Death on the Rhine Ch. 08

A gay story: Death on the Rhine Ch. 08 After his narrow escape from the pounding questions by the German police about Bruno Meister’s death by way of accepting a pounding of his ass by Roman the Magnificent on stage at Hephaestion, Folsom meekly followed Roman into his cabin through the door under the stairs … Read more

Death on the Rhine Ch. 06

A gay story: Death on the Rhine Ch. 06 Folsom was set adrift on the Rhine, but it was a gelatinous Rhine, which supported his body as he lay on his back and which swayed him back and forth with the current. But the current wasn’t being provided by the flow of the father of … Read more

Death on the Rhine Ch. 10

A gay story: Death on the Rhine Ch. 10 “You heard?” Roman asked Folsom when he’d unlocked the storage bin behind his closet and stood back as Folsom stumbled out into the light. Squinting his eyes, Folsom said. “Everything.” “Oh,” was as much as Roman said as he stumbled back and collapsed on the bed. … Read more