My First Rodeo – Pt. 03

Kat suggested that we both shower as well before heading home. I was hoping she meant at the same time but she told me to go first and then she showered when I was.finiahed.

We said goodbye to Dean and went to the car to drive home. Kat told me to drive because she wanted to return some text messages. I put the top of the car down and we were off.

There wasn’t much conversation the first half of the drive. Kat occasionally laughed to herself as she sent text messages. When we were almost home Kat put down her phone and bluntly said “I plan on fucking your ass tonight!”

I slowed down the car and said in a shaky voice “really?”

Kat said “Yes! I need to get that ass ready for a real cock. Dean was begging me to let him fuck you.” I told him you were it ready for that yet.”

I was a little scared of where this conversation was going but my cock was hard again.

When we arrived at the rest stop where I had left my car I got out of the Jaguar. Kat climbed into the driver’s seat. She said “meet me at the warehouse tonight at 10:30. I am gonna start loosening up that ass.”

I didn’t know what to say so I just muttered “yes ma’am” and then Kat sped away.

… be continued.

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