The Neighbor Ch. 08

A gay story: The Neighbor Ch. 08 The house became quiet after Betty and Rene left. My mother retreated to her room and closed the door. She said she was tired, but I think she was reflecting on another day of firsts and her admission in my presence of her desires. Betty had pushed her … Read more

College Days Pt. 06

A gay story: College Days Pt. 06 I woke up in the middle of the night still spooning Phil. My cock was getting hard being pressed against his bare ass. It felt good and it was getting me going again. I wanted to wake him up with a good old blowjob, but I noticed it … Read more

What Lurks Beneath

A gay story: What Lurks Beneath Part of the ‘Butt Monkey’ series of stories by Robert Furlong === As I was getting into bed, Guy returned to the room chuckling that the lads had still been on their DS, which he’d confiscated. “I know they’re getting a bit old to have their toys taken off … Read more