Breaking Cain by Jasmin1985


A gay adult story: Breaking Cain by Jasmin1985 , Cain Wanted to join a fraternity, but didn’t expect such a warm welcome!! Please leave relevant comments or else I will get them deleted!!! Stop putting adverts up on my stories!!! Breaking Cain.Chapter 1: The Break In The house was dark, the only sounds around, was … Read more


Failing Upward Ch. 20


A gay story: Failing Upward Ch. 20 Author’s note: To those who were afraid that I’d kill Sid– be not afraid! I love them both too much to see them separated. Find below three alternate endings. I’d always planned to write a fourth, where Wes would sacrifice his life with Sid so that Sid would … Read more


Meating Jeff by azbibottomcd


A gay adult stories: Meating Jeff by azbibottomcd , This is a work of fiction based off real a situation that has been embellished to make it more arousing to others. This contains some taboos and worse in many places and is not for everyone. PLEASE leave your comments and let me know what you … Read more