Zac’s story – Chapter 3


Gay story: Zac’s story – Chapter 3

Author: Zac22

Their jaws dropped. “Dude, right there in the locker room? That’s crazy. You lucky son of a bitch.” Brent said quietly. He turned to Randy “Why the hell can’t we find anyone while Chris is finally dating Kristin and this fucker is getting screwed in the locker room?”

“Haha I don’t know man but we better start looking for some girls” Randy laughed back.

Chris came over “Hey guys, what’s the plan? Kristin and those guys had to go.”

“Well to bring you up to speed, Jon left but first he nailed Zac in the locker room and now Randy and I are actually jealous of you two”

“What, you had sex in the locker room?!” Chris asked in shock.

“Haha, no he went down on him and gave him a finger” Randy corrected.

“A finger?” Chris asked.

“I was trying to be discrete, he gave him head while he finger fucked him.” Randy continued.

“Holy shit” Chris exclaimed.

“Jesus guys, can we keep it down and not talk about this. It’s bad enough that you guys are suddenly needing to know every detail of my sex life but we’re not gonna discuss this in public.” I told them while I got out of the pool. “Let’s head out we can go back to my place and think of what else to do today.”

They followed my lead and Brent mumbled “I wish I had a sex life to be embarrassed about” We all laughed.

We went back to my place and watched TV while we thought about what to do the rest of the night when I got a call from Jon. He asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him. I cleared it with the guys and accepted. I got dressed and they headed out to a movie and said they’d be staying at Randy’s place while his parents were gone for the weekend and I could go over there after dinner if I wanted and Jon was welcome to stay over too.

We finished dinner and when we got in the car he asked “You wanna come over to my place for a little bit?”

“I thought you wanted to stay with me over at Randy’s house.”

“I do. I’m wondering if you wanna go to my place for like an hour or so. My house is empty right now and I thought we could be alone for a little bit before going to your friend’s place”

“Oh, yeah that sounds great”

We got to his house and he led me up to his room where he proceeded to throw me on the bed, rip off his shirt and lay on top of me. I undid his pants as he did the same to mine. We began making out naked and rolling on his bed. I moved down and started rolling my tongue around his cock before putting it in my mouth and sliding one finger into his hole. He put his hand on my head and forced me down on him until he was almost fully in my mouth and throat. I kept sucking and moved my finger around inside of him making him breathe harder and harder and grunted “uhhh get up here Zac” I moved back up to kiss him and he rolled me onto my back.

He pinned me down and began kissing my neck and down my chest licking gently on my nipple as I began to moan. “ahhhh ohhhhhh” he kept moving down and stuck his tongue in my naval and licked around my abs before sucking my cock momentarily and then pulled my legs apart and licked my ass getting it full of his saliva. His tongue almost inside me made my cock ooze precum as I continued to softly moan.

Jon got up and grabbed a condom from a drawer and put it on before lifting my ass up a little with my legs spread. He pushed the tip inside me and slowly forced his way all the way in me with my legs spread as he hovered over me. He slowly fucked me as I felt up his chest rubbing his nipples and holding his strong arms as he began moving faster.

He kept sliding in and out of me faster and faster while my heart raced and moaned louder and louder “ahhhhh AHH ohh OHHHH Jon OHHH JON UHHHH AHHHH” He pinned my arms to the bed turning me on even more and fucked me even harder as sweat ran down his body and dripped onto me. It was too much I began cumming on my stomach even though it hadn’t been touched. I screamed and tightened up on his cock while cum shot all over my stomach. Jon grunted and thrust hard cumming into the condom inside me.

He pulled out of me and went down to lick my cum off of my stomach while I lay there panting. He finished licking up my cum and grabbed my hand pulling me up. “Let’s go take a shower”

We went into his bathroom and he pulled off the condom and threw it away. I saw his softening penis covered in cum and dropped down to it as he started the shower. I sucked up all the cum I could and we began washing off.

“What’s up guys” Randy said as we went up to his room. “How was dinner?”

“Good” I replied.

“Must’ve been really good. You were there for three hours.” Randy laughed.

