The Night Zoe & Michele Raised Hell – Chapter 5

2017 Lesbian story: The Night Zoe & Michele Raised Hell – Chapter 5

Michele hesitated with one foot in the air before breaking the circle and then stepping all the way in. The candles all blew out. She jumped. The burnt remains of her wish swirled around her feet, whipped up by the breeze.

“Now what?” she said.

“Now nothing,” said Zoe. “You‘re stuck.”

Michele blinked. “What does that mean?”

“Just what I said. You can’t leave the circle. Don’t believe me? Try to step out again.”

Michele tried. She couldn’t. For some reason every time she came back up to the line she was able to put a foot across it. In a few seconds she was red faced with the effort. “What the hell? What did you do to me?”

“You did the whole thing yourself,” Zoe said. “I was over way over here.”

She leafed through the book again, planting a finger on it when she finally found the page she wanted. Michele tried again to walk away but still couldn‘t do it. “Zoe? Zoe! Hey! What are you doing now?” she said.

“What’s gotta be done, kiddo.” Very, very carefully, Zoe erased some of the markings in the circle. “You remember the other part of the wish I made for you back then? I wanted us to be together forever. Now that you’re finally back, I’m not letting you go again.”

“Let me out of here!”


“I hate you!”

“You love me,” Zoe said, stepping almost gingerly through the gap she‘d made in the circle, careful not to let her body pass over any intact part of the line. “You’ve always been in love with me. Aren‘t you tired of denying it?”

Standing up straighter, Michele said, “Believe whatever you want, just let me go.”

“I’m not keeping you here. I told you, you did all this yourself. You’ve always done it yourself.”

“That’s such bullshit.”

“Kiss me and I’ll set you free,” Zoe said.

Michele hesitated. “If I kiss you I can leave the circle?” she said.

“I didn’t say I’d let you go, I said I’d set you free.” Zoe brushed the hair away from Michele’s face. “We both know the real reason you came back here.”

“I came back because I want to reverse the spell we cast as kids.”

“But you don’t even believe in magic. You never did.”


Zoe cupped Michele’s face in her hands. Again Michele found she had a hard time looking way. “Come on, kiddo. Just a kiss. Don’t you want to?”

“I…don’t know what I want. You always told me, ever since we were kids.”

“We’re all grown up now. Here’s your shot. Decide.”

Zoe’s lips looked cherry-red. Michele imagined them tasting sweet and fresh, and somewhere in the back of her mind a key turned.

Leaning in, she took Zoe by the face too and pressed her mouth to hers. Zoe melted into Michele’s arms. They both still tasted like the blood potion, but Michele didn’t mind; when Zoe’s tongue danced against hers it made her think of sweet chocolate and fresh fruit and dark rooms.

The kiss only lasted a second or two but Michele came up from it panting and red in the face. She waited for the world to end. It didn’t. Zoe beamed at her, the biggest and most unembarrassed grin she’d had since they were kids.

“I really did that, right?” said Michele. “It’s not magic?”

“You always told me magic isn’t real,” Zoe said.

They kissed again, slow and sweet, then hotter and faster. Zoe tangled her fingers in Michele’s hair. The wind settled down, the leaves and the trees becoming as quiet and respectful as the graves around them. This really is a beautiful place, Michele decided. Why was I ever scared of it?

The grass in the circle seemed soft and comfortable as she lay down, pulling Zoe with her. Zoe’s skin was smooth and soft too. She kissed a spot underneath Michele’s ear that drove her wild, and Michele giggled and kicked. “How’d you know I like that?” she said.

“Word got around in high school,” said Zoe. “So did you.”



“I love you.”

“I know,” Zoe said, kissing her again, lying on top of her so that their bodies fitted together like hand in glove. Michele was aware suddenly that she was lying in the bloody spot they’d made in the grass, but she figured the hell with it. She saw too that the black candles were all blazing again; maybe they’d never really blown out?

She let Zoe take her top off. The bare ground felt good against her naked back. So did Zoe’s mouth as she kissed her way down the front of Michele’s body, teasing the spot between her breasts as Michele sighed, content, lacing her fingers at the back of Zoe’s head and licking her lips as the other girl’s trailing hair tickled her naked skin.

“Slower, slower, slower,” she whispered.

“All you like to do is wait,” Zoe said, but reduced her pace, painting Michele’s body with sweet, sensual kisses while her fingertips traced her up and down, back and front. Every few seconds Michele grabbed her and pulled her up for another kiss and then released her, breathless, to continue exploring, crawling down to where she tugged Michele’s jeans off and deposited them over a nearby tombstone for safekeeping.

The night air felt good on her body. Everything felt good, as a matter of fact. Eager goosebumps covered her from head to toe and Michele groaned in gratification every time Zoe kissed them.

When Zoe’s mouth finally closed on one of Michele’s breasts and gave it a long, sucking kiss she pushed upward with her entire body and groaned so loud that she worried someone might hear:

“Ohhhhh fuck…more.”

