Wet Memories – Ch. 01


A gay story: Wet Memories – Ch. 01

Dive into “Wet Memories – Ch. 01,” a steamy gay romance that explores passion, desire, and unforgettable connections. Join our characters as they navigate their feelings in an alluring narrative that promises to leave you breathless. Immerse yourself in this captivating tale of love and lust—don’t miss out!

Author’s Note: All characters that appear are over the age of 18.

Wet Memories — Discovering a Connection

*This is a story from my college days many years ago. We have wrote this together and changed the names. There are several parts to this series.*

I arrived on campus excited for a new beginning in life. I was excited to be working with the university’s baseball team and was excited to get started. Even though baseball is a spring sport, my fall and winter would be full of practices. While I did not get the opportunity to play on the team, I was just happy to be a part of the team. It gave me something to do other than attend classes.

I got to live in a dorm with one of the other players, but I did not know who it was, nor did I really know anything about them. I of course knew that we would have a few things in common being on the same team, but I was still unsure of much.

I got moved in before he did, so I had some time to unpack some things and put them away. Several hours after I had unpacked everything and had returned from getting some food, I met my roommate. He introduced himself.

“Hey, you must be Cooper!” he said. “I’m Sam.”

“Yep! That’s me,” I replied. “Nice to meet you. If you need help unpacking anything, just let me know.”

“I think I have mostly everything put away, but I appreciate the offer,” he replied.

Sam was roughly 6’3″. He had a tanned skin complexion, that I learned over time was natural, and short, wavy black hair. He was built like a baseball player. It seemed like every muscle on his body popped out of his shirt and shorts.

Meanwhile, I was about 6′. I had to earn my tan, though I wasn’t completely pale white. My hair was a light brown color. I had a slimmer body that was not quite as muscular, but I was still decently strong.

We got to know each other over the coming weeks. We had a lot more in common than I had originally thought. We played several of the same video games and we liked the same types of food. We got some money each week from the university that they gave athletes and team personnel, so we often went out to eat on the weekends to pass time and hung out downtown.

We were both way into girls. It was maybe once a week that one of us would stay overnight with a girl or invite them back to our place. We never forced the other to leave so we could be alone as that wasn’t respectful or fair to the other. However, there were a few times we gave each other the room alone out of respect as long as we weren’t trying to do any work.

Most of our time, as you could imagine, was filled with baseball activities. Sam had lifting he had to go to early in the morning at 6am every day and I had classes starting at 9am. We usually ate lunch at the dining hall with some of the other baseball guys. Practice was always from 2-5 in the afternoon. Guys would come and go as they had classes, but I was thankful all but one of my classes were in the morning (the exception was a night class at 7pm).

I had never really thought about doing anything with a guy, especially someone I shared a room with. Even despite his physique, it wasn’t something that really crossed my mind. I mean, I had been in locker rooms for years and around countless other guys and never had the urge to be involved sexually with one.

That changed one day when I was walking through the locker room to a storage room in the back to get some equipment. As I walked past Sam’s locker, he, like most others, was changing into his baseball uniform for practice. Something caught my attention as I walked past out of the corner of my eye. Poking a few inches out of Sam’s boxer briefs was his dick. While I couldn’t actually see it, I was in awe of how much it stuck out, After all, I wore the same type of underwear, and mine didn’t stick that far out.

I kept walking like I hadn’t noticed and a few weeks went by. Nothing changed really, as it was just a normal happening in a locker room. As Sam would come and go as he went to see a girl, all I could think about was how big it could get, and what girls must feel as he was inside them. I knew there was no way I could be anywhere near comparable to him.

He usually slept in his boxer briefs, so I would get a mini glimpse as he got out of the shower and crawled into bed, but that was about it. One night, I guess he noticed my glimpse.

“Hey. What are you staring at?” he inquired as he looked around trying to figure out what I was looking at.

I tried to come up with something real quick, but it wasn’t easy.

“I don’t know. I guess I was just starring off into nowhere.” I replied.

“Okay,” replied Sam as he crawled into his bed.

A couple more days went by. Again, nothing changed. We went out to eat on the weekends. We ate pretty much every meal together and studied together as we had several of the same classes. We were truly like two peas in a pod. We just did everything together.

One night, we went out to eat just ourselves. It was a Tuesday, but we didn’t feel like going to the dining hall with the rest of the team. I let Sam choose where we went since I choose the week before, and he choose a Japanese buffet. We both usually went through about 3 plates when we went there. It was probably the best Japanese buffet either of us have ever been to. As we ate, out of nowhere Sam randomly asked me a question.

“So Coop,” (many people called me Coop for short), “Honestly, what were you staring at a few nights ago?”

I didn’t really have much of a different response than the first one I had given him.

“Come on,” he said as he chuckled. “I know what it was. I’m not mad at you.”

I replied, “I don’t know. I just caught a glimpse in the locker room last week and it just caught my attention.”

“I catch a lot of people’s attention. It doesn’t bother me.”

“It’s not like I’m into guys, believe me,” I said.

Sam laughed. “Trust me, I believe you. I’ve seen some of those smoking hot chicks you’ve been bringing in.”

We both laughed. It felt good to at least talk about it and I felt better knowing that he wasn’t mad. The next thing he said did kind of catch me off guard.

“If you want to look, I don’t care.”

“Really?” I questioned.

“Nope, it doesn’t bother me.”

“Okay, but I really haven’t starred that much at you. Just that one time was really it,” I said.

A few more days went by, and I had got back from my night class and I heard Sam in the shower. I went to put my things away and throw away a drink cup that I had used for probably longer than I should have and something got my attention as I tossed the cup into the trash. I picked my cup back up and I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was a used condom in the trash. It was definitely not mine as I used a different brand and type. I pinched the open end and picked it up.


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