'Yes sir' or 'Stop'

A gay story: 'Yes sir' or 'Stop' Okay, here’s the set up: my name is Kash (yes, that’s my name); I’m 18 years old and lithe and skinny and good looking, with a mix of European and middle eastern ancestry. My name derives from the latter half of my ancestry. People say that I look like slightly Persian Chris Diamond. I’m a varsity swimmer, and thus I have a swimmer’s build, lithe and tight.

I still lived at home when the following events occurred in the summer right before I was getting ready to go off to university in the fall.

It all involves Mr. Cox.

The house next door to my childhood home was owned by Mr. Cox. He was middle aged Caucasian man, and had a great bod. His svelte six pack muscles rippled across his abdomen, and well defined pecs and biceps creased his arms and chest. The salt and pepper hair that adorned his avuncular handsome face was always trimmed and neat. He was a total hot daddy type.

The rumors in the neighborhood about Mr. Cox were legendary. According to the stories, he was scandalizing the wives and daughters in the neighborhood. I lived next door, so I did see a number of women show up at his house over the three years of time that he’d moved in. And the women were good looking, ranging from my university aged to milftastic. They’d show up and then be gone by the next day, often heavy smiles plastered on their faces as they left.

And I could see why the women in the neighborhood liked Mr. Cox so much. He had the most amazing cock. It was huge. It was easily the largest I’d ever seen outside of a porno, girthy and massive. A real manrammer.

How did I know?

Well, I knew because I was watching him fuck a guy through my window right now.

I learned three really important details about the world and myself as I stared across to Mr. Cox’s house from my second floor window to his second floor window, which offered a great view of the salacious scene in his master bedroom.

The first thing I learned about the world was that Mr. Cox liked guys too. From the menagerie of neighbors that appeared at his front door week after week, he definitely liked women. But here was visual evidence that he took guys to bed too. And not only did he take guys to bed, he dominated them too.

The second thing that I learned about the world was that I was a voyeur. Not only was I watching Mr. Cox and this guy go at it, but I couldn’t take my eyes off it either. Mr. Cox was having a very private moment with another (very) consenting adult and I was violating that moment. But I just couldn’t stop watching. He was porntastic.

The third thing that I learned about the world is that I liked guys too. This was the first time I’d really ever thought about the real possibility that I might be into guys. I was getting very hard and horny watching Mr. Cox fucking this guy. It was mesmerizing. Mr. Cox had a young university aged guy close bent over his bed, and was slowly pistoning his huge cock in and out of the younger guy’s ass. I would’ve thought taking a monster cock up the ass would be painful, but the younger guy looked like he was in ecstasy. His mouth was agape, and although I couldn’t hear anything, I could see that his moans were timed to Mr. Cox penetrations. Mr. Cox playfully slapped his ass, and then grabbed his hair to hold him down as he went deeper and deeper into his very willing partner.

It wasn’t until close to the end that Mr. Cox noticed me through his window. Mr. Cox pulled out of his sub, grabbing his sub’s hair to lead him off the bed and onto his knees and eye level in front of Mr. Cox’s fuckrod, beckoning his sub’s mouth onto the cock that had just been inside his ass. Mr. Cox grabbed his sub’s head and pulled his sub’s mouth up and down along his glistening shaft at his desired pace. The sub was giving Mr. Cox a great blowjob, and I knew this because he threw his head back with a giant smile plastered across his face. When he reopened his eyes, he saw me.

There he was, a guy in his mid forties getting sucked by a guy half his age, all the while being watched by his 18 year old neighbor. At first a shot of panic flashed across Mr. Cox’s avuncular good looking face. Then I think he most have noticed that I liked what I was seeing, because I still didn’t look away. I couldn’t look away. I continued to stand there stupidly at my window, watching him get blown by this other guy. A nascent smile crept across the left side of his lips as we made eye contact. His hand continued to pull his sub’s hair to move his mouth up and down his massive spittle-gleaming shaft at his desired pace as he looked back at me.

He let me watch him for a good minute or so. We looked at each other as one of his hands grabbed his sub’s hair and directed his own blowjob manually. He smiled. I smiled. We smiled.

But then he suddenly moved his hips in the direction of the window and both of his hands reached out for the window blind cords. His sub stayed on him the whole time, oscillating up and down his shaft as Mr. Cox lowered the window blinds.

Mr. Cox maintained eye contact with me, continuing to smile as he slowly lowered the window curtains to his bedroom window. As the curtains jangled down, he smacked his lips together in a fake kiss towards me. Then the curtains suddenly dropped and I couldn’t see them anymore.

After the blinds dropped, I went to the bathroom and masturbated and came so hard that I couldn’t believe it. Watching Mr. Cox fucking that guy had really turned on a light for me.

I wanted to be that guy getting fucked by Mr. Cox. I wanted to be that guy on his knees who was blowing Mr. Cox. I wanted to do what that guy was doing. I wanted to be Mr. Cox’s next conquest, next slut.

I didn’t have to wait long.

One morning a few days later, I was doing my morning jog in the neighborhood park as always. I heard the compression of carbon plated running shoes accelerating towards me from behind.

“Hey,” I heard a deep voice call from behind me. As there was nobody else around, I figured that the voice was directed at me, so I slowed my pace and turned my head around to see who was calling me.

Mr. Cox was shirtless, running in short shorts that revealed his toned legs. His tanned and muscled chest was sweaty from his run.

