s go for real’. He went for my legs with a takedown and had me pinned under him again. We were back where we started him on my chest his crotch in my face. Just like before he bragged about his junk and smothered me with his hands. He had mastered some kind of hand-to-face smother to slow me down he described it while he used it on me. ‘I got this from my friend in Germany at grappling camp you use your body or hand to gas out your opponent, slow him down, submit him’.

I recognised Stephens technique and had seen it on UFC I just never realized it would be so effective. Stephen made it erotic too with all his talk about his cock size. His hands smelled cummy and sweaty.

He kept me there long enough to state his total dominance and then suddenly I felt him shift on me. Straight away I pushed down into the floor with my right foot. This time it worked I felt him forced off me to the side. For a moment I felt almost victorious I was on my knees ready to stand but then I realized it was a setup for a brutal choke hold.

Stephen locked me hard into a bulldog choke. It’s a devastating hold where the aggressor kneels slightly above his opponent while his opponent is near the ground on his knees. The aggressor chokes his opponent between his bicep and forearm keeping a tight headlock-style hand grip. The more the aggressor flexes or pulls his opponent higher the deeper the choke. There is no escape the opponent is like a dog on a lead led by his master.

Stephens bulldog choke was not only perfectly locked but he was able to use his powerful arms with devastating effect. I could almost hear the blood flow through his veins. I’d never seen such vascularity and he aimed his bicep right at my face. It felt rock-hard and massive and made me feel owned. Stephens power caused me to leak precum. He noticed the smell and ordered me to pull my cock out of my track bottoms. ‘I’m gonna squeeze every drop out of you, your not going anywhere until your drained’.

As if obeying his command my cock fizzed with pleasure and started to pump cum all over his trainers and jeans. He locked hard into me to dizzying effect and made me submit over and over. I entered into a state of prolonged sexual high, watched his arms bulge and witnessed his prideful expression as he drained me of my seed.

When he was done and I was empty he left me on the floor in a sweaty mess. ‘Let yourself out, the girls have arrived’. I heard him laughing downstairs chatting with his girlfriend and friends unscathed by our encounter.

That night Tim messaged me to say Stephen had claimed me, ‘says he beat your ass wrestling and wants to challenge me now, I would fuck you both up’.


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