A Summer at the Farm Ch. 20


A gay story: A Summer at the Farm Ch. 20 Blake agrees to spend the summer at Joe’s farm to lend a helping hand to his girlfriend’s father and make a few bucks. That sounds like the perfect plan for his jealous girlfriend. Stuck at the farm, Blake will not cheat on her while she … Read more


Prison Bitch Ch. 09


A gay story: Prison Bitch Ch. 09 Prison Bitch 9. Lola sat across from him with an odd smile twisting her crimson red lips. It wasn’t like Riley to think of women wearing too much makeup as vulgar, but now that was the exact thought that crossed his mind. Vulgar meant easy, and he liked … Read more


Consolation Cum


A gay story: Consolation Cum I used to live in a small apartment, in Los Angeles, with my roommate Jake. One night, while I was sitting in the living room watching T.V., the door opened and Jake burst in. He seemed to be really upset. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “I broke up with Lisa,” he … Read more