Jack Pt. 08: Back at Jack’s Office

A gay story: Jack Pt. 08: Back at Jack’s Office We’d had a little spat that morning, nothing crazy, just one of those things couples get into, but I left angry. My anger didn’t last long, and I realized how trivial the whole thing had been, and at my first work break, I was ready … Read more

My New Job

A gay story: My New Job I am just a 60-year divorced man that is retired with a lot of time on my hands. Retirement was good for the first 2 years but got very boring later. I decided to find some type of work to supplement my income and occupy my time some. I … Read more

Best of Colleagues

A gay story: Best of Colleagues I looked up from my monitor and watched intently at Josh, the new hire. I was sure he did not remember me from our encounter a few weeks ago when I was stopped at a random metal detector barrier and got searched, only to reveal that I was wearing … Read more