Trip to Proctologist by pdosu


A gay adult story: Trip to Proctologist by pdosu , Rectal exam becomes more than just an exam When I turned 18, I started getting hemorrhoids from time-to-time. They would come, it would be painful for a day and then they would pass uneventfully, so I thought nothing of them. As time went on, they … Read more


Vampire Bites by NerdyBiBoy


A gay adult story: Vampire Bites by NerdyBiBoy , This story came to me in a dream. Obviously, I have changed a few things. And hopefully it doesn’t come out like Twilight. I was tied up in the back bedroom when my friends James and Carla kicked the door open. They had come for me … Read more


Tricked became enjoyed IV by Sportslover


A gay adult story: Tricked became enjoyed IV by Sportslover It had been over two weeks since my horrible experience. With time, I had grown to accept what had happened. Although I felt used, I had definitely invited it on myself. I didn’t know anything about the guy, and even after insulting me and telling … Read more


Middle Eastern Treat


A gay story: Middle Eastern Treat I started off doing some shopping. I was planning on doing some light cooking, and the menu included was mostly middle eastern food. I needed a spice, sumac, that is fairly hard to find unless you go to a market that specializes in middle eastern cuisine. I new a … Read more


Wrestling Tim Ch. 14


A gay story: Wrestling Tim Ch. 14 My defeat and humiliation in the Colosseum were but a taster of what I would learn to endure between Tim’s thighs. He had executed a reverse head scissors and submitted me. It was brutal he scissored me from the back of my neck crushing me between his thighs. … Read more