Rich boys love 33 by richbitch


A gay adult story: rich boys love 33 by richbitch ,


my story continues

Harvey and I attended school as usual and completed our daily lessons. Later, I had detention with Miss Carlton, who is renowned for being a total bitch. Before leaving, I gave Harvey a quick kiss goodbye. But Miss Carlton rudely interrupted, “We’ll have less of that, Mr. Spencer.” Harvey and I apologized, and as she walked into the classroom, I discreetly flipped her the middle finger.

Unfortunately, she caught me and scolded, “Shall we begin your punishment, or is your social life more important?” I reluctantly said my farewells to Harvey and entered the classroom. Miss Carlton handed me ten sheets of paper and a pen, instructing me to write, “I will not bully new students” on every page, front and back, without any gaps. As I wrote, she caught me looking up and added an extra 30 lines to my punishment.

Frustrated, I shot her a dirty look, and she increased it to 50 lines. I resigned myself to completing the task, and after I finished, she ordered me to clean all the gum off the bottom of the tables. She gave me gloves and a plastic bag, and I reluctantly complied, grossed out by the task. Finally, she dismissed me, but not without a warning, “You will see me again tomorrow, Mr. Spencer.” I retorted under my breath as I left her class, “Fucking bitch.”

While I was outside of school, I called Harvey on my phone and asked, “Babe, can you please get a taxi to take me home?” He replied, “Are you okay, babe?” I responded, “Not really, my fingers and back hurt.” Harvey said, “Alright, I’ll see you soon.” About 15 minutes later, my dad’s car pulled up in front of me. He got out and asked, “What’s wrong with your fingers and back?” I

explained, “Miss Carlton made me write lines and clean gum off the desks.” My dad looked angry and told me to follow him. Harvey took my hand gently as we walked. My dad asked, “What room is she in?” I said, “Dad, don’t get involved,” but Harvey pointed the room out to him. I let go of Harvey’s hand and whispered, “Thanks,” while giving him a dirty look.

My dad entered the classroom and asked, “Are you Miss Carlton?” She replied, “Yes.” My dad said, “Who do you think you are to make my son write lines and clean gum off tables?” Miss Carlton responded, “Your son had detention for trying to hit a new student.” My dad replied, “My son was defending himself; I heard that the student said ‘gay drama’ during an argument between Leonardo and Harvey.” Miss Carlton said, “Don’t you think bringing out-of-school issues into the classroom is reason enough for detention?”

My dad responded, “No, I think you should have asked them to discuss their problems outside of class. Regardless, that doesn’t justify making my son’s hands and back hurt.” Miss Carlton insisted, “I am the detention officer; I have the right to impose whatever punishment I deem appropriate.” My dad said, “Fine, I’ll be scheduling an appointment with your supervisor,” and walked out.

I followed him, and Miss Carlton told me, “I’ll see you tomorrow for detention, Leonardo.” My dad stormed back into the classroom and said, “No, you won’t,” and then we left. I got into my dad’s Mercedes and lay across both back seats as we drove home. When we arrived, dinner was ready, but I wasn’t hungry; I just needed to lie down and couldn’t even manage to hold any cutlery. My mom said, “You need to eat,” but I replied, “No, Mom, I need to lay down, please.” She said…


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