Zoe’s mouth was wet and hot. The breeze picked up and Michele almost couldn’t stand the war between the heat of Zoe on top of her and the chill of the night air. Her fingers tore at the cemetery grass, digging furrows into the lawn.

Her tongue dancing across Michele’s flesh, Zoe sucked her friend’s breasts one at a time, filling her mouth with Michele’s body. Michele rocked and ached and stammered. She pulled at the other girl’s clothes, nearly tearing them in her haste and flinging them away without attention to where they landed. The feeling of their naked skin touching made her throb deep down inside.

Zoe pushed Michele’s hair back again. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this.”

“Yes I do,” Michele said, clasping Zoe’s hand. “I’m sorry I was afraid.”

“S’okay. I’m a scary girl.”

“Not to me.”

“Just wait.”

Keeping the pressure light but firm, Zoe put her hand between Michele’s legs and rubbed her warm, wet pussy through the fabric of her panties, taking Michele’s breath away immediately.

“Oh, oh, oh…” was all she could say as she hung onto Zoe’s shoulders for support and reminded herself to breathe.

“Still want it slow?” Zoe said, her smile flashing white in the dark.

“Maybe just a little faster…just a little more.”

Despite the cool night, Michele became damp with sweat. Zoe kissed her thighs and Michele flopped back, writhing on the cemetery grass. As Zoe kissed higher up her legs and flicked the crease where her thigh joined her body with the tip of a tongue Michele suddenly started laughing and found she couldn’t stop.

“What’s so funny?”

“I just remembered,” said Michele. “Last time I fucked Malcolm I ran off without letting him finish me. Now it kind of feels like you’re swapping in for him.”

“Not so worried about mister boyfriend anymore, huh?” Zoe said as she slipped Michele’s panties down.

“Well, like you said, I don’t see him around.” Michele threw her arms back and enjoyed the sheer awfulness of what she’d just said. “Besides, this is special. This is more than—OH!”

“What were you saying?” Zoe said, pausing before pressing her mouth back down to between Michele’s legs.

“Nothing,” Michele said, stammering. “Don’t pay attention to what I say. Just keep doing it. Oh, oh, please, please keep doing that.”

Tangling Zoe’s hair in knots with her fingers, Michele put her legs up and dragged Zoe in closer. The fire of the candles glowed in the dark pools of Michele’s eyes as she cried out, the sweat of the two girl’s clinging bodies dampening the grass underneath them. The trees seemed to lean in and cover them up, like giant, sheltering hands blocking the rest of the world out so that it didn’t dare see.

The delicious feeling of Zoe’s mouth and tongue on Michele’s pussy filled her up from head to toe. I don’t ever want this to stop, she thought. Not even for one second for the rest of my life. She’d started to wish they’d made the magic circle around a tombstone or a tree trunk so that she’d have something to brace her back against and push into Zoe even harder.

Head swimming, Michele pulled Zoe down to the ground and rolled her onto her back, then lowered herself down to grind her pussy against Zoe’s mouth as she sat down over her face. With nothing else around to grab onto Michele hugged her arms around her own body, pressing her breasts as tightly against herself as she could.

The wild animal smell of sex filled her nostrils. The sound of Zoe’s lapping mouth drove her wild. Michele’s head lolled to the side and her hair hung down her naked back as she bounced up and down. Just a little more…just a little more…

When Michele’s orgasm finally hit she nearly fell over. Her body spasmed and she felt like she was burning away like the wicks of the candles, melting into a pool like the burnt wax all around them. She fell on top of Zoe and they panted together, then kissed until they were breathless again and then it started all over.

Michele lady her head on Zoe’s shoulder and murmured, dreamy, almost half asleep already from the unreal, dreamlike night she‘d had. What a strange thing to think that I’m still the very same person who woke up this morning, she thought. Or am I? Maybe I was never even really that person at all.

A rustle in the leaves interrupted her thoughts, but she didn’t look up until Zoe said to. “Hey,” she said, nudging Michele. “Pay attention. This part is important.”


Confused, Michele looked up. Then she screamed, but clapped a hand over her own mouth when it was barely out.

The dark man with the shadowy face stood over them. He was at the eastern tip of the circle, looking at where both girls lay sprawled in each other’s arms. The boughs of the trees seemed to shift again to provide enough shadow to keep his face hidden, and the rest of him was just a silhouette against nothing, like a shape cut from black construction paper.

The blood left Michele’s face. She tried to speak but all that came out was one word: “No.”

But Zoe just smiled, and took the black man by the hand. “It’s okay kiddo,” she said. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. He wants to meet you finally is all.”

“It’s not supposed to be real,” Michele said, unable to speak much higher than a whisper.

“It was always real to me,” said Zoe. “Just like you and me. Come on; what are you afraid of?”