We got to his room and Brent had to ask “So did you screw at the restaurant too?!? Every time you guys go out alone you take twice as much time as it should.”

Jon looked at me questioningly. “It’s ok, they are gonna be like that. For some reason they demand to know everything about my sex life.” Jon laughed.

“Yup we gotta know, just not the graphic details” Chris added.

“We went back to my place for a little while” Jon answered.

“Gonna need more than that.” Brent said.

“Ok, I made Zac cum on his stomach just by screwing him then licked him clean.” Jon said with a smile.

“Ok Jon, I like your enthusiasm but that would be the graphic part we don’t need to know. Work on that, just meet us in the middle haha.” Brent said laughing.

“Is it bad that I just got a little turned on by that?” Chris said with a dumb and disgusted look on his face.

“Haha ok guys let’s just let it go. You now are totally up to date with just about every detail of my sex life so let’s just watch a movie or something.” I said trying to end the awkward investigation of my relationship.

We all took a seat. Chris and Brent on the couch, Randy sat on his bed and Jon sat down next to him and I laid on the bed with Jon and laid my head down on his stomach.

“Awww how cute” Brent joked.

“Shut up Brent” I laughed.

“Seriously though, that’s cool but don’t start screwing here haha.” Brent replied. We all laughed and agreed no one was going to screw tonight and started watching the movie.

Jon and I had been going out for a few weeks and I was falling hard. He was gone for the weekend so I was going to spend the weekend with the guys.

“So you gonna survive without your boo?” Brent joked.

“Whatever, he’s just gone the weekend. It’s not the end of the world.” I replied.

“Yeah but he’s been around almost everyday for the past month. I’m not saying I mind, Jon’s cool, but you haven’t gone one day without seeing him.” Chris said.

“Yeah, you’re not gonna like call out his name in your sleep are you?” Randy put his arm around my shoulder “Jon, Jon, oh Jon hahahaha” he teased.

“Screw you guys” I laughed “So what he’s just gone this weekend and I’ll see him again Monday so let’s just drop it.”

“Yeah but you usually have sex on the weekends and now you’re missing out” Chris added.

“Seriously Chris, it’s not a big deal. I’m not dating Jon for the sex so it doesn’t matter.” I said starting to sound irritated.

“Ok guys, let’s drop it.” Randy said.

We were at Brent’s place this weekend. Brent had a nicer room than the rest of us. His room was in the basement and pretty much had the whole place to himself. He has a bunk bed and a couch in his room with a much nicer TV than any of us so we liked staying at Brent’s more than anywhere since none of us had to sleep on the floor.

We had been playing video games and watching TV all night and finally decided to go to bed. Chris took the top bunk and Randy the couch. I was on the bottom bunk with Brent. We talked for a little while before falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up and saw Randy looking right at me.

“Awww how sweet” he teased.

I sat up right away realizing that I had been sleeping with my head on Brent’s chest and my arm around his waist. Brent was still sleeping so I got up and shoved Randy on the way out to the living room.

“Haha so do we need to warn Jon that you’re straying” Randy joked.

“What? What’s goin on” Chris asked. He was sitting in the living room watching TV already.

“You didn’t see Zac cuddling with Brent when you got up?” Randy replied. I just sat on one of the lay-z-boy chairs and ignored them.

“No I just came right out here haha what happened?” Chris laughed.

“Zac had his arm wrapped around Brent’s waist and was cuddling with him with his face on his chest haha” Randy explained.

“Hahahaha, uh oh Zac, you better hope Jon isn’t the jealous type.” Chris joked.

“Whatever guys, it’s no big deal” I mumbled rolling my eyes.

“Good morning guys.” Brent said walking out.

“Good morning, stud” Chris said laughing. Brent looked at him weird and they proceeded to explain what had happened.

“So, you still gonna claim it’s no big deal that Jon isn’t here this weekend?” Brent asked.

“It’s not” I answered.

“Dude, we’ve all slept over a thousand times before and never once have you cuddled up to one of us. Now you are dating a guy for a month never spending a moment without him and when he isn’t here for one night you wake up on top of me. Doesn’t that seem a little odd?” Brent asked.

