The Meeting

A gay story: The Meeting Up until a few months ago I never considered myself bi-sexual. And even when the thoughts of being with another man started filtering into my fantasies, I still thought of my self as heterosexual. Sure, I had thoughts like that for the past few years, but nothing like the past … Read more

My Greek God Ch. 03

A gay story: My Greek God Ch. 03 First I want to apologize for making everyone wait. I was pretty busy and will be in the future too. I won’t be able to write as fast as I did the first two chapters so please be patient with me and continue to read my stories. … Read more

The Weekend Pt. 02

A gay story: The Weekend Pt. 02 [All characters in this story are over 18.] [Part 1 of this story is here: The Weekend Pt. 01] The sound of my phone buzzing woke me from my nap. I looked down at myself – chest and belly stained with cum, my Daddy’s and my own. I … Read more