Kathy (white trash whore) part 5 (Jeff’s other side) by jon47m


A gay adult story: Kathy (white trash whore) part 5 (Jeff’s other side) by jon47m Kathy (white trash whore) part 5 (Jeff’s other side) Jeff swept the fallen autumn leaves from the lawn, the garden was looking a bit sad compared with its former summer glory. Kathy opened the patio doors, “I’m just off honey, … Read more


Edge Running Ch. 04


A gay sex stories: Edge Running Ch. 04 I agreed to meet the Filipino businessman, Benjie Reyes, in a dimly lit bar off the lobby of the Grand Diamond City Casino Hotel. Reyes, a man of obvious wealth and with the bearing of comfortably being in command, was said to be both fabulously wealthy and … Read more