He ran right up to me, and staring into my eyes from maybe a foot away, just said, “keep your eyes to yourself, pervert.” I could feel a little spittle on my face as he said it. Then he ran away, an angry and disgusted look on his face as he did so.

I slowed my pace down to let him pass, and I just watched as his svelte body sped back up to interval pace. He never looked at me.

Well, shit.

I had kinda hoped that when he blew that kiss at me, he was expressing potential interest. I had kinda hoped that Mr. Cox could gay me out once before I went to university in the fall. But that didn’t seem to be possible now. In fact, the chances of me getting together with Mr. Cox seemed pretty close to zero.

What happened? Why the previous obvious flirtation and the current rejection of any possibility? He certainly didn’t seem disgusted with me when I was watching him.

Well, I should have just moved on. But I didn’t. In response to Mr. Cox’s “pervert” comment, I decided to do something both unwarranted and very childish. I teepeed his house. That very night, I snuck out of my house after dark and threw six rolls of toilet paper over his house, glazing his front yards trees and roof in thin white paper. His house was a glorious mess and I saw him pulling the toilet paper out of his trees and off his roof the next morning. I watched him pull the toilet paper off his house slowly from my second story window. When he saw me in the window again, I waved and smiled once, just to insure that he knew it was me.

It was a few days before I would go off to university, and all of my stuff was packed in boxes inside my room. I had been packing all day so I wanted to take a swim. It was hot in the California summers.

The pool in Mr. Cox’s backyard seemed especially enticing on such a hot day, the heat and sun bearing down on anyone outside like a hawk on prey. I pulled the curtains from one of the windows in the front of my house and checked Mr. Cox’s front yard. His Jeep was gone. Usually that was an indication that he was gone for a few days.

In what proved to be a life altering decision, I decided to put on my swimsuit and climb over the fence to Mr. Cox’s backyard. This wouldn’t be the first time I’d done this. The previous summer, I snuck in several swims in Mr. Cox’s pool. I just hopped the fence, swam for about a hour, and then left while the sun was still hot enough to evaporate any evidence of me being there before Mr. Cox came home.

As I said before, I’m a swimmer. Hopping over the fence wasn’t any problem for me, even if all I was wearing was a form tight swimsuit. I stood at the edge of his pool, and the heat bore down on me. The shivers of heat prickled my skin. And I was at the edge of his pool. Mr. Cox’s pool. That fine piece of svelte middle aged beffy daddy. Who liked guys. Young guys. Like me. Just thinking about him made me very horny and hard.

I slipped off my swim shorts, now completely naked in his backyard, without his permission to use his pool or be there. I was erect as I dived into his pool. He used this pool. I was very sure that he’d fucked several of his conquests in this pool too. I again found myself wishing that I was one of his conquests as I did shorts laps back and forth in his pool, completely naked.

I was twenty minutes or so into my breast stroke practice when I heard Mr. Cox scream “what the fuck is this!”

He was standing at the edge of the pool in just swim trunks, an angry visage scrawled across his face.

I hadn’t heard him pull up into his driveway. I hadn’t heard him change into swimwear. I hadn’t heard him open the door to his backyard. I hadn’t heard him walk over to the pool. Because while I was swimming, I was thinking about him fucking me. And now he was standing at the edge of his pool, which I was using without his permission. I had no idea how long I was swimming while he stood there waiting for me to notice his presence.

I swam to the edge of the pool directly below his bare feet, hoping that he hadn’t yet noticed that I was naked. (He noticed.)

“Get the fuck out of my pool you little shit!” he screamed at me, visibly upset, his arms and hands gesticulating angrily.

I sauntered out of the pool from the steps in the shallow end and tried to think of what I could say to get myself out of this situation. Mr. Cox was a lot bigger than me and he was very angry.

I held up my hands in front of me and was mid way through my first attempt at apology when Mr. Cox grabbed one of my hands by the wrist. Hard. And twisted. Hard.

I was bent slightly over to my side as Mr. Cox screamed “you think this is okay?” inches from my face.

“I’m sor-” was all I managed to say before Mr. Cox interjected, continuing to grip one of my wrists in one of his strong, manly, and now angry hands.

“Shut up! Get inside!” Mr. Cox screamed, and then pulled me by my wrist to inside his house.

He marched me inside his living room, and I was still dripping water from the pool. I’d never had the chance to dry off. I was still naked and hard. It didn’t matter that he was visibly angry. The guy I was very attracted to was grabbing me. It had an effect.

Mr. Cox took one look at me dripping chlorine saturated water all over his carpet and screamed, “god damn it! You fucking shit! Now look what you’ve done!”

“Hey, you dragged me in here befo-” I managed to blurt in teenage blame shifting before Mr. Cox again interjected and cut me off.

“Shut up!” he yelled.

Mr. Cox held my wrist aloft with one hand, stretching my body out. I think that was the first moment that he actually looked down toward me with something other than anger. I could see it in his face. Something changed in his demeanor: he went from anger to something else that was mixed with anger.

In fact, I was pretty sure that he liked what he saw. As I said, I’m a swimmer, with a swimmer’s build: lithe and muscular. We swimmers also shave pretty much everything to reduce water resistance. I was smooth as a baby’s bottom and I guessed pretty quickly that Mr. Cox liked his guys young and tight and smooth. I was all of those things. I could see the hunger in his eyes contend with the anger in his heart, which wrestled with each other until he decided what to do. But that look in his eyes when he blew me that fake kiss had somewhat returned.

