In The Garden

A gay story: In The Garden Jack looked across the room. Scanning the faces of the party guests. It wasn’t the women in their corsets and poofy gowns that he was looking at. It was the men in their top hats and neckties that drew his attention.

There was one particular man who had been staring at him from the other side of the dance floor. He had been staring at Jack for most of the night. Jack sipped from his glass as he gazed at the man in return.

This man wasn’t a stranger to Jack, in fact, it was more the opposite. He knew his strong hands as if they were his own, He knew his voice and recalled it often during times of loneliness, but most of all he knew how good it felt to be under him.

The man pushed away from the wall he was leaning against and strolled in Jack’s direction. He walked past the boisterous women and stoic men. His strides were long and swift. Jack gripped his glass tighter as he grew closer.

His pacing slowed as he neared Jack. He didn’t fully stop, but he stared at Jack with a look full of desire and intent. He looked back up as he departed through the doors leading to the garden.

Jack took one last swig of his champagne before setting the glass on the table next to him. He waited a moment or two before he, himself, exited through the garden doors.

He walked through the garden, gravel crunchy beneath his dress shoes. The cool September night air blew against his cheeks. Soon, the lights of the party disappeared from view, hidden behind the well-trimmed bushes and trees that surrounded him.

“Gregory?” He quietly called out.

A hand gently touched his back in response. He looked up to see Gregory’s warm brown eyes staring at him.

“Nice night,” Gregory said as he moved his hand to Jack’s waist. He pulled him close to his side.

They walked further into the garden together. The further they traveled the lower Gregory’s hand went. By the time they were deep in the bowels of the shrubbery his hand had found a comfortable place on Jack’s behind.

“This suit is so tight on you. It clings to every curve,” he whispered in Jack’s ear as he gave his ass a playful squeeze.

He took Jack’s hand and led him over to a stone bench nestled between three square hedges. They were surrounded by greenery with a nice view of a well detailed fountain adorned with cherubs. Gregory pushed down on his shoulders and he sat without question onto the cold stone.

Gregory stared down at him without saying a word, then he smiled. He didn’t move from where he stood. It was beginning to frustrate Jack a little. They didn’t have much time before the party guests would notice their absence. He shifted around on the bench, uncomfortable from the coldness.

They stayed like this in silence before Jack impatiently tugged on the edge of Gregory’s suit jacket. “Well?” Jack asked.

Gregory’s smile widened. He leaned down until his mouth was close to Jack’s ear. “I want you to beg,” he whispered.

Jack could feel his cheeks grow hot. He cupped his cheeks in his cold hands hoping to temper the blushing. It helped to a degree.

“Jack,” Gregory purred, his breath hot on Jack’s ear.

Jack nodded silently. He leaned back, placing his hands on the edge of the bench behind him. He kept his eyes down, too embarrassed to look Gregory in the eyes. He parted his legs and spread them wide.

He mustered up the courage to look up at Gregory. Gregory who looked at him with a pleased expression. Gregory who now licked his lips at the meal before him.

“Please,” he begged.

“Good boy.” Gregory kissed his forehead, then his nose, and finally his lips.

Jack spread his legs wider as Gregory stepped between them. Gregory’s lips traveled down to his neck, kissing and nibbling his pale skin. It would surely leave a mark in a place people could easily see, but at this moment Jack did not care.

Jack tilted his head back to give Gregory further access to his sensitive neck, his gaze focused on the stars above. He tried to keep the sounds he made to a minimum in case any of the household’s staff or party guests had wandered into the garden. It was not an easy task.

Gregory gave his lips a quick kiss before covering Jack’s mouth with his hand. “Quiet now, love,” he said.

He licked along Jack’s jawline and trailed back down his neck. He rubbed his lips over a spot in the middle of Jack’s neck before biting him hard. It was in a spot that was sure to leave a mark in a place that people would notice. Jack, not able to hold it any longer, let out a deep moan.

“Shh,” Gregory cooed. “We wouldn’t want to disturb the guests now, would we, Jack?”

With his free hand he began to loosen Jack’s necktie and slowly unbutton his shirt. He slipped his cool hand inside. Jack shivered with each brush against his skin. Gregory’s thumb brushed over his hardened nipple, sending a tingle down his spine.

Jack’s trousers were now becoming too tight for comfort. He took a hand off of its place on the bench and moved it towards Gregory. He placed his fingertips on Gregory’s chin and tilted his head so his eyes had no choice but to look at him.

Without looking away Jack removed Gregory’s hand from his mouth and guided it lower, placing it on his aching bulge. Gregory’s eyes widened then he smiled. It was his usual charming smile that Jack loved. A smile that could make him do anything.

“Impatient as always Jack,” he chuckled.

Gregory groped him over his trousers with light, delicate strokes. His other hand still pinching and rubbing his nipple. His eyes focused on Jack’s every expression. Being as stubborn as he was, Jack tried to not show utter bliss on his face, but he failed miserably. His cheeks were red and it was not from the cold, in fact he could feel himself beginning to sweat.

