Western Tail


A gay story: Western Tail It had been a hot and dusty ride from Kansas into Colorado en route to my new posting as the postal agent and sutler at Fort Hayden. I’d ridden my mare all day with the Rocky Mountains tantalizingly near without having reached the river they told me was still more … Read more


The Overly Cute Guy by taintedbehind


A gay adult story: The Overly Cute Guy by taintedbehind , These two young adults find love with a supporting family. It will be not only about sex but the love the feel for each other. Everything was normal that day, I went to work and did nothing I didn’t do everyday. I was standing … Read more


Missionary Positions by Mr. Butts


A gay adult story: Missionary Positions by Mr. Butts , It had been the most brutal few months of my nineteen year life. The regimented routine, virtually no contact with non-church materials or media, endless pressure to drag people into baptism, It had been the most brutal few months of my nineteen year life. The … Read more