High School Romance Ch. 02


A gay story: High School Romance Ch. 02 The windows of the house were dark but Brady knew better than to hope Steve was sleeping. He used his key to open the door. He saw the flash of movement just in time to deflect the punch. The smell of beer hit him like a train, … Read more


Beauty of Friendship


A gay story: Beauty of Friendship Kyle and James are just finishing up a project for college in their apartment. Both of the guys are wearing a tight T-shirt and short gym shorts. They are sitting on the couch. Their other flat mates aren’t home. The two have been friends since high school. They aren’t … Read more


Per Anum Ch. 12: Reunion


A gay story: Per Anum Ch. 12: Reunion -NICK- I straightened my clothes, took a deep breath, and approached the apartment door. I was still half-convinced this was a bad idea, but when had I ever let that stop me before? I raised a hand to knock, and twitched back in surprise when the door … Read more