Jack felt a warm, wet sensation envelop his unoccupied nipple. He let out a groan that he tried to contain by biting his lip. Gregory, who was still swirling his tongue around Jack’s nipple, gave him a warning look.

When Jack’s nipples turned sore and raw Gregory finally moved on. Despite the limited time they had he was in no rush. He moved his hands to rest over Jack’s as he leaned in for a kiss. His lips roughly smashing into his. His tongue claiming Jack’s mouth as his own. He nibbled Jack’s lip before pulling away and moving lower.

He unbuttoned Jack’s trousers becoming increasingly more impatient with each button. He grabbed onto Jack’s trousers and undergarments and gave them a swift tug, but only his trousers fell to his ankles. Gregory let out an annoyed sigh.

“It’s already an inconvenience that you wear undergarments, but you also choose to wear shirt stays?”

Jack blushed. “A tucked in shirt makes me more presentable.”

“Not presentable to me,” Gregory growled.

Gregory lifted Jack’s legs and placed them onto his broad shoulders. He heard the sound of fabric ripping and before he could process the noise he felt the cool night air hitting his hole. Gregory had ripped a hole in his undergarment exposing his most private of areas.

“Now that’s presentable,” Gregory smirked.

“Gregory! How am I to attend the rest of this party with a hole in my pants?” Jack whined.

“Calm down, your trousers will cover it. It’ll be our little secret.” He winked at him with that same smile.

Gregory kissed his knee then his inner thigh before kissing his partially exposed cheek. Quickly, without warning, he shoved a finger inside of Jack. It didn’t hurt too bad given their little rendezvous the night before. The sudden intruder caused Jack to lose his grip on the bench beneath him, but Gregory was quick to grab his forearm and guide it to his neck for support. Jack clung desperately to his neck as he drilled his finger in and out of him. He buried his face into Gregory’s neck, muffling the cries and whimpers escaping his mouth.

As quickly as the finger entered his exposed hole it exited. He felt it trail up his taint to his stiffened cock. He groaned as Gregory rubbed his tip, gathered up his pre cum and used it to lube up his entrance. His lonely hole was now filled with two of his thick fingers. Gregory’s movements were no longer gentle as he stroked his prostate. He spread his fingers wide inside of Jack, stretching him out, making room for the inevitable.

Jack kissed Gregory’s ear and whispered “slow down for me, love?”

Which was met with a sulky look from Gregory. His brown eyes demanded to continue.

“Oh don’t be so mopey. I just need to remove my jacket before we ruin it.”

Gregory remained still as Jack fiddled with his jacket and shrugged it off. He placed it neatly on the other side of the bench. The moment it was out of reach Gregory continued.

He plunged three fingers into Jack. The way he maneuvered inside was unrestrained, stroking, scissoring, reaching as far as his fingers could. He pressed his full body into Jack, rubbing his erection against his. His teeth gnawed along his jawline.

Jack returned the favor by reaching his hand inside of Gregory’s trousers. He kept in time with Gregory, stroking at a quick pace. His moan vibrated throughout Jack’s body.

“I can’t wait anymore,” Gregory groaned.

Jack watched as he unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them down, fully freeing his monstrous member. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of it. He still wasn’t used to seeing its glorious nine inches. Someday he hoped to have enough time to memorize every detail and inch.

Now was not the time for such wishful thinking as Gregory pushed Jack’s knees towards him, folding him in half. He had to grab onto Gregory’s well built arms for support or he would have fallen over into the shrubbery behind him. Gregory cupped the back of his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. It was a gentle kiss that signaled to Jack that he was about to get serious. When he pulled away he placed his hand back onto Jack’s mouth and looked him in the eyes.

Without looking away or blinking Gregory lined up his cock to Jack’s entrance and pushed into him. At first he thrusted just the tip in as if testing the waters before shoving his full length into Jack, claiming him for the seventh time since they’d met.

Jack let out a cry. His eyes rolled back in pleasure and he couldn’t help but close them as he lost focus.

“Keep your eyes open,” Gregory growled. “I want you to look at me while I’m inside you.”

The command in his voice sent a tingle up Jack’s spine that left him feeling fuzzy.

Gregory pulled out his cock before slamming it back inside. Jack held on tightly as the thrusts got quicker and rougher. He moaned against Gregory’s hand. Each thrust forced a cry out from his body. Gregory released Jack’s legs from his tight grasp as he leaned forward to grab onto the edge of the bench next to Jack’s head. He pressed his full weight onto Jack forcing his penis deeper inside, deeper than Jack thought was possible. The feeling of Gregory’s member in an unexplored area of his body caused a sob to escape his lips. The new sensation was overwhelming. He could feel an orgasm building as Gregory relentlessly plowed into him.

He maintained eye contact as his orgasm washed over him. He could see a smirk creep onto Gregory’s face as his body shook and twitched with pleasure. His anus clenched tightly around the cock inside him.