A few seconds passed as his eyes lazily gazed along my body, his strong hand still holding one of my arms aloft.

I was naked in front of an angry and slowly becoming horny Mr. Cox. And I was still hard. I had just been fantasizing about him. And I was still dripping some water on his carpet.

“I’m sorry Mr. Cox. I was just taking a little swi-,” I managed to say before he interjected again.

“Shut up! I talk! You listen!,” Mr. Cox screamed again and then violently bent one of my arms behind my back and then perp-walked me naked into the kitchen next to his living room, gripping one of my arms behind me, directing me to the area by the kitchen sink.

Then I noticed the handcuffs on the kitchen island next to us.

Just as the thought “why the fuck are there handcuffs in the kitchen?” zipped across my mind, Mr. Cox grabbed my other wrist and held both of my arms behind me with one strong arm while the other grabbed my neck and bent me over the kitchen counter, next to the sink. My chest and face were splayed against the kitchen counter tiles.

“We’re going to have a long conversation, boy,” Mr. Cox said aridity, devoid of emotion, elongating the diphthong at the end of “boy”. He held my hands behind me with one strong arm while his other hand reached to the kitchen island and grabbed the handcuffs.

He slapped the handcuffs on my wrists behind me and closed them tight. The handcuffs clinked loudly shut. I had just been arrested. This encounter was quickly morphing into something that I might not be able to handle, so I panicked.

“Hey, I’m sorry! I’m sor-” was all I managed to get out of my mouth before what happened next.


He spanked me once. Hard. I instantly yelped and stopped trying to apologize. Oh my god he just spanked me. It should have hurt, but I was just so surprised that he spanked me that my body just jolted upward against his grip. My ass perked up a little in the air and the handcuffs ground into my wrists as my arms angled against them.

He forced me back down onto his kitchen counter, my face and chest again splayed against the tiles, my ass perked up towards him. His hand that had just spanked me rested against my right asscheck, which he kneaded lightly with his fingers.

“Shut the fuck up!” Mr. Cox screamed at me.

For the first time, Mr. Cox’s hands traced the outline of my waist on both sides. Rather gently in fact. I was still extremely hard and horny but I was also scared because I didn’t know what was going to happen here. Was he going to hurt me, or were we fucking around? I really really didn’t know.

“I should report you to the police for breaking and entering,” Mr. Cox said flatly.

“Hey! No! No! Let’s not d-” I retorted before what happened next, interrupting my speech mid-verb.


“If I want you to talk, I’ll tell you, you little shit,” he announced in low baritone. The marshal reverb of his voice cacophoned through my mind. He was in charge of this.

“I’ve got some better ideas about how to punish you anyway,” he said, the tang in his voice fading, the anger abating in his tone, changing to something more marshal instead, as his hands caressed the outside of my butt on both sides.

“Or maybe I should call the cops? You’re over 18. You’re no minor. You should know better than to break into a man’s place,” Mr. Cox said, his voice rising an octave as he orally iterated through his options.

“No! No! No please! No police. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry! Really sorry! I’ll never do it again!” I mumbled quickly through my attempted apology, my intonation jumping around my words in the same manner as my heart was wildly beating through in my chest. I was still hard and my fear and my horniness were wrestling wildly within my soul.

“Okay then. No police. Something else instead,” he said after a few seconds, clearly enjoying the power imbalance.

He took a step forward then, his thighs now in contact with my naked ass. I could feel him through his swimsuit. His cock. His huge engorging cock. He was getting very excited.

“I’m gonna punish you now, Kash. Do you understand?” he asked.

“Uh uhhnn,” was all that I could muster at that moment. I was scared. I was horny. I was handcuffed. He could have done whatever he wanted to me at that point, and there was very little I could do to stop him. But I didn’t want him to stop. I still wanted to be that guy that I saw Mr. Cox fucking a few weeks ago.

“You say ‘yes sir’, or ‘stop’. If you don’t say ‘stop,’ then I’m going to continue punishing you. And I’m going to punish you until I’m satisfied with your contrition,” he said calmly, matter-of-factly, one of his hands now tracing along the outside of my left leg and a finger of his other hand sidling along my naked asscrack.

I had just graduated high school. I didn’t know what “contrition” meant. All I really understood was that this guy that I had been fantasizing about for a good while was going to do as yet unspecified wonderful/horrible things to me. A few seconds passed. I didn’t say anything. Mt. Cox didn’t say anything. A few more seconds passed.


He spanked me hard again. It hurt. I screamed but the frisson emanating from the point of his strike quickly dissipated.

“Kash, do you understand what I’m saying? You say ‘yes sir’ or ‘stop’. If you don’t say ‘stop,’ then I’m going to continue punishing you until I’m done,” he said calmly, matter-of-factly again, as if he were reading a contract rather than getting ready to fuck the neighbor less than half his age in his kitchen.

“Yes sir,” I mumbled weakly, the horny evocations from my body set to war with the fear in my mind. I wanted this. But I was scared at the same time. I was horny and scared. My emotions were a tumble. But it was the same for Mr. Cox. He was pissed off and horny. But the key was that we were both very horny at that moment.

He stopped caressing my lower body with his hands and stepped away from me. I was still bent over his kitchen counter but I could hear him pulling off his swimsuit.

