Money, money, money by BobFranklin82

A gay adult story: Money, money, money by BobFranklin82 Hey guys, this is the first story I’ve ever written. I always make up little stories while I’m wanking, this is the first I’ve written down. Hope ye enjoy. Oh and constructive criticism is always welcome. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————- Well…I had to tell someone. When you go through … Read more

What’s Bugging Uncle Rex? Pt. 06

A gay story: What’s Bugging Uncle Rex? Pt. 06 (Reader’s Note: Please read the “Rex” tales in order as you see them on our TeamCravings author’s page-enjoy!) Rona Drake walked slowly into her bedroom. She was now just over 70 and loved a little rest before a warm bubble bath and bed. The attractive round … Read more

A Voice From the Night World

A gay story: A Voice From the Night World I don’t own The Night World or seek to profit from the ideas or characters that belong to another. The Night World belongs to the wonderful L. J Smith. I thank her for creating such a wonderful series that I can borrow for the use of … Read more