Stories by yuigyorko

Stories by yuigyorko by LITEROTICA PODCASTLIT CAMS (200 Free Tokens)ADULT TOYSVOD MOVIESExploreStories Categories New Tags Popular Awards Favorites Comments Webcams Lit VOD Toy Store Audio Story Games Poetry Artwork Authors Search Chat Forum HelpNew StoryLog InSign UpAuthorsyuigyorko Stories yuigyorko FollowFollow11Stories 11Stories 8Followers 1Following AboutWorksFavorites Stories by yuigyorkoSort by:NewestNewestAlphabeticalSeries: ExpandedSeries: ExpandedSeries: CombinedWyatt’s Dreams Ch. 03Why go … Read more

CHORUS BOYS by Stephen Sarg

A gay adult story: CHORUS BOYS by Stephen Sarg They were due to open in less than thirty days and still they were several chorus boys short of a full ensemble!!! Dick Logan, the director of the musical, sat with his assistant and said grimly, “Ross, what are we gonna do, we need at least … Read more