I crooned my head back to look, and I saw it.

Mr. Cox was very svelte for a middle aged man. His muscled arms just came back up from taking off his swim shorts. I looked at his nipples in the middle of his shaved, muscled chest and then my eyes went down his defined pecs and mogul trail like toned stomach and then to his cock.

Oh god his cock. His cock was throbbing slowly in time with is heartbeat, fully erect and already wet with precum. A single large vein stretched along its vast length. It was huge. I’d never seen a cock this huge before.

Mr. Cox stepped back towards me, his cock resting in the crevice between my asscheeks, one of his hands gripping the handcuffs, the other against one of my asschecks, palm open and ready to restart my punishment.

“I can’t have you coming onto my property like this. I won’t allow it,” he said flatly, like he was reading from a prepared statement.

I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure if I should say anything. This dreamboat fuck daddy was getting horny spanking me. He was gonna fuck me. I wanted it, but I had no idea what it would be like. It might be rough. It might be heaven. It might be rough heaven. Again, a few moments passed.


I screamed in pain and pleasure again. He spanked me at exactly the same spot. My right asscheek was white with his handprint upon a red background.

“Again, after I say anything, you say ‘yes sir’ or-” he said in a loud marshal tone before I interjected.

“YES SIR,” I said in a loud voice, nearly screaming myself, the frisson from my spanking continuing to undulate through me in waves.

Oh god I was getting very horny now too. This guy that I was extremely attracted to was spanking me (a little harder than playful) in his kitchen. He had me bent over, just like that guy I saw him fuck.

“Good. Now that we’ve established that, I’m going to punish you,” Mr. Cox said, a cocky twang in his voice, his cock warm against my ass, a dribble of precum glazing the top of my asscrack.


I screamed/moaned again. My fingers spasmed outward against the handcuffs. The spanking wasn’t as hard as last time, but it still hurt, especially the repeated strike on the same point on my butt.

“You’ve been a bad boy, Kash,” Mr. Cox stated flatly.

“Yes sir,” I said meekly, knowing what was going to happen next.


I screamed in pain and pleasure yet again. Holy shit. This was scary and sexy at the same time.

After I took a few deep breaths, I said “yes sir” reflexively.

“What was that? I can’t hear you,” he asked loudly, the tone going up at the end of his question. His cock was rock hard against my ass.

“YES SIR,” I said loudly.

I wiggled my ass against his cock. He noticed instantly. He started to slowly slither his massive cock up and down my asscrack, leaving a snailtrail of precum along my crevice.

“I can’t have my boys being disobedient, Kash. My boys have to know that they submit to daddy,” he said.

“Yes sir,” I again said, biting my lower lip as I did so in preparation for my spanking.


He spanked me very hard this time. I screamed again, my mouth wide open now, half in horny pleasure and half in horny pain. My scream drowned out the sound of his strike against my ass. It hurt a lot. And it was wonderful. Sexual pleasure is very complicated, especially to a horny eighteen year old.

His cock felt huge and warm against my buttcrack. I started to wonder what it would feel like as he slid his behemoth into me. I wondered if my ass could take it all.

“You need to learn the meaning of fences, Kash,” Mr. Cox said. I felt his hand leave my asscheck in preparation for my next spanking.

“Yes sir,” I said at almost the same time that his hand struck my ass again.


His hand smacked against me so hard this time that I winced, tightly closing my eyes and opening my mouth widely as I moaned. My body jolted against the kitchen tiles and my wrists against the handcuffs. A little tear escaped the side of one of my eyes. It hurt. It was sexy hurt, but it hurt nonetheless.

Mr. Cox saw that my eyes had started to tear up, and then bent over my body, his chest against my back, his face right behind my left ear. His cock nudged further between my asscheecks as his body weight bore down on me from behind.

“Daddy loves his boys’ tears, Kash,” Mr. Cox whispered in my ear before his tongue reached out and licked my cheek, lapping up the tears that were slowly dripping down my face.

I swiveled my face toward his, and his lips descended upon mine. We kissed for the first time. His smell invaded my nostrils. He smelled like a one hour workout and pine trees along a mountain trail at the same time. His tongue slipped between my lips and demanded my rapt attention. I was happy to give it. We made out for a few moments, tongues slowly snake dancing against each other.

Mr. Cox broke our kiss and his face was behind my ear again.

“Have you ever been fucked by a man, Kash?” Mr. Cox whispered his question into my ear, his intonation jumping loudly on “fucked”, his breath tickling.

I just nodded my head sideways and whimpered a little.

“Well, you’re getting fucked today, Kash. I love being the first man to take a straight guy’s ass,” Mr. Cox slowly whispered into my ear again, rubbing his cock against my asscrack, which was slowly getting wetter and wetter as he greased more of his precum onto me.

Mr. Cox leaned back up, his naked hips directly against my ass again, one of his hands again gripping the handcuffs, his other hand resting palm open against one of my asscheeks.

A few seconds passed again.


I winced and screamed at the same time. He spanked me very hard. It hurt again. A lot.

“I said you say ‘yes sir’ or ‘stop’ after I say anything. And I just said ‘I’m taking your ass'” Mr. Cox screamed at me.

“Yessiryessiryessir!” I screamed right back at a rapid cadence, my eyes still closed shut as the frisson of pain from my spanking lightninged through me in waning waves.

