

A gay story: London One of the benefits of my profession is that IF you are good and you are diligent you are rewarded by notoriety and money. The notoriety is good for the ego but the money is good for every thing else. Over the years I have built quite a large book of … Read more


The Night Out


A gay sex stories: The Night Out ‘Just come out with me. It’ll be fine, it won’t be like last time.’ Now, if I had £1 for every time that statement had come out of my best friend’s mouth, I wouldn’t be living in a tiny one bedroomed apartment just outside Newcastle city centre. The … Read more


Whiteboi goes to Harlem Pt. 04


A gay sex stories: Whiteboi goes to Harlem Pt. 04 Mitch woke up on Saturday morning feeling like someone had crashed a truck sideways into his asshole at high speed, and his throat felt like someone had force-fed him a concrete pipe. He felt used and abused. He’d always wanted to know what it’d feel … Read more