My Dirty Diary Ch. 03


A gay story: My Dirty Diary Ch. 03 I’ve started traveling for work, and of course I’m hooking up with as many men as possible. So, I decided to keep a diary of my encounters. These stories won’t have much of a plot, they are just about sex. I’m a very feminine acting submissive pig, … Read more


C1 S2 White Coats and Black Suits


A gay story: C1 S2 White Coats and Black Suits Chimlin or Chim, as everyone called him in the Bangla Road club circuit, looked in the mirror as he touched up his eye shadow and checked his handsome wheatish plain skin, high cheek bones and slightly upwards eyes. He was a worried about the group … Read more


Rewriting Singularity Ch. 10


A gay story: Rewriting Singularity Ch. 10 Three days passed, and I was still in Hector’s room. The days fell into a pattern: First Hec woke early, took care of his errands and upkeep while I wrote. The laptop became a fixture on the bed along with Hec’s rumpled clothes, which came off every afternoon … Read more