Mr. Cox’s spanking hand rested against my ass, his palm fully open, almost one-handing one side of my ass. The other hand continued to grip the handcuffs arresting me against the kitchen counter. His hard massive cock rested against one of my asscheeks.

And then his spanking hand sidled across my ass to my buttcrack and his fingers pressed against my rosebud. Nobody had ever touched me there before. His index finger started to play with my anus, rubbing up and down its opening. My asshole irised open and close for his finger dancing around my edge.

“I love a guy who shaves his ass,” Mr. Cox stated nonchalantly.

“Yes sir,” I said reflexively.


I screamed and yelped, writhing against the handcuffs and his strong grip.

“You’ve got such a nice straight ass, Kash. I’m going to enjoy fucking it,” Mr. Cox said.

“Yes sir,” I said reflexively, biting my lower lip in anticipation of what would happen next.


I screamed again. He was spanking me very hard now. I swear I could hear the reverberation of his spanking echo in his kitchen. I could feel his already large cock engorge to even bigger in response to what he was doing to me.

Then the tip of his index finger slid inside my ass. I could feel him curl his finger slightly inside me. I started to whimper a little, more tears coming from my eyes.

“Do you like this, Kash?” Mr. Cox said gently, the marshal tone of his earlier voice gone.

I did. Yes I did. It felt curiously good to have daddy fingering me.

“Yes sir,” I said instantly.

“Do you want daddy to fuck you, Kash?” Mr. Cox said, enunciating “”daddy” and “fuck” louder than any other words in his question, the cocky twang in his voice palpable.

I hadn’t done anything with a guy before. But yes I did. I still wanted to be that guy I saw in the window. I wanted him inside me. God I was so horny at that moment.

“Yes sir,” I said in an embarrassed voiced.

A few moments passed. I was expecting another spanking but one did not come.

“Well then, Kash, daddy is taking your anal virginity then. It’s mine. I’m going to fuck you, Kash. Daddy is gonna fuck you so hard that the next time someone fucks you’ll still be thinking of me,” he stated matter of factly.

“Yes sir,” I said.


I yelped and winced again.

“That’s a good boy. Now I’m going to get you on your knees. Give your ass a rest before I fuck it,” Mr. Cox said and then pulled me off his kitchen counter by my hair and shoulder and knelt me in front of him. On the way down to the floor, my chin hit his fully erect fuckrod, leaving a snail trail of precum going from mychin to my lips. And now I was eye level with his throbbing cock. And I knew it was going in me before the day was out. Probably in more than one hole.

I was still staring at his cock. It was huge. Holy shit it was huge. It made me unsure. I was pretty sure it was going in me and I wasn’t sure if I wanted that.

“Open your mouth,” he said flatly, one of his hands reaching down to his massive hard on, beginning to slowly jack it and lather himself up with his own precum.

I just stared at his cock, his hand slowly oscillating up and down its veiny and gargantuan length. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t open my mouth.


He lightly slapped me.

I still couldn’t believe what was happening. I was about to suck on this dreamboat fuckdaddy that I’d spent a few weeks fantasizing about.

“Open. Your. Mouth,” he said, enunciating each syllable in a separate tone, gripping my jaw with one hand as he did so, his massive cock only a few inches behind his hand.

“Yes sir,” I mumbled and opened my mouth halfway open for him. I was expecting to start sucking cock, but I’d never done that before. I didn’t know what to do.

Luckily, Mr. Cox was going to train me before he lodged himself into me.

He shoved his pointer and index fingers into my mouth. I began to suck instantly. I didn’t care that I was sucking secondhand ass from his index finger. My tongue lathered both of his fingers as I bobbed my head up and down along the lengths of his digits.

“Good. Good. Keep sucking daddy’s fingers you little slut,” he said flatly, staring down at me. My wrists struggled against the handcuffs as I squirmed to position myself to suck his fingers.

He still slowly jacked his cock with his other hand inches away from my mouth. My eyes wondered along its massive length. It was the dick that I saw fuck that guy a week ago and now it was going to fuck me too.

Then suddenly he pulled his hand out of my mouth and…


He lightly slapped me again.

“When I speak, you say ‘yes sir’ or ‘stop’,” he said, the hand that had just slapped me laden with my spittle, pointing directly to me.

“Yes sir,” I mumbled, the strike against me cheek still lingering.

“You can never say it enough,” he said.

“Yes sir,” I retorted, some of the fear of my situation returning. If he wanted this to stop being sexy hurt for me and just hurt for me, there was nothing I could do to stop him.

“Open your mouth again,” he said.

“Yes sir,” I said and then opened my mouth widely for him, sticking my tongue out.

Four of his fingers darted back into my mouth, and he pushed up against my uvula as he did so. I almost gagged but then I closed my lips around his fingers and sucked. I teared up again, and some tears slowly snaked down my cheecks as I suppressed the urge to cough.

I was sucking on his fingers in stimulation and simulation of what was to come next. My eyes kept darting between his face and his huge cock that he was still slowly jacking with his hand that he wasn’t using to train me to perform blowjobs. He saw my eyes dart between his eyes and his cock repeatedly, and a smile crept onto the right side of his lips.

He removed his fingers from my mouth again and his hand curled around the back of my head. He pulled me toward his cock. And as I put my lips around his cockhead, he removed the hand that had been using jack himself. His hand was still at the back of my head but he wasn’t forcing me down his extremity. The smell of his precum filled my nostrils as my mouth took in his cockhead.

