Zac’s story – Chapter 14


Gay story: Zac’s story – Chapter 14

Author: Zac22

“Then love each other. You’re my son and you mean the world to me just like your brother and sister. It doesn’t matter what you do. I’ll always love you.” He paused as he reminded me a lot of how Nate reacted. “You were dealt a hard hand, born to love another man in a world that’ll have none of it. But you found someone you love and who loves you back.

That’s all that really matters.” He took a deep breath. “I love you, your brother and sister love you, and your mother loves you. She’s just spent her whole life in that damn church and they’ve got her thinking that we can choose who we love, thinking some love is better than another. It’s ballsch (crap/bullshit). Here” he reached into his wallet and handed Logan a handful of money, “you boys were goin’ to London?”

“Yes, this weekend” Logan answered.

“Why don’t you boys go there now and stay for a while. Give your ma time to calm down and work this out. Have fun; take your brother. When you get back she’ll be settled down. If you need more money just give us a call.”

“Are you sure da?”

“Ya, go. You’re ma is only this upset because she loves you so much. If this were some other boy she wouldn’t care a bit. That’s how much she loves you. She just needs time to figure out that there’s nothin’ wrong. If Jaysus is any kind of decent God, he’d see that my son is one of the most beautiful, good, and loving people in the world and who he shares that love with is nothing to forsake him over.”

Logan’s dad stood up and gave him a hug, patted me on the back and sent us on our way.

We got in the car and as we started to pull away, Susan bolted out the front door and jumped in to join us “Let’s go boys! A week long party in London!” She exclaimed.

We laughed and Logan smiled a little but tears were still pouring down his face. I held him next to me with his back to my chest, my arms wrapped around him, and I wiped tears from his face.

“Logan, mum will get over it. She loves ya.” Susan said turned to the back seat.

“I know; it’s not just that.” Logan replied.

“Are you cryin too?” Susan asked Nate. I looked up to the rear view mirror and saw Nate had tears building in his eyes.

He quickly wiped his eyes, took a deep breath and denied it. “No, I’m not cryin’.”

“What did I miss?”

“Your dad gave his blessing in an amazing little speech. I’ll tell you later.” I answered.

“Our da? Gave a speech? Oh I’ve gotta hear this.” She laughed and crawled to the back seat with us.

“Hey, watch it! I’m drivin’!” Nate barked.

“Oh shut up and drive.” Susan barked back. “Logan, I talked to mum. She loves you. It’s just the church shat that she’s upset about. Hell, if da is so accepting then there’s nothing to be upset about.”

Logan smiled, “I’m not upset. I’m happy. Mum may need time but I’ve got you and Nate who accept and love me, da who surprised the hell out of me that he doesn’t care one bit and completely accepts us, and Zac.” He turned and looked at me, “I really do love you.”

I smiled, “I love you too.”

He put his right hand on the side of my face and kissed me.

“Hey, no snoggin in my car.” Nate chimed in.

“Oh shut up you wanker, it’s beautiful.” Susan lashed back reaching up and smacking him in the back of the head.

“Come on, those two get love and tears while I get hate and abuse.” Nate whined.

“Ha, so you were cryin!” Susan proclaimed.

“Whatever, he’s my brutha, aren’t I allowed to be happy for him?”

“Of course you are. You’re a sweet brutha and that’s why we love ya.” She replied, leaned forward and kissed his head.

“That’s more like it.” Nate smiled.

“You havin’ a go?”

“No mate, I’m gay. This is my boyfriend Zac. Zac, this is Bruno.” Logan introduced me.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” he shook my hand and looked back at Logan, “well congratulations. I had no idea you was gay. Who all have you told?”

“Uh, just about everybody now. My brutha and sis are over there grabbing a table with Dillon.”

“You told everybody! Well what the fuck?” He said upset but then smiled again, “How’d Dillon take it, you livin’ with him all that time and all?”

“Actually he already knew.”

“You fuckin ass!” he snarled and walked over to the table, “You known Logan were gay all this time and never told me, you fucking twat?”

I really loved the way they swore at each other. It just sounded so much better than calling someone a douche bag.

We had met up with a bunch of Logan’s old friends and classmates. They were all amazing about the news though some of them already knew. I was amazed that no one cared at all and most of them were really excited for him. Even I had some friends hesitate and a few people were turned off completely to the thought of ever speaking to me again.

It was great meeting his friends and family but it was crazy late and we went to check into our hotel.

“Well shit.” Nate muttered when we found out that their dad had booked only one room ahead of time while we made the trip.