Michele tried to shrink away, but she was at the edge of the circle again. The candles burned higher, much higher than they should have been able to, turning the cemetery lawn into a ring of Hell.

“It’ll be okay,” Zoe said, holding her own hand out. “Don’t you trust me?”

“Yes, it’s just…why can’t we see his face?”

“Because you’re not really looking,” Zoe said. “Try again.”

Still confused, Michele tried to look away, but something in Zoe’s voice made it hard to say no. Bracing herself, she looked at the shadowy fully for the first time, and…

It was Malcolm. Malcolm, with his beard still growing in, and his clothes off showing his swimmer’s body. He stood hand in hand with Zoe, naked in the circle.

But no, she quickly realized, it didn’t look exactly like him. Something was off. It was the eyes; they were gold, and they glittered, and he never blinked. His face never changed at all, in fact, maintaining one smooth, mask-like expression, like the surface of a lake on the stillest day of the year.

And then, confusingly, it changed. Suddenly the man with the golden eyes wasn’t a man at all; it was Zoe, a perfect copy standing next to herself. And then Michele gaped when the figure became herself instead, an almost perfect mirror image, and then another person after that, and another.

“What’s going on?” Michele said, whispering.

Zoe made an impatient gesture. “Stop being so afraid of everything,” she said. “Just come on already.”

Amazingly, Michele didn’t feel afraid anymore. The light in those deep golden eyes made her feel safe. Stepping up, she took the dark figure’s hand in hers. A feeling of relief settled on her, like she’d just scratched an itch she’d had her entire life.

“What happens now?” said Michele.

“Now he wants to give us everything we’ve ever wanted,” Zoe said.

“And what do we have to give to him?”

“Only what you want to. When we were kids I just gave him my Halloween candy.”

“Really?” It was so ridiculous that Michele barked a laugh. Zoe nodded.

“Now that we’re all grown up though, I have something much sweeter in mind.”

Zoe went first, wrapping the man with the golden eyes in her arms, kissing him and then letting him take her right on the lawn, bent over on all fours as he fucked her from behind while she made animal noises.

Michele watched as if in a dream; the dark man looked like Malcolm again, and she discovered that she liked the sight of him fucking Zoe. Her body flushed with a blush of arousal.

But it didn’t look like Malcolm when her turn came. Lying down underneath the shadowy figure and spreading her legs, she found that it looked like Zoe again. Zoe, wearing a still mask of her own face. Zoe, with beautiful golden eyes. Zoe, somehow pressing a hard, bulging cock between Michele’s legs and entering her, fucking her with hard and insistent strokes on the ground even as the real Zoe pillowed Michele’s head in her lap, laughing and holding her as Michele cried out again and again.

Her vision of the man/woman/thing blurred. It wasn’t dark at all, she realized. It was all made of gold, glistening from head to toe, and it unfurled the most beautiful wings over both of them, so beautiful that she couldn’t stand to look at them.

Closing her eyes, Michele looked at nothing instead, turning the whole world as dark as a candle flame that’s just been snuffed out, and for the rest of the night all she did was feel.


It was morning. Michele opened her eyes and sat up in her own bed.

When she rolled over she was briefly surprised to find Malcolm next to her. For a second she even gasped, and the sound woke him up. “What’s wrong?” he said, sitting up on one elbow. Michele gathered the covers to herself.

“Nothing,” she said. “I had a dream. Are you—”

She was about to ask “Are you really you,” but it was such a bizarre question and she had no idea what it could mean, so she stopped.

Although it was dark, she could see she was in her own room at school. Just a dream, she thought again. A dream about Zoe. She’d had them before, but never quite like this. Shivering, she huddled against Malcolm.

“Are you okay?” he said an arm on her bare shoulder. “What were you dreaming about.”

“I…don’t remember,” Michele said. Then: “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Once the door closed she locked it and turned to the mirror, examining her nude body front and back. She didn’t really know what she was looking for, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Leaning over the sink, she washed her face. Get a hold of yourself, she thought. Malcolm knocked on the door. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I just—”

When Michele looked in the mirror, Zoe was standing behind her. The other girl’s smile nearly split her face in two.

Michele tried to scream but it stuck in her throat. Zoe gave a little wave and smiled even wider.

But when Michele turned around no one was there. Pale and shaking, she looked everywhere around the tiny bathroom, but of course it was empty. Malcolm knocked again. “I’ll be out in a minute!” she said. Got to get a hold of yourself, she thought.

When she turned back to the mirror Zoe was still there in the reflection. She blew a kiss and then whispered in Michele’s ear. Michele heard the voice:

“I told you: We‘ll never be apart now.”

Zoe touched Michele’s hair.

“Even when you don’t see me you’ll know that I’m always with you. Like a good friend should be, right?”

Then Zoe gave her a long, lingering kiss. And when Michele opened her eyes again nobody was there. She was alone.

Except, of course, she wasn’t.

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