I had a cock in my mouth. A huge cock. In my mouth. Whoa. A few weeks ago, I would have never thought about this. But now I wanted to do it. A lot. I messaged his cockhead between my lips, attempting to suck on its immensity like I sucked on his fingers before, but it was just too big. And I wasn’t very good at it.

“Watch your teeth, slut,” Mr. Cox said, staring down at me as I went down on him, his hand continuing to hold the back of my head ever so lightly.

“Yes sir,” I said reflexively, coming up off his fuckrod to speak and then diving my mouth back down on him.

This was my first time sucking cock, but I already loved it. I licked it up and down, lathering his long thick shaft with spittle. His manrammer flopped from side to side as I licked down one side down to his balls and then licked up the other side to his cockhead repeatedly. His cock glazed my lips, chin, and cheeks in precum. My tongue and mouth glazed his cock in my spittle. I could taste his salty fuckrod on my tongue and I wanted more.

After thoroughly greasing him up and down with my mouth and tongue, I finally enveloped the head of his behemoth in my mouth again, taking more of him in my mouth. I was determined to mouth and throat as much of his cock as I could. I wanted to suck on this amazing cock so much.

Wow. I was getting into it. I wanted cock in my mouth. I was sucking on my hot older neighbor’s huge dick and I loved it. He’d not only made me submit to him, he’d made me into his boy-cock-slut too.

I was happy to be sucking the first three inches of Mr. Cox’s very impressive member, but Mr. Cox still wanted to discipline me. He started to slowly fuck my mouth as I sucked him and in response I much more tightly whirled my tongue along his cockhead. The small lunches of his hips made his cock bump against the back of my mouth, and I again suppressed the urge to gag or choke.

I released his cock from my mouth and took deep breaths several times before continuing to blow him. I made dedicated oral motions along the first half of his length, happy to be servicing him.

Mr. Cox let me blow him for the next ten minutes or so. I sloppily and passionately sucked on a hunk of man for the first time and he shoved more and more of his immensity into my mouth, but I could never take more than the first one-third of him before I either gagged or choked on his gargantuan.

“Do you want to swallow daddy’s cum, Cash? Steve, that young man you saw me with, swallowed everything after I pulled the curtains down” Mr. Cox asked, one hand fussing with my hair as I continued to blow him, very correctly ascertaining exactly what I wanted.

I thought about it for a second as I blew him. And the answer was yes. Yes I did want that.

“Yesss sir,” I mumbled, temporarily taking my mouth off of him to speak before diving right back down on his fuckshaft to continue my oral ministrations up and down.

“After you satisfy daddy with your ass, daddy will cum in your mouth then, just like I did for Steve,” he said matter of factly, presaging what was to be my fate. I was learning very quickly that Mr. Cox referred to himself in the third person whenever he started to slip into daddy-dominant mode.

“Yes sir,” I responded reflexively, submitting to this man and what he wanted to do to me.

He grabbed me by my armpits off the floor and stood me up and wheeled me around to face the kitchen counter again. He bent me over. I was back against the kitchen tiles, chest down, ass up, hands still restrained by the handcuffs. The handcuffs were chafing my wrists by this point. I had been handcuffed for almost 30 minutes by this point.

He nuzzled the head of his very wet and very fat mastiff against my rosebud. I could feel it’s heat emanating intently against me. My fingers reached out behind me, my wrists still bound by tight tight handcuffs, and fondled the tip of his cock, which was very slick with my spittle. He dumped a ton of something slick on his cock (I never asked what he used to fuck me that first time. It might have been hand lotion.) and began to lather it back and forth across his fuckrod. My asshole was slowly irising open and closed in anticipation of his domination of my depths.

“So, Cash, daddy needs to hear you say it,” Mr. Cox said flatly, devoid of emotion, as he used one hand to grease himself up. His other hand rested against my waist, preparing to latch on to me for thrusting.

“Daddy needs to hear you say that you want daddy’s dick inside you. That you want daddy to fuck your ass,” Mr. Cox continued in a flat tone.

I didn’t say anything. I just fondled his cock with my fingers, wondering what it would be like to take such a massive fuckrod inside me. Would it be as awesome as the pornos made it look? Or would it just be awfully painful?


I yelped again in pain. God he always hit me at exactly the same spot. My asscheeck was red against his assaults.

“Say ‘yes sir’ or ‘stop’ god damn it!” Mr. Cox screamed.


The red handprint on my ass was glowing by this point. He had made me submit. But I wanted to submit. And I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted him to fuck me like he fucked that other guy. (Steve was the name of the other guy?) I wanted to be his slut. I wanted him to use me.

“Yes sir,” I said in a low voice.

His dick head popped into my ass, his cockhead easily cresting my anus due to all of the greasy lotion. The pain hit instantly. As my ass irised open for him, it tore a little. I winced and cried out. I winced some more. It hurt. It hurt more than the spankings because it was a sharp instantaneous pain rather than dull area effect pain.

I screamed loudly.

“Shhh…shhh…it will pass…” Mr. Cox whispered gently, the marshal tone of his voice gone, replaced by the gentle whispers of a concerned lover.

It continued to hurt. A lot. This was not like the pornos! The burn in my bowels scorched my insides. But then it began to abate. And after a while, I wasn’t wincing anymore while his cockhead was in my ass.