“Ok so I miss him but it doesn’t mean anything.” I replied still watching the TV.

“Well it means I’ll be guarding my ass next time I sleep with you haha” Brent laughed.

“No, remember Jon’s the dominant one” Chris commented, “you gotta watch out for Zac’s hands goin for your junk.” My friends definitely know too much about my sex life.

They all laughed and I smiled a little trying not to give in to their taunts.

We went to the mall to hang out later that afternoon. We went to the movie theater there and then just bummed around.

“So how are things goin with Kristin?” Randy asked.

“Great, I’m going over to her place next week to have dinner with her parents.” Chris answered.

“Ouch” Brent said grimacing.

“What?” Chris asked.

“You’re going to meet the parents, that sucks.” I joked as I received a text message and frantically replied.

“Why is that bad, it’s not like I’m some punk that her parents are gonna hate.” Chris said worried.

“He’s got a point, Chris is a good kid” Randy said.

“Yeah, parents wouldn’t be afraid of him taking advantage of their daughter” Brent added while I received another text that tore me up inside.

“I can’t tell if you guys are comforting me or making fun of me.” Chris replied confused.

Randy looked over at me “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, I’ll be back in a minute” I said quietly with no expression on my face as I walked away.

I walked away from them and turned the corner. I went out the door of the mall to a side entrance that hardly anyone ever uses plus it was almost nine o’clock so the mall was pretty empty anyway. I leaned against the outside wall and slid down and sat on the concrete with my legs bent up and my face buried in my knees with my hands on top of my head as tears filled my eyes. I’m an emotional person but not outwardly emotional. That is one of the ways that I’m more masculine and straight acting because I don’t show my emotions and never cry in public. I hardly ever cry at all to begin with, but when I have a breakdown it’s not pretty. I can hold in my emotion as long as I need to and in this instance it was as long as it took to leave my friends and be alone.

I had been outside in that same position for around ten minutes when I heard Randy say something around the corner and walk over to me. “Zac, what’s wrong” He crouched down next to me.

“Nothing, I just wanna be alone for a minute” I said quietly as I tried to stop crying.

Randy sat down next to me and started rubbing my back “You know I’m not gonna leave you alone like this. What happened?

I didn’t wanna talk about it so I handed him my phone. He opened it and read my text message conversation.

Jon: Hey, I know this is out of the blue but I didn’t want to worry you before I knew for sure. My dad is taking a job down here.

(Jon was in Florida with his family for the weekend visiting relatives)

Me: What are you saying?

Jon: My family is moving here for his job. It wasn’t for sure before but now it is. We’ll be back Monday, but we’ll be moving as soon as the semester is over. I have to go, but I thought you should know and I’ll talk to you more when I get back.

Randy closed my phone “I’m sorry Zac. You wanna talk about it?” I shook my head. Randy pulled me closer to him “I’m here for you buddy, if you wanna talk I’ll always listen but if you don’t I’m still here for you. Come here” I turned and buried my face in his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

Brent and Chris came over and crouched down. “Jon’s family is moving to Florida at the end of the semester.” Randy told them.

Brent put his hand on my back “Oh god, I’m sorry man.”

“Me too Zac. But you still have a few weeks before he leaves and we’re here for you” Chris added.

“You want us to take you home buddy?” Brent asked.

“No, we’re not leavin him alone tonight, let’s all head back to your place.” Randy answered for me.

“I’ll go get my car and pull over here.” Brent said and walked away, Chris followed.

“Let’s just go back to Brent’s place and we can just hang out. You can talk if you want or just hang out but we’re not gonna let you just go off by yourself again, ok?” Randy requested.

“Ok” I sniffled.

We got in Brent’s car and I again buried my face in my hands while Randy put his hand on my back to comfort me. When we got to Brent’s place we went straight to his room and turned on the TV and Brent began playing video games with Chris. Randy said he’d take the bottom bunk with me, Brent could take top, and Chris would sleep on the couch.

Randy refused to leave me alone. He knew me better than anyone and had gone through me breaking down before. When my grandpa died I was really emotional and people listened to me and left me alone for a while and things only got worse for me and Randy stepped in and helped me through it.


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