Jack of All

A gay story: Jack of All The plane ride in from London had been long and crowded, and passport and customs lines and the effervescent Panos were the last things I wanted to see when I was disgorged into the hot and busy immigration hall at Ben Gurion Airport. I wanted nothing more than a … Read more

Not so little brother: Chapter 3 by Freudian Slip

A gay adult story: Not so little brother: Chapter 3 by Freudian Slip Chapter 3 – Fun In the Sun*KNOCK KNOCK* “Charlie? Steven?” Huh? What’s going on? I awoke in a daze to knocking at the door to Steven and my hotel room. What a night last night was. My brother had fucked my ass … Read more

Brother’s love- Part 3- Things got fucked up by AlexaAky

A gay adult story: Brother's love- Part 3- Things got fucked up by AlexaAky , Hi, this is part 3 of my story about my brother’s and mine love. Enjoy. …After the breakfast… We were playing games and went swimming. And when we got out my mom asked: “Hey, Aky. Could you, please, go to … Read more