“You can’t be too upset, da is paying for it all and he did call ahead so we’d get a room at all.” Susan said looking for the silver lining.

“Alright, I say I sleep with Logan and you sleep with Zac.” Nate said jumping on the far bed to claim it.

“No, you can sleep with Susan and I’ll sleep with Zac.” Logan corrected him.

“Listen, I’m happy for you so recognize that I’d be sayin’ the same thing if Susan was with some guy. I don’t want to hear you two snoggin’ and getting’ busy at any point while we stay here.” He conceded but had to lay out ground rules. “That means nothing goin on in the bed or in the loo.”

Neither of us liked the sound of that but we agreed and one at a time went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Once we all got into bed Nate reminded us of the rules several times while we abided and Logan simply held me without trying anything improper.

“Wake up” Logan said as he tossed both Nate and Susan’s bags onto their bed. We had woken up early and picked up the bags at the front desk of the hotel. Their dad had packed them clothes and basic bathroom necessities and shipped them overnight since we were so quick to leave.

Nate rolled out of bed with a groan.

“You slept fully clothed?” Logan laughed.

“He’s embarrassed.” Susan explained on behalf of Logan.

“Of what?”

“Bein undressed around you.”


“Well not you, but Zac.” Susan laughed.

I smiled and just shook my head as Logan smacked Nate on the back of the head in disgust.

Susan ran in front of Nate “I get the shower first.”

“You shit.” Nate scoffed as the door slammed in front of him.

Logan and I laughed. I laid down on the bed and started flipping through the channels while Logan sat on the edge of the bed next to me.

“What are you so happy about, she’s gonna take forever and we’ll never get out. She’ll take all the hot water.”

“We already showered and are ready to go. You’ll be the last one in there before we head out.” Logan replied.

“Great now I’m definitely not gonna get a hot shower you ass. Wait, you showered separate right?” Nate glared.

“Yes you twat, we followed your stupid rules.”


“Whatever. We’ll be good in bed and will shower separate, but that’s all you get.” Logan said irritated and grabbed my collar pulling me a few inched forward and kissed me furiously. I leaned forward holding the back of his head as our tongues melded.

“I know you’re just trying to gross me out, but it’s not gonna work. I’m happy for you and if you wanna kiss the man you love then go for it. I just don’t want you having sex in the same hotel room as me.” He paused for a second as Logan continued kissing me. “For Christ’s sake you two, don’t you need to come up for air?”

During the week, Logan showed me around his old hangouts and his schools. We said hello to some old professors and friends. We went around London and I just took it all in as best I could. Every night, we went out to a different bar or pub before returning to our hotel room.

The week was up and we were returning to Logan’s parent’s house today. Logan and I had been restless all week following Nate’s rules and couldn’t wait to get back to our own hotel room in Ireland.

“Finally, now I can shower and we can get out of here.” Nate said as he got out of bed when Susan got out of the bathroom. Nate had been last in every day. But now he was more comfortable and was seeping in his underwear rather than fully dressed.

“Nice ass, must run in the family” I snickered as Nate walked to the bathroom and gave me a sarcastic face in response.

“Be nice.” Logan said as he rolled over partially on top of me as we lay on the bed waiting for his siblings to get ready. His head was on my chest by my collarbone as he held me.

I turned my head and kissed him. He sat up slightly to kiss me back and his hand moved up and down my stomach before he put his hand under my shirt and began feeling my stomach and chest as we kissed. I pulled his hand out as it was getting me too excited.

“Alright, you two are absolutely adorable together but seriously settle down until you’re alone.” Susan said.

“What? Why, we’re just kissing?” I asked, confused.

“My brutha is practically busting out of his jeans. Just settle down until you’re alone, then do whatever you want.” She replied and Logan turned bright red and turned his hips to hide his crotch and then hid his blushing face in my shoulder.

“What’s wrong with him?” Nate asked emerging from the bathroom in his underwear still drying the rest of himself off.

“Nothing, he’s just horny.” I laughed. “Ow!” I yelped as Logan jabbed me with his elbow.

Susan rolled her eyes, “Let’s go. Nate can get dressed while we bring the stuff down and check out.”

“Alright, we’ll go back to the house and get unpacked and pick you back up for dinner later tonight.” Nate said as we got out of his car at our hotel.

We rushed into the hotel room and dropped our bags not caring where they fell. Logan grabbed me and kissed me passionately as he pulled my shirt over my head. I undid his belt and pushed him down on the bed. I pulled his pants open and pulled them and his underwear to his knees as I kissed his stomach under his shirt. Wasting no time I inhaled Logan, moving my head up and down, twisting side to side. As precum immediately began to flow, Logan put his hand on the back of my head and began thrusting his hips slightly.

