Camping & Cocksucking


A gay story: Camping & Cocksucking This is my second publication and like my first, recalls a real life encounter with names and details changed for privacy. †************************ It was July long weekend. My wife Tabby and I had packed up to go camping out of town like we often did on long weekends. We … Read more


The Ledge Rocks


A gay story: The Ledge Rocks The Randolph family, Emily, John and their eighteen-year-old son Jerrold, had recently bought the house next to us at the lake. My mom, Jean Fitzgerald, being the lake’s leading, social, busy bee that she is, had already become bosom buddies with Emily Randolph and had gotten all the poop. … Read more


In The Garden


A gay story: In The Garden Jack looked across the room. Scanning the faces of the party guests. It wasn’t the women in their corsets and poofy gowns that he was looking at. It was the men in their top hats and neckties that drew his attention. There was one particular man who had been … Read more


Groundskeeper Billy Pt. 06


A gay sex story: Groundskeeper Billy Pt. 06 After a workout I went in and showered, then got to class, it was a typical day nothing exciting going on, Chris was there to pick me up at four thirty, I did my weight lifting routine after school so it worked out great. We drove home … Read more