Harry potter 2 A Ride on the Night Bus


A gay adult story: harry potter 2 A Ride on the Night Bus Harry awoke the next day feeling refreshed. Hedwig was asleep in her cage. He looked at the clock and it said 7:25 so Harry got up, dressed, and started packing for the trip to the Burrow Harry decided to take the knight … Read more


harry potter and the snake charm by ryo


A gay adult story: harry potter and the snake charm by ryo Valdamort set in his chair in the up most room of the riddle house, to which he had been force to flee back to after a run in with Dumbledore. He curled his long skeletal fingers around his wand, immersed in his dark … Read more


Harry Potter And The Love Feather by 66363


A gay adult story: Harry Potter And The Love Feather by 66363 , After my encounter with Draco, I’ve been thinking about him a lot. Thinking about his scent, his taste, and his touch all over my body…I’m just too much into him. I dream about him all night…I’ve almost forgot Cho Chang (the girl … Read more