He slowly bore into me. Three inches of intrusion became four inches. The pain returned. The burn returned. I moaned out loud and winced as he proceeded deeper into me. He poured some more lotion on himself and my ass. He grabbed my waist with both hands and wedged into me some more. Four inches inside me became five. I screamed a sexy scream of pain and pleasure as he bore into my ass. He stopped for a few seconds and then his hands gripped my hips, kneading into my skin. Five inches became six.

Reflexively, I started whimpering “Mr. Cox” “Mr. Cox” over and over again in a low voice as he took my ass. He liked that quite a bit.

“Yeah, whimper you little slut,” Mr. Cox said.

“YessirMr.Coxsir,” I rattled off quickly.

Six inches became seven. I moaned “Mr. Cox” over and over again, biting my lower lips between analizing prayers to my top. He dumped more lotion on our conjoining. My mouth opened widely as I tried to breathe through the pain concomitant with my bottoming. Seven inches became eight inches in my bowels as he continued to stake my ass with his massive throbbing fuckstick. As he slid further into me, the eighth inch becoming a ninth inch, I knew that my ass was his now. He owned me. And he was going to fuck me. Nine inches slowly became ten inches and Mr. Cox finally bottomed out. I could feel his tight balls nudging against my perineum, and the fingers of my still handcuffed hands lightly grazed against his now sweaty navel.

He had just taken my anal virginity. I went from anal virgin to completely manalized within the spate of about ten minutes.

Oh my god. Oh my god. I had a huge cock in my ass. Oh my god. This captain dreamboat fuckdaddy was going to fuck my ass in his kitchen while my wrists were handcuffed behind me. And I wanted him to do it. I wanted him to treat me like a slut. Like a slut who would bend over a kitchen counter and submit to a deep deep dicking from his top.

“Are you ever jumping over the fence to swim in my pool again?” he asked, slowly retracting his huge cock from my bowels as he did so, slopping more lotion of some kind on himself as he did so. My ass and his cock were getting very slippery and greasy. I could feel a lot of the lotion dribble down my ass and the inside of my thighs, eventually pooling at my feet. I was still splayed against the kitchen counter, but if I had had to stand while Mr. Cox fucked me, I probably would have slipped on the motion lotion that he was using to analize me.

“No. I promise!” I screamed in retort, but that isn’t what I was supposed to do. Yes sir or stop. Yes sir or stop.


He slapped me hard against my ass again, shocking me. It hurt. It hurt bad. I could feel my ass reverberate internally against his massive cock from the shock of my spanking.

“You say ‘yes sir’ or ‘stop’. That’s all you say you little fucking whore,” he screamed at me. He had retracted his cock from my ass up to the beginning of his cockhead at this point, maybe two inches inside me still.

“I’m sor-“ I tried to say but again…


“What did I just say you little slut?” he screamed. And then he pumped into me. All of his cock. He pistoned into me like a hungry oil field well, my ass suddenly splitting open for eight inches of invasion.

“Yes sir! Yes sir!” I screamed, the pain from my bowels overwhelming. My fingers darted out straight from my hand still curtailed by the handcuffs. I winced again and cried.

Fully inside me, bottomed out up to his balls, Mr. Cox bent over, his chest smearing sweat against my back, and bent his head right behind my ear again. He licked up my tears with his tongue.

“I love the tears of little straight guys as I fuck them,” Mr. Cox said, whispering into my ear.

A few seconds passed.

I didn’t say anything and that was a mistake.


“Yessiryessir,” I screamed again.

Mr. Cox leaned up again, and grabbed my waist on both sides with his hands again. He was still fully lodged inside me, and the fucking hadn’t even begun yet. Gripping my waist strongly, Mr. Cox retracted his dick from my ass and then pushed himself back into me slowly a few times. My ass fucking had started. By this point, my ass was still on fire, but it didn’t hurt anymore. The lather between my asshole and his massive cock slopped slowly down between my asscrack and perineum, eventually to my legs.

After a few minutes of getting my ass slowly ready for his full invasion, Mr. Cox started to pick up the pace, pistoning into me again and again, gonzoing me like a good porno. I took it. I took his cock. I moaned and moaned and moaned through my deep deep dicking as this super hot older fuck daddy screwed my ass. I could feel his immensity inside me as he plunged into me again and again, the fwapping sounds of his hips smacking against my ass resounding around his kitchen salaciously. This was like the pornos!

I was getting fucked. Just like that guy I saw in the window a few weeks ago. Oh my god. I was a bottom. I loved this. This guy was fucking me just like I fantasied, pistoning himself into me again and again, my ass giving very little resistance to his fuckrod by this point. And now I was enjoying it. A smile crept across my lips as his cock slowly postponed back and forth along one spot in my ass that felt wonderful.

I was getting super horny at this point, and I could feel the blessing of orgasm begin to swell within.

“Mr. Cox! Mr. Cox! I’m gonna, I’m GONNA, I’M GONNA, OHMYGOD OHMYGOD GOD GOD GOD,” I began muttering but then started screaming in a loud voice as I felt orgasm wash over me. The final three GODs were perfectly timed to Mr. Cox’s thrusts into my ass. My hands were handcuffed behind me. I hadn’t touched myself once during this entire salacious encounter. And now I saw spewing my seed in powerful rivulets that smacked against the cabinet doors under the kitchen tiles.

My ass clamped down hard on Mr. Cox’s behemoth manrammer, and I wailed in pain and screamed in euphoric ecstasy. Mr. Cox had to stop fucking me as my ass clamped down hard on him.

