Camorra Chapter 1 by x__orion


A gay adult sex story: Camorra Chapter 1 by x__orion , A vampire in London, in search of pleasure. Camorra cursed, vehemently. Sliding back in the shadows of the alleyway, he watched as the young man joked and laughed with his friends. He’d let his admiration get in the way, again. He knew he should … Read more


Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 09


A gay sex story: Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 09 == VORTEX QUEST 1-9 == == THE VAULT 1: AMONG TROLLS == The borrowed Wyvern dropped the pantheon off at a crawlway entrance flanked by horn-studded cairns. The demigods wandered the tunnels, clad in Chay’s shadow to blend into dark corners and crevices, their white … Read more


Pale Moon, Crimson Blood


A gay sex stories: Pale Moon, Crimson Blood Karl slowly opened his eyes, as a thin ray of sunlight touched his chest. His eyes drifted to his side, only to find himself alone in bed. Of course. He sat up, motioning out of the bed, when a sharp, throbbing pain flooded his head. He had … Read more