Hybrid Chronicles: Toby and Mason

A gay story: Hybrid Chronicles: Toby and Mason Here it is, the story you’ve all been waiting for!!! The collaboration of Gweall and Kitten2010. BOW DOWN TO OUR GREATNESS!!! 🙂 Not to be arrogant or anything *Cough*… It to SO much work to get this story done (you have NO idea) and I have to … Read more

My Evolving Transition Ch. 05

My Evolving Transition Ch. 05: An Intimate Gay Sex Story on Xboylove.com A gay sex story: My Evolving Transition Ch. 05 My Evolving Transition Ch. 05 (No Turning Back) After being groomed and outed publicly as faggot, I fled. While away, I tried to straighten out. What it did was clarify things. Instead of hiding … Read more