“You don’t have to be touched, I see,” he chuckled as he slowed, grinding against Jack’s prostate.

Jack felt feverish from the tip of his ears down to his shoulders. “Shut up,” he mumbled, his voice muffled by Gregory’s hand.

“You are bewitching to me.” Gregory’s voice was hot and heavy yet soft.

Jack responded by thrusting his hips against Gregory’s. His range of motion was limited by his position on the bench, but Gregory must have caught the hint. He once again chuckled before ramming his member inside with intense force.

He fucked into Jack deep and rough. Sweat began to bead on his forehead despite the frigid temperature. He was almost animalistic, like a beast that caught its prey.

Abruptly, Gregory pulled Jack up from the bench. Both his hands planted firmly on his ass as Jack frantically found his bearing. He held on helplessly as Gregory used gravity to his advantage, slipping deeper inside.

Jack managed to keep his cries to a minimum until Gregory planted another bruising bite on his neck. He let out a whimper. Gregory gave his ass a tight squeeze; Jack could feel his nails through his undergarment. Another place that would surely be marked by morning.

Gregory kissed and sucked his neck without any care for the placement. His inhibitions and caution were now long gone. His mouth eventually found Jack’s and after a sloppy kiss he bit Jack’s lower lip. Naturally, Jack returned the favor.

Gregory let out a carnal growl. He carried Jack away from the bench and towards the fountain, slamming him against one of the surrounding archways. The stone scratched at Jack’s lightly clothed back. Gregory’s movements became more wild, his thrusts more harsh and his kisses more vicious.

Jack was unable to think straight, lust clouding his mind. He stopped holding back his moans and his tears. His back and legs were sore, but he didn’t care.

“Jack,” Gregory whispered. “No matter how much I touch you it will never be enough.”

Was it reckless to hold hope that these words were more than sweet nothings?

Jack let his fingers wander through Gregory’s brown curls. He stared deep into the eyes of the man he was connected to. Eyes that were filled with desire.

Gregory began to thrust faster. Sweat dripped from his face as he grunted. They fucked like animals in heat.

“Gregory,” Jack gasped.

He heard Gregory groan as he shoved Jack down onto his cock one last time. His body shook as he finished inside of Jack. Gregory’s grip on him had loosened as his soft member slipped out. His seed was quick to follow, trickling out of Jack and landing on the gravel below him.

Gregory lowered him to the ground. His hand groping Jack’s hard cock. He rubbed his thumb against the tip. His strokes were fast and electric. It wasn’t long before Jack came for the second time.

Gregory’s hand was wet with Jack’s seed. He brought it to his mouth and licked, sucking off all of Jack’s cum from his fingers. Erotic was not descriptive enough for what Jack was seeing.

This was the moment Jack noticed that Gregory was at full mass. He gave Jack a little smirk as he reached for him. He slid his hands up Jack’s thighs stopping at his knees. He gently pushed apart Jack’s legs.

“Gregory, we can’t. We still have a party to attend.” Jack tried to stand but quickly learned that that was not a good idea.

Gregory let out an exasperated sigh. “Alright.”

“Good. Now help me get over to the bench.”

“You owe me an extra round the next time we meet.” Gregory kissed him on the forehead and picked him up, one arm under his knees and the other cradling his upper back.

“And when will that be?” Jack asked.

“Whenever you want it to be, love,” Gregory responded.

Jack began dressing, pulling up his trousers over his ripped undergarments and grabbing his jacket from the bench. He tucked in his shirt, buttoned his buttons and adjusted his necktie.

Gregory held out his handkerchief. Jack gave him a look of question. Gregory touched his own neck as an indication. Jack reached up, lightly brushing his neck. The spot felt wet. He looked down at his fingers to find them red.

“You bit too hard,” Jack groaned, taking the handkerchief from Gregory.

“Perhaps it would be best for you to retire from this party early.”

Jack couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “You did that on purpose.”

Gregory gave a playful shrug before he turned on his heel and strolled back towards the party, leaving Jack alone in the garden. Jack held the handkerchief to his neck until the bleeding had stopped. He folded it neatly and slipped it into his pocket. Jack waited a moment longer under the stars giving enough time to settle between Gregory’s return and his.

As he listened to the sound of crickets chirping and gravel crunching he contemplated Gregory’s suggestion. It would most likely be in his best interest to not return to the party. His body was sore and exhausted. He looked like he fought a wild animal and narrowly won. Not to mention that a certain something was leaking from inside him.

He made his way around the perimeter of the house. He took care in trying to look casual, a man going for a simple nightly stroll. If any partygoers saw him it shouldn’t bring on too much suspicion.

He located his carriage and after a quick word with the driver he climbed inside. He peered outside the window at the mansion. The gleaming lights reflected the stars above as it faded from view.


Thank you for reading! I had a fun time writing this and might add to it in the future 🙂

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