The Meeting


A gay story: The Meeting Up until a few months ago I never considered myself bi-sexual. And even when the thoughts of being with another man started filtering into my fantasies, I still thought of my self as heterosexual. Sure, I had thoughts like that for the past few years, but nothing like the past … Read more


Some of His fantasies fulfilled


A gay story: Some of His fantasies fulfilled The nervous moments of anticipation are finally behind you as you hear his car pull up in your driveway. You peek out the window only to see that he is much hotter than he was describing himself or that his pictures even showed. And my quick assumption … Read more


The Ledge Rocks


A gay story: The Ledge Rocks The Randolph family, Emily, John and their eighteen-year-old son Jerrold, had recently bought the house next to us at the lake. My mom, Jean Fitzgerald, being the lake’s leading, social, busy bee that she is, had already become bosom buddies with Emily Randolph and had gotten all the poop. … Read more


Mellow Yellow


A gay story: Mellow Yellow I was home alone recently when I got a call from two friends I had met recently at a party. Well, the call was from one of them but he invited me out on a date with both of them. He said we can hit one of the local clubs, … Read more


Up North by Jebbo


A gay adult stories: Up North by Jebbo , Did i like it ? …. You tell me Up NorthIt was a bloody cold night and there I was standing at the end of the service station waiting. The cheapest way to get up and down the country was to hitchhike. It wasn’t the first … Read more