“Agh suck that cock” he grunted as he continued fucking my throat. It was maybe a minute before cum exploded down my throat, filled my mouth, and flowed out of my mouth as I tried to keep up.

Before I could even attempt to swallow all of his cum he pulled me off and threw me to the bed. His softening cock was covered in cum as was the inside and outside of my mouth.

He ripped my jeans off of me and I lay naked before him. He pulled off his shirt and quickly lifted my legs up and gulped my balls in his mouth playing with them with his tongue. I began jacking off as he sucked my balls. He then moved his head down and jammed his mouth onto my hole, attacking my ass with his tongue I gasped in excitement. Tonguing my hole, eating my ass I didn’t last long. His tongue inside me and his scruff against my ass and thigh, I pumped myself and unloaded on my stomach. Logan quickly came up to my cock and sucked the last few spurts of cum and went back to my ass. Rimming me with my own cum briefly before he crawled up on top of me and kissed me intensely as I continued to try and catch my breath.

He didn’t wait. He rolled me on to my stomach, spread my ass cheeks with his hands, and spit a couple times in my already well lubricated hole. He tongued my hole once more before I felt the tip of his cock, still wet with cum, pushing inside of me.

He lay on top of me and whispered in my ear “Are you alright?”

“God yeah, do it.” I managed to say as I panted.

He pinned my arms at my sides as I lay on my stomach. Logan was inside of me and in total control. He began thrusting in and out. I grunted with every thrust, pinned down and being fucked faster and faster. Logan was being rough with me like I’ve never experienced before. He was aware of my mood, he was polite and always asked if I was ok and even did once this time, but we knew each other much better now. We knew when the other was uncomfortable or hurt. I wasn’t afraid; I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, but he was getting very rough. I liked it; I loved it. He had me pinned and was thrusting harder and deeper. I was already beginning to regain my erection.

Logan released my arms and grabbed hold of my shoulders and pulled me into him over and over. I was moaning into my pillow as he forced himself harder and harder inside me; cum shot onto the bed sheets beneath me as I bit down on the pillow grunting and moaning and panting louder. Less than a minute later I felt another wave of cum, this time inside of me as Logan climaxed and collapsed.

He fell to the side of me. Panting myself, I rolled to my side and faced him. He was on his back with his arms lying over his head as he panted heavily. Droplets of sweat covered his body, the hair on his chest and underarms looked like he had just stepped out of the shower. I cuddled next to him, kissed his collarbone and down his chest to his right nipple before I rested my head on the middle of his chest taking in his taste and scent while my head rose and fell with his chest to his heavy breathing.

I closed my eyes, getting caught in the moment as Logan ran his fingers through my hair as we continued panting. “I love you, “ he said softly.

I smiled and lifted my head to rest on his sweaty bicep and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He had a tear roll down the corner of his eye and down his temple. I wiped it away with my thumb “What’s wrong?”

“Absolutely nothin’. I’ve never been happier in my life. I love you so much.” Another tear rolled down his cheek as he turned his head, smiled, pulled me in close and kissed me softly.

“That was pretty amazing” I smiled.

He laughed “I don’t mean that. Well not just that.” Logan sighed, “I mean everything. Coming out to my friends and family, being so accepted and everyone so happy for me and for us. Being able to share this past week with you and show you around and being with you now. I just couldn’t be happier. I just love you more than…more than I knew I could love anyone.”

Now it was my turn to cry as tears fell down my face, “I love you too. I don’t know how. We’ve been together for only four months, but I am so in love with you I can’t believe it.”

He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me again.

“What’s wrong here? I feel like I’m missing something.” I asked Susan. Nate had picked us up at the hotel and brought us to the house but I got stopped outside as their dad brought Logan inside and we all waited outside. I made sure Logan wanted me to stay outside and he agreed and went inside to talk with his parents.

“They just want to talk with Logan alone to work stuff out.” Susan said very evenly.

“Well, it can’t be good. You have no expression and Nate looks upset pacing himself by the car.” I leaned against Nate’s car as he walked around in front of it and Susan was standing next to me. The front door to the house was only ten feet away, but I still couldn’t hear anything. Susan didn’t react to my comment and Nate just kept pacing. “This is really bad isn’t it?”

“We’ll just wait here for a bit.” Susan said.

“If it weren’t bad then you’d correct me so it’s obviously bad. Can’t you at least tell me what you know so I can be prepared when Logan is done in there?” I pleaded for answers.


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