As orgasm crested and I could breathe normally again, I heard Mr. Cox say something but I couldn’t really make out what he said.

“What?” I asked, crooning my head back to look at him.

“Lick it off. Clean it up,” he stated in a marshall tone.

Lick what up? That’s what I thought to myself as Mr. Cox pulled himself out of my ass. He pulled me off the kitchen counter by my shoulders. I thought he might want me to blow him again, but then as he didn’t spin me around to service his member, I guessed that he wanted me to clean the mess I just made on his kitchen cabinet doors.

Mr. Cox pushed my head toward the cabinet doors and repeated himself: “clean it up.”


My ass was so loose by this point that the spanking actually didn’t register. I’m sure I was gaping by this point, but I couldn’t see it.

“Lick it up. I don’t want your spunk all over my cabinets,” Mr. Cox demanded in a marshal tone.

I hesitated. I had just come back from orgasm and I was entering that period of mental clarity and acuity that manifests after a man cums. I didn’t want to link my own cum up.

“Lick it up you fucking whore!” Mr. Cox screamed, and then one of his hands swiped along one of the rivulets of my splooge that was dribbling down the cabinet door. His fingers, covered in my cum, darted to my mouth and before I could do anything, his fingers were in my mouth, downing my own cum in my own mouth. This was the first time that I tasted cum: my own. I didn’t really taste like anything. It just tasted like salty cum.

I didn’t have much time to think. Mr. Cox was not happy that I orgasmed when I did. He didn’t like that I came all over his kitchen. He kept swiping up my cum with his fingers and forcing my cum down my mouth. Eventually I did start to lick my own cum off the cabinet doors because I knew I wasn’t getting out of here until I did.

After I licked the cabinet doors clean, I thought that Mr. Cox might be done with me, but I was very wrong. Mr. Cox picked me up by my shoulders again and once again bent my body over the kitchen tiles. My ass was perked up toward him again.

He nuzzled his cock against my asshole again and easily re-entered me. Soon he was pistoning in to and out of my ass again. It didn’t take him long for him to get ready.

“We’re about to see how much you like the taste of daddy’s cum. Most straight guys love it,” Mr. Cox said as he pumped into me again and again, the fapping sounds against my ass growing louder and more wonton as Mr. Cox approached orgasm in my ass. His cock slid into me again and again, withdrawing to his hilt and then slamming into me until he stuff all ten inches of his fuckrod inside me. Every time he thrust into me, I moaned simultaneously, my mouth agape, a bit a droll leaking from one side.

“Yes sir,” I replied, it slowly dawning on me that a hot guy more than twice my age was using my ass for his pleasure, and I thought that was the hottest thing ever.

I could hear my parents pull into the driveway of my home as Mr. Cox manalized me. I was morning so loudly that people outside could probably hear me. But my parents would probably just assume, I’d they heard anything at all, that Mr. Cox was just fucking another one of his sluts. And they wouldn’t be wrong.

“Oh this is serendipitous. Daddy’s gonna cum in your mouth as your ultra conservative parents come home,” Mr. Cox said, chuckling a little at the propitious timing.

“Yes sir,” I said, turn my head back to look at him with a wide smile as I said it.

Mr. Cox pulled out of my ass and dragged me onto my knees on the floor again, still in handcuffs. His massive cox throbbed in front of me and I needed no bidding. I dived my mouth onto his huge sausage and prepared to receive my prize.

Mr. Cox started to moan loudly. His cock engorged inside my mouth to maximum size.

One, two, three, four, five. That’s how many blasts of hot sticky cum I was able to swallow before I was finally overwhelmed and began to choke and had to pull off. Mr. Cox was still moaning through his orgasm, his hot wet sweaty body shaking slightly. The sixth blast of cum splattered across my nose as I tried to turn away and take a breath. The seventh splashed on my cheek. The eighth splooged across one of my eyelids. (He almost got me in my eye!) The ninth spurt dribbled down his still hot and wet behemoth cock, and I started to blow him again, licking his residue off him in salacious tongue wipes up and down.

After I blew him back to cleanliness, Mr. Cox helped me stand up. I was still in handcuffs, but he hugged me once, and then I leaned my head up. He stared down at me and leaned in for a kiss. I could feel him doing something to my handcuffs as we kissed in his kitchen, and soon the handcuffs popped off my wrists. (They were handcuffs that opened with the touch of a button.)

We took a shower together, and in between mutual caresses, more kissing, another blowjob for Mr. Cox (I got to use my hands the second time!), and eventually Mr. Cox fingering my ass again, he told me what to do to help my ass heal from the fucking that it was just taken.

After the shower, Mr. Cox spread some aloe vera along the bruises along my wrists. As he gently applied aloe Vera to my wrists, he asked, “was that what you were looking for?”

“Yes sir,” I replied instantly.

“No no. No. We’re not doing that now,” he retorted just as quickly, staring into my eyes as he did so. He gently rubbed my shoulder with one of his palms.

We didn’t say anything for awhile. We just stared at each other while he rubbed my wrists with one hand and my shoulder with the other.

“Yes, that’s what I wanted,” I said suddenly, sure of myself.

“Good. Do you want to make it a regular thing before you move to college?” he asked.

“Yes sir,” I said, smiling widely, now not looking forward to moving away in a